Quarantine in france

french boy his girlfriend and the doggo in quarantined france ask me anything..

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post brown hand

white as a ghost

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is your girlfriend a nigger or a mudslime ?

french white cutie with some russian genes..

dog is a mutt half austalian shepard

define your version of "quarantined"

we cant go out unless we have a paper to go to the medic hospital or buy food. if not you pay 135euros at first and he can go up to 1000e

>no Dark Souls II
lmao I don't consort with lesser beings

streets are empty like china

Stay safe
t. your neighbour Mohammed

why did you buy vampyr you fucking moron

fuck you dsp

>he didnt get nioh2 before the quarantine
You fucked up man


you just increased your chance of getting pozzed

are there any army faggots on your streets ! Can you venture outside for a day going place to place without a mask and without being asked where the fuck are you going ? Do french people and i mean french europeans take this shit seriously ? How about the niggers and muzzies ?

god DAMN that sucks. People would go nuts. Not even able to jog. Nevermind. You could jog to and from those places.


ahahah thanks... may neigboor hanged himself yesterday morning nobody knows why..

Why the fuck do i hate all french players in my team. Why are you guys always the most toxic in game

i payed it for 10e

everything will be allright brother alhamdulillah

no army for now just police in civil clothing etc.. i can go out yes but got to be carefull

post her feet

quiet outside only birds


i dint like faggots sports like football.. i like fighting..

How brown are you?

no feets fuck you tarantino

whiter than you faggot

do you live in a diverse neighbourhood ? if so how long will it take for a riot to start ? 4 months, 6 months ?

yes im acrually between too a rich one and the niggers arab ones but its calm around here we live next to an airforcebase..

if there was a riot the nigs and arabs would be fucked they dont like them around here in the south.. plus i have the army next to me.

is your girlfirend redpilled on race ? do you have any redpilled friends ?

if anyone whants to do a grand turismo or hunt showdown on ps4 im on..

all my friends are redpilled so is my familly and girlfriend. we dont fuck around with nignogs we just use the borat tactic and see how much nog the turbo civic can kill at 260kmh


You must revolt against this blatant violation of human rights, Jean Pierre. The government wants your guts

its to protect us mohamed...

how many brown penors has she had

smoking a joint right now may God help us

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none im the first sorry mohamed

plus she doesnt like brown or shitskins she is from an great medics familly..

how do you apply for a licence to food shop?

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Don't worry too much about the virus for yourself, bro. I had it about 2 weaks ago now. Wasn't much worse than a cold really. Just just stay inside and don't pass it along to any old people or others who are in the risk group. Also shouldn't the nogs be flipping their shit soon? I imagined that among the first thing that would happen during quarantine would be ill-prepared plebs start looting and shit

you just print it from the net and show it to the cops if asked

you know the virus doesnt exist right
its a hoax by china to crash the western financial markets

thanks we were tested last week we dont have any problem now we just stay at home have 2 ps4 and play online with the girlfriend we are prepared since january food etc.. this city is very controlled the nog have no chance of revolt here.

i know more than you can imagine bro #opra...

no, you don't

you would be surprised

>breathing the jew gaz

smoke the ganja and be safe jean pierre

Shelf full of ps4 game, smoking a joint..
A real french beta cuck boi
You should check your gf cunt for nigger semen

Ben voyons, joue pas à ce jeu avec moi gamin.
t'es un bleu, tu passes tes journées a fumer du shit, tu crois que c'est du respect ça mon garçon?

You tards do understand that the EU was in on wanting the markets to crash, right?

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Came here to post this.

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ghost of a nigger

its only a hobby a race real cars and work as an mason you poor cunt

Shut it, khazar bitch

ahahah poor retard..

Of course, the EU is a chinese puppet