/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2226

► Detected: 198,737 ► Died: 7,989

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus affects blood circulation

4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Spain only testing high risk cases

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

06:18: 53 new cases in Ecuador.
02:15: 279 new cases in New York City, New York state, United States.
01:17: 26 new cases in Norway.
01:14: 93 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea.
23:16: 108 new cases and 4 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:15: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Turkey. The patient was an 89-year-old who contracted the virus from someone who had contact with China. This is the first death in Turkey.
22:13: First 2 cases in Montenegro. All countries in Europe now have at least one confirmed case of coronavirus.


Attached: crown.png (680x657, 263.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:


wew first

► China 80,881 (3,226) ► International 116,864 (4,728): Italy 31,506 (2,503) Iran 16,169 (988) Spain 11,826 (533) Germany 9,367 (26) S. Korea 8,320 (81) France 7,730 (175) US 6,473 (102) Switzerland 2,742 (27) UK 1,950 (71) Netherlands 1,705 (43) Norway 1,469 (3) Austria 1,332 (4) Belgium 1,243 (10) Sweden 1,191 (8) Denmark 977 (4) Japan 878 (29) D. Princess 696 (7) Malaysia 673 (2) Canada 598 (5) Australia 452 (5) Portugal 448 (1) Greece 387 (5) Brazil 328 (1) Ireland 292 (2) Slovenia 275 (1) Bahrain 241 (1) Poland 238 (5) Egypt 196 (6) Philippines 187 (12) Thailand 177 (1) Indonesia 172 (7) H. Kong 168 (4) Ecuador 164 (2) Iraq 154 (11) India 143 (3) Luxembourg 140 (1) Lebanon 124 (3) S. Marino 119 (11) Turkey 98 (1) Bulgaria 81 (2) Taiwan 77 (1) Panama 69 (1) Argentina 68 (2) Algeria 60 (5) Albania 55 (1) Hungary 50 (1) Morocco 44 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Dom. Rep. 21 (1) Martinique 15 (1) Ukraine 14 (2) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 7 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 442 Cze. Rep. 434 Israel 337 Finland 322 Singapore 266 Iceland 247 Pakistan 247 Estonia 225 Romania 217 Chile 201 S. Arabia 171 Kuwait 130 Peru 117 Russia 114 UAE 113 Slovakia 97 Mexico 93 Armenia 78 Serbia 72 Croatia 69 Vietnam 66 Colombia 65 S. Africa 62 Latvia 60 Brunei 56 C. Rica 50 Uruguay 50 Cyprus 49 Faeroes 47 S. Lanka 44 Palestine 41 Jordan 40 Andorra 39 Malta 38 Belarus 36 Georgia 34 Bosnia 34 Cambodia 33 Oman 33 Kazakhstan 33 Venezuela 33 Macedonia 31 Moldova 30 Senegal 27 Tunisia 27 Lithuania 25 Afghanistan 22 Liechtenstein 19 B. Faso 15 Macao 13 Maldives 13 N. Zealand 12 Bolivia 12 Jamaica 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Uzbekistan 11 Bangladesh 10 Cameroon 10 Monaco 9 Paraguay 9 Reunion 9 Honduras 8 Ghana 7 Rwanda 7 Chan. Isl. 6 Ethiopia 6 Guadeloupe 6 Cuba 5 Guam 5 Mongolia 5 P. Rico 5 Tri. & Tob. 5 Ivory C. 4 Kenya 4 Seychelles 4 Nigeria 3 Aruba 3 Curacao 3 Congo 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Gibraltar 3 St. Barth 3… Total 165/251

The attached video is from Italy and was censored from youtube.

Attached: italy hospital.webm (320x568, 2.06M)


Where are the Garys of yesteryear?

In the hospital

Attached: 1555989959651.jpg (960x1280, 101.12K)

>it can lower viral replication, so it's easier to fight off
>placebo pain-reducing and symptom slowing prescription

conflicting info here

Now that this has erupted, probably enjoying the nuclear bomb going off with the normies on Twitter.

T-thanks you too

so what the gary bot just reposts the current death count as the same for the past 5 days with the same copy pasta?

i dont understand

moving to madagascar

He's gone before us.

Though deaths from the Coronavirus
For four or five days have stayed still,
The two weeks shall pass, and soon with it
Shall follow old Gary the Shill.

Shall follow old Gary the Shill,
Shall follow old Gary the Shill:
The two weeks shall pass, and soon with it
Shall follow old Gary the Shill.

When I'm shaking and strapped to the stretcher
An order I'll place to fulfill,
"Waiter, send o'er a hot nothingburger
Served with water for Gary the Shill!"

"Served with water for Gary the Shill!"
"Served with water for Gary the Shill!"
"Waiter, send o'er a hot nothingburger,
Served with water for Gary the Shill!"

Then bring in the doomers and preppers
In hazmat suits, argue they will
With news and the scope of the happening,
What happened to Gary the Shill?

What happened to Gary the Shill?
What happened to Gary the Shill?
With the news and the scope of the happening,
What happened to Gary the Shill?

Then gather the Chinks and the glowies
And grab the most brazen and shrill:
Make them dig a mass grave in their memory,
And on them lay Gary the Shill.

And on them lay Gary the Shill,
And on them lay Gary the Shill:
Make them dig a mass grave in their memory,
And on them lay Gary the Shill.

Then pour you some layers of concrete
On the liner and lye o'er the fill.
Place a marker above, engraved on it
The spreadsheet of Gary the Shill.

The spreadsheet of Gary the Shill,
The spreadsheet of Gary the Shill:
Place a marker above, engraved on it
The spreadsheet of Gary the Shill.

I feel the young lady approaching,
Our lungs, like our hearts, for to fill.
As we lift up a glass in her honour,
Give your (You)s to old Gary the Shill.

Give your (You)s to old Gary the Shill,
Give your (You)s to old Gary the Shill:
As we lift up a glass in her honour,
Give your (You)s to old Gary the Shill.

Set to youtube.com/watch?v=lTnv9x1klts

there are riots out there, two police men are in critical condition- you're laughing, you're laughing. people can't wipe their assholes out here and you're laughing.

Attached: images (9).jpg (300x168, 6.31K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Hey, is Greenland still safe? I know Iceland is beyond fuck now.

Attached: Hazmat_Remilia.jpg (1000x904, 171.47K)

> tfw D E L U S I O N A L

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-152335.png (720x896, 442.93K)

Just a little bit left

Attached: Coronachan 150k.png (797x1024, 283.22K)

We did it ^^ 200k

Attached: eeeeeeeee.jpg (800x600, 47.98K)

what the fuck is going on in China right now? Has it ever been this censored?

Bros, where to order chlorquine onli

Lithuania 26

Correction, the original link was censored. This one still works:


How new are you?

Gary bot has been here for at least a 7 weeks and is a /cvg/ staple. We love Gary. I've even seen Gary post things other than his pasta.

Prairie Canuck here, we are hunkering down. Most businesses are shut down here in these provinces. We have less than 20 confirmed cases but we are attempting to curb the spread. Our ridiculous climate should help kill this faggot corona-chan tranny whore cunt

traffic accidents kill 1.25 million amerilards yearly
this killed 8 thousand people in three months
and that's not just in the US but the whole entire world
and we shut down everything for that?
I don't remember ever hearing people panicking and urging others not to go in traffic because they might die as millions do every year
how are people so dumb?
what's going on here?

Reminder that cases are only rising so dramatically now because we are actually testing. Hard to keep count if you werent even counted. If SK can do it, we can do it

The hero we needed but didn't deserve.

Shhh... Big pharma will hear you.

They basically execute you for leaking anything. And their internet Zerg shill army is botting like fuck everywhere possible


Attached: Screenshot_20200318-152745.png (720x1520, 92.98K)

Its tonic water.

That's the biggest nothingburger the humanity has ever seen

Attached: 1571984344786.png (240x210, 6.83K)

All is well in China. Why would CCP lie?

Now that they're spraying that shit in not-Iran and not-China, do we know what the fuck it is?


do you intend to self medicate?

tor? can we get info out of china over the onion network?

what's the point? do they intend to shitpost misinfo until we all die off?

started frequenting the boards again and cant help but follow these threads all the time.

They don't have test kits. By now, we could be at 30k infected already.

Yas Forums
Judging by the recent numbers in other countries than china, how high were the true numbers in china? What are your estimations

Ya it is almost like its actually serious and the WHO is hiding the truth.

Nah it's just the flu bro. Keep believing those numbers.

Any good date ideas for right now? I don't know this girl well enough for her to come over and all the businesses are shut down


Attached: Corona Chan 0-150k.gif (558x717, 3.62M)

> a professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in my university "passed away peacefully after a long illness on March 13, 2020"
> had just celebrated his 85th birthday
definitely corona-chan did it
> tfw more professors will die for corona-chan

Attached: tkmiz-647230264591060992-20150924_190454-img1.jpg (1513x2083, 162.98K)


Imagine if every time you interacted with someone who got in car wreck yourself and others you interacted with in a 10 day period got in a car wreck.

Better buy Quercetin anons as well as zinc to make it in vitro. It's a zinc ionophore. It's been used in the past on HCOV SARS. Safe to take, take 500mg x2 a day for 10 days until symptoms are reduced and keep taking for a few extra days to be safe. It's also been used to treat Ebola and zika.

Attached: 1584249162579.png (514x514, 242.34K)

One case in Greenland

Attached: 65C89407-8A39-404A-A3FF-07D242DD7DD6.jpg (416x448, 55.87K)


BNO is ahead on this one

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 2.35.12 AM.png (265x171, 19.33K)

Probably the same thing that they are spraying on our planes.

why not just go to the hospital and get chloroquine rather than doing armchair homeopathy

That's the best way of explaining it to retards I've ever heard.

water and soap

Just a flu bro :-) now move along and go socialize and have fun!

Im actually pretty worried about the situation in china, but at the same time, what would they have to gain from hiding the numbers? A more realistic model would help the entire rest of the world and prevent recirculation.

Don't let this be forgotten.

Attached: AERIAL VACCINATION.jpg (650x428, 92.44K)

BNO is wrong. Their total only adds up to 197000

Corona-Chan's 200k assets when?

His dick is inside the dispenser, isn't it

it seems that chloroquine is just another measure to flatten the curve, and once it is overused, a drug resistance mutation will develop and we're back to square one in an uphill battle. not to mention chloroquine is only a treatment to malaria, not a cure, and malaria is caused by a parasite, not a RNA-type virus
a vaccine seems to be a better and more logical solution, but we need to make a new flu shot every year so it's still a big burden for the healthcare system

In all honesty, drinking tonic water is a lot safer than chloroquine

our local officials say that what's being sprayed on our streets is water+bleach, i could be wrong though :-\

Chloroquine is an experimenta derivative of quinone, which is for real the glowing bitter stuff in tonic water and for real has antimalarial effects. Just not very useful ones. Quinine is not a good substitute for chloroquine though, and neither has great effects on viruses

Good luck getting treatment with overwhelmed hospitals.

Attached: 1584307468340.jpg (1146x2011, 959.01K)

is it too early to talk about life, politics, art or economy post-covid? people are already suggesting UBI, unemployment will rise in the next few months, healthcare workers will tire out if this truly does come in waves. what's the next step? just wait for a vaccine and hope for the best next year?

We are not. BNO is wrong. Their total only adds up to 197000. They are counting some country twice.

Is it a Legit Cure, Placibo bullshit or Accelerate Corona chan on Killing the Infected?

>what's the point?
Maybe they want to pretend all is well so no other country takes advantage to declare war or something? I don't know.

isn't this a wild time to be alive?

China literally caused a Resident Evil-esque zombie apocalypse.

Attached: no.gif (640x640, 139.56K)

kek thats a great metaphor

You really think every single world government would shut down their country and economy for something that wasn’t a huge deal?

They’re keeping something from us. This virus is either way worse than it seems or there is something else at play here.

Ngubu NO! me footie cancelled

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-18-08-31-35-730_com.linkedin.android.jpg (1080x1920, 864.19K)

there will be tent hospitals and the army can easily distribute chloroquine. it is cheap and easy to manufacture.

Wtf airborne vaccinations?

You're retarded, 1.25 million car accident deaths occur around the world every year, not just in the US

Amazon wagie here, we’re still delivering your shit.

Pretty sure once all the boomers die everything just goes back to normal

Winnie the Pooh is incinerating all the evidence.

thanks brother, you are a bigger hero than the military even

There was a lot of chloroquine talk in /cvg/ about 3 weeks ago and some user did a deep dive
Check the archives

Anyone here have any verified real people who have died of this virus? Like your grandma, uncle, aunt, some other relative, maybe a nurse or a doctor? I still don't personally know anyone by name that has died of this virus while I do hear that there are dead people who have died of Corona, it's all just numbers until I get verified real people with names. This is the internet after all, and spooks gonna be spooking.

>implying most people who get this shit need treatment

Chlor-chan will save us, that cunt

Attached: ireland-necessity-is-the-mother-of-invention.jpg (2048x1692, 385.4K)

add the following as well:
> The Division
> Children of Men
> Contagion
> WWZ (book)

what is quinone and what does it do

is there info on what they are using in italy

>flatten the curve
>once it is overused, a drug resistance mutation will develop

yeah but then you're dealing with like 10 000 cases worldwide, not 200 000, easier to contain and manage then

Martial law in a desperate bid to maintain control, that is what they're hiding.

That's the point. They want the rest of the world to be fucked up at minimum as bad as them and preferably worse.


>unemployment will rise
how come

Why not strike right now? All the leverage is in your hands.

China is 100% lying about their numbers. It’s probably spreading like wildfire and people are more than likely dead in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

No what? Literally take their table, copy-paste on Excel and sum the totals. It only adds up to 197000

>Taiwan 77
It is now 100. just got another 23 cases.

I don't see actual zombies ..makes me very sad.

Kek, everyone comparing this pandemic lethality to traffic accident is sociopath.
>hurrr going out to streets are actually more dangerous than this flu

7 billion people in the world, and you think you might know one of the 8000 who died?

isn't this a good thing though? the end goal of national socialism is totalitarian control of the population and closing of the borders. seems coronavirus is achieving both and by extension keeping europe white.

There was some tinfoil stuff about them releasing a less lethal strain via airdrop to immunize

People need their stuff, bro. We all got a raise and unlimited OT

Has there ever been a better time to be a NEET? Nothing in my life has changed from corona, I didn't go to bars or restaurants anyway, and now I'm gonna be paid to stay at home which I already did anyway. Corona is the best thing to happen in my life in 20 years.

Attached: 35151245.jpg (306x164, 10.63K)

It's as bad as open source says, user.

Mortality rate is 10-15 when hospitals are overwhelmed, and young people are in that number, and combined with being highly infectious, it's very bad.

because there are none, it's a nothingburger, a distraction op. There must be something big going on in the world right now, and (((they))) are diverting our attention.

the most popular torrent right now is a zombie game even


Maybe because less than 0.00000105263 of the world have died from this virus

>Implying you'll be treated
>Implying they will magically be able to manufacture it when all our drugs come from china.
>Implying the government will care or be effective in mass treatment of millions of people.

Attached: 1582493253538.jpg (686x526, 63.97K)

Will do thank you very much.

Take the number of deaths and multiply by one or two thousand. There's a video on Khan academy about it.

Don't care, already started celebrating

Attached: mleh.jpg (289x175, 7.98K)

stupid user from a stupid land
>comparing isolated incidents to a silent global spread
>comparing annual averages to what is beginning and still growing
you myopic monkey

Attached: 1581649151135.jpg (768x768, 104.27K)

does fanart of corona-chan count as hate art in china?

Attached: kawaii uguu virus chan.png (1028x667, 459.58K)

Italy is gonna nuke China after this is done

If vaccines work against coronaviruses why haven't we had one since they were discovered in the 1960s? Why were all human trials on SARS vaccines abandoned after the first phase?
More pertinent even, weren't the Wuhan wet market workers inoculated? Because that would be a very suitable place for a Phase III human trial in a city where THREE research institutes were working on a SARS vaccines. Or were they?


Nah, it’d cause more problems. Plus my managers are cool.

>mfw wuhan streets will be literally sterile aufter they cover the entire fucking city in desinfectant

Whan will be the cleanest city on earth

Civic duty blablabla

I thought you had it under control or is that all mainland refugees?

shit i gotta go back to work

best thing that happen - nothing happen

so nothing is the best thing that happen to you?

We’re all gonna make it my dude

Attached: rothchild1.jpg (506x589, 56.72K)

we will get it from india, france and germany, so i have no worries there. administration of chloroquine is easy, a layman could do this, and many will be trained.

better than making zinc enemas and snorting garlic powder

I'm in Saint-Petersburg. Today's update. Went to the local supermarket and saw pic. I didn't actually think this would happen here so fast tbqh.

>There is no: grechka, rice, oatmeal, canned ham, canned tuna, pasta (pic is pasta section)
>A little less: TP, other canned fish, flour, cereals
>Plenty of: bread, everything else.

We're a country of prepers, we have less than 150 cases and still everyone is out there preping stuff. I guess many remember the shittiest 90s and USSR deficit. Maybe that's a good thing.

Attached: wCrgzpV3KXw.jpg (720x960, 229.22K)

Getting chemtrailed duh

Oops. I mistyped. It's quinine. Quinine is a medication used to treat malaria and babesiosis.[2] This includes the treatment of malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum that is resistant to chloroquine when artesunate is not available.[2][3] While used for restless legs syndrome, it is not recommended for this purpose due to the risk of side effects.[2] It can be taken by mouth or used intravenously.[2] Malaria resistance to quinine occurs in certain areas of the world.[2] Quinine is also the ingredient in tonic water that gives it its bitter taste.[4]

You fucking faggot

They already retracted it. (Still wrong number)

Attached: 199983.png (92x64, 1.06K)

And we appreciate it.

Your run-down shithole is spending an awful lot of effort proving it's the US causing the corona problems, Chinkyenko.

You're right, and it's only 198,106 right now.

I want BAT SOUP!

Theres not any information I've seen on what they are doing in Italy yet. I've been pouring through medical journals. SARS HCOV had an 11% CFR.

Attached: 1584308497124.png (1151x1512, 1.02M)

An italian posted that his grandma died from it yesterday evening

You get any discounts on ordering from Amazon if you work there?

Look manc I am just stating the facts. Martial law as the government fractures and dies. The rule of law will disappear, you should generally decide what to do.


Attached: 2020-18-03-0738GMT.png (1908x1024, 1.12M)

I hope so. Italy manages to make everything better. Food, fashion, guns, sex, cars and more. Will they refine nuclear weapons too?

To spread it faster, of course.

>deep dive
Into shit.
They are currently using your oh-so-beloved anti-malaria and anti-rheumatism palcebo prescriptions to ease symptoms and buy time.
Source: the fucking hospitals with COVID patients.

Also, no, finfag, the fucking virus will not develop a "drug resistance mutation" from chloroquine. This is not your filthy smartphone app microtransaction-filled plague simulatore.
You are mistaking fucking malaria insects developing immunity with a fucking virus.

Ignorance is showing all around here.

>If vaccines work against coronaviruses
They don't. That's an inherent trait on the corona virus family.
Vaccine is being developed to ease the fucking deadly symptoms onto something resembling a normal fever, not to eradicate SARS.
SaRS-CoV-2 can not be eradicated at this point. Same with SARS 1 and MERS.

hope so, delivery is going to be crucial if we get locked down. amazon wagies will be the equivalent of charles martel at tours.

Which country reports a big (1000+) number early? I wanna be here to catch the coronamilkers update

World Unite system against pandemics and mass escale production medicines,vaccines or hospital

Visas around of world will had medical checkers this is like 1000 times of 11S for airline industry, or even every travel getting real time geolocalization.

It's not the first time they make mistakes like this. They manually update their total instead of having an automatic generated table. That's why I switched to Worldometers.

imagine locking your entire country down over a mild strain of flu. What a bunch of pussies.

Attached: revy_again_by_jerremy7.jpg (600x800, 91.38K)

My government is going to pay me to spend their money and keep the result. How is this not incredible?

Good luck getting India to export when they have banned export of medicines to the rest of the world. They wont be sharing with us they said this weeks ago.

Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000570086061.jpg (615x381, 63.17K)

Should spray milk at 200 k

How is the scene in Italy? I have folks in Friuli.

People ready to shoot the chinamen yet?

oh SHIT /cvg/! you filled your boost meter and got TRICKY

Attached: IMG_20200318_044014.jpg (314x720, 47.45K)

Thanks cuckbot, I ordered a hazmat suit and a face mask. Mostly for the keks though, I wouldn't mind getting coronachan anyway

Attached: 1584371840532.png (500x504, 216.85K)

Spain in 3h

A vaccination just flew over my house!

>Boomer status: removed

Attached: 1584155786293.png (400x532, 385.06K)

kinda crazy to see these things never seen anything like this was gonna go out yesterday again to see if tp and stuff is restocked but was lazy

Maybe some Italians can chime in. These numbers of deaths are too big to fake, especially considering that smaller Italian towns/cities have been hit.

Attached: 1584362882363.webm (360x640, 1.54M)





How long until we receive orange man bux?

Yup, get a discount code.

I don't know. I want wider hips. But that sounds hot too

just watched the trailer. those who torrented have a rebuilding mindset now.

>I thought you had it under control or is that all mainland refugees?
Returning diaspora and western refugees looking to ride out the storm in their healthcare system.

imagine having all of your oldest people with expirience, command officers, politicians, scientists - lost to some flu because there is no cure.

We'll hit them at the same time with the Iran update.

>why not just go to a petri dish and argue over treatment with your doctor before you find out you can't afford it

they say a lot of things, but america has the diplomacy and military might to bend things our way. plus once the drug is in common use we may even open emergency factories here.

>not eating the superior tiger soup
not gonna make it

should say
"I'm the last waiflu you'll ever have!"

Oh sweet child if only you knew. SARS had a CFR of 11% its very likely this is many times higher then that.

Attached: 1584328940320.png (750x1068, 84.95K)

>dedicated facility
with wooden doors?

Attached: 1579889926677.png (847x642, 578.32K)

how can't they mutate to resist drug then?

People made fun of me for stockpiling food and supplies for the past three months. But? I'm at home being safe and camfy jerking off to anime.

Who's laughing now?

Nigger you dumb the time of relying on foreign nations to produce necessary assets like medicine is over. When the shit hits the fan you can't get that shit fast enough from halfway across the world and the normies are realizing that now.

Attached: 1583997952193.jpg (1080x1080, 104.53K)

a good lesson for shitskins, will teach them to WASH THEIR DAMN HANDS

Imagine having a daily television program blaming Trump for the flu, kek
Why are you niggers so gullible?

Attached: Russia-Trump-to_blame.jpg (589x1168, 129.96K)

Already stated in other threads:
Fear is keeping them in check, so italians don't even think about chinese at this point.
They were angry before the lockdown, and they'll rage when this shit is over, seeing how many SMEs will close due to regulations.
For the moment, their focus is elsewhere; surely not on fucking PRC, although they are the cause for all this shit and should pay for it.

if you are already infected you may as well go to the hospital and get treated, especially if you have hard symptoms.

It's a newspaper, they'll have deaths from various days on there, not just Sunday the 9th.

Imagine your country being so shitty a virus doesn't even want to live there

Must admit, I am a little jelly.

Thread meme:

>make tinder as other anons claim to be getting easy matches
>been about 4hrs since I made account
>13 matches so far
the memes are true. stacy is panicking. i used to get 8 or so matches per month last year. would probably get even more if i put up some pictures of stash

New Yorker here, I’m like 99% sure I’m infected. Having a hard time taking a deep breath and periodic fevers. Don’t know what to do


autopsy photos of dead corona patient

>Amazon to stop accepting all products other than medical supplies and household staples to its warehouses amid coronavirus crisis — read the memo it just sent sellers

>'They don't care about safety': Amazon workers struggle with pandemic demand

>Second Amazon employee in Seattle tests positive for the coronavirus

>At an Amazon facility in Italy, 30% of workers have reportedly stopped showing up due to fears of the coronavirus

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kek, a vodkakike giving lessons on hygiene now I've heard it all.

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I'm amazed that any media has yet made an article about the obsession of "The hacker known as Yas Forums" with an anime version of the virus.

Not to mention Covid-19 is actually SARS-2

We are all fucked

>I don't know. I want wider hips. But that sounds hot too
You're a man of taste. 200k hopefully if the drawfag can do it

It's currently -18 where I am, fuck going outside.

Wishful thinking, you really dont know how this works do you? I've already watched many bio weapon specialists lectures, infectious disease specialists as well as hosts of other medical professionals. We are not equipped to deal with this. We could have prepared for this, but we failed to prepare and now it's too late, don't call it a grave it's the future you chose.

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Imagine BBC not understand the irony of a joke in a show and run a story as if those people were complete serious. It was a fucking joke, but bbc wants to craft a narrative that we are insane

What if we mankind have been virus all along and Corona-chan is the vaccine the mother Earth has composed?

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For Italy and Spain
"StayAtHome" means "DeadAtHome"
Official numbers don't count numbers dead alone in departments.

Already happening in usa. Businesses are shutting down or laying people off to mitigate damages

>how can't they mutate to resist drug then?
Not sure if illiterate or dumb.
Corona doesn't mutate to resist drugs. Again, it's not a fucking smartphone app.
They mutate a lot, period, therefore it becomes economically not viable nor readily possible to develop new vaccines.
That's why current focus is to develop 1 real vaccine to ease one most dangerous strand, avoid some deaths, and turn other symptoms into a bearable fever.

22 of them are either sick travelers who fleeing back onto the island after shit hit the fan in EU, or the greedy expat who wants cheap and reliable isolation ward/medical care, is expected.

The most disturbing is case no.100, is a 20 years old kid and this dude never travel overseas, CDC still investigating how did he got infected.

If they can't find out where did this poor kid gets the virus from within 24 hours Taiwan is fucked.

clock is ticking.

fuck the politicians, let them all die already.

Travel to Africa or India and cough on as many hand rails, door knobs, bank notes and shopping carts as you can

That seems like a fun youth to be honest.

actually based, that means we are immune to biological WMDs
why are Czechs still so salty over being our puppet state for decades? We don't think about you at all, you are not present in our vision of the world.

There are talks of Moscow possibly being locked down next week, and nothingburger faggots like you are the ones to blame for not taking this seriously enough

2 weeks

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Please dont fall for confirmation bias folks. Infection numbers go up because we are testing for it. Its hard to get a count when no one was counting. Most people are asymptomatic. Please calm the fuck down.

it's infuriating that there are nCoV deniers, simply dismissing all patients as having the common cold but their condition was hyped by media to establish NWO.

fucking retards can't even conceive that black swan events do happen.
the fucking Internet itself is a black swan.

You guys also test fairly aggressively. Looks like we're going to take a back seat to the Bear and the Bat.

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I actually thought about making a dating profile wearing a different respirator in each pic. See how many women swipe to Bane profile.

There's too much going on for such things. Perhaps when europe get's past the peak on the curve and news starts focusing on "helping the other countries" there.

Here you go Yas Forums. 2020 will go down in history as one of the most important dates in contemporary history. Nothing will ever be the same, even if pandemic stopped today this shit already changed the course of the world forever.

You have been begging for and summoning a happening for years. And you got a happening of almost biblical proportions. Only airborne Ebola could surpass this shit.

I hope you're entertained.

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Global nationalism
Every research at global scale, but factories and more as national industry.

taking what seriously? Wash your hands, maintain personal hygiene and you'll be alright.

Coof on New Yorkers.

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Drawfag said he's got it ready.
>You're a man of taste.
All thanks to the French (mostly Wakfu). I hope they won't get wiped out by the virus. I want my hips.

Q is fake and gay and if you buy into it unironically kys

>we have less than 150 cases
Russia's world-class health care system has that counted properly.

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It’s crazy man.

I work at a Costco in a Washington state and they barricaded the entrance, long lines, only a few in at a time, limit of one essential item (milk, eggs, etc) per customer, no optical department, sanitizing everything, and so on.

The shelves have never been this empty. Costco has a ton of stock and a strong supply chain but it’s still bizarre to see it like this.

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I just want it to stop I need to get a job and start fucking hoes again.
By the time I wake up McDonald's better be dine-in again, NBA better be back, Disneyland better be open again, and everything better be back to normal.

I think it's safe to say the "open borders" faggots will shut up after all this.

This shit gets spread around by superspreaders. Until your country gets one you are mostly safe as the virus transmits slowly around the carriers and can easily be controlled. As soon as a superspreader gets infected you are fucked, they radiate the virus miles away and can even reinfect the recovered. Until these superspreaders are identified, isolated and healed all measures are useless. Unfortunatelly in the process of treating these superspreaders most medics around them die, so for them it is one way ticket.

This is why they quarantine the whole countries for this nothingburget. They try to keep the number of superspreaders in single dgits.

I'm just waiting for 200k coronachan to be posted

Could it be that the virus is just an excuse to restrict the freedom of citizens and stuff like "Take the vaccine goyim, or you won't be allowed to enter the grocery store or take public transport" is gonna be a thing in like a year or two when they supposedly roll out a vaccine.

and what is your solution? garlic powder cocaine and vitamin c enemas? you altmed guys are going to get people killed, just like Yas Forums got guys sick by suggesting to take too many supplements.

the only proven supplement of benefit is d3 at this point per dr. campbell.

never forget the rules - always trust trump, never bet against trump, never get tired of winning. this will be taken care of. the white man has survived much worse. if the chink can take it on, so can we.

>most people are symptomatic
Stop bullshitting. Only 5% are. 40% flu-like. 40% pneumonia. 10% critical. 5% death.

We wanted an exciting happening, not this kill-me-please-boring-as-hell forced lockdown for a fucking boomer flu.

I secretly wanted it but now I don wan it no moar!

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>world is crumbling
>"news" organization posting articles about anime porn

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user, are you old enough to have experienced communism? i still remember the photos of boris yeltsin touring a shopping market under capitalism when that first became a thing there, amazed by all the food and the assortment thereof.

When I see this picture, I imagine Boris frowning.

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Where is everybody?!?

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Guys, I’m under quarantine and new here. Can anybody reply to this with where to read conspiracy theories etc I want uncensored stuff

societies and cities are a cancer. we have abandoned living in conjunction with nature.
this is our reckoning fren

Yeah it's crazy. I heard this is happening but kinda couldn't believe it. Btw the store was broadcasting on the speakerphone: "Citizens we're working hard to meet your expectation our suppliers have plenty of all products so if you don't find something you want today expect in in the nearest time."
And: "keep safe if you have temperature, sore throat or feel ill don't go out of your home and don't go to the hospital, conact emergency phone and a doctor will visit you, keep yourself and others safe."

Kinda bizarre, I feel like I'm in a movie of some sort (the worst sort).

>If they can't find out where did this poor kid gets the virus from within 24 hours Taiwan is fucked.
Eh. If Korea could survive a cultist getting a few thousand people infected within 2 weeks, I think you'll survive.

Might cost you freedom of mobility in Case 100's city for a while though.

Side effect of "cure" is difficulty breathing FUCKING KEK

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>implying a virus can consciously augment replication to gain tactical advantage against outside, unknown threats

>Maybe that's a good thing
it definitely is a good thing
humanity does not survive on credit rating

at least you aren't getting any immigrants, if that is a plus. Yas Forums wanted closed borders, so this is one way of getting it.

Pastabro here knows his shit. /cvg/ threads need more informed people instead of people who spam clickbait garbage as established facts. Good on you mane.

All the SARS strains are the angels coming for Adam. Corona-Chan is the final third impact.

Many expect the far right parties to get plenty of votes after all this shit it over, mostly for these reasons:
Virus was caused by fucking chinese foreigners and globalized market.
EU is not fucking helping at all
Current govern doesn't really know how handle this shit, and one way or another they'll be blamed. For death or due to SMEs closing down without work.

>elderberries fag
you disappeared forever now you are back, what's going on to make you come shill again?

Something like that. The world in general has become extremely right-ish in a couple of days and I absolutely love it. Fuck globalism, fuck foreigners, gimme New World Order.

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Have been saying this from the beginning. Most infectious diseases adhere to the 20/80 rule (20% of infected cause 80% of infections) but with the SARS superspreader phenomenon this is more likely to be something like 2/90.
Take out the tiny minority of asymptomatic superspreaders and the disease can be halted. We need tests.