What is wrong with the UK government? Just a few days ago, Brits still said football matches can be played and even today schools and unis are still open.
Are they trying to get millions infected?
What is wrong with the UK government? Just a few days ago, Brits still said football matches can be played and even today schools and unis are still open.
Are they trying to get millions infected?
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>corona sherpa
>Are they trying to get millions infected?
That was the plan all along
We maximised our /herd/ spread and now have hit the breaks to ensure the NHS doesn't collapse
Rinse and repeat
Most governments (and people) did the same thing: for weeks they said "oh,it's nothing" and then suddenly they panic. Is it a conspiracy or just near-sighted incompetence? Idk.
Germany has been doing social distancing and banning large events for over 2 weeks now. Same for Austria.
Britain STILL doesn't get it, keeping schools, unis etc. open.
You realise merkel said at least 60% of Germans will be infected? The uk government has said the same thing. There’s no policy to get people infected, it’s just accepting the inevitable.
are you doing any better because of it?
we are going to be laughing at you in a few months
We're OG based, we dgaf
Have you BEEN to the UK? It was falling apart even during the boom time. I think the government actually isn’t stupid, they’ve worked out that if you shut it down it might not start back up again
I just screen capped this.. i hope to god you are right...
The NHS will buckle and the Tories will seek outside help (i.e privatization) it's what they've wanted for 30 plus years
its that simple
elites are already secure and nobody care about proles or foreigners
it was always like that
>are you doing any better because of it?
Pretty sure we are doing better than you in the overall curve.
people are stupid and think being defiant to the virus will make it go away. they also think a life without going to the pub or social events for a few months is worse than dying to a virus
I'm leaving my job this week and spending the next few months locked away. If the rest of this country wants to carry on as normal ignoring advice to stay at home and avoid social situations they can all burn.
UK government took the blackpill
>10,000 infected
And that's just the "official" number.
Fucking mong
Luv me fish
Love me chips
Hate seagulls, not racist just don't like em
We have way fewer deaths than you people. You don't test people systematically, there are people in self-isolation in your country who aren't tested.
at the end of this you will have storys about how you had to be locked away and on the other side it was just a normal day for us
you are damaging any life experience or possible opportunities on the off chance you might get the flu
you don't have that long really on earth and you are going to sacrifice half a year over a virus 98% recover from
Lol that first paragraph.
It's the same here, half the country is out walking but for some reason there's way less cars on the roads.
Everyone and their mother is going for walkings with kids and the whole family, people walking around with newborns and everything.
Works against german bombers, and Muslims who drive cars into you and cut your head off, but not a virus that's literally spread from person to person.
Schools are off and parents were specifically told it's not a holiday for your kids. Yet what do I see? Kids and teenagers everywhere in big groups.
I can't tell if they're "brave" or stupid. And when I say brave what I really mean is "meh I won't get sick with Corona that only happens to other people" that ignorent kind of "brave"
Everyone going crazy about a virus that is going to purge old people and not affect anyone else?
Old people already die from normal flu. Like come on guys.
Its just the flu m8
it's the flu which develops into pneumonia
I wished it killed niggers and Muslims as much as old people. That would be sweet.
wow, so do other flu's
In the UK there were 26,408 flu deaths during the 2017/18 flu season.
We get it completely, government dgaf
what do you want them to do
>it's what they've wanted for 30 plus years
It is literally what they have wanted since 1948 lad.
Kampf mit juden
I don't want them to force places to close. Economic incentives for everyone to self quarantine. Not loans though, cash in everyone's account and massive tax reductions. Get the country high on money and ready to get things going again when this is over.
In America we were hoping it would blow over, we waited too long and people weren't ready to social distance.
the virus isn't going to go away.
keeping the vulnerable isolated and infecting everyone else to build immunity is literally the best strat to save lives in the long term. every country trying to prevent infection completely is going to just have new outbreaks the moment they relax the restrictions.
Dunno. Maybe they are drawing an inference from the decline in new cases from the outbreak's original epicentre to single digits daily, after having only proved fatal to one in thousands of the citizenry as a whole, skewed heavily toward the old and sick, and concluding that it's hardly Black Death redux.
Britain was infiltrated by Globalists decades back, 80 years of liberalism and 20 years of globalism on steroids and this is where we are at. Effectively, government is a waste of time, useless and has no will nor want to look after let alone fight for the British people.
What we are seeing is globalism trying to get the final strike in, this will happen across the West. The elderly and boomers will be massacred by this and then we will see excuse after excuse to take what remains of the Briton.
This is well planned by the Globalists, so strap yourselves in and watch as the West finally sounds it's death rattle.
Personally think we have got the best strategy out of everybody
Loads of stuff is still open, I'm going to my nephews bday party at an indoor soft play area at the weekend and then probably the pub afterwards
We are just slowing the virus down atm, surpressing it completely will just lead to an even greater disaster over the winter
the virus gets killed off fastest outside, in disturbed air and by UV light.
in crowds inside with no sunlight (i.e. all pubs, clubs etc) it spreads fastest.
I don't know about Italy but going for a walk is one of the least likely things to get you infected.
Based bongs.
Keep a stiff upper lip.
yeah bro we're all going to be working in cotton mills inside 10 months time to support the Industrial Revolution lololol
When the UK gets fucked in a couple of weeks where will all their niggers go?
Reminder that genocide was invented by British.
80% of people are just going to have a very mild case, less than the flu. 10% are going to have serve but make full recoveries. 8% are going to have lung damage, 2% are going to be dead. Here is the real scare part. You need to get infected or a vaccine because this is going to make resurgence in 1 or 2 and it's going to spread faster and be more deadly (to people who didn't get it the first time)
Bongs truly are fucking retarded.
You are just docile sheeps waiting for death.
Your homo-globo political elites is postponing the lockdown to the max, so the fat pigs can roll up business and lose as little as possible,
Now it cannot be hidden anymore so they bs you with "herd immunity" when all you had to do is to follow Japan/Taiwan/South Korea model to contain it.
Your govermrnt basicly sacrificed a part of its drones for some borrowed time to cut the losses of its elites.
I pity you bongs.
If this situation would have happened in my country, there would have been a lynching festival at this very moment.
Sources to back your bullshit up?
I appreciate the shit you're pulling from you ass but sources would be great.
>believing your govement
OK Mehmet
If they have enough supplies then they should go right on ahead. If it will get backed up then they are dumb as fuck.
everyone is in a panic and worried what will happen about rent on a forced lock down
they are getting stressed and its going to start resulting in major mental health issues
over the fucking flu
everyone else is retarded but have a false sense of security so we look stupid compared to their own sheep mentality
Yeah but if all their wagecucks die, then they can no longer live an amazing life
They need to take care of their wagecuck cattle
Keep them safe
go to you parents and live there, work from home, if your parents don't live in the UK fuck off back to Poland
UK like 3% black
It is over.
the response is closer to evil than pathetic
where are the grown men that should be fighting for their parents and grandparents lives!
what have the britts succumb to
Nice coping you faggot.
Asian counties had a fucking drill with SARS, now they responded properly.
Hell, EVEN FUCKING CHINA that fucked this shit royally and is responsible for this crisis is now slowly getting back to normal.
And somehow you stupid inbred islander believe your traiterous goverment
Jesus fucking Chirst, you deserve all that is coming for you.
The UK does not have grown men. They have little fuckboys.
I'd wager your average brit is even less healthier than your average 80yr old Italian. I have a feeling the plan is going to backfire horribly. Especially when we really don't know what the long term effects of this virus, we still don't even know for sure if it's a bioweapon.
Yeah, the lack of sunlight isn't great for immunity
even the puppers get toilet roll here for the past 2 weeks now. 3 weeks ago it was a different story.
I tried to tell some bong that the shelves where empty of toilet paper back then and he didnt believe me
They should be grateful since the government is not asking for a license to get the virus.