Has anyone on Yas Forums contracted the virus?
I mean, just think about it. Tens of thousands of unique hits per day from all over the world and no one has posted they or their relatives have the virus.
Why is it only Chinamen and currently relevant (((celebrities))) who seem to be the ones only getting the flu? Just what kind of stunt are they trying to pull?
Has anyone on Yas Forums contracted the virus?
Other urls found in this thread:
i got the virus and i gave it to ya mum
fake news niggers are immune
Yeah I have the virus. It was a mild fever and shortness of breath. fever is gone and the symptoms are fading. Ive been in self-isolation for a week, but for most of us, this is a nothingburger
fuck kevin durant
Now that you've mentioned it, this place will be crawling with meme flag, schizo posting, zogbots claiming they have it.
literally, WHO??
1 yuan has been added to your social credit score
theres been tons of "I have the corona virus AMA" threads you gigantic newfaggot
How old are you?
niggers are gay
stop having pozz sex with pozzed niggers
this desu
please go back, and never return
I haven't but I'm black so
Here's a guy talking about his experience with it
Youre not gonna hear about it. 86% of cases go undetected, which means most people tolerate it fine. The scary numbers are from reported cases. If you notice all these rich people getting it all have "mild" issues. It's an absolute fraud.
I just wiped my sour sweaty dripping hog on your Mum's blown out asshole. She said she only fucked me because I look like you...
Borona is fake as fug.
How are you posting from prison
Lmao underrated song
I'm just going too leave this here
there was an Italian reporting corona chan killed his grandpa and all his family infected
My work mates have been infected. Scotland here, glasgow area. One of them is in intensive care, the guy who brought it back from holiday with him. Hes a big fella so he has to be careful with it. The other guy is a fit dude, young, plays sport. I think he will be ok.
That's a bunch of Bull... If you catch my meaning.
I think I have it. Day eight of symptoms I'm starting to feel better.
So you're saying it's nothing? Why the fearmongering? To hide the stock market crash and bring about the end of physical currency?
Get tested bro and take a pic of proof. I'm not buying this shit one bit.
Was that the actor who posted a video of him trapped in his house with his dead sister? Seems fake af. Another celebrity. Another public figure promoting this corona shite. Meanwhile I haven't seen anyone real report in that they've been inflected.
What do you mean, leaf?
ok shizo. I know people who work with intensive patients lol.
I have it.
Testing is dodgy and they want to push the most public cases possible.
My nephew has it, he lives with me. My wife and I had something but it was incredibly minor. It hit him like a 10 ton wrecking ball. He is almost entirely of British genetics.
8 died out of 3000 on the cruise ship. 700 were confirmed infected. This is an incredibly good rate considering cruise ships trend older.
The overwhelming majority of the people on the cruise said they felt nothing. Cruise goers are often white. I believe the ethnic bioweapon angle. British are mid high risk, other European and Slavic populations seem to be practically immune. This would make sense looking at the results from the cruise ship.
i'm actually astonished how many people can get a virus like this
I can count the people I had "close" contact with in the last 4 months...on 2 hands
do normies just go around and sniff every kind of person they cross paths with every day 20 times?
literally take pics with hundreds of people a day, meet more, etc.
not such a surprise a board populated by people who never go outside would be symptom-free...so far.
I’m pretty sure I have it. It feels like I ate a bunch of bread.
Prove it. I want to see the dead bodies and hall's full of convulsing of the supooses 1000s coronazombies.
Prove it, I've yet to see a single civilian with the virus.
Another one down.
Get fucked, shill.
All these celebs testing positive but nonormal people no anyone other who is positive.
Seems odd.
>Has anyone on Yas Forums contracted the virus?
There is only like 69 people on Yas Forums at any given time. Very unlikely that anyone around here will will get it
It's a chink commie plot to crash the western economy. How the fuck haven't people realized this is beyond my understanding. No one collapsing on the street? Why is that? No videos, old people dying from natural causes. Open your fucking eyes.
Nobody is fear mongering and I can't believe your memory is that short.
Governments have been downplaying it this entire time. Media has been complicit. The recent closures are only for political reasons; once it happened to Italy Boris couldn't keep up support for the herd immunity strategy.
Everyone is looking to everyone else for what to do and one-upping each other. It's been a European tradition for as long as we have had written record.
Post proof you fucking french faggot. Did you even get tested or is this self diagnosis from a frog eating faggit?
It isn't real.
And did they provide proof Mr. shekelberg?
Public transport.
I thought black don't crack
Well, did you?
That's exactly what I'm saying. Dodgy stuff.
But they have relatuves and workmates and goybook. Someone's got to know someone real who has the virus. Yet no one posting condolences for their uncles or grannies on NSAbook.
I wonder if some madlad who had the virus met with a bunch of celebrities and politicians and purposefully infected them
I got something a couple days ago and I’m fine now. I don’t know if I think it was the virus. I had a fever and I was stuffed up for a couple of days. I also had a very mild cough. I’m completely fine today and I started feeling weird on Sunday. I don’t know if it was corona though.
Why would people make news items about nobody's? People who have it are self isolating.
Feels good not living in some shithole mega city, I just hop on my mountain bike in these days, and go straight into the woods.
They would have released it here and shut their ports if any of that was true.
Its more likely the USA knew that Chinese spies were stealing virus samples so we planted on with a compromised container/remote sabotage.
Once it was safely outside the country the payload could be released. Becomes hard to blame the USA when you think it's your fault and the epicenter is a bioweapons lab.
The fact that Asians seem to get the worst of it is indication that this series of events is entirely possible.
Did you feel elated/High energy/unusually optimistic?
That's what was happening for me.
By pretending to downplay it while trickling down the footage from the set of "Wuhan" (Califronia) they actually created a powder keg for preptards.
WTF is Wuhan anyway? How come no ones heard of this supposed city that has like 10m inhabitants? Its like it was set up overnight.
Occams razor.
Pretty much what I was thinking.
I felt optimistic but that’s about it. I had the foresight to take zinc the moment I started feeling weird so maybe that helped. It was pretty mild, I just basically chugged Gatorade and slept the past two days. I feel back to normal now.
You set up a convoluted conspiracy theory and then call it Occam's razor. No surprise. Average IQ of 93 on the Emerald Isle.
You literally live on an island of a few million people. It's no wonder you can't imagine anything bigger than that. Not only are you on a tiny Island, your ancestors spent thousands of years there without a single one of them deciding to see if there was more to this world. That's gotta be isolating, but you don't have to be a retard about it.
Mine started to fade on Thursday. Friday I just had this weird sense of positivity and optimism. Maybe it was just the high from having prepped 90 days of supplies while others were just starting to freak out.
Weird I feel the same exact way. I’ve been optimistic all day today and I got laid off yesterday because I’m a bartender. I’m not really worried at all for some reason. Thanks to Yas Forums I also prepped before people had any idea it was going to get this bad here.
is he one of those tall runners that throws the orange ball in that hoop thing?
>You set up a convoluted conspiracy theory
Because chinks fabricating a lie to crash the economy with no survivors or kikes plundering Fort Knox gold amidst the chaos is so unbelievable.
I bet you believe in the official 911 report, the death of Osama and Al Baghdadi. Peak goyim. Go consoom your corn syrup and don't forget your $10000 insulin shot, courtesy of Dr Shekelbergstein.
>your ancestors spent thousands of years there without a single one of them deciding to see if there was more to this world
That's why like half of the new world has irish last names. Right? Absolute eejit.
pretty sure me and my wife had it in December, but no way to prove it
die, nigger.
How did it make you feel?
Just the flu Pierre.