AUS/POL - Fuck QLD edition

>Welfare recipients on cashless debit card will have $750 stimulus payment quarantined

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Can someone make a non-fag version? That'd be great, thanks.

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Make one yourself next time, lazy cunt.

Just fuck off, no one wants you here, why do you so masochistically get off on rejection?

Die already

Make one yourself next time, lazy cunt.

There is no non-fag version of Australia. There are only closeted versions.


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Gonna see a dickgirl with my scomobux

Go to a steakhouse?


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I just want mince and food I dont want to have to start a shit fit and end up on the news

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The pub has none left they can't get any either, no fucking pub feed even i am pissed off.
Cunts from melbourne are coming here throughout the day and buying all the shit, by time any locals knock off work the supermarket is fucking empty, not even cat or dog food or cans of fucking soft drink left.

You're just jealous of our women

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Remember to ignore gay bruce posts

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I've heard towns are checking IDs for addresses to stop city goers buying all the shit up now, how people can be so greedy is beyond me.

Help me aus/pol, I can't figure out if I'm retarded or gay.

And to clarify, I mean the greedy ones are the people buying everything up even though they don't need it.
Saw someone buy over 50 tins of chick peas, why? Who the fuck needs that many?

Australia is officially full

Last thing we need is bogans spending even more government money on drugs.

Woolies cancel my order After it had to be pushed back to Friday, fucking cunts , Probably going to starve

They are buying then re selling the food online.

I swear to fucking god if i have to kill one of my steers just to get a fucking steak i am going to be pissed, there goes $3500

Same and I'm under isolation due to symptoms and contact with a confirmed case, just went out to buy some shit but barely got anything.
The fuck am I meant to do, starve to death?

What's wrong user?

So lads how long until the city people buying shit are the cause of some major violence in country towns?

so what will it be like next week after the spike?

Go to IGA supermarkets in non-povo suburbs.

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>bait shit fit
>people start recording
>ask what makes up for less than 1% of our population but pays extra for 70% of our foods
>redpill australian public on kosher laws

I'm dreaming of the day some faggot sticks a camera in my face, I will extract the individual fool from out within him and put him on a vice against the collective.

Who knows?
I just want city people to stay the fuck out of my town.
There are no foreingers in this town no one here will get the virus if city people just stay the fuck away.

Soft drink is for fat children mate.

Aussie post is coming for your hand sanitiser

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that's what i mean, normally shit like coke is never sold out but it is today.

>faggot /lgbt/ aupol

He's right though

>go to coles
>every single type of Arnotts cracker is sold out except for Cheds
fucking love Cheds

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>tfw did my bugout in mid january
>been living by myself for months camped out in the bush
>supplies started runing low the other day
>went to get some more food
>everything has been sold out with 100km of me
>no rice, pasta, beans, flour or canned goods
>didnt get a fridge so i cant keep fresh food past a few days
>spent over $150 on fuel already travelling to shops

I think I really fucked up fellas
At least I prepped well though
R-right guys?

someone bake the kikes aus/pol/
fuck this faggot shit.

What's some youtube kino I can watch while I tuck in to dinner?

>That formatting
What the fuck? Is this a joke?

>Australians spending millions of dollars on perfect selfie smiles, while others can't even chew

>Government urges Australians overseas to return home as borders close around the world

>Coronavirus sees Australians change shopping habits as retailers worry about downturn

>Australian airline industry to receive $715m rescue package

>Coronavirus death: Sixth Australian dies from the virus

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If an image bothers you so much then you need to get a grip.
No one was making a thread so I stepped up, just grabbed the first news article I saw and put that up.

Ahhhhh, Much better.

bake it as a new thread

shut the fuck up reddit why are you even here larping as part of this community when you're explicitly hated fucking queer
maybe people wouldnt be so quick to reject you if you didnt shove your faggotry down everyones throat like this


Eat my dick, NEET.

Oh right. Well, the normal folk are in a head-state they can't fathom right now, so if it's something you can put in your mouth, you can bet they'll scramble for as much of what they can stuff into their trolleys.

What you are seeing right now is the result of eroded social cohesion that has ruined a once largely homogeneous society. It's chink eat poo eat spic eat shitskin eat arab eat islander eat fuck knows what right now. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from cultural incompatible imports who are casting the weak among us into strange mental states and drawing the worst out of them. True true 'multi-cultural' mess that which Australia has become is on full display. Let it all fucking burn.

it is gay bruce see

So, any takers on guessing the "acceptable death" count the Defense reports to government will contain?

Surely they know its at least 1,000,000

>What the fuck? Is this a joke?
Nah OP's a little lefty, and a little fruity

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Are you suggesting 1,000,000 deaths in AU or worldwide?

If you have to ask, you're probably both.

How large population is Sydney and Melbourne?

in AU

well if the entire country gets the virus, it would be a million deaths and that is best case scenario but you and me both know our hospitals can't handle 25 million patients, our hospitals can't handle a million patients...

real aus/pol/

4% of 25 million people is 1 million people user

It'll probably be 10-15% of hte population, ie 2.5 to 5 million. They will try to spread them out over time however, maybe a year or two

Nah, don't see that happening.

buy a meat grinder you pleb.
it'll be less than 100. Scomo is lucky competent people are doing things, yet he still looks like an incompetent fuck-up no matter what he does. He just needs to get through this crisis so he can start to auction Australia off to the Chinese to get the budget back on track.

90% of the deaths in other countries were people over 70.

Unsure of the rate of death inside 70-100 year olds, but its gotta be higher than the 5% averaged over the entire population.

Death rate is less than 1% for people under 60, no? Significantly less the lower you go.

ITT: leftypol

So they are bailing out the airlines. Couldn't the airlines just have sold all the fucking shares they bought back to inflate their share price.


Its gonna be triage ... meaning, only those with the best survival chances will be accepted into hospitals, and the over 70s sent home to die.

Kek ... gotta love Australia's socialised medicine.

I'm wondering if they're currently assembling the Death Committees that will be deciding who dies and who lives based on acceptance to hospital..

Good, let them stay in their containment thread while we discuss the best way to kill city cunts on real aus/pol/

1 like = kebab removed

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what are the death rates for people over 70?

We have many millions of aging boomers over 70.

Who's going to make my HSP?

> MFW when the government coffers run dry trying to keep open the airlines, but then have to print money thus reducing the value of AU Dollars to zero
Time to buy $US ????

The strangest thing about tarrant is the only people who post the kike are other kikes or city leftists.
Why are leftists such avid kike supporters?

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