>200,000 confirmed cases
>8,000 deaths
>in just two months
>entire countries are under lock down and quarantine
>no known cure yet
Explain to me how this virus is a nothingburger?
>8000 dead people in a world of almost 7.8B niggers
a lot of people aren't talking about the long-lasting effects of those who don't die.
apparently limited lung function and testicular damage are the most common side-effects. for life
There's still no cure for strep throat. the official vaccine was useless but remained on the market for 24 years.
Source on testicle damage?
There were 30 million cases of the flu and 70 thousand death in the US in 2018. Stop being a faggot
>"sars orchitis"
it's a common feature of these kinds of viruses.
about 8k people a month die from coronaviruses anyway
>8000 dead
>can't name 5
This isn't the flu
>apparently limited lung function and testicular damage are the most common side-effects
Dude, no source. It’s bs.
a virus can’t kill your sperm or lungs.
>a virus can’t kill your sperm or lungs.
lungs can be damaged by pneumonia
This is literally just a flu.
Does the flu have a 6% mortality rate you fucking retard?
coronaviruses make up between 5%-15% of all contagious respiratory illness cases (flu and colds).
without vaccine even more
i.e. in Italy they have 350k per season death from regular flu...
Because there are tens of millions who get the flu and hundreds of thousands who die from it in less than four months.
>no known cure yet
But there is a cure
It came from your country
Retards would tell you the media is scaring governments to crash their economies. Just on a basic test, does that make any sense?
The peak, at worst, is expected to kill 50,000 Americans per day for a whole month. It’s just a flu bro people are the biggest morons alive.
>test only 80 year old boomers with existing conditions about to die anyway
there are literally hundreds of virus strains that contribute to contagious respiratory illness cases and we only test for an extremely small handful if we test at all. covid-19 in all likelihood has been around for a few years. why do you think so many prominent people and celebs have tested positive? about 10% of people at any one time have some sort of flu/cold virus. about 5%-15% of all flu/cold viruses are made up by coronaviruses. see once testing ramps up the death rate will plummet to like 0.2% or lower.
the confirmed cases are all the worst case scenario of the virus because testing is limited. the actual number of infected is probably in the millions since the vast majority of people show no symptoms. If you account for that assumption the death rate becomes negligible because almost all deaths come from people already one foot in the grave from preexisting health conditions or advanced age. Now consider the fact that people are quarantined. There are less people on the roads meaning there are far fewer car accidents. People are going to catch less of the regular diseases like the flu and tuberculosis because of the prevention measures. Nonessential hospital operations are also postponed. WHO estimates there are 125k abortions done every day. The boomer doomer is not a nothingburger, it's actually going to spark a population boom.
I have faith in you Corona! Kill the boomers. DELETE THE FILTH!!
it is over 200K!!!!!!!!
Public hysteria is the biggest detriment that has come from the virus.
The virus itself doesn't seem to be that deadly.
africa get more and more cases of corona and the have a hotter climate then we have
that thing will stay for a long time not like the flu
also 7998 death 82964 recoverd fu your it only 1%
it's nothing burger until half of sub Saharan Africa's population dead by corona virus
glandular fever
People don't understand exponential curves nor do they grasp healthcare over-saturation. They'll somehow be taken by surprised even though anyone with an IQ 100+ could have seen this coming since January.
>but how could there be so many new cases all of a sudden? it just exploded out of nowhere
>why did the death rate suddenly spike?
>for life
Nigger how could anyone possibly know that until people affected lived.... the rest of their life. Fucking brainlet.
>No known FDA aproved cure
Plaquenil cures this shit
It's just a flu bro.
I think is more like some FUD the chick gov made up to get young people to play along with the quarantine
Yup, and then it'll become "a good start".
You going to admit to faggotry when the global death doesnt even hit a quarter million?
Absolutely, the money is pulled every 8 to 12 years, if you were old enough, you'd know that
It has a much higher death rate in the elderly, which is how you're claiming 6% for this
It's the flu, bro. You want it to grow FASTER for herd immunity.
It’s not nothing it’s worse than u can imagine
wtf is a level 4 infectious disease specialist?
Use google faggot euro cuck
feels to me like somebody is playing plague inc irl
fucking bio scientists
i just googled it and it doesnt give me anything. i guess he meant biosafety level 1-4. ok, but then he is somehow a "specialist" but seems to know little about viruses since hes very vague. an actual expert would give us details.
i call bullshit.
It's not nothing, but it's not the end of the world either. It's just another outbreak that happens every few years.
>The peak, at worst, is expected to kill 50,000 Americans per day for a whole month.
Fuck off chink shill.
This is expected to kill at least 1 billion americans per day for a whole year.
Fucking chink shills trying to downplay this I swear to god.
You have 95-98% chance to fully recover and develop immunity without even needing treatment
>thinks Photoshop lines are real
yeah we probably had events like this before and simply didnt notice it. there are over 200 viruses that cause flu like infections and in some cases the disease can get severe.
its the same with other viruses that cause flu symptoms: coxsackie, rsv, adeno, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses etc.
Because mr goldberg cannot afford losing any shekles by you staying at home
SARS was mainly ASIA
Asians number 1 for handling crises
yeah but something doesnt add up here. my country monitors influenza and flu like infections and apparently influenza has peaked in week 5 and 6 this year and flue like infections were also highest at that time, right now we dont have more flu like infections than in the years before, so corona doesnt really add much to the number of flu like infections.
im not saying nothingburger, but im still trying to get these somehwat paradoxical facts together in a unifying theory of how dangerous this new virus is.
havent seen the data for italy though.
a virus changes/damage your RNA that normal for a virus!!
>im not saying nothingburger
Yes you fucking are you chink shillbitch.
Anyone who doesn't agree that this is a massive fucking habbening and there are hundreds of millions of dead bodies hidden in wuhan and all the numbers are lies is a bitchshill chinkfucker.
This virus is gonna kill 6gorillian in 2 weeks from now.
>inb4 chink shills point out that thousands die every day from the regular flu
shut the fuck up shill bitches this is 10000 times worse than the flu.
The chinese numbers are lies and all the other countries are lies as well cuz they're moving even slower than the ccp reported numbers which proves that billions are dead already fuck you shillbitch fucker.
>im not saying nothingburger, but im still trying to get these somehwat paradoxical facts together in a unifying theory of how dangerous this new virus is.
Yea, I've been trying to figure this out too.
Right now I'm actually leaning towards nothingburger. I think we might just be looking at incomplete information and drawing faulty conclusions....
It doesn't feel like we're getting solid information from any direction really.
The fuck is wrong with you nothingburger cunts.
The scientists here on Yas Forums have determined that everyone is lying and it's actually trillions dead in china and in the rest of the world.
In 2 weeks from now you're gonna see bodies in the streets trust me bro.
Stop pointing out that the flu kills thousands a day. This virus is a million times worse than the flu. okay shills?
Does Corvid-19? Fucking retard.
Gotta love modernization
Listen man, it's entirely possible that the covid shit IS going to be really bad.
The nothingburger hypothesis can't really explain why italy is out of hospital beds.... why china had to build a bunch of extra hospitals.
I don't really get the whole picture here. I don't know what's going on.
>The nothingburger hypothesis can't really explain why italy is out of hospital beds.... why china had to build a bunch of extra hospitals.
There are a lot more undetected cases that display almost no symptoms at all and are therefore not tested in countries like italy (Italy are basically only testing the sick old boomers who were on the verge of death anyway - then when the next 98 year old who tested positive croaks it's another person added to the death stats). Whereas in countries like Korea they test basically everyone they find with even a slight cold. And even they are probably leaving out a lot of cases.
Best one to look at is the boomer death ship.
A month ago, out of 3000 passengers on that ship, 700 of them tested positive.
Of those 700, 7 have died, 456 have recovered, another 15 are in serious,critical condition. The rest are ok.
This is a ship full of sick old boomers where the average age is over 60 or something ridiculous, and almost all the ones who caught it are in their 70s.
Even then it still only manages to kill 7 of them.
But, to go back to my happeningfag character:
Shut the fuck up chink shill. The calculation was easy. Me and the other scientists here on Yas Forums simply ignored all evidence that nothing is happening (like the boomer death ship - we don't talk about that, or korea's numbers), and focused on Italy's numbers twitter posts, meme-charts, and the occasional actual doctor who either shits his pants about it or is looking for attention.
Also, any official numbers that prove us wrong are chink shill lies. And anyone who points out that other countries are moving even slower than the ccp numbers (which we all know are lies) can fuck right off.
And if you think you know better than Yas Forumsscientists you can fuck right off again.
what worries me is most people aren't tested, so they don't show in the statistics.
>guy gets his leg cut off
>well it isnt serious, we dont know if it is going to effect him for the rest of his life.
there is a brainlet here, and it isnt who you think.
But yeah, it is possible to determine if the impact will be life long without waiting like 50-60 years you dumbass.
>There are a lot more undetected cases that display almost no symptoms at all and are therefore not tested in countries like italy (Italy are basically only testing the sick old boomers who were on the verge of death anyway - then when the next 98 year old who tested positive croaks it's another person added to the death stats). Whereas in countries like Korea they test basically everyone they find with even a slight cold. And even they are probably leaving out a lot of cases.
But none of those people are taking up hospital beds. I'm talking about ICU beds. Italy put out a thing that they were overburdened and were going to stop treating 80 year olds.
It's hard to square that with the boomer death ship, which seems to indicate the opposite.
If it were a nothingburger, I would expect the hospital usage to stay about the same. They wouldn't be overflowing with ICU patients. How could that be?
>imagine thinking this is just about the deaths