Germany’s incredibly low death rate continues to evade explanation

5th most infected globally... but with 26 deaths we are 10-50 times less likely to die than other people.

How is this possible?

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just random

> not counting casualties as corona victims but as pneumonia, liver failure etc
> lying
> a bit of both
chose your poison
I know that France stopped testing most people but just forgot to tell it.

Germany isn't doing tests on kedavas to see if they had the virus prior to death, rather they only test a few people then follow that person.

Younger/newer cases, less time to “resolve.” Yes, you might only have 26 deaths but you also only have 67 recovered. That’s the number that matters, not total # of cases. The ratio of those 2 is a lot closer to other countries.

Why is the recovery rate so low?

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This. Places like Japan are doing the same. There's no universally accepted testing method so everyone's just flying by the seat of their pants.

It's because Germans are naturally more self isolating and Independent compared to French Italians and English

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Because doctors here only count people as recovered if they have been virus-free a week.

It’s just taking longer for them to die

you only get tested if you show all the symptoms AND had exposure to a verified case

Because the whole thing is a nothingburger

Italy has so many deaths because they have the 2nd highest % of elderly population behind Japan.

South Korea has ran the most tests of any country. Look at their ratios.

This is all being hyped for some other yet to be determined purpose.

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Superior Race

It's probably mostly young people. In italy most deaths are of boomers.
I wish they released some stats about the age of the sick and dead.

a lot of people aren't diagnosed yet so they don't count in stats.

One germ user said germany has an armada of ventilators which is why they can keep the most people breathing and alive even with lungs completely wrecked. Someone should confirm.

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Don’t think so. We are testing a shitton of people, even in “drive in testing” locations.

67 Recovered
26 Dead.
That's like a 38% Mortality rate, Bro.
That's... horrifyingly high.
93 resolved cases.
26 of them dead.
What are you thinking, Hans? Are you retarded or what? You can't count unresolved cases, sport. Get your shit together, Fritz. Use that Critical Thinking skills you fucking Krauts are supposed to be famous for.

This, Merkel tricked us all with her liberal bs and is now going to set up concentration camps filled with migrants as the German population survives and pushes into Poland again.

government lying as usual, they know we germans are a little autistic so they are afraid when they publish the real numbers we try to reanimate Hitler

We have 500,000 ICU beds, all equipped with oxygen and ventilators. Highest number to population in tge world.

Germany is empty.
All of the vampires with German surnames are here.

We have 2 critical cases right now ... out of 10k.

Germanic and nordic genes already have stronger immunity to things like AIDS, so it's very likely that immunity is going to play a roll.

We might truly be natures and/or god's chosen people.

You have 93 resolved cases and 26 deaths of those 93 resolved cases.
That's WAY fucking high, Hans.

well I am showing symptoms for a week now and my GP just said I won't get tested. The breathing got better today though.

in the third millennium there are still people who believe the Germans

bullshit. we do more than 100k tests a week. more than most countries. more tests == more accurate number of infected == low death rate

Deaths gone up by 9 in one day. 17>26. More than 50%. It's soon to explode.

Germany's healthcare and wealth is such that they can actually test lots of people. America is so poor and mishandled that we have thousands of cases that will never be tested that are recovering or have recovered already that have to stay away from healthcare and testing stats as to not sabotage our old people.

Multiple factors:
- we have lots of ICUs and ventilators compared to most nations (my girlfriend can confirm this, she works in the ambulance service)
- Germans are less social than Italians or the French, so we are more likely to isolate
- higher population density leads to more cases (eg. when compared to France), however, we also do have a much higher density of hospitals than our neighbouring nations....
- recovery rate is determined by an other heuristic than in other nations

probably corrupt and lots of people are dying but the cause of death is said to be "natural". I don't trust a ZOG puppet state where jews want to kill the natives - especially the elderly to tell the truth.

Genetic factors I presume. Maybe prevalence of G6PD-deficiency could e.g. explain high death rates in Italy ... maybe CCR5-delta32 acts protective by not allowing infected macrophages to disseminate the virus into deep lung tissue. Maybe Itals are using outdated ventilation protocols and actually kill ventialted patients by long-term pressure trauma. We'll know afterwards ... death rate in Germany could still surge, too early in the infection. Ask again in a week if it is still that low.

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t. German user living on the German/French border with family and friends on both sides.

More room for young vital and fit Merkel immigrants. Europa is doomed.

Germanic genes. Slavs seems to be imune too.

There is explanation. Germany is not testing the dead like Italy.

You're dumb. Nobody is getting tested in Germany, nor the Netherlands, in case you show severe symptoms.

Cases in the Netherlands are very low too, it's because we, like the Germans, don't panic easily.

germany has a very old population
old people are susceptible to lung damage
take your meds

German cleanliness and efficiency.

no clue

It doesn't kill Nordics, the bio-engineering was a success

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It takes weeks to die from the virus. A lag time between the spike in new cases and the corresponding deaths is to be expected.

You probably just have HIV, don’t panic.

What's the latest news in regard to proof of niggers being biologically retarded/HBD, Doc?

German Healthcare is better

Based. Good to know germans finally realized quantity of equipment actually matters.


harry potter did this.

you mean "cadavers"

1) The epidemic just started... It take a bit of time to die
2) The health system is not saturated yet
3) There is also probably genetic factors, making some phenotype more resistant
4) The virus is rapidly mutating, it might be that the strain spreading in Germany is less deadly


explain japan death rates then retard


my muslim co-worker thinks muslims are immune to corona virus. fucking fat retarded faggot.

Germany has no mandatory autopsy. So everyone who didn't get diagnosed when alive won't get tested when dead.

because its a fucking nothing burger

>Germans just genetically better
Then how come you lost WW1 and WW2?

Hm, no idea ... not following that much recently. Lots of wörk and now al that virus shit.

Nigga you mad?! Srsly, you will hear my voice when the time is right. Europa erwache! ;)

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>is rapidly mutating
Just to correct myself.
As a RNA virus, the virus can mutated and numerous strains has been observed (the maximum difference is 10 nucleotides over 30000).
But, I think when compared to other RNA virus, covid-19 is not mutating fast.

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what about Iran?

Probable reasons:
>Your gov blame most of deaths on other issues(pneumonia, influenza, heart diseases etc)
>pic rel (although it doesnt explain UK unless they really fucked up with this herd immunity idea)

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... aaaaand you failed at evolution already. Also, if you wanna talk "better" ... just say Austrian, ok?

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unironically this. ive met germans and they are weird autistic retards while every single austrian i ever met was completely based and red pilled.


read this thread

Italy aslo has the largest (320,000) chinese nationals living in the north

where are you located?

>How is this possible?
Nigger jizz holds untold immunity properties.

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You telling me Austria wasn't a part of the axis/germany during ww2?
You telling me you don't think of yourself as a german, when you're preaching german superiority?