>tfw they will start mandatory cellphone carrying in order not to be sanctioned
remember the weird SAMSUNG FIND MY DEVICE 1 ERROR on 20 february?
now we know what that was about
I advice any user in other countries to start leaving their cell at home

Attached: so-it-begins-the-greatest-happening-ofourtime-it-begins-34783126.png (500x502, 128.62K)

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Doesn't say shit about 12 years anywhere, you pastafaggot.

It was another article then, but basically if you get find out and it later turns out you were infected (even if you didn't know to be) they will charge you with 12 years

You have to knowingly spread the virus for that crime to apply, if you don't know yourself you are infected because you haven't been tested they can't charge you

So I just need to leave phone at home and get a burner as I to visit a local synagogue.

geoloc on my phone got turned on and i cant turn it off again

Attached: me.png (275x369, 7.58K)

Can we just disable the GPS hardware?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x390, 78.31K)

That seems sloppy
My point is probably they willforce us all to Carry one

>mr user why did you forcibly disabled your GPS? Where you consciously trying to avoid survellaince from us?

>force us all to Carry one
Officer I dont know why its not working. I was cleaning my neodymium magnet collection, maybe that could be it?
Oh officer I accidently fell on it...
Oh officer I accidently showerd with it...
Oh officer dog ate it and ran 100km from me...

I did not, but my phone die fall, im so weak from this stress lately. It might havw cause it to malfunction.

>implying any judge would be so retarded not to see through the bs
We are doomed, I am going as far as they will probably ban Fiat money to fight the virus and Force any buying through phone
>tfw microchipping faggots schizo were right all along

Attached: ezgif.com-optimize (1).gif (600x338, 2.96M)

Is it possible the gps get dammaged in phone getting physically dammaged?
Expert: yes
My lawyer: so it is possible he did not tamper with it
Expert: yes
My lawyer: so there is no evidence that he did it and it was not an accident
Judge: reeeeee

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>wogs need to be gps tracked because they cant stop breaking quaratine to tongue each others asses
Just nuke italy.

So your ok with just turning your ass a d letting them do this without even trying to think of a way to fight back?
Blackpilled cucks. So even if I did disable tue GPS so what. Its my phone I own it I can tweak it how I want. Fuck off cop

Mongoloid, people leave homes to buy groceries, not going on le tinder dates.
Kys abo scum

>Fuck off cop
...and you just added some years to your sentence..trust me this will get ugly

I repeat once more. You have to be over 18 to post here. I understand that this a problem I am not blackpilled. But I do not like it when children act like anyone gives a shit about their gay , reddit tier meme. Now get off this board.

fake and gay. They only checked the data to see whether people took the measures seriously.

this is just a test

if it detects a chinaman they get fed to lions in the colosseum.

pls do this Italy

I can say fuck off, is not a crime here its normal everyday speak.
Also the whole point is that you can evade it and not roll over and take it.
Also dont talk to cops, silent treatment, in court they will have no case.

absolutely based

radio fags will be the only people who know what's going on, just as it should be

What do you mean?

The article does not say what OP claims.

Just don't charge it.

At some point the state is a greater disease than disease, and the disease is the cure. The state is terrify because they are all boomers + Poor bastards need more kisses.

We are going balls deep into 1984.

>normies panicking about the gps turning on by itself
thats what you fags get for being on facebook all day long instead of rooting it and uninstalling all the spyware shit
>hint: freeze all google system apps, find my mobile and fused location

Yeah you can evade and spend years with lawyer fees..I am starting to believe the theory only rh- will be spared when 10 years from now we will all start dropping dead on the streets

It literally says the have made a deal with phone companies and they will literally start tracking movements
Kys hanz the turkish rabbi


Attached: 1583529760030.png (798x448, 392.11K)

Find my phone and GPS was disabled but I still got the samsung 1 error message on february 20th

Its not my first rodeo with them, been dealing drugs for over 10 years.

Again the obsessed white nigger estoshitnian

So the old will get free phones?
What if a million just go out? They can't holy that many people for 12 years in prison

quote it.

The only Solution is Martial Law

Indeed: stop carrying your phone when going out of you don't want to be charged later.
We are just being used as trial territory

>she's on the kill list

Just quit it, admit you lied, and go away.

Nice, fuck I have finished by slash yesterday

FYI: to go dark, do any of the following (of you don't want to dump your phone for a while anyway, for some reason):
>turn off phone, take out battery, (and take out SIM card if you're realllly paranoid)
>if that's not possible, just wrap the phone in alufoil

Note: it's a good idea to turn airplane mode on when you wrap it in alufoil because otherwise your phone will drain quickly because it will think you have bad signal so it will pump up its power output.

t. Telecommunications engineer

In samsung best is go to power saving and put it on max. It turna off all that shit. Also google location is trick more than phone. Turn that shit off asap.

it's useless to disable the gps if they use the phone cells lol

>We have activated a technology in collaboration with mobile phone companies.

as if give them advice to spread the virus more you dumbshit

Can I use chips aluminim bag?

>He didn’t know
How the fuck do you think most crimes here get a sentence?
They check your phone for location history and dumb boomer criminals and retarded terroni (not the high rank mafia) can’t even figure out why they got a 7 year sentence.
The only thieves and burglars that know about the surveillance system are the eastern europe romanian niggers.


Kys giudeo

Boomers need to be culled you colossal fucking statist faggot.

I wouldn't bet my life on it because i've only ever tested and measured this in the lab with alufoil, but it should work theoretically.

Install this without Google Services and you should be set afaik?

Joke would be on Italy. My phone is lost at the moment. Joke is on (((Them))). I don't always take my cell with me either.
>Joke is on me though. My car has an OnStar system in it.
>No I don't pay for that bullshit, but they can still track you with that system.

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Chad herd immunity

>You have to knowingly spread the virus for that crime to apply
>be quarantined
I'd say that counts.

Have you purchased your Faraday bag yet? If not, get going.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-18-02-17-17_kindlephoto-342228076.png (800x947, 181.68K)

If alu foil works, why bother with this?

did you freezed it through root or just disabled the app through the apps menu? the apps menu doesnt actually freeze system apps they can re-enable themselves at will unless you freeze them with root

It could also have been because of the permanent server connection maybe they sent a command to unfreeze the apps if that was the case just install a firewall like afwall or block the individual websites through adaway
>t. never got the find my mobile thing

Was there any large scale civilian uprising about to kick off in Italy? The virus has suppressed rebellion in Hong Kong and France. It plays into globalist hands in this way.

they're going to chip everyone

the black hebrew israelites were right all along

It's literally just a piece of fabric lined with aluminium foil wrap, but sure, spend 15 fucking bucks on it only to be added to glownigger watchlists it if you want.

So I leave my phone at home and pay for my beer with cash.

Fuck you zog

I don't own a phone.

It's just... not useful. I can remember where I am going and I keep track of the time.

Don't be daft, user. Make your own faraday bag.

kek, how does it feel knowing your ancestors were second class citizens in the roman republic? Pasta Niggers will always be eager to claim they are white.

So leave your cellphone at home? Retard.

>don't you know you are supposed ti carry your device at all time? Follow Us to the station where we can put you in cage with niggers