Enjoy making some crusty ass dude rich while you enjoy some shit wage cuck.
>but my wife!
>my home!
Seriously a home and a 5/10 wife is all you can brag about? Bringing children into this disgusting world is a selfish act not to mention love isn't real. You are the most brainwashed group of retards. Wagies hate their lives, they use drugs, alcohol, religion anything to cope with their misery. In the grand scheme of things their labor will mean nothing, they just make a capitalist rich like the slaves they are.
ITT: We laugh at wagies
Other urls found in this thread:
Abortions are gas.
I enjoy doing minimum tasks and with this shit going on, I'm getting paid for doing NOTHING
Feels good to have mummy handing me tendies and hot pockets while I play animal crossing new leaf on my Nintendo 3ds again
And with the new Donny bucks later on, life is good in my basement
My favorite poster
thread theme
You're not wrong.
Wagecucks BTFO
Value hypocrisy. If I gas 50 million people a year am I a hero or a villain? Does it matter what method I use method man?
>mfw the wagies actually believed the NEETs weren't gonna get the trumpbux
>might abuse cold medicine
Kek! Made me think of my dad
I wonder why the wagie won't live as us neets
It's such a comfy life, I wouldn't give it up for anything as long as mummsies is around
It's truly sad that people in this world would choose working for large corporation and being treated like absolute gutter trash in exchange for a barely liveable wage. Really makes you think.
I have a choice. I can gas 50’million people or I can save 50 million people if equative equality exist? What should I choose if I abandoned responsibility?
You try to justify your life and your choices by assuming other people are getting it wrong and don’t know what’s best for them. Narrow minded dumb fuck. You and your brain are not special. You are nothing, just Ike everyone else. And your ideas aren’t original or authentic. You are insecure by default, seeing how you are projecting so hard right now. Go fuck a dog OP.
Gas millions to save billions
Alarm clock beeping
Wagecucks weeping
Time for floor sweeping
And burger fIipping
While NEETs are still sleeping
gas the the whole world except neets to get rid of the degeneracy
>Be wage slave
>Work off every part of the body and only get 2 days of break and only $30,000 a year
>Repeat this for 40 years
>Be pink haired girl
>Earn an easy $5,000 just by being a plastic container filled with water
What’s your alternative?
I’m a king I have another choice. I can gas 50 million human life forms or gas 50 million sheep. If I abandoned responsibility and were pharaoh what would I choose? How would the world kill at me. How can I change it so I’m doing good? Like it’s an achievement? What is the value placed on age size and brain and organ development? Should it be protected because it has no voice and is weak and vulnerable? This is the nature of the beast? When you are old enough yes. When you are not no. This is what we teach. Morals. Responsibility. When it comes to life creation and protection law is it’s only protecting mechanism when all else fails. This is the benchmark. 120(COC). Attachment destroyed leaving choice vulnerable to attack like the weak position it is.
Hasta la vista ( baby)
Woah there wagie! Isn't it a bit late to be awake? How are you gonna be able to get up at 6, commute for 2 hours, and still work for Mr. Shekelstein for 8.25 without passing out? If he doesn't get another private jet this quarter he may cut your PTO...assuming you get any at all.
Oh no no no wagie
You don't want me to call up your manager know do we?
>parasite completely reliant on goverment
>call anyone brainwashed
top kek, no wonder only golemutts post in this thread
It comes down to survival and of course it is used against us sometimes. It’s a position of authority. However it takes the slave to submit. In all honesty then justify position ( survival) it’s original design. What do you recommend as an alternative?
I’m a slave to no one. And an insomniac. I well over that wage and commute 30 minutes. Now fellow faggot, what’s your alternative. and nihilism don’t count. What else
>im a slave to no one
What they offer is small technicalities to appease. This is the definition of a hack.
Go ahead, based pepe gets mad respect, put in a good word.
Anyways... what would YOUR alternative be?
Im 3 months behind on rent and don't plan on paying lol and got laid off a week ago. I guess it would be nice to get a check from the government but I honestly don't give a fuck. I hope we all die lol.
>Be wage slave
>Work off every part of the body and only get 2 days of break
Who's only getting two days off? 3 weeks, and sick days.
>and only $30,000 a year
Lol, is this a high school job? This sounds like projecting, is this all you can get?
>be meet
>every family member disappointed in you
>dont make a family of your own, live like a child instead
>one day, wake up and have to find a job or finally recognize the issue with your living condition
>have to go flip burgers because you have zero experience and nothing to put on a resume
>do this just to survive until you die
I couldnt imagine this life being enjoyable in any measure.
Too pussy to give me your idea of ideal living?
fuck me, this thread just shows how many shills, gov agencies, and newfags that are brainwashed have entered Yas Forums this year.
Wait, so NEETs really are getting money? Not just workers?
Be in bed all day playing minecraft and dota 2 while eating pizza bites
Slaving for a boss is overrated
Come home wagie
Found the wagie
Self reliance is missing. Land is freeland. We all answer to someone. Masters kings pharaoh or boss . Same thing different name. It’s self reliance lack of. The system is designed. Life is designed to have a master. A boss. A pharaoh. It’s not the whip boy. Self reliance builds character and strength. You can rely on yourself to do all task. It’s that simple. However we are not taught this and are not( all rounders all round) we are pushed into single positions to become a master of the art. However we lack on all other fronts and rely on others which again is a point to encourage. Self reliance. What do you really need to master?
>much self reliance
Why is that “self reliance” means making some kike rich? Okay, how about I just grow my own food and lay around all day in the woods.
What's with you guys wanting to just lay around?
That's your problem right there. Can you decide nothing for yourself? Unimaginative slave minds apparently need an authoritarian whip.
To stop being a slave, practice even the slightest amount of self determinism. Decide what it is you want to do and do it for yourself instead of for a master. Fucking complicated right?
Where do NEETS get their money for goods and services and shelter? Trust me I'd quit my job in a second if I could but I need money to live and welfare here is dependent on job searching.
People be like oh yeah let's have a kid omfg!
Kid later on in life be like how is this free will again if I didnt want to exist to begin with in this piece of shit world?
I want to! I really do. I just don’t know how to stay in a home without a job... it’s the missing link in all this fuckery.
They don't choose it, not really, not anymore than they choose their first known language. It was beat into them by boomers. My mom is fucking miserable working, having a choice between a position that will wreck her body or one that will eat 10+ hours of her day with zero guarantee of weekends. "When are you going to go back to work user?"
You make it sound good. Try again. Does not work. I offer you a responsibility. 120(COC) self reliance is an all rounder with the ground game. All products manifested end up as recycling or trash as the end result. What do you say about that method man?
Mummy and uncle Sammy have money
Worry about yourself and have mummy take care of you
You have to hustle the world you live in to get what you want. I am executing my goals. Where do you get your money?
I got laid off in December (thanks trump! it was a manufacturing job that was decent pay!) along with a couple dozen other people. Not going to lie, It was the best possible time considering everythings falling apart and I have had a good long time to unwind from the stress of it. You would be amazed at what a few months away from a shit job can do for your mental health. Looking back, I can't believe how angry and constantly pissed off and stressed and just exhausted I was feeling all the time, I couldn't think straight, was not getting good sleep, just feeling bad. Well, replace that with weeks upon weeks of R&R and escort blowjobs and I'm feeling pretty fucking great just in time for the end of the world. I saw it coming for years though, Trump is a zionist puppet and the government was scared of the goyim knowing. You are now witnessing the "SHut IT DOWWWWN" stage. Nice knowing you faggots.
What if mummy won't give me money?
Speak this again when:
>nobody would produce anything to eat for you >nobody would make toilet paper
>nobody would transport it to markets
>nobody would pick up your trash
>nobody would produce electricity for you
>nobody would make internet running
You are trash and you know it, money doesn't make how useful is a person for society
And you will die alone if not those people
Holy shit that's me a week ago
You threaten her that you'll kill yourself
Two things can happen
1. Mummy will have to oblige, she wouldn't let her number one boy die for anything
And in the case she refuses, you call cps, arrest mummy and uncle sammies will take care of you or whatever gov entity you have
I already attempted suicide and mummy doesn't want to ever leave my side ever
Daddy couldn't take it anymore, but I always have my mummy :3
And barely any of those people are paid what they're worth. Why would you work a job that doesn't treat you as though you are valuable for your services?
Exactly me, beats suicide though, for a bit
I'm at work right now, I assemble electronics. My colleagues are not here and I am the only mixed race white Asian person in the workplace. Everyone is releasing their frustrations against me. Keeping distance from me, they equipped themselves with distance sticks to push me with if I step into their boundaries. I want to go home.
Enjoy eating out of trash bins you poverty-ridden asshole
Then go home
Fuck them all and just play animal crossing with me
No one is forced to work. Don’t feel bad for them.
>Enjoy eating out of trash bins you poverty-ridden asshole
This is the way it should be. We have technological capabilities to live comfortably, have food and shelter and work only a few hours a week. At least in the West. The fact that you're not is because you're being oppressed and enslaved.
We have a choice. This. You can gas 50 million humans or save 50 million humans. Will you be a saviour or a killer? The choice is yours. The power of choice. However it needs a attachment or justification. This is where you create 120(COC) to nullify the attachment. Then choice can be used as I have done to highlight how insane people are and the lengths people will go to avoid responsibility. As in work. Or life. The theory is simple honest and stands up to liars. So I ask you fellow red pulled maniacs will you choose to kill 50 million humans or not? I don’t give a rats ass how you do it as long as the results are based.
Based. I got some good boy points for fixing the sink today.
Ok you've been posting for a bit and I'll bite, wtf are you on?