/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2227

► Detected: 200,003 ► Died: 7,979

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus affects blood circulation

4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Spain only testing high risk cases

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

06:18: 53 new cases in Ecuador.
02:15: 279 new cases in New York City, New York state, United States.
01:17: 26 new cases in Norway.
01:14: 93 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea.
23:16: 108 new cases and 4 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:15: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Turkey. The patient was an 89-year-old who contracted the virus from someone who had contact with China. This is the first death in Turkey.
22:13: First 2 cases in Montenegro. All countries in Europe now have at least one confirmed case of coronavirus.


Attached: human-kun.png (680x884, 291.89K)

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best thread shame for splitters


In NYC, Over 100 Jews in one neighborhood tested positive yesterday, and 35 NYPD cops tested positive yesterday.

These weren't proactive tests btw...NYC is going to be worse than Italy. The trains were going at full capacity a few days ago and the airports were crammed shut, the bars and restaurants were full days ago.

can anyone link me the archive.is where a country search your pc/phone when your infected?
i think is was israel..

► China 80,881 (3,226) ► International 116,864 (4,728): Italy 31,506 (2,503) Iran 16,169 (988) Spain 11,826 (533) Germany 9,367 (26) S. Korea 8,320 (81) France 7,730 (175) US 6,473 (102) Switzerland 2,742 (27) UK 1,950 (71) Netherlands 1,705 (43) Norway 1,469 (3) Austria 1,332 (4) Belgium 1,243 (10) Sweden 1,191 (8) Denmark 977 (4) Japan 878 (29) D. Princess 696 (7) Malaysia 673 (2) Canada 598 (5) Australia 452 (5) Portugal 448 (1) Greece 387 (5) Brazil 328 (1) Ireland 292 (2) Slovenia 275 (1) Bahrain 241 (1) Poland 238 (5) Egypt 196 (6) Philippines 187 (12) Thailand 177 (1) Indonesia 172 (7) H. Kong 168 (4) Ecuador 164 (2) Iraq 154 (11) India 143 (3) Luxembourg 140 (1) Lebanon 124 (3) S. Marino 119 (11) Turkey 98 (1) Bulgaria 81 (2) Taiwan 77 (1) Panama 69 (1) Argentina 68 (2) Algeria 60 (5) Albania 55 (1) Hungary 50 (1) Morocco 44 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Dom. Rep. 21 (1) Martinique 15 (1) Ukraine 14 (2) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 7 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 442 Cze. Rep. 434 Israel 337 Finland 322 Singapore 266 Iceland 247 Pakistan 247 Estonia 225 Romania 217 Chile 201 S. Arabia 171 Kuwait 130 Peru 117 Russia 114 UAE 113 Slovakia 97 Mexico 93 Armenia 78 Serbia 72 Croatia 69 Vietnam 66 Colombia 65 S. Africa 62 Latvia 60 Brunei 56 C. Rica 50 Uruguay 50 Cyprus 49 Faeroes 47 S. Lanka 44 Palestine 41 Jordan 40 Andorra 39 Malta 38 Belarus 36 Georgia 34 Bosnia 34 Cambodia 33 Oman 33 Kazakhstan 33 Venezuela 33 Macedonia 31 Moldova 30 Senegal 27 Tunisia 27 Lithuania 26 Afghanistan 22 Liechtenstein 19 B. Faso 15 Macao 13 Maldives 13 N. Zealand 12 Bolivia 12 Jamaica 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Uzbekistan 11 Bangladesh 10 Cameroon 10 Monaco 9 Paraguay 9 Reunion 9 Honduras 8 Ghana 7 Rwanda 7 Chan. Isl. 6 Ethiopia 6 Guadeloupe 6 Cuba 5 Guam 5 Mongolia 5 P. Rico 5 Tri. & Tob. 5 Ivory C. 4 Kenya 4 Seychelles 4 Nigeria 3 Aruba 3 Curacao 3 Congo 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Gibraltar 3 St. Barth 3… Total 165/251

Attached: italy hospital.webm (320x568, 2.06M)

How can I infect myself with corona. All these drawings of coronachan have given me a fetish for the virus.

>make people wait longer at airports for screening
>more time for the virus to spread through packed lines

Attached: 6e8df0be8c66c21050360d83dd1dea5a.jpg (479x604, 46.15K)

>1 video only from the west
Where are the videos? I'm not a nothingburger faggot but seriously where are they? Censorship?

>be me
>own/operate service based business ~150k/year
>2 kids
>read Yas Forums and prep in January
>2 months worth of supplies and food
>pay rent and bills 2 months in advance
>try to pull kids out of school 3 weeks before schools are shut down and threaten principal/teachers with legal action
>lockdown hits
>no customers=no money
>loan for businesses affected by corona is fake
>school announces closed until august
>lockdown indefinite
>freak out that this is going to last more than 2 months

Just go to Seattle and find a coughing homeless person.

AutoViral asphyxiation is the new thing.
Choke me with my own fluids CoronaChan!

That's not a good idea, user.

Attached: sniff no more.jpg (1076x1024, 196.12K)

>Millions of babies about to have Christmas birthdays

We've been telling you that since people started shitting all over us for being "dumb" and "unhygienic". There is no chance that a city like NYC isn't in more danger than a sparsely populated country like Italy. Hence Lombardy, the region that generates 80% of Italy's GDP and has extremely high foreign traffic, is being overwhelmed while most of the country has it inder control.

There's already a thread dipshit

Fuck you, his body his right.

Italy just announced an additional 4,000 deaths.

Not even peaked yet. We will beat worst Korea in no time

I live in Brooklyn and the biggest Chasidic Jewish communities just confirmed over 300+ cases of Coronavirus. Up until today, Jews have been congregated in 100+ crowds. There is no chance NYC survives this without chaos.

that pic is gay dude lol

>Dead: 7,992
lol, still only 7,992.
How many days has it been stuck at 7,992? Four days? Five days?

Attached: Still.png (689x1279, 230.69K)

i think i actually had corona and didnt develope any real symptoms. i had like blue fingers for a few hours that went back to normal and i developed a blister on my thumb afterwards its still not healed up

so what the gary bot just reposts the current death count as the same for the past 5 days with the same copy pasta?

i dont understand



>► Detected: 200,003 ► Died: 7,979

Attached: 1583503612262c.png (797x1024, 276.83K)

Where were you when Trump got undeniably exposed as the incompetent fool he is?


Attached: 3FEC9E00-D4F2-4EA2-A73C-E15F74B25648.gif (250x185, 878.46K)

please update Flipland

Attached: 1584520151.jpg (534x534, 222.08K)

idk Satan he's giving trumpbux and sealing the borders faster than other countries

we are going down, save yourselves

Attached: ids_hoblets.png (655x900, 520.05K)

Patent EP1694829B1

Happy reading

>that image
Yas Forums can see a lactation fetish in literally anything


Attached: cras.png (640x400, 130.08K)

Well user. Are you chicken shit?

Attached: blood.png (436x229, 14.47K)

At 300K, she starts growing a dong.

So US grew 2000 cases yesterday. How much longer until we're quarantined lads?

Fuck the jews who keep making us go to work and risking ourselves.

Atta girl

Attached: 1557748536404.jpg (400x289, 16.27K)

>Are you chicken shit?
Yes. But besides that I am only allowed to spend blood on the 31st again.

Don't expect too much from them, if you want to have a reliable and real-time updates on our numbers just go to CNN Philippines or their Twitter, they update much faster and also include vital data about the cases


>14 deaths already
Philippines will not survive


Attached: 1584520539422.png (636x855, 354.66K)

>Detected: 200,003
Corona sama is having a party! Say something nice to her!

Attached: congratulations WIP.jpg (2400x2049, 735.68K)

Hell yes

trust the fungus

Is this the spike they kept saying about??? Also checked.

Could you draw an earlier one? She always talks about 20k. Maybe that one?

Pic related is from an Aldi here in Germany. People are losing their shit.

Attached: Klarsichtfolie vs Corona.png (480x640, 465.84K)

Something nice to her!

its just the flu bro

Attached: Schlomo Shekelstein.jpg (501x585, 156.88K)

What is wrong with you westerners

Thats not going to do anything


>China’s primary motivation throughout has been to avoid any responsibility or accountability by deflecting blame and suppressing criticism since day one. So effective has the Chinese campaign been that even foreign governments (including here in Canada) have remained largely silent about China’s role. The instinct of any totalitarian state like China is to cover up anything that might require them to take responsibility.

During the initial coronavirus outbreak, authorities in Wuhan stated that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.” Yet, as first noted in a January study in The Lancet, more than a third of patients had no connections to the Wuhan food market, and people started to become ill weeks before the government would admit.

Attached: mfM31Tca1khTybewKu0piSdJ7pkm3UXMj2Ac2l6FdH0.jpg (500x516, 35.74K)

Top Lel

Never trust scientists. Always trust the most pessimistic scenario.

Attached: 1584476016874.jpg (1080x1612, 517.08K)

I’m still laughing at this thing. It’s literally nothing but a bad cold that bumps off some old people.

Attached: fatalities.png (1645x362, 115.07K)

why cant chinks just grow more fucking rice instead of eating rare exotic animals

>get blood for surgery
>die because they aren't screening donors for corona poz
>die of a worse fate than the one you were trying to prevent with surgery
A-anons, they are screening the blood right? Right?!

This shit didn't age well.

How bad is Italian healthcare? It’s in the richest country and still ripping and tearing


Philippines military working hard to stop the infected from leaving Manila


Attached: 1584370220067.gif (773x1000, 236.1K)


Are we next?

Attached: ETVp3GzUcAAsi36.png (482x585, 23.83K)

Y-y-you are laughing and people are dying!!!

Attached: cover5.jpg (1845x1038, 97.47K)

It's an airborne virus capable of ADE. It's going to fuck you up too.

Attached: 1584501284131.png (465x182, 35.71K)

The name leaked of the first death in Chicago and this is worrisome

She was:
-61 Years old
-No Existing Conditions
-Was Completely Healthy

Also this pretty much ends the rumor that it's immune to black people, it's fucking not.

Attached: black people AREN'T immune.jpg (924x555, 111.58K)

I don't understand how everybody makes a single roll of toilet paper last so long. I poop at least four times a day, and I need a roll of toilet paper every time. First, I take a bunch of TP to layer the toilet seat so my butt doesn't get cold. Secondly, I place a wad of TP into the toilet bowl so that the water doesn't splash up. Thirdly, I can't poop all at once, so I go through multiple stages of pooping out a little nugget, and wiping everytime I do so. Once I'm empty, I take the rest of the TP left on the roll and cover up my poop, so that I can ensure that everything flushes properly. I can't be the only one who does this, right?

why is it always memeflags splitting threads?
really makes me think

How fucked is China going to be economically after all of this?
Why would anyone want to conduct business in a country that completely disregards the health and safety of not only its own citizens but the rest of the world?


shitskins aren't people
still no white deaths

>completely healthy

brah she's fucking fat

thank you based Poland


Attached: j5f0wsav.gif (500x574, 3.8M)

Technically it will. If you get a face full of splash your infection will be far more severe far more quickly than, say, touching a contaminated door handle or button. Takes longer for virus to go from 1 to 1 million than from 500,000. Anything helps

Weight norms are different in america... The obese are fat, and the fat are healthy.

hopefully this shit lasts long enough to cripple China and other countries realise having so much of their manufacturing done in China is not the one.

Be good to see manufacturing jobs return to Europe after this is all over.

So we still have the rumor that the S strain will give immunity.

Only idiots thought it "whatever is happening in Italy won't happen here". Author's note: my father is an idiot.

>they just keep growing
>tits didn't grow since 100 thousand
>but now the hips grew

They are going by american standards, if your not over 400 pounds your in robust health in burger land

Attached: 1459292346264.jpg (189x200, 4.95K)

We literally all are

Only a complete lockdown where most people can't interact with one another, will bring the R0 below 1, and then it needs to be maintained for ~2-3 months or more and borders need to be closed until vaccine day.

Attached: panel.jpg (934x920, 76.35K)

Wake me up when we reach 1M infected and 20k+ deaths

This virus might be an actual end to globalism for a time.

Who here /infected/?
I got my first symptoms yesterday

Attached: 1579947126497.png (385x386, 75.74K)

Ahh come the fuck on, we have all the food and oil in the world, what do we even need to import if it happens

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 11.47.37 AM.png (900x124, 23.67K)