Are beta males going to step in to help lonely single mothers who can't leave the house?

Are beta males going to step in to help lonely single mothers who can't leave the house?

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Hell no


Cringe, all single mothers regardless of circumstance deserves to be loved and cared for

Why though

>OMG! I have to actually spend time with my kids instead of going out and getting plowed every night while paying someone else to watch them. I thought I could just get free money for every time i get creampied during a one night stand and decided to keep it. You mean I actually have to take care of these things now?! If I knew this was gonna happen I wouldn't have divorced my last husband yet
The absolute state of modern women

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Flag checks out

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no they don't retard, show kikeflag

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The next couple of months is going to make so many normie women snap.

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I will take the risk and swing by to stick her with the pork sword and coom on her kiddies

>make horrendous choices
>squander goodwill
>bitch and complain and label others
>demand attention and gibs

Ah, I see why you empathize with her. You are both the same.

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> Goetz

Golly gee, who could it be?!?!

Many women deserve the shit that's coming to them but a lot won't. They are also living in the broken shell of a Godless world.

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Someone said that these times will be a great time for parents to discover what kind of little shits their children actually are.
So far many of the boxes check out.
People are so used to having disposable relationships as soon as the other fails to entartein them they can just fucking leave so they lack the skills to build meaningful relationships even with their children.
I feel vad for the kids though, because like 99% of the time parents will have a favourite child and the others just get neglected.

What an insufferable cunt, she should feel lonely and honestly I hope it gets way worse before it gets better.

>in apartment with her 3 kids
>I'm so alone!
Because she sees her spawn as objects instead of people, so it does not ever occurr to her that she is anything but alone. She is falling apart because she doesn't have her girlfriends around to talk about stupid shit, or strange men to whore around with. I hope she dies. I really, really do.

Sure they do. But not by me.

>3 kids
coal burners will burn

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It's probably more because she doesn't get thrill out of positive attention and validation from family. She needs men to desire her and her peers to tell her reassuring lies.

Some fool will, but they should be left to rot, or driven to suicide when there kids hit puberty and hate her for being a worthless skank not fit to create life.


This. She should be helping her kids with schoolwork and general education but she's probably too dumb for that.


Gonna make them horny af

They are going to realize they fucked up by treating men like shit. Their hypergamy is coming to bite them in the ass. Sure I will help out some single mom... she will have to compensate me for it though...

AWALT, cucktard!

Are like what? Deserving of the incoming economic shitshow?

You are so coom-starved you don't even know what you're talking about.

You're lost


And if you want to know why i said no, its to do with my own mother being a worthless piece of shit like her. She fucked off from my dad to go fuck other men, always she chases men with money. I've become a fuck up because of her actions.

woe is me faggot fucking whores, sick of these dumb sluts

oh fucking boohoo, i've been alone for fucking years bitch, and she gets depressed for having to spend a few weeks in isolation. Weak, fucking weak...

Business as usual for Chad. You won't get free pussy out of it.

>I want to kids to validate my biological role and fulfill my sense of purpose.
> I dont need a man
> I dont want to actually have to take responsibility for paying (ex & govt) for and raising them. I have the school and day care raise them


yes and incels too.u MGTOW types are going to fall in love with the first woman who grabs your hand lmao

>I feel so alone
>with 3 kids
Damn, you suck.

Why? What have the single mothers done to deserve a man to care for them?

>Are beta males going to step in to help lonely single mothers who can't leave the house?

If she is willing to suck some dick I will bring her kids some oatmeal.

No they don't. They're not human.

Burn in hell OP

KYS faggot jew

>I have three kids
>I have to be there to care for and protect them
>spending all our time together
>when can I go back to having strangers raise them; I can go to my meme job and get the attention I can’t live without; and start fucking randos every weekend like we’re all used to
>feminism is power

Inb4 two of her kids turn into traps and the third is in the “sex industry”

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the last thing on your mind is socializing when you have depression

The cunt-demons took their masks off en masse, down to the last filthy slut, but you're still here pedestalizing them. Just can't let that Disney dream go, can you, you poor, hopeless tard?

Checks out

Hmm. Wonder how your gay worthless self ever became enamored with the failed and impotent ideology of communism.

I would if I had corona so I could infect her and her stupid children.

Burn the coal pay the toll

Is that what's happening? A girl I dated years ago (who's a single mom now) just started lighting up my phone out of the blue today and asking what I was doing. I told her she had the wrong number.

It’s all so tiresome

Shouldn't have fucked niggers

>I've become a fuckup because of my mom's poor parenting.
I've got good news and bad news for you user. Bad news first. You, and only you, are responsible for your behavior. Your mother's failures may have made your path more difficult in life, but you are the only person who chooses it and walks it.
The good news is, you can stop being a fuckup. Take some of that anger you have towards her, and direct it towards improving yourself and the people around you. You can do it user - plenty of men here have fucked up far more than you have, and have managed to forge a better life for themselves. It will take work. But you can do it. Good luck.

they lack distraction so they crash with reality

All women are cunt-demons?

I've been around trash before an know what the signs are. But if you've only ever come across garbage women then I feel sorry for you.

They're never as funny as most men or as cool but they aren't always inhuman beasts.

That's a man.

Hush Simp

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>When you have to actually parent your children
oh the humanity

Normies aren't going to make it. I'm right at home.

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I’m gonna start a harem

>do you want me to drop this cunt?
>executes civilian
Military men and cops are literally brainless golems. They're the conservative equivalent of being a liberal that goes to some useless college degree for a little bit of identity.

It's the problem with these adult daycares. People that have very little perspective into the world are attracted to it. Military, police academy, music college, sociology college, etc. The guys are 30yos and they think they're in a video game completing the mission, their brains don't even understand that they're murdering someone because that's how small their perspective is.

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Her kids are white at least

>all these people crying about how hard is not to go out and socialise
>you are dreaming about quarantine so you will be able to have a rest from retrads from work
My only regret will be not being able to go to the gym.

>also checked

>I've become a fuck up because of her actions.
No, user.
You may’ve been a fuckup FROM that earlier in life, but the fact you recognize the reality of things now means all past responsibility-shifting is over.

Based wholesome poster

Two girls literally were grabbing my hands and trying make me date them. And in Russia it's very uncommon for girl to make a first step.
You are projecting.

>having to be an actual mother is torture
self absorption is very strange..

>3 kids
Women are horrible fucking lifeforms.

Single mothers are in their predicament because of their shitty life choices.
They deserve to be shamed and ridiculed.

>I told her she had the wrong number
>the virgin “I’m sorry m’lady you must be mistaken... I’m certainly not that “user” you’re speaking of — vs the chad “this is what it’s like and here’s how it’s gonna be”

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you did good user


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>All women are cunt-demons?
>I've been around trash before an know what the signs are
You are just dumb and/or indoctrinated. There are only two types of women: (1) stupid bitches, and (2) clever cunts. The only thing that sets the clever cunts above the stupid bitches is that they're smart enough to HIDE their evil while they are using you and/or in public. As soon as they are done extracting your energy and wealth, their masks fall too.

Stupid bitches, who are not smart enough to hide their evil, are still often successful because the world is full of stupid men - like you - who will continue to worship them with or without their masks.

You should be thanking god that you live in an era where this undeniable truth is fully on display. Men of past ages were only able to find the truth after 50+ years of marriage, where they shockingly and horrifically found out how much their wives truly hate them, and found out that their entire lives were wasted throwing good things into bottomless pits. The very, very fortunate men of that era died before the masks were lifted.
>they aren't always inhuman beasts
Yes, they are. Women are literally animals. They ENTIRELY lack all higher capacities - empathy, conscience, reason, etc - and merely mimic these in order to receive praise from their fathers.


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Black bulls will take advantage

I bought a pull up In amazon for £14, I don't need anything to do push ups and I can jump the rope. There are ways around it

>t. Zhang Chang Hwang

Bitch you are going to be worried about starvation, not depression.
Should have invested in food.

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how are you alone when you have 3 kids

>lonely single mothers

imagine the roasties' smell...

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Meanwhile my wife and I are introducing our kids to Star Trek, World War II history, and basic survival skills. It’s been wonderful.

She did, dumbass. That woman will happily eat all 3 children alive as soon as she misses her first meal, as women have done in all food crises in history. Why the fuck you think she's keeping them around?

I won't help anyone!

Wanted to post this as well