Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Der Kaffee ist Lauwarm Edition

>Härtere Corona-Maßnahmen: Statement von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel (von gestern Abend)

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we not mutts, we care not for some ape that interviews humans and diddles kiddies

you are not really human then

it's mutt matter. look to your own problems. what is some sheboon on the other side of the pond, when you have Murgle in charge, fugees coming in, nation dying?

viele glauben es kann ihnen nichts passieren und scheißen drauf sich irgendwie einzuschränken um neue Infektionen zu vermeiden

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because the states originated from us and a huge amount of white americans have german ancestors? But its not about that when young people or in general people how cant defend themselves are harmed it is everyones problem

why contain it!

Attached: Juuust landser Corona boogaloo.jpg (743x743, 122.69K)

with us I mean europe btw

do you know who that is?

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yes, a Nurgling :D

Attached: Nurgle Nurgling.png (500x581, 440.17K)

I get it, but they are sovereign nation, and global empire (about to crumble, but still). and most mutts are indifferent sheeple (much like people here). let them sleep. concentrate on your own!

real euros dont abandon americans. we hate on their globalist government like we do on our eu tho

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lofty ideals, soon to be very much irrelevant.
pestilence, war, suffering, death and genocide.
you and yours>your extended family>your tribe>your nation>your race

Who the fuck uses a flip phone in this day and age

I dont think so

Attached: im namen deutschland.jpg (1080x2224, 378.52K)

someone who doesnt want to feed apple or google their data


Basiert und gutenmorgengepillt.

based wtf jannie

guten morgen der herr gut endlich eine vertraute flagge zu sehen

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>vertraute flagge

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checked and schwarz weiß rot pilled

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Wir verdoppeln die Fälle alle 3 Tage. Sind's dann bei 100k+ am Ende des Monats. Die Totenzahlen kommen schon noch.

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italien hat ne ganz miese rate

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lethality rate will rise once hospital saturation is reached

über alles in dieser verkackten clownwelt

Attached: germany the beatiful travel countrry.jpg (4000x2868, 2.06M)

I wonder how many intensive care spots they can even free up. 80% of them are occupied by default during normal hospital service. Even if they cancel "unnecessary" surgeries, can't be more than 50% currently available (of the total 28k spots).

make Reich great again! and I say this as your former neighbour

there was graph on the hospital bed spots per 100 000 people and kung flu rates. spain and italital are kill already, froggies approaching fast, germany doing quite well. haven't saved it though

its so funny how our media freaks out over italy but says nothing about spain

where are you from?

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Yeah, overall, I'm more interested in secondary effects (economy and new totalitarian policies). That's really what will slap krauts upside the head.

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ah okay nice. didnt catch much news from your country. did you also get hit by refugees or was that just for us and sweden?

based and commonsensepilled.
few shitskins, but still too many.

absolute majority of shitskins that were forcibly transported to Lithuania as per quotas escaped immediately and went to Germany and Sweden.
we are, thank gods, a shithole :D
lucky you. Id rather be a pole atm

It's the same situation here, from years of bad guidance and Jew TV.

First video elicits a strong pic related desire. I think I need more anti-racism training.

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dont we all need some anti-racism training from time to time

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>First video
Psychopathy has not been either bred out of them, or killed out of them yet. Maybe in about 1,000 years.... Guess the Jews knew this, so we got out 1,000 year war already.

Love watching this state die.

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dont mind me while I keep dying inside everyday a little more

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>southern Jews not even in Europe once in their lives claimed to be Holocaust survivors and tell stories of surviving Auschwitz, 10 times
Jews themselves don't deny their own group, being psychopaths, take these careers, but make sure to add "Not all of them are criminals".

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Don't worry, Germany will be born again. We're living in the 20's now.

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There is a place for psychopaths in society. If they're of sound mind, they will carry out certain tasks much better than normies. Having a conscience really does slow you down if you're doing unscrupulous things or you're in high stress, high collateral environments. The deranged psychopaths usually stem from psychopathy trait plus early childhood abuse. It's a powder keg.

I know but all that shit happening is so ridiculous and this stupid leftists still talking everywhere as if this were fine
Kennedy was the last president to question the federal reserve whats up with that anyway? I saw an interview dont remember this guys name. he is in charge of the reserve for decades and said: if met every president but never had a problem with any of them

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Germanic people have frontal lobes, but can easily be trained or schooled or even just naturally born to be great leaders and deal with stress, and high collateral environments! A lot of them were drafted men, and I would imagine flying an airplane when they weren't very old to be successful people. We are talking about people who are physically missing 1/2 or 1/3 of their brain entirely, like Africans missing their frontal lobes as well, so do the Jews.

Attached: frontal lobes gone.jpg (1024x576, 41.97K)

>vertraute flagge
check'd und kek'd ;^)

>Africans missing their frontal lobes as well, so do the Jews.
wtf source

Interesting.... those were good times with Kennedy, miss when we had mental insane asylums, we should really bring those back. Peak American Exceptionalism and culture. Prefrontal lobotomies don't work on Jews, however, pic related

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Yeah, definitely has to do with undeveloped and less-connected neuronal areas. But I'm really just talking about psychopaths, not sociopaths. Where the only functional difference between a normie and a psychopath is the lack of a conscience (and everything that comes with it). If you are running a huge company, you work in an ER, you are responsible for war outcomes, etc. Many decisions you have to make in these high-collateral environments will fuck you up. You might make all the right decisions, but people still die or lose their jobs. Collateral damage. Not having a conscience to weigh you down is a clear advantage. You will perform better.

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I mean his family got rich with selling booze during the prohibition, his sister I think got lobotomized and another member of the family killed a woman while drunk driving or smt and never got arrested. funny stuff
hard kek at that skull shape
thats a jew 100%
>white as an insult
>old german name
>rainbow + eu flag in name

Attached: its not okay to be white.png (586x700, 59.11K)

Stefan Sielhaus
> Homo
> Globo
> Nase

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You seem to be mistaken by psychopath. They seek power positions over "peons" so to say in their own lingo, and sometimes they do it just to hurt people on purpose. "Hurting people on purpose" is kind of their thing. Not say, like if you or I were leading an army to go fight another army, those are different things, but say a Jewish surgeon that seeks his career just to purposefully mock the inside of some unfortunate person's insides and feel superior, than to say, find a cure and help them, be glad they are being helped, and hope they get better, etc. Interesting when you read about medical malpractice in the US being a thing.... knowing Jews though, it perfectly aligns itself with their personality and lack of judgement. I wouldn't go so far to call these people successful, btw, rather huge failures.

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also they should check their privilege

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>selling booze during prohibition
Oh, why, of course his family got rich doing illegal things, don't they all?

Erstmal einen Tee reindonnern

creatura de Kraut/pol/