One must admit that it's been hilarious watching the supposedly infallible US constitution crumble in the face of a mere Chinese flu. There is not a more precarious country in the west, America shall fall very soon. All empires inevitably fail after an average of 250 years and JerUSAlem is well past its expiry date. I hope you mutts are all doing yourselves a favour and learning to adjust to humility before it gets oh so much worse, more than likely you're all coping though. The American Nightmare is yet to begin, buckle up faggots.
America is FUCKED
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Just wait until NY, Detroit, and Cleveland ghettos make their way up North. Have fun, syrup-fucker.
>1st amendment scrapped before the end of the year (work in progress)
>2A by next year (work in progress)
>entire constitution gets shredded by by 2024 (see above)
why do you keep saying this?
america is a very young country, all those muttlings running around are not gonna die, this will only cuck the europeans.
Once the US falls you leaf's are coming with us, eat shit and burn Canada.
fuck off chink
Putting your obvious inferiority complex aside, I'll humor you. I'm going to be laughing my ass off when you fuckers are under China's yoke. American won't fall far enough to be defenseless, but what can Canadia possibly do once we say fuck it?
What aspect of the constitution is crumbling?
If America goes under the nukes will fly and the whole world comes to Hell with us. Get fucked, America-haters, inherit the charcoal and roaches
You wanna blow a whole bunch of leafs eh?
Not an argument, stop seething mutts.
And you specs will be genocide.
nothing is crumbling
all the problems stem from ignorant normies fueled by mainstream media coming from a few corporations that have been getting away with way too much bullshit for decades. behind the scenes some military personal could sit some ceos down for a stern talking to and maybe a spanking and overnight basically problem solved. like a dozen spankings at most and hollywood and the media are firmly manhandled into submission.
Your country has been collapsing for months because of a bunch of retarded abos blockading your trains.
you barely got trump elected and is getting spic infected at an alarming rate
in 10 years Mexicans holidays will be officially celebrated
>not an argument
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You said it's funny. Are you actually expecting people to attempt to refute your persoanl sense of humor?
All's well faggot, did your meme education misinform you on global events?
Go fuck a dog leaffag!
Please go back, Chang.
Don't listen to her, America will be just fine and will probably find a way to handle this that is good for everybody in the long run
Big if true
This, America is the only glue holding the world together
If we fall, so do the rest.
Ironically bestiality is a federal offence in Canada but not in the USA. What did the self-indicting mutt mean by this?
But in all serious, we can't let Trump get the nuclear codes
You cockroaches are so dirty that you may go extinct good riddance KEK!
Rather exotic way of spelling "rabid militant zionist pitbull initiative".
Your PM's wife is about to die, so yeah, get ready for it, Canada, when we fall, China rolls over you and you'll be learning the proper conversion rations for using your new renminbi that you'll be issued under your new masters.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s the one thing keeping the world from being an absolute hellscape.
Why must Amerimutts instinctively deflect?
>watch as this question gets deflected
>the USA isn't a hellscape
Top kek lad, good bantz.
oral sex with animals was legalized by the supreme court of canada a couple years back. it has been a point of shame for canada ever since. actually fuckign a dog is still illegal but oral is legal because fucking liberals.
also in canada: government can steal your children and cut their dicks off.
so basically fuck canada is my conclusion, canadians are dumbfuck ignorant clowns and we should shut the fuck up insulting america they have been the nicest neighbours we could ask for putting up with our gay leaf nonsense
Eat shit leaf, your prime minister most likely has coronavirus, your country it's filled with gooks who drove up housing prices in your country you are so fucking screwed HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
canada depends upon the US as well
>implying you aren't a shitskinned fucking nigger of some kind
Oh really, here's a picture for you fellow Canadians
>10 years Mexicans holidays will be officially celebrated
They are already in the SW
No, it was never "legalised", you're a retarded faggot who can't into common law. A supreme court case ruled with precedent that the law was written literally as only banning "penetrative" acts with animals. Common law must be interpreted literally bother de jure and de facto and if there is any confusion the law must be rewritten, which takes an average of 18 months. The law regarding bestiality was later rewritten in 2018 to exclude all unnatural acts with animals. You're a retard who gets his education from Yas Forums memes made by teenaged american mixed-race incels.
>characteristic deflection
All you mutts are the same.
Funny, how the US' 'Greatest Ally' claims it will have a vaccine the fastest
There is no content to deflect, you vapid faggot.
>USA falls
>Mutts run north and invade canada
>canada infected and forced to give gibs
>canada falls
We are just pawns in a global chess game
A leaf Canada, a fucking leaf! KEK!
im not a lawyer and no real human beings care about autistic legal terms. just make sure its punishable by law to suck a horsecock because it makes us look bad if we allow that. so apparently its illegal again or whatever the fuck the autistic lawyer talk is for this sort of thing whatever. but i dunno maybe you're just saying that and its all bullshit. the law is just a bunch of lawer nerd autism that makes no fucking sense to anyone
then what are you upset about mutt?
>this is america
>tourists somewhere I've never been and don't care about.
K, bud. I'm upset because it's not just Canadians on Yas Forums that spew shit like you are. Canadians shitpost aboit America IRL. You incessently talk shit about the people who are the most culturally and ethnically similar to you. Why?
because canadians are faggot fucking retards
get fucked fucking leafs fucking sick of this shit
Calling us mutts, sounds like your being a hypocrite LEAF!
learn your fucking place and bow before your benevolent and superior american masters who quite graciously even let us exist at all
They're red-blooded American citizens
>no u, the meme
>amerimutt can't into reading a census
Canadian is not an ethnicity, it's a nationality that was included by kikes. Total - injuns and inuits - visible minorities = 72%, substantially whiter than the USA. You live in the least white country in the entire west by a significant margin, stop coping you pathetic mutt nigger bitch.
Actually we can afford to do this and others cant
Watch your supplies run out due to the speed of infection while i get my neetbux
It did good not accounting for the ears. How do i get this program?
It's going to be so funny when we Annex you freaking Canadians.
Americans are about to stop buying a lot of frivolous crap from China
>impotent keyboard warrior empty american threat #372947392964
It's going to be so funny when we burn your fuckin "white"house down again. You fucking faggots lost Vietnam how are you going to take Canada lmao
I’m sorry I don’t speak Chinese.
it pains me to read this faggotry. i thought i could handle any level of cringe, i am quite a cringefag myself. but this is too much.
We may not even have to do anything to you, most of the Canada's population hates themselves, because they realize that they are a joke, your leader is a pussy.
Fellas, Fellas. We're all faggots here.
No of course, you only speak ebonicised spanglish. Why is the USA the only country in the world without an official language?
It's fucking hilarious how amerimutts can't accept uncomfortable truths and invariably regress to deflection, their programming has worked swimmingly. You faggots sure suffer on non-flag boards though.
- t. Brainlet
Did you just admit that you are a fag
HAHAHAHA! God you leaf's retards.
We have the freedom of speech leaf, if you wasn't on Yas Forums, you would be arrested for hate speech.
your autism is showing
>We have the freedom of speech
It's literally illegal for you to be anti-Semitic on a college campus thanks to your beloved orange man
>ah hatez merica
You watch too much tv, leaf. Everyone here is fine and truth be told, exceptionally friendly and polite during this thing. Everyone's still armed, a few items get low on stock until the next day, families are playing together on weekdays and there's hardly any traffic. It's actually very comfy at present levels.