Anyone have more examples?
Pol being wrong
Is Yas Forums both always wrong and always right at the same time?
Imagine being this autistic and petty
and the best example is a undercover chink?
There are a ton of CHAD panickers.
Imagine being this autistic to where you think one poster's opinion is the collective Yas Forums being "wrong".
how does this graph look now? 18th of march?
It should at least be a straight line if it's growing exponentially though
Why are a bunch of threads about the virus slowing down being made right now? You trying to psyop me into going outside?
It says that multiples times.
It's showing less than exponential growth.
even if we were right, retards like you would call us schizos and tell us to take meds
gee whiz tell me how you made the data look like this again?
no you don't get it, when one person on Yas Forums is right, that means Yas Forums was right, but when one person on Yas Forums is wrong, that doesn't mean that Yas Forums was wrong. duh
>bat soup
>Yellowstone is going to kill us all this weekend
>you’re all going to die in one month because DIGITS
>Trump cares about voters
>that dude from Charlottesville will walk free because he didn’t kill the wale with his Charger
And about 1k more that are boring and often repeated.
literally any prediction from the early corona threads
Based Aussie shitposter
>Anyone have more examples?
Too many to count actually. Yas Forums is just a twitter news aggregator by now.
>Can't into log
Go back to Mexico, juan
No one is really being tested though.
I laughed at trump cares about his voters.
These trump supporters are as bad as the boomer ones.
>Doesn't know what a logarithmic scale is
If it were increasing exponentially it'd continue as a straight line. Aka a virus not yet hitting it's saturation point. Since it's flattening it means either it already hit it's saturation point or it's ability to spread has been affected.
Not sure if accurate.
>hospitals running out of tests to give
>cdc telling hospitals to stop testing people
>china outright lying about cases and deaths
gee Yas Forums I wonder why line not straight no more
line not straight no more mean nothing burger, right Yas Forums?
I’m a trump supporter by default. I hate Clinton and Biden is just Obama white. Trump cares more about the 1% and business. Not voters. We’re cattle to him. We wouldn’t be getting any stimulus payments if it wasn’t an election year.
Like I said. I support him by default.
It will be over in two weeks just like Dilbert Man said.
here's the one with the lying chink data removed
Switch it to linear view jackass
If it were increasing exponentially it would be going further up each day you fucking idiot. A straight line is just consistent.
nothing to see here :^)
There is no helping retards like you.
Neck yourself faggot.
>If it were increasing exponentially it would be going further up each day you fucking idiot. A straight line is just consistent.
Wow you really are a retard.
>Logarithmic scale
So the growth is indeed exponential.
Testing capacity and throughput does not increase exponentially.
Please look up "Logarithmic Plot" you fucking literal braincel retard.
For christs sake how hard is it?
t. fucking american kike you piece of shit
"other locations" is the 6.3 billion of the rest of the world's population outside of China. Of course the number of cases will be higher. It would have to reach 4.6x the amount of cases in China for it to match the official Chinese numbers.
>American education
There's nothing more beautiful than a log chart. Maybe a log log one.
It's a logarithmic scale
Brainlets don't know but op is trolling
Yas Forums is always right and we're going straight to the moon.
>although in the end only old people will die and the panic caused by The Chinese Flu will be worse than the flu itself
>this kills the doomer
Pic related is what an exponential function looks like when plotted on a logarithmic scale.
Ffs you stupid ccp shill.
Italy has 30k cases and china is 23x the population, more densely popukated and has had the disease longer. Theres 0 chance its 80k
idgaf about how many cases there are
i'm responding to the window licking retard who tried to include fudged numbers from china in the dataset
remove the false numbers from the dataset and it is still growing exponentially
>Posting a picture of exactly what I fucking said
Jesus Christ just hang yourself
Yes, a constant positive gradient.
Basically like OP's graph.
You're not trying to visually compare gradients on different sets of axes are you brainlet? Because that would be really stupid and also gay.
Don't @ me bro
Drain le swamp
Seattle habbening
>Bong thinks that's a straight line
Are Brits incapable of detecting arc difference until 5 degrees, or just pakis?
But if you look at other countries individually this isn't happening. Even in Italy it's starting to flatten off similar to the world wide cases in OP's image.
Thanks for confirming you are being retarded.
It's a real world data set based on fundamentally inaccurate data, you can in no way conclude that you don't have evidence of a straight line in your log plot, let alone be so confident about it.
Do you even error bar bro?
No you don't, evidently.
I have to get up and go to work now (from home thanks to the Chinese flu), don't have time to go over secondary school data analysis with you.
If you aren't trolling then you're a lil nigga and my maths dabs on your maths.
this is assuming death rate doubles every 3 days which has been the trend so far and the growth rate in Italy.
>running out of tests
>unable to hospitalize all patients
>telling people over 80 years old to stay home and die there instead of taking up a bed that could be used to help a younger person
there are many things factoring into these statistics
Do linear graphs make you more comfortable kek
its still growing around 1.45
People who don't understand log graphs, look away now!
It's already 9 bingy bongs, it's morning. If you're going to make up errors you can't prove, you're the retard
>Deaths per day assumption is the current total deaths
sauce for this graph?
Its 8, yurope doesnt do DST like you do.
Ah yes, thank you.
kinda inevitable considering the noise.