@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Tourism CEOs 3/17/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/17/20
>VP Pence on Hannity 3/17/20
>DefSec Esper on FoxNews 3/17/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin comments to reporters @US Capitol 3/17/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/17/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on F&F 3/17/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on GMA 3/17/20
>SG Adams on Dobbs 3/17/20
>SG Adams on CBSEveningNews 3/17/20
>SG Adams on FoxNews 3/17/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on Ingraham 3/17/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on HughHewittShow 3/17/20
>Trump2020StratCommsDir Lotter on America 1st w/Gorka 3/17/20
youtu.be/fhSlTsiCCuQ (pt1)
youtu.be/2o-XqeL4LzU (pt2)
>HHSVideo: Stop Corona-chan Spread: 6 Effective Steps to Stay Safe 3/17/20
>WHVideo: What is Social Distancing? 3/17/20
>WHVideo: Slow The Spread 3/17/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



new baker needed
>whoever bakes next admits to being stoopid

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>tfw Kojima was right yet again

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>jews are worse than gays

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pure, unfiltered truth

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Is it over yet?

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Is the US OK with SA crashing oil prices because it BTFOs Iran and Russia?
Or is it crashing too much for the US to be OK with it and SA is going rouge?

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>S-sam help me...
>i'm..out of toilet p-paper

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Will I get coronabux if I've never paid taxes?

>Mediocre gook who didn't write most of the material or story gets the credit
Nah, fuck him. He has fanciful and whimsical ideas but he can't write or direct for shit.

amazed you faggots are still sucking this new yorkers cock

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We're refilling the strategic petroleum reserve at crazy low prices so I think it'll work out.

you still feel it, user..? you do arent you...
you feel the Phantom™ Pain™ he left behind..?

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I have a feeling it will be everyone and possibly extra for dependents.

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kek even the ID hates you, kys nigger also

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Yes actually; oil isn’t as large a percentage of our GDP as those named countries. The only pain would be in domestic fracking which is getting rammed by how low oil is,

Only if you're a citizen

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Does the US even still need a strategic reserve? They produce their own oil now.
Is "refilling the strategic reserve" just an excuse for an oil bailout?

>plebbitors unironically against UBI now
goddamn Trump is way too powerful for them. just announce more socialist policies and let them die in senate, r*dditors will hate it and wont touch anything again!

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American chinks hate mainland chinks and the ccp. You will never change this.

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Look who is talking

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Well, maybe if he made a 2deep4u cgi movie, it could be good. But as far as games are concerned, I'm not buying into the cult mentality.

rate and (You) my meme damn you

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lol literal poo in loos replying itt

amazing company you keep r/ptg

Everyone is so fucking old.

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gas the kikes, the chinks and all you miga faggots

>if he made a 2deep4u cgi movie
nah man, he'd just rip-off even more shit. just let him make gameplay mechanics and part of the game story but never ever let him work alone. he needs people to hold him in check, otherwise his massiv ego take over again

>Well, maybe if he made a 2deep4u cgi movie, it could be good. But as far as games are concerned, I'm not buying into the cult mentality.
V really put me off him. Like, I get that he only got to finish 2/3 of his gaemu but man those twists sucked.

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Domestic fracking had *huge* investments and it's a strategic asset now. If they can't survive with such low oil prices the US will have to do something.

this humble basket weaving site not blocked?

Great song. Used to blast that out the Humvee.

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>he's feeling the Phantom™ Pain™

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He's probably whiter than you, mutt.

8/10 for the irony

what part of NO REFUNDS do you understand, nigger?

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Why did Deus ex have to become real life


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My rough spot now is I've found I might need to focus more on arrowheads and arrows over ammo, due to shortages. At least 70lb composite bows don't only defeat kevlar with absolute shit practice tips, you can carry them around in public and people don't freak out (and most localities' laws aren't crazy either). A mediocre broadhead with a 70lb bow will kill the fuck out of even an armored person assuming it's a good hit. No data on modern bodkins because I've not yet found some rando who tried modern bodkins vs modern armor, though I suspect the sheer thickness of solid plates would still stop bodkin headed arrows.

I had Patrick Little flashbacks reading that

>bailout for airlines
Alright bros, post ending in 5 gets the next bailout from the money printer

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If Ohio and Georgia had voted yesterday, then yes.

Bernie's literally on life support.

Yas Forums is building a "team" too.

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>8/10 for the irony
I'll take it

He needs to feel the chain.

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Is there any evidence that you're in India? Tell me something about cows.

There is no way they would allow Yas Forums in China

That you, Uncle Ted?

everything is going to be okay, we are all going to make it.

It always was m8

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I'm going to be so pissed if you guys get NEETbux and we don't, especially since our government has already flirted with the idea in the past.

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>just let him make gameplay mechanics
Can Kojima even do that other than being close=dangerous? You realize the underlying story up to (and potentially including) Snake Eater was writ by another person, right?

I like the games, but we have to call the duck what it is. A duck.
Oh boy Deth Stranders got da gayme awawds! It's a fucking walking simulator with non-existent challenge other than "hope I can get over this geographic feature." absolute piss unless you only want narrative. In that case, it'd work just fine in a DVD/BluRay.

This post is very psychologically telling. It's a clear case of projection. In your "expectations" you've turned Trump into a guy who is attractive to gay twinks that are into older dudes. Then you mention "faggots" and "cocksucking" in your post.

restaurant waitress bailout

>There is no way they would allow Yas Forums in China
y not?

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It's only the same as differing tax rates or store prices. 1 mans luxury soup is not akin to another mans luxury soup.

G-good m-morning/ptg/
This bread is moving along rather well for a 4 am bread, are shills bumping for us ?

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Trudeaubucks will be privilege-adjusted so you'll still get nothing even if you're poor.

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Same, but I think it's time for him to retire. Maybe produce or get a writing credit, like George Lucas.

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anyway I grew up around cows, they go in the morning to farms and come back to their sheds in the evening.
sometimes they (30-50 cows/buffaloes/bulls) are being led by mostly 2 or 3 people
during this trip the cattle make to farms, they sometimes go to some houses where people put left over rice outside. (you wont know this unless you're a local)
In villages, sometimes people actually follow these cows to see when they shit/piss so they can use them as coolants/flammable cakes after that shit dries.
if you want to get specific, the piss is used as a disinfectant and sprayed during housewarming and semi regularly every 6 months in houses or a year. (this is not practiced as much but still done to an extent)

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I'm considering picking up the game when lockdown ends. Comfy delivery man simulator actually sounds appealing to me. I can see why people would hate it expecting something else

Why is this girl so beat down? Looks like she’s had a rough month

It's the stupid Chink meme flu. I just wanna go back to my office. Working at home sucks.

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Don’t question me

Oh, we Americans are getting neetbux (I prefer Trumpbux) and all you'll get is a shirt economy !

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It's a country of over a billion people but they make only 5-100 posts per day. Probably party officials and vpn.

Fuck that guy, it's fun and the story made me feel things cause i have dada issues

You are lucky you are still employed

What is the source on this? Why would they write this in English?

you are already dead

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CNN uses same tricks on Bernie and Trump, somehow they can't figure out why Trump won and Bernie lost

Well this is all what it was all about, we knew China faked this whole thing. They got their chink infested spreaders in Northern Italy & liberal Mayors there to play along. Fucking kike Chinks

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Interesting. Well... this more or less proves that you're not using a vpn. I'll make a record.

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Trump is preparing to close the border with you leafs this week. Buy your own groceries for a change you starving poorfag

So you need it talk to joos, niggers and the few whites you work with ? That's sad bro. Enjoy the time away !

Shit *

the once great united states of america being brought down by the common flu and a brainwashed population
stock market fluctuations isn't gonna crash the economy but mass unemployment and businesses shutting down because people are to scared to go out and live normal lives certainly will

bye bye the us dollar here comes the rothschild-backed chinese yuan

the only question is was trump always compromised or did that happen more recently? was his entire presidency a sham? lol

This is true. Also no one has been buying my exotic cheeses at Whole foods and I bake my own Artisan breads.

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That's perfectly fine and I won't knock you for it. I hope you have... FUN. I don't derive any from it but I'm not Yas Forums.
Jeez, most fun I had recently was playing Saya no Uta during nofap. Challenging.

> ALL I have seen this bot do is gently touch Christmas ornaments in a cape and stare in a cape and pat statues in a different cape and then change her cape into a rude ass jacket. Fuck you


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>Trump is preparing to close the border with you leafs this week.
But there's 400000 people crossing the US/Canada border EVERY DAY.

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>posts literal bullshit
>fools anons anyway
keep up the good work, sham poo


Maybe Melania needed to starve school children to make an impression on that whore?


The group who translated it doesn’t much like the CCP

One Bat One Road

>Don’t question me
I'll do what I please.

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First they got the infrastructure, then they said they needed their guys to do security, then they went for 5G, now they want a bite on health too.
Everyone talks "Russia" everywhere but Chinks and Iranians are their allies alongside Best Korea, and globohomos love that delicious profit of their slave labour in China.
But oh no, God forbid evil Americans of saying "you can make a profit and make it private or lower taxes", unless it's full blown "soc dems" or commies they get upset because it goes against their globohomo agenda.

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I know. All non-essential personnel. What ever that means. I really think its gonna hurt some of you guys. Sorry, man

That pisses me off, anything she does wouldn't be good enough for that cunt anyway !

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Why is Google uncensored?

I'm still wondering what people are doing with all of that extra toilet paper they've been loading up on.

kek dw I only used to lurk ptg but rarely post here. I am an 8ch babby since a decade ago but active on /k/ 4ch. I just didn't like where 4ch was going and getting pozzed to shit. Couldn't discuss anything without getting slid to shit or jannies being cucks whereas 8ch was laser focused and jannies were much more "nazi-friendly" or shill anti-friendly if that's a word.
Then came back here now after 8ch was getting DDoSed bretty regularly and downright nuked by (((them)))
so, yeah the migration you see and the higher quality threads recently on Yas Forums after 8ch got nuked is not a co-incidence imo.


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