How fucked am I

This is literally all the TP I have left. How long will I last guys

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are you an ayy whats wrong with your toes?

i think you and the pleadians will be o.k.

You're gonna need one whole roll to wipe those piggies

Terrible shop

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aaaaaayyyyy you don't got one of those bidet 3000s yet?

just use ur wife’s face

can i lick your feet ?


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Why do you post this garbage everyday at Ayyyanon

just use water


>those toes
Are you a fucking alien

Bad shop

I'm just asking about the toilet paper, please don't comment on my toes or derail the thread

use your toe hands to wipe your ass ayy?

bro wht the fuck, can youpick yer nose with them wigglers? what the fuck. i hate this hell site. my eyes

This would literally last me a year. Invest in pic related. $60-$80 is kinda steep (they for under $15 in Asia), but it's worth every cent.

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ayy lmao

well how often do you shit and how hairy is your asshole? if you smooth and infrequent than you'll probably manage several weeks or a month. otherwise you have a week of the first world and then its back to mud,amphibian.

What's wrong with your three small toes on your left foot?

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Alright, I actually laughed out loud. Thank's OP

Not hairy but I do have to poop a lot because of my diet, also I'm not amphibian, don't be mean please :(

fuck i needed this

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how does it dry your butt?


I've managed to cut down to just over half a roll per day by using the fold and dampen method.

Genuinely curious about this. My system is 1 flushable wet wipe and then 3 squares of toilet paper to dry.

Live it up while you can, high roller.

Soft looking feet, bet youre a sheltered little bitch

You're going to be okay. There is probably a good used toilet paper store at your local mall.

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you got a shower nigga?

I'm a few beers in and this was really funny, thanks for the laugh I know it took you at least 10 minutes to make this.

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I'm already feeling the pain. Couldn't get Quilted Northen a week ago.

I'd say use your socks... but damn.

You use very little toilet paper

Or be disgusting and have a dedicated butt drying towel

Fake and gay.

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stop spamming your shitty photoshopped feet, and gay "hehe im out of tp guys!" you literal faggot.

don't worry you'll stop pooping since you didnt hoard food either.

if you run out, just use bat corpses to wipe. You won't believe how luxurious their fur and soft skin is

Oh you think my elongated toes are a fucking problem? Is that what you're agonizing about today? After all we've been through together on this site, in /cvg/, on Yas Forums? Now my toe length is some sort of huge problem? I'm so fucking sick and tired of this bullshit. Of all the places to go to not be judged I expected Yas Forums could be there for me in this time of pandemic, a time of crisis. What the fuck is wrong with you, man? You like crushing people's hopes? You must have a mean, mean little darkened black heart to make a comment like that. I'm fucking pissed. I hope you're fucking happy with yourself because this really is just horribly disgusting to me and probably a lot of other decent people lurking in this thread, which as I may mention you've totally and completely not only derailed but turned to UTTER DOGSHIT. This is a time to come together, not tear each other apart. You might meditate on that. *spit*

oh god, that movie.

you have to dry???

in another 2 weeksits all over for us bros with this pandemic.

When I use a flushable wet wipe, which is far superior than starting with toilet paper, yes. I don't want a damp butthole, user

Nice photoshop.

I think I would rather have coronavirus that your toes

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Imagine being you.
>post a TP thread on Yas Forums
>purposely put distorted feet in the picture to draw attention
>pretend you don't want people to tal% about it
>literally have a giant pasta ready once the comment starts
Jesus fuck dude. Your autism is absolutely staggering. Kill yourself.

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the toes get longer every time i see it

can I suck your toes? This made me laugh

not even the same dude

yeah im gonna say no

No you cannot suck or lick them they are sensitive

Look user, I am just saying you're special ordering socks and that's pricey. Spring is here if you have maple trees they have soft leaves, Aspen is nice but you won't get much coverage and chances are you might some shit on your hands.

You're right. Fuck, i hate this place.

Only the bold use pine

use 1 piece of toilet paper per shit, wipe your ass with it, then fold it in half and then wipe again.

Ain't that the truth!!

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4 days

Pro tip: shaving your butthole reduces TP usage

>all these people that "need to poop a lot"

Unless I eat spicy food I will go days without pooping but feeling like I need to poop, like without capsacin setting my guts on fire my colon just indefinitely collects shit like a hoarder.

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I got hemroids just thinking about it.

wtf is wrong with your toes??

Kek the power of Photoshop

this would last you around 3 hour in mutt standard

just tell the mothership to bring some

Friends u Cleveland was in the navy back in the day. Told us how they were taught how to wipe with just two "squares" of tp.
Dude was SUPER frugal, so I'm sure it's possible.

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