Was it based or cringe?

Was it based or cringe?


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This is a war crime and in direct violation of the geneva convention. I hope the Australian justice system finds the soldiers and locks them up for life.

military always try and hire the psychos

Wrong, the Ozzie's are based and are only doing what the Afghani would do if they had the military prowess of western nation's.

>the west can lose its moral high ground and we can act like animals cause they do as well
uhm no. our main spiel is that we pretend that we are better than everyone else cause of our civilized behavior. if thats gone we have nothing going for us and are dogs like them

I fucking love Australia. Some of the best, nicest people I ever met live there. I'm gonna move to aus or NZ soon, can't wait to do my best to save the island from the chinks and abos.

With that said, it seems that the real, absolutely based men are in the military while the civies are mostly beta Nu males

>muh innocent goat fucker he dindu nuffin
yeah nah muzzie poof probably got caught missing all his shots because he sucks shit

Imagine if that was you you sick British fuck thank God one day a Paki will do that to you

He should walk. Did a good deed dropping that faggot.

Do you think our ancestors look down on us and laugh? Or weep?

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sorry we've just hit no vacancies mate but new zealand should be happy to have you

this low iq soldier has ensured the creation of thousands of new jihadis, and the deaths of many innocent australians.

war is war, people fight and people die, there are acts of heroism and cowardice, this was the latter

we did shit like this all the time in afghanistan. fuck them anyway.

It's definitely a war crime, but fuck muzzies.

paki detected. pakis please use the muslim or jihadi flag. sorry for your killing your fambly.

What do you do when you have a rat in the house?

What do you do when there is muslims around?

Its the same thing. You do what has to be done.

it used to be your engineering, but yeah, i guess your tolerance of your women getting raped every new years en masse is definitely peak germany

>on foreign soil

Some Taliban asshole hiding in the grass, they didn't just land a helicopter there to get that guy for nothing. Better shoot them before they can blow themselves up.

based af

Nice to see a German that gets it. We are superior than them in every way. Academically. Financially. Religiously. Our genes are superior, our brains are superior, we are the true builders of this world. We own this, and the lesser races should know their place and the mercy we give them.

What happens when laws falter? Financial system? Worldwide chaos?

The only thing that matters is the one they try so hard to destroy.
It's the fact that our kind rules this land. It is our birthright. Our ancestors, day by day, with li es filled with wars, conflict, misery, hardship, they made sure we would inherit this civilization. This way of life. Our freedom and the freedom of white children.

When everything else is gone, this is what matters. Germans, French, Britain, US, Greeks, Spaniards...no more brother wars. We, united as one, WILL eventually crush the lesser races again, but this time, we will do it as one. We will have our own world order. A planetary ethnostate that can forever put these sorts of conflicts to rest.

>tantamount to war crimes
Just plain war crimes

Geneva Convention only applies to uniformed combatants of GC upholding nations, sweetie ;).

What he did was wrong, but I don't fucking blame him and I I'd pretend I didn't see it.

>will eventually be migrants storming western borders
yeah nah.

I've already shared this vid on 2 muslim forums and gonna post on more. And hopefully start a fire in young muslims.

Eye for an eye. :)

Extremely stupid though, dipshit ruined his life over some Afghan farmer

Hope some day Chinese invade USA and start hunting mutts with drones. No one will cry for americans being blown up, the world will see it as a justice served.


A billion more to go


Lmao @ all the seething mudshits in the comments
Oh Allah revenge him OOGA booga l m a o get fucked sandniggers

He didn't they planted an AK-47 on the farmer and the defence cleared soldier C of any wrongdoing.

Show flag

migrants are scum though.
even for the ones back at home

gas the migrants, close the borders, leave the natives alone.

And behold, a pasta is born

>show flag

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Why is everyone saying cringe now lI'll ke it wasnt already a horrible idea10 years ago?

Chink chong ping pong, me get massive insect army across ocean with navy tiny like my cock

Seeting chang.

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Both somehow.

>all the muzzies crying to Allah in the comments

Imagine if a Muslim country's army invaded your country and went around killing any civilian they pleased. Fucking crackers are the pure embodiment of evil.

What i find funny is people think this isn't of the normal overseas.

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wtf would a scat nigger kraut fag know about war crimes?

I take it back after seeing some of this cunts defenders speak up. He actually did NOTHING WRONG and should shoot more of these dune coons lest they fuck the entire world by their sheer existence.

Will germans ever stop lecturing other people about moral behavior? Your race is literally a threat to our entire species.

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>civies are mostly beta Nu males

Same everywhere

no monkies allowed

>Giving shitskins even more reason to come flooding our countries because they're not safe in theirs
Yeah bro that's super based :)

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are you seriously asking or shitposting? What the fuck is wrong with those soldiers?

>war crimes
what a meme concept

>t. subhuman cuck

i literally don't understand wht an aussoid is doing in afghan, it's got absolutely nothing to do with you and you're there killing randos. was it just because they cucked your muttkike master?

>shooting an unarmed farmer
>because you're an invader in his country
>...protect mutt opium
>...on behalf of Satan's Synagogue

if this is your idea of "based", Princess Corona will set you straight -- by and by

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They do do that you fucking dumbcunt kill yourself

Hope that asshole gets a slap on the wrist for not killing more of those cunts.

They are slaves of their jewish owners.

australians are protecting opium?


Thats fucked up. You were in THEIR country shooting innocent peaceful farmers and civilians

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because you let them in u downunder goy
