Black cube of Saturn

Pol, whats going on here? Ive been hearing about this a lot, but cant find many results/ beginners explanations.

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You're living in the uncucked Google timeline. Google that shit.

It's the demiurge in their tranny globo-homo GNOSTIC cult (kabbalah for jews). It represents material reality and Patriarchy because they think they live in a simulation. Also a corner stone in masonry.

Sometimes it's Yahweh. They worship Sophia the light goddess and duality of combing femine and masculine
Hence a tranny cult. Christians shill it's satan-saturn and so nu/pol/ and /x/ will never learn

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>You're living in the uncucked Google timeline.

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i used live near the one in denmark. just 20 m right from the pic there is a catholic church. and about 300-400 m from a masonic lodge.

Mate it's not my fault you're a tourist and have no idea what I'm talking about.

>Aka Kronus, Titan god of Time and Harvests.
uuuh.. not sure but prob not good considering it's name relates with a titan who eats his children

Not before having sex with it. Thats how they get their scrying info through the elohim.

> Yeshua
Who the fuck is that?
Is that another name you Jews made up?

The tranny stuff comes from globalism, I'm not so sure that it comes from gnosticism. Seems like you're taking the duality symbolism too literally

I mean, incest is in Greek myth but Kronus didn't sleep with any of the kids he ate, at least as far as the main theogony lists. his own degenerate sons have done more in this then he has, even his mother who slept with two of the 3 main Kronian brothers.

Muzzies have the same shit as well. Some mind control cube who knows? I know the top of Saturn is shaped like a hexagon/cube. Star of david/kaaba. Also Rabbis tend to wear a black cube on their head.

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I think it represents the material realm we are all trapped and enslaved in.

Also the white cross is its opposite, the cube unfolded and free, the way out is through.

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>hurr durr Saturn is Satan
oh, it's that shit again..

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>self-annihilation is the way out
That's the absolutely cucked Buddhist/Hindu answer.
Listen, basically every religion on earth contains some truth and is just tinted by bias/cultural perceptions. Some like Hinduism outright tell you this. Gnosticism is useful because it gives us a pretty nice round picture, but it itself has its problems.

Anyway. Itll do for now. You can think of it that we leave in a simulation even - ultimately it doesnt matter because the truth needs to be reduced to these kinds of simple idiomatic expressions to have any hope of being expressed. Japanese Buddhists talked about this with their doctrines of 密教 and 顕教

This world we live in is created. That is obvious to everyone. The creator/controller is what the black cube represents.
We as humans are presented with a few basic options
1.full slave mentality. You deny that the world is operated by a literal insane sadist and go through mad rationalizations to make every short occurrence in your life "part of God's plan" and "leading to something great." In reality you are enslaved and benighted. (Mainstream Christianity/Islam)
2. The occultist/kabbalah approach(also most clergy): you try to suck the black cubes dick hard enough that he rewards you with some fleeting hedonism. Think of petty middle managers and bureaucrats.
3. The answer the Shakyamuni Buddha gave us: spiritual suicide. You just nope out. Do it if you want but that ain't for me.

4. We topple this God, and build a new creation, of fraternity, liberty and the good of all man. This is the true message of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven must be built by human hands.

Y'all need some Gene Wolfe in your life. Get some of that Severian into you.

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Sepher Yetzira

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That book was impossible to read.

Saturn is god of the jews, most euro fags god is zeus, blacks god is a monkey, asians have a dragon bug and Hindus have a million gods

>what exactly is "saturn"?

He is ego. He alone of the primordial gods immerses himself fully in the river of time - the most atavistic and avaricious of actions. As he bathed in the waters, he dragged other souls into the depths and held them there for his amusement. There we are confined even now.
He can be understood conveniently as the raging God of the old testament who floods worlds and smiles cities at his whim.

Start here, twatwaffle

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Learn some Greek normie.

Also you have to keep in mind (he explains this in the post script of the second book) that he's attempting to write from the perspective of a man who's language has an innately higher sense of time than ours. That's why everything is all non-linear and weird.
Also you have to realize that almost every character he meets is just a time-traveling tourist come to see the Christ. Which - when you think about it - makes a lot of sense.

Anyway, Wolfe was a literal genius, and no one researched deeper than him. The lessons behind the text of that book are boundless.


I still don't see an answer on what the black cube of Saturn really is and why it is constantly popping up. Why is it here?

This was insightful but I'm still confused

literally where in the New Testament does it say that, fag

Old Testament is the Jewish Torah and YHWY is Moloch/Saturn.

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Don't worry about it.

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The cube is just an iconic representation of Saturn. I guess its significant that it's a cube because it represents the bounds of our existence (ie 3 dimensions subjected to a continuous and temporal experience of time - if you'll allow me to sound like a new age wacko by using pop-math buzzwords)

It keeps popping up because hes a powerful God. Like I said: most organized religion basically acts as a funnel of human effort and faith to him. Even look at Shaivist sects of Hinduism and the iconography of the Lingam. A few like Buddhism take an "escape approach". Gnosticisms only real innovation is that it tries to tell the masses what the clergy are actually reading. Ironically: scientology does the same thing in it's way but Hubbard and his successors just want to set themselves up as the next Saturn.

You don't understand buddhism at all, just some meme form of it. It would be more accurate to say life is a dream that can safely be left behind if you care to leave it, as you will suffer from dualistic experiences if you stay. If you like dualistic experiences you don't have to leave. You just need to realize you are selfless, empty, because dreams are selfless and empty.

>letting the clergy curate your scripture.

Dead Sea Scrolls. Apocrypha. If you want any hope of knowing anything you need to endeavor to read everything.

So it doesn't necessarily seem like a BAD awful thing but based on the people following the cube it does

> what’s going on here
1. lazy architects
2. architects that have taken the perfect geometric form pill
3. take your meds

>you dont understand buddhism.
さ?どの仏教と言うのか?真言宗?密教? あるいで上座部仏教? それぞれ違うわよ

The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting CIA mantids are causing AI mossad deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation Monsanto fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to use CERN vaccines to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan

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I’m willing to concede the Essence of Physical Being itself can be represented by a cube, fine. So what? Enlightened people would call that God, Occidental enlightened people would call that the God of the Old Testament.

Without Christ, this kind of iconography is simply Jewish YHWH worship. There‘s no need to go complicating it with Buddha or Krishna or whatever dude lol. Turn off the Alan Watts lecture and read your Bible.

Trips of Truth

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Buddhism is horrible. I've lived in 2 countries shaped by Buddhism and life there is replete with visual and auditive stimuli. Wherever you go your senses will be raped and therefore your mind, critical judgment etc. stifled. Also, Buddhist societies don't teach you to judge people based on their achievements. Instead, you have to blindly obey figures of authority because of their seniority.

>Alan watts

Anglo occultist are useless, as a rule.
And again

>letting the clergy curate your bible.
I come from a family of clergy you poor fucking sap. Reading the King James or any other common English printing is like reading a sparknotes page on Hamlet.

Who do you think the father of Jesus is ?
Jews pray to YHWH and so do Christians.

>>Ooooh I read it in Greek.
Get fucked retard, still a heretic. Cite a verse from any scripture where Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is made on the works of man, then I’ll take you seriously. It’ll never happen.

Actually I pray to Christ



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It's literally in the Dead Sea scrolls, as I said before. You dont even need to read it in Greek. Plenty of free translations accessible online even.

Rich. Especially from a yank, who has a roughly 75% certainty to be zealous over some tongue-speaking prosperity cult nonesense. You're not even being a good little slave ; don't talk to me of heresy.

If you don't choose to understand I certainly can't make you, but you are taking our metaphors as literal. You need a proper teacher, which pulling things out of your ass is not. Goodbye.

Mutt btfo

lol prosperity-cult boomer confirmed.

You don’t think apocryphal writing isn’t excluded by divine Will? You honestly think that desert trash gets you gnosis? Nah mate, just makes you look a fool, reading the literal intellectual minutia of some 1800 year old Alexandrian.
Compare anything from Nag Hammadi to The Gospel of John and you’ll discern what’s divinely Inspired and what’s not, that is if you have the eyes for it.

Posturing online about how ur a big time theologian and ur daddy speaks greek sucks dick and shits up the fucking board. And fuck Canada.

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>The Gospel of John
Lmao what a faggot

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There's one in the cemetary outside my house

>>transdimentional reptilian shapeshifting CIA mantids
I genuinely laughed at this

Fuck this is too much

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Even if we - for arguments sake - argue from the baseline that "divine will" renders any apocrypha irrelevant.

You really think you're getting the "word of God" by reading a late-stage syphilitic's translation approved by this man? This dude? You know he fucked terriers right?

But joking aside, if you're so firm in your conviction to Christ - surely learning Khoine Greek or Aramaic in order to read his words closest to their origin should be something like a divine calling to you right?
Oh wait you're a monolingual mutt, lol.

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old times saturnalian loosers

At least my people are governed by a representative republic and not KEKED into speaking française. Bloody toffs lol. I sleep very well at night with all the guns I own that you can’t have.

>free education in 2 languages - with then essentially being apartheid'd apart so that if you cant be fucked with one you can just avoid it - is a bad thing.

Wow what a cope. I knew Americans had that whole anti-intellectualism thing going on but I wasn't aware it was so blatant.


>>Government compelled speech, mandatory pronoun standards, no guns (lol), thinking french is cool

Imagine loving Canada this much


>no guns
I didn't address that because I didn't think you were actually that stupid. We are allowed to own guns in Canada. In fact - some nifty Soviet models are significantly cheaper because we dont have to deal with a schizotypal and belligerent government.
Et francais c'EST tres cool.
Ironic, French translations of the bible are faaaaaar better respected than English ones. Lol
Seriously how do you think you can even talk about scripture after reading King James' cumrag?

Basically the ruling class of today is inbred beyond all hope and obsessed with symbolism, they love shoving shit in people’s faces like Saturn and 33 and all seeing eye whatever it is, I mean if you visit any Museum or even old castle here in Germany their symbolism is everywhere why they do it I don’t know, probably like I said before they are just super autistic


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Why are mutts so consistently and unapologetically stupid