Attached: 89965398_242006330508277_1549149340222619648_n.jpg (952x960, 121.03K)

People would rather die from corona virus than go to Africa.



but that isn't happening?

Well this is clearly wrong since many italians are flying there

>mass pandemic that coused mass hysteria and whole europe to shut down
>still everyone would rather die here then "live" anywhere else in the world


Why is the poverty thing gone in the second panel?

Based Italian spreaders

Just because Africa banned travel from Europe doesn't mean a single fucking soul even considered going there in the first place

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based first post bruce

Then the cartoon is wrong. Why use a boat if they are flying? Pretty dumb user

How many? And are they native Italians or the "italians" that arrived via shrimp boat?

How many millions of people are escaping the EU again and fleeing to africa? Oh right, nearly none.

Attached: 1527632446209.png (500x566, 129.18K)

I don't recognize a difference desu.

The bottom half of the image is not happening though. Whoever made this is a disingenuous lying faggot

literally everything in that picture is false. Our politicians would never say STAY ON YOUR CONTINENT. And no sane european would go to africa now.

eat shit abdul

you're not involved twain

we need to completely ignore bait posts. Let them die in obscurity.

Not in this universe. You're not based in reality.

Except not even the niggest of niggers are actually fleeing to Africa

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No its not, just more Deep State BS. The Gentiles aren't looking to move to Somalia and sign up for welfare and get free housing, like what the MENA invaders are doing to Europe and the JEWSA.

Anyone else notice just how fucking many more are on the immigrant boat?
It's almost like it's an actually god damn problem and not a fucking joke.

Because your africa meme is

Attached: Luanda_in_Angola.jpg (1600x1216, 256.14K)

The nigger stole it.

Guilt is a manipulation tool.


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Kill yourself.



Attached: 27HZhOW_d.jpg (640x360, 10.83K)

Now show us a city in Somalia

Literally how? They were let in. Fucking kike comic.

you literally cannot refute this

Niggers rly are delusional

I like how they flee the poverty problem,literally third world problems

africans who went to italy and going back are now considered italians?whatever, italians are truly niggers of youroup.

Go back to plebbit nigger faggot

Most of them are young fighting age rapists. They don't do shit to make money in host country just eat up the gibs and shit out more rapists

I'll take a cold over Ebola and aids or even worse niggers.

Yeah, at least we’re still better than somalia :D

>says the pathetic whitepod larping as a gook
take off your proxy faggot

>literally just making shit up at this point

Exactly my thoughts
Fuck niggers and the eternal liberal slaves to niggers

Just send an army, you don't need consent from people living in mud huts when your tanks have a higher living quality than their "homes".

they are niggers who were lately settled in italy dumbass

Lmao, who the fuck would go to Africa?

I wonder how much of that was funded by arabs, chinese and whites

Pic related

Attached: 4F15039F-47E3-40C0-85C1-0892238DBED3.jpg (1532x1144, 134.83K)

>40 billion in Britain.
This is pocket money for brits government.
Now give it to Somalia and you can control the whole nation.

why does one boat say immigrants and the other doesn't?

Italians are the only people.


Attached: countries-receiving-most-investment-from-abroad-814b.jpg (1600x1064, 567.34K)

Like this shit isn't in Africa already. Those 13th century niggers just don't have a way to test for it.

lmao no one is going to fucking Africa on boats


Attached: 509.jpg (615x484, 35.81K)

Really? That's what these people believe the reason ia that we europeans don't want niggers? Lets ignore their violence and their ability to disrupt and destroy everything they touch.

Are there seriously people this out of touch with reality? Niggers are way more of a danger to a country than a virus will ever be.
The reason being that you can recover from a virus but you will never get rid of a nigger once you let them in.

Go back to ur country muhammad


Cared enough to post reddit tier caption dumb ape nigger aids faggot

So africa alone is responsible for the african development of the last decades, while it’s actually us who are being bought up by foreign money

Who would be so dumb to flee corona into countries with nonexistent healthcare?

Do they think nationalists object to this?

Take off your proxy like that user said James

Who the fuck is going to a nigger-infested shithole to avoid the Kung Flu?

Attached: Knights in Grey.jpg (3500x2400, 830.16K)

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How does it feel being such a burden on the planet. Everyone hates you nigger.

Pic related: european underclass colonising nigger infested shithole

Attached: 50B64FA8-58A2-459D-BE92-5312AED6327C.jpg (350x221, 13.94K)

Part eggplant

>Fleeing to Africa for healthcare of all things

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>Everyone hates you nigger.
America and Britain love us. We dominate entertainment and sports. Yas Forums tards are irrelevant

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Funny how neither the top or bottom panels actually happened

you give us far too much credit
but we're not sorry. We're not sorry your ancestors were piss weak backwards barbarians.

>another pathetic proxyfag

>america and Britain love us
The kikes use us

>implying people flee to fucking africa