Most of you will be taken into custody this Friday. Enjoy your "time out"

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Wait wut. Why?

Hello newfag

Attached: Arrested for hmmm.jpg (720x715, 97.66K)

Not me faggot.

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Its a larp.

Where can I buy one of those little hats?

kekw okay kneegrow

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this guy gets it

I have a pass

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They are coming for the food of preppers, I knew it

You've been on those lists forever. The uncensored part was and is still our chance to fight back.

Listen if we fail and get taken out it'll probably be better that way so that we don't have to live through the horror that would come after.

I don’t have a choice man, I’ve got kids. I’m 14 words all the way.

Just set element T somewhere they'd pass, no more glowsticks

The jail is just for niggers

Keep masturbating to your totalitarian fantasies.

>I’ve got kids
Non-virgins completely took over my boards. Ech. Blech. Hrrrkh.

You're already posting here. According to zephyr and pogo dude they've had you already for long ago. If you've ever typed ((())) on any jew name or you even know what those parenthesis mean.... you're on a list.

It's better to fight back than go get FEMAed and if you survive you're essentially a braindead super normie even kinda like a lobotomite.
You'd rather that for your kids? Cant blame you, but seriously if you're worried about POGO and Zephyr, you should have left a long time.

it escapes me...

I’m just here to help my brothers secure the existence of our people and a future for white manchildren famalam.

I love the Jewish people, I support Israel, Freemasonry, and the United States government.

>you should have left a long time
Left what, Yas Forums? I guess you have a point, but remember you’re here forever. Knowing what’s really going on is the most true freedom we’re allowed. And at least now we have a bit of a head start. If we’re lucky.

Yes friend we're all in this together.


I wonder what will happen to me.
I've been dissecting the retarded stormfags ever since they started showing up and spamming you dumb kids to fuck.
But I talk a lot of shit about everybody and everything, I write from all kinds of viewpoints and pretend to be many different things.
There is pretty much no way that I haven't at least annoyed the piss out of any agent who has had to sift through my nonsense, no matter what their mission or ideology is.

Yo tambien... no me deporten, Israel es el mejor

Osama hizo el 911

all mutts, by all rights, should be incarcerated in non racially or sexually segregated prisons

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Did canada close borders? You know with you guys being so immigrant friendly and all.

Seems to be a common thread amongst you bugmen. No real identity or integrity. Nothing to fight for.

I'm under covert house arrest since 2017.

> inb4 oy vey, take your meds, skitzo

not if i log out on Thursday

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Come and get me

Just so everyone knows, everything i have ever posted on this website was satire and i infiltrated Yas Forums for a social experiment. I think racists should be executed and i support whatever decisions our government sees fitting wholeheartedly. Thanks for reading my blog.

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>name fag
>obvious outsider vibes
This post has unequivocally proven to me that all these concern threads are bullshit

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The gov and I already have an arrangement. They pay me neetbux to leave normalfags alone IRL.

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And the roaches scatter. Imagine that.

Well i knew it was going to happen eventually.
Ah well. It was nice to shitposting with y'all faggots while it lasted.
Tell Trumpo I did it all and I never regretted anything.
Truly, Hitler did nothing wrong.

niggers better not touch my Anons unless they want me to unleash my real power

Swing and a miss. I'm from the before times.
You wouldn't have lasted one day of my youth without getting fagbashed by everybody around you.

Larp harder you dumb fucking leaf.


enjoy your fema coffins


for saying mean things about jews and posting merchants, jews have feelings you know just like any other human beings, you can't just go round saying stuff and making cruel cartoons
hope you like the FEMA camp


They've got toilet paper on the inside, right?

I'm ready. How 'bout you?

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Kippahs, we have a smoked fish in the UK called kippers, I think they are named after the little hats because once smoked they kind of curl up and they stink really bad like jews, I could be way off the mark though

Pogo and Zyphr.
You were all warned, and even if you missed the explicit warnings how could you not figure out that this place is a honeypot designed to identify anti-globalists, or that controlled opposition is a thing.

Doesn't it strike you as odd how many young healthy Chinese dissidents have succumbed to the virus? Did it not occur to you that the Italian patriotic movement has lost a large swathe of its key membership and that the Globalists haven't even really got warmed up yet?

The fact is you all knew you were on their radar, you all know you are on the list, but how many of you took adequate precautions? How many of you made the right kind of preparations? And how many of you are simply too stupid to have done any of the above?

99% of people posting on here will be murdered in their homes and their name added to a list of Corona victims, just another statistic.

>Enjoy your "time out"
aw we gwoing on vwacashun? OwO?

gchq we are not afraid of you

Nice deepstate larp, fagtron. Q will prevail.

Forgot your memeflag, you shill.

so it's really true, we're in Weimar 2.0 except there's no uncle A to save us from the communists, the new bolsheviks will stage the biggest genocide in history and they'll say just like they did in Russia that their victims were "racists"
it's been funghis

>changes ID but not flag
Nice shill job. Q will WIN!

Just remember to cough all over your persecutors, the executioners will all be faggots and trannies
erm what

Mein neger....

As the cool kids use to say back In the day,

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>being a Zephyrshill

have sex schitzo

Don't feed him attention, it's one of the Qtard plebbit refugees. He'll sperg for 10-20 more posts and fuck off.

There it is!

Anyway, seeing as we're all going to die in the Jewish camps anyway we might as well shitpost like there's no tomorrow
For the record GCHQ, I don't hate all jews, my mum and my rabbi are really nice people
take your meds incel

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Can i bring my switchlite