Don’t talk to anyone, keep 6ft away from all people, wear a mask, don’t look people in the eyes.
Why do people not voluntarily do “social distancing”
Evolution already gave us the correct social distance.
>Why do people not voluntarily do “social distancing”
The same reason people do not fuck off because we're full. It's too inconvenient for NPCs and other filth.
Look out Farmer-girl! The Shiek is coming for you!
That's a Chinese girl dude.
Corona spread range is 5m, not 2m or 1m, good luck distancing. People doing 2m are just being stupid.
It's 2m with a mask.
Some of us have to work, Muhammad.
Britdude, you are the last country with a massive infected population which still says "let's go to work and get more people infected".
same thing
Nothing to do with coronachan. The one in the middle is a suicide bomber
Chinese can't be farmers? Fukkin racist
Because we don't want our economy to collapse for the sake of some decrepit worthless old faggots who should be dead already anyway.
This virus only kills the very old and the very frail. I welcome it. Humanity is long overdue a good culling.
Doesn't matter, the two niggers behind him were planing on robbing him ,and the chink in from of him infected the only white person in line anyways
PEople don't agree with you. I think yes, if we want to get this over and done with, we should just ALL go along with normal life and have 90% infected and the virus is done in a month. But that would probably kill millions of old people... unless we just quarantine all people aged 70 and over.
>maintain 6 feet distance
>touch the same automatic ATM machine key pad
>infected the only white person
What white person?
Fins are probably safe
Aren't all Chinese farmers or descended from?
Well, white people are original bandaid color
Isn't everyone descended from a farmer you fucking burgerclap
Oh no the people living way too long for the world to support them leave early and dramatically improve the lives of the other 90%?????
I refuse to do anything that my government suggests I do. Including turning myself into an incel because i might get the sniffles.
I mean literally you stupid faggot, Mao Zedong, read up
The whites are at home because they know better. What are these dumb brown people doing taking out cash if all the shops are closed?
>Don’t talk to anyone, keep 6ft away from all people, wear a mask, don’t look people in the eyes.
Just a normal day in Finland
Speak English, cunt.
i worry that maybe to some degree we are supposed to exchange bacteria and its healthy. and that if you isolate yourself from other peoples bacteria your own bacterial ecosystem suffers from lack of diversity. like if no one kisses you in the mouth for years but you use listerine your good bacteria get killed and never replenished and then the bad bacteria get out of control. that sorta thing. but scientists dont seem to be talking about bacterial ecosystems much because they havent found a way to patent bacteria and pharma can make more money if we get sick instead. and doctors are just normies like everyone else and they dont want to believe in anything the schools wont teach them and the schools are in pharmas pocket.
im just throwing this idea out there i have no idea how much validity there is to my ramblings
You're fucking retarded if you don't immediately understand what I mean the moment you read "Mao Zedong" you uneducated inbred little retard
It's a fucking virus dumbshit
the retarded leftist niggers in the media and politicians are doing elbow bumping. The fuck is wrong woth these socialist niggers.
someone tries to elbow bump me im going to tell them to fuck off then kick them in the balls
yeah i know, im not talking about coranavirus. im talking about social distancing and a potential drawback of that. youa bsolute retard
No. It's all genetics. In the grips of depression I spent literal months without leaving my house before and still never got sick once I started going out again. The only people who might suffer as a result of long term quarantine are young children because their immunity is still developing and it needs the "experience".
>Don’t talk to anyone, keep 6ft away from all people, wear a mask, don’t look people in the eyes
Yas Forums is always right
Corona doesn't have a spread range, speaking, sneezing and coughing does.
In america, it will kill a lot of fat fucks. They already have trouble getting enough oxygen due to fat.
Those actions are what define the spread range, moron
Yes, that's what i said.
yeah, months is fine
but social distancing as a new way of life from now on might not work in the years and decades to come for the reason i mentioned. and also maybe thats partially where the human instincts to resist social distancing come from.
longterm we may require some bacterial exchange between humans to maintain longterm health and diversity of bacterial ecosystems in our bodies. its a theory
you gotta wonder why do people keep touching each other at all. why aren't our instincts to avoid each other more. why are we kissing each others faces and rubbing our hands against each other whenever we meet. like why the fuck do we do that. maybe we are supposed to because we need to exchange some bacteria.
not everybody is a german psyco
i dont like my theory i want it disproven, i want an excuse never to even touch another human being ever again but that might be dangerous
No one needs skin bacteria from others unless your goal is to smell like them, sort of why all poor people have the same cabbage smell.
Sounds like you need to stop hanging around faggots
>fucking euro trash that shits in the street
fuck off seriously
Where are the white people in this image? Are Al Jazeera racist? Where's my fucking diversity?
handshakes dude
im talking about handshakes. everyone is shaking everyone elses hands and why. why do we keep doing that if its so fucking deadly why does every culture in the world have the urge to keep touching each other.
i hope you're right. but its not just the skin. what about the gut and mouth? shake hands and you get that bacteria in your gut when you touch your face. and its only recently that handwashing was discovered so everyone used to have poop on their hands.
being a human is gross but i think we are supposed to trade bacteria for our internal ecosystems and i dont like it
Finns had it long figured out
>is a Salafist, Qatari publication racist?
Gee I dunno
If anything the advantages would be preventing a superbacterium from taking over.
I do it 26 years of my life and there are still people who trying to ruin my streak.
subtle and unnecessary
Your economy will collapse when everyone is to sick to work and overload the health care system. " Just the flu bro " hope you have plenty of meat to boil.
Why not look them in the eyes? I can understand the rest, it's good advice, but what's with the last one? Of course I look people in the eyes.
I've been using social distancing from niggers and sandniggers for my whole life.