Keep this alive!!! This is definitely something!!!

Jay Leno show: youtu.be/7_zQO9l4n-E?t=356
>Yeah I was sent this poem Monica Lewinsky wrote when she was a 9 year old... and, I know I'm going to rot in hell eternally for this... she goes on to describe herself as a "round and flat piece of dough with lots of topping, I am a mouth's best friend... I make you say.. yum yum."
Jay Leno
>It's amazing how young kids know what they're gonna do with their life.

Proof Eyes Wide Shut is all about JFK Jr. and the Clintons: youtu.be/txY3XicuGms
>JFK Jr. plane crashed the same day the film came out. July 16, 1999.
Full film: www6.putlockerfree.sc/films/eyes-wide-shut-1999/watching.html/?ep=10

Besides this revelation, another link between JFK Jr., Epstein, Kubrick is "Larry Celona". People say Larry Celona is Royal Lancer, or Prince Andrew, but I doubt it because what I'm starting to find (in following posts) is absolutely amazing if true. It would point to him actually being a white hat operator, which we know Prince Andrew the pedo is not. There's a lot more to this and it's late but just dropping pics in following posts to get this archived if anons want to connect dots in the meantime.

Attached: jfkjrcarolyn (2).png (331x344, 161.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: stolenjfk_celona.png (862x343, 24.9K)

Attached: stolenjfk_celona2.png (853x586, 56.98K)

Q is the 17th letter, by the way youtu.be/zlEv4hySr_Y

Attached: johnbrown_jfk17.png (802x423, 55.18K)

Attached: johnbrown_origins_jfk.png (1594x249, 65.7K)


Attached: johnbrown_jfksr.png (1324x172, 32.67K)

Attached: johnbrown_origins_jfk3.png (926x824, 99.35K)

Attached: Original-john-brown-words-george-kimball-1890.jpg (992x1713, 450.6K)

Attached: petlambs_johnbrown_jfk.png (643x252, 68.05K)

>E. 110 St.

E. 110 = 5.11
311 should need no explanation at this point, other anons who have the energy can give a rundown to those out of the loop

Attached: 511311_economist2015.jpg (500x601, 94.27K)

Follow closely

Attached: petgoat.png (701x603, 748.38K)

Attached: rothschildeconomist_311.jpg (384x512, 132.85K)

Attached: obamagirl1.png (1345x705, 1.58M)

Attached: whiterabbit_obamagirl3.png (1348x709, 1.18M)

I was wondering why your post was vague and retarded.


Attached: Q is kushner israel.jpg (640x427, 23.44K)

Attached: obama_girl_economist.png (799x895, 1.91M)

Attached: whiterabbit_obama.png (760x1079, 486.91K)

Everybody talks about pizzas .... are you retarded ?

I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'M Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: oprah_IM_Q.png (1234x700, 725.87K)

schizo thread yet again

remember to sage this thread

All of them are the ones getting rounded up and quarantined!!! Look at the white rabbit made with the gloves!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: quarantining_whiterabbit.png (380x215, 220.73K)

Attached: sodomized_petgoat_obamagirl.png (1326x685, 599.4K)

Attached: obama_petgoat2.png (1343x702, 474.1K)

Attached: obama_petgoat_flower.png (1309x692, 930.45K)

What if it doesn't represent a dick but a trepanation drill?

Attached: anthony_bourdain_skull_driller.jpg (675x1200, 132.91K)

Ready for some autism?
Not just IMQ but IMQU.
The same sequence Trump used during that speech.
>“What they don’t know is that when we hang it up, in five years...or nine years, or 13 years...or maybe 17 years, or maybe – if I still have the strength - 21 years...”
9, 13, 17, 21

Attached: imqu.jpg (540x262, 22.45K)

HOW DID NONE OF YOU FAGGOTS SEE THIS SHIT BEFORE???? WTTTTFFFFFF I JUST MADE THE BEST THREAD IN A LONG TIME YOU JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET!!!! I LITERALLY FOUND THAT AFTER I MADE ALL THESE OTHER CONNECTIONS. Non-brainlets get in here and confirm what I'm seeing is real. Pet Goat wasn't made by them!!! It was messaging to us pet goats!!!! He starts off oblivious to being imprisoned!!!! Then gets woken up and starts shaking his head no!!!! Oh my fuck this is actually happening youtube.com/watch?v=Id6nCa_OTEM

SAME RED MASONIC RING AS OPRAH, HANKS, SOLEIMANI, ETC!!!!!!!!!!!!! RED RING (stylized as flesh dripping blood) AND $ RING


Attached: REDRING_petgoatpuppets.png (1330x693, 723.5K)

Attached: redring_clinmton_podesta_soleimani_oprah_hanks.jpg (551x680, 61.07K)

Attached: goldstandard_ring_nypost_freddy33pizza.png (816x377, 43.12K)

This guy does

Attached: de4f9caf7ef4e299315fd48dfd54fdee.jpg (500x600, 52.62K)

nypost.com/2020/01/04/its-no-hope-diamond-nyc-jewelers-not-impressed-by-ring-that-ided-soleimanis-corpse/WOW!!!!!!!!!! WONDERFUL!!!!!!! Absolutely confirmed, without a doubt!!!! I can barely believe this is actually happening my friend

Recently he mentione 9, 13, and then emphasized 22 after and that was really sticking in my head for some odd reason, and figured it could possibly be hinting at 3/22 but who knows
Your comment is much more exciting than that. Did anyone find this before? I haven't seen anywhere

Attached: trump_vs_i_pet_goat_2.jpg (700x1123, 172.14K)


This is actual schizo shit.

But continue. It's interesting.


>Recently he mentione 9, 13, and then emphasized 22

Attached: leo_goldenglobes_hanxcomms.png (1349x704, 1.61M)

who put this together and do people know? how is it memoryholed so well???

Posting in big brain thread. CALLING ALL BIG BRAINS ALL HANDS ON DECK.

Attached: obamagate.jpg (1928x7000, 3.11M)

Attached: Oprah John of God.jpg (1080x1338, 245.5K)

I put it together just now after looking at your pic.
I think this is the first time this connection, assuming it is not a coincidence, has been made.

So you have the face match of Maggie and that old pedo in the jungle? Post it

*do you have

Whats with the ring? Arab legends about rings like this being used to trap Jinn/Djinn/demons

Dont have it sorry

Attached: pedos n politics.jpg (659x657, 109.21K)

I can't post pics because fuck Jannies.

Notice levar burton donated to her gofund me, and his wife too. Possible reading rainbow connection? Would have been a perfect vehicle for finding children to abuse

Attached: readingrainbow.png (789x592, 508.28K)

It's not, I know it's a lot of pictures, and brainlets can't process many things at once without explanation, but take it one step at a time and literally just link the posts together

Very clear thread here. Larry Celona has long been established as an outlet for comms. Most thought he was some blackhat or Mossad but what I'm seeing is turning out otherwise
He gets first tip of JFK crash (picrel)
Then they stage this heist of belongings for the purpose of more comms
>John Brown's Body is the subject
Now go to linked posts and read abvout John Brown's Body and it fits perfect with current JFK Jr. thesis
>John Brown leading lambs to freedom
So I thought of Pet Goat II (leading lambs/goats), after linking the 2015 Japanese Economist cover (small blonde girl looking up at Obama) that is another comm with Pet Goat, that features the same girl
The Economist cover features 5.11, 3.11, a white rabbit, Fabian society turtle, the Federal Reserve and China going down in a panic (underneath reads "green light!"), a travel ban, and world leaders in black/white being herded by a guy in a mask
and finally that's when I come across

Which is fucking amazing and backed up by confirmation from Trump saying 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 as you can read above.

Attached: celonajfk_crash.png (910x401, 42.91K)

Wow cheers bro

Attached: greencastle.jpg (680x453, 61.3K)

>world leaders in black/white being herded by a guy in a mask

Attached: 800px-Denverairportmural.jpg (750x550, 169.17K)

John Brown story > game about goats having blonde girl > blonde girl on globalist magazine cover > arrows numbers


>notice Levar Burton donated to her gofundme and his wife too
>possible reading rainbow connection?
>Would have been a perfect vehicle for finding children to abuse
Ow my childhood, I loved that show growing up. But nonetheless, what you said is plausible and very much probable.

Attached: 1560232362259.png (462x320, 18.81K)

I know that feel user, but they do seem to love using the rainbow as a signal. Levar was donating to this girls gofundme so maybe even feels guilty/responsible for these children growing up with PTSD

Attached: eyes-wide-shut1.jpg (400x245, 18.06K)

Attached: 1.png (897x1075, 1.88M)

Attached: 2.png (735x1079, 904.08K)

Attached: 3.png (1675x1077, 1.21M)

Attached: EndOfRallySong.png (636x316, 267.51K)

do I even want to know what the fuck is going on in this thread....?

>underneath reads "green light!"

Attached: green_castle.jpg (1280x731, 190.59K)

reminder that only cuck faggots and ugly thots are against cuncuns. Puritard SJWs.


spice this cancer

Purple user is coming for you wet brains the day of the tard cart is coming.

Attached: Trumptard2.jpg (534x548, 38.7K)

Attached: gates_epstein.png (740x410, 433.62K)

Whats the loli and arrows mean?


Oh shit! I just noticed the Hillary Clinton hint too!!!!!

Moon disclosure!?!? I see the UFO

And the water washing over the monument!!! Watch the water? Does anyone know which presidents are obscured and who the ones left are?

Attached: 1200px-Greek_phi_Didot.svg.png (1200x1680, 42.57K)

how do i become this crazy?

People are so stupid, the Kennedy Family itself was so extremely dangerous because of how they did politics excluding Ted. The thing with the Kennedys was that Joe Sr, JFK, and Bobby all were not scared to make enemies in politics and would call out anything they would deem wrong, immoral or corrupt. For instance Joe Sr. hated WW2 and wanted the US to be involved as little as possible, and he also literally said he wanted all the Jews to be shipped off to Africa. JFK called out the CIA, FBI, FED, MID, and the best of all ISRAEL.
JFK, Bobby, and J.W. Fulbright all fought a private war with the AZC and other Jewish political groups that were literally funneling millions upon millions of dollars into the US, and they even tried to label the AZC as foreign agents, btw for the retards AZC is literally AIPAC. JFK also was investigating Israel's nuclear program, he literally made Ben Gurion resign. This reply is already long enough, but there is boat loads of info about all the corrupt groups and agencies that the Kennedy Family strongly condemned and warred with which ultimately got most of them killed.

Attached: 546456.jpg (635x954, 73.89K)

Yes. Welcome to 2020 friend.

checked and very based
do you think he's actually using time travel? any evidence for that because that's a little far out for me to believe still even with everything else

If you've got the time to devote your attention to it, I'd highly recommend this vid. Dude compiled various sources and theories into a very compelling video