TRUMPS giving us all a grand. What are you going to do with your $1000 bucks?
What are you doing with your TRUMP MONEY?
The people that need it won't get it. You had to file a tax return I'm guessing to prove income. Poor homeless fucks get fucked again lol.
Wisdom tooth pulled ($120 where I live) spend $100 worth for TP. The rest, buy some dried meat and other things that would last a long time.
I'd like to buy ammo if I can find it anywhere.
NEETs are not going to get the 1000$. He practically said so today at the presser. He said "There are some people we don't want to get the checks". That's NEETs, cuz Trump hates NEETs and hates the poor.
No he's not.
What kind of lying piece of shit are you?
anyone thats working gets it. homeless people work too unless they are disabled in which case they collect some form of SS or are dependent on a caregiver.
Nobody knows what the actual payment will be. I suspect it will be closer to $1500. If you're only going to do it once, make it effective.
It's $3500 per family.
I'm buying CBD pills
Healthy food
Survival supplies.
What do you need toilet paper for? Do you use it to towel off after showering or something? How much do you shit??? Bad diarrhea? Why? Why so much bathroom tissue.
Buy a Lambo
It better be 1000 every month until this shit is over and we can fucking work again.
A one time payment aint gonna cut it friendo
>homeless people work to
Wagie cope.
So I don’t understand how this works. My wife and I both worked last year and the year before, but very little because we were going to school (less than 15k)
She is currently working, but I am in law school, do we get the money or not?
exactly... 1000 will be eaten up fast. I'm not impressed.
Stop flying drones over my property.
I'm a single male. I have been one one roll of TP for the last 2 weeks, maybe more. I don't get why people feel like they need mass supplies of it. We aren't gonna run out of it.
Yang gang BTFO
You can still file a tax return, and you don't even need to have any income from the previous year to file.
donating to Bernie's campaign.
Well mommy says it's $6000 per month
You mean a Fiero, right?
why is she high jacking this and saying its ubi when its not at all?
> Bernie's campaign
LMAO remember No Refunds
If Trump does this he will unironically win the next reelection by a landslide.
Because of the pandemic going on, newfag.
They're still figuring out the exact details, but both the republicans and the democrats want this.
Trump wins again.
It could be done, but we would have to raise taxes on wealth, (real estate, stocks, bonds, and other assets like planes, boats, cars, etc) income (Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Waltons? We're looking at you), and slash military spending, then yes, we could absolutely implement a UBI in the United States.
We belong together.
Where do I apply to get the 1000dollar check?
if you were put out of work by the virus, like the orders to close down restaurants, if youre a service worker then it would apply to you
Those people he's referring to are probably illegal immigrants.
getting a savage 30-06 and a new grow setup
its not universal at all, they are lying for idk what reason
Pay off my last 1k of debt
donating it all to bernie
Fucking kek enjoy hyper inflated market. China has won the trade war.
AOC is quoting others on that. I haven't heard her specify an exact figure. But god do I love that woman! She dumps white boomers on their asses SO HARD!
>It could be done, but
stop sayin but and just let it fucking happen lol. It's their job to figure that shit out but now they gotta pay us. Otherwise this whole thing we got is fucked
I don’t want to say my wife’s industry but she has been released and is not being paid. We’re good then?
just file a tax return and collect
released when and why?
>We aren't gonna run out of it.
I hope to God you're right user. I hope this doesn't hit the supply chain and is just artificial scarcity.
Digits and boog continues
>$6000 per month
So what, you think you're going to be locked up at home and there will be no way to get more bathroom tissue? Really? Do you live on an island somewhere by yourself? Society is alive and well you know. We're still making toilet paper. Really we are. Go buy more when you need it. Don't be stupid.
He means millionaires and 1%ers. There's no point in red-taping UBI, that defeats the purpose
ATF will airhole you for having a firearm + a grow, doesn't matter what state
I can't believe I am actually going to see to see the day America gets defeated by China and collapse. All over a fucking Chinese made flu.
Exactly. It's a stimulus package to help in a crisis. She's grasping
Rand Paul killed it with McConnell's help
Will post the pic here of me using the US Treasury Dept check as toilet paper
is this why rand paul is suggesting they provide SSN?
Do you have a social security number? Have you filed taxes? Then they know how much you make and will base your distribution on that.
I think at this post thei simply count have the time to see whose eligible and whose not. Remember they said they want the checks going out in 2 weeks. I'm guessing they will give them to everyone with a valid ss # that would be the fastest
Probably saving it, since we may lose our jobs.
If everyone is rich, then no one is rich. Shit will just cause inflation...
Last week.
Directly because of Coronavirus. She works in education.
>mommy says
TULSI GABBARD IS THE REAL MOMMY. She's the one who wrote the first bill that actually makes sense. Check it out. It's perfect:
These bitches aren't even giving her credit where it's due. Pathetic political twats. At least AOC agrees its a good idea even if shes not saying Tulsi put it out there.
Anyways, we need to get paid SOON. Thank you, Tulsi. Love you.
Sorry user that cost $2000. But if you and your gay love put your money together you can totally buy it.
1 trillion dollar stimulus package right into the pockets of retards in San Francisco and non whites. Inflate your economy, solve no problems, and continue to let China dominate you in king term fields like industry.
NEET here. This is good.
I hope to god that people on SS will be getting it too.
I’m only hanging on with a check
I’m working nearly 8-10 hours a day 5-6 days a week and only make about 8.25 an hour
>I'm guessing they will give them to everyone with a valid ss # that would be the fastest
??? its only for workers who are affected by the closings happening from the virus, thats it, it doesnt apply to anyone else
How is $1,000 - $2,000 "rich" when you work minimum wage jobs, carry college debt and HAVE NO JOB.
pay for a blow job from your mum, sister and dad. Duh
you dont get the situation do you?
it wont
Why bother working hard or studying if they are just handing money out?
Here come dat inflation.
How fucking dumb are average millenials to get into that much economic trouble. No wonder why they're all knew jerking into communism. You guys are completely fucked. You'll be scrubbing our toilets at this rate. China won it seems
>NEETs are not going to get the 1000$
Wagie wagie get in your cagie.
NEETs are comfy
NEETs are cozy
Work is crazy
Work is scary
Thats why
NEETs end up on YouTube and Wagie on LiveLeak
A guitar.
I'm going to donate mine to a local synagogue.
My region has been empty for a week now. The shelves are STILL empty.
Where am I supposed to get more, you stupid faggot?
Toilet paper, masks, and bottled water!
>What are you going to do with your $1000 bucks?
Buy a roll or 2 of Silver 1oz coins
Physical price is fuck near double the paper (((slv))) price
Paper silver has finally completely decoupled from physical, it no longer reflects the reality of the supply (near cleaned out nation wide) and the demand (sky high)
In lieu of boomer rocks
Boomstick ammo
Toilet paper (or just use FRN's soon)
Hiking/camping shit
I am in a similar situation. Got advanced degrees and everything. Life stinks right now.
because 20% of people are losing their jobs, there will not be a net increase in dollars circulating so inflation is unlikely.
People should at least buy bidets. Instead of 400 rolls of toilet paper you can buy 300 and a bidet.
>not already having a guitar
you're missing on quality practice time my brother
Wow user you are awesome!
And donate it to a poor White South African family
Because there is more money chasing the same or fewer goods. It has to be done, but everything is gonna be a bit more expensive going forward.
College debt is basically forgiven now that their is no interest.
Inspired me man, im gonna donate $20 to that TV commercial that sends care boxes to russian holocaust survivors in on passover
What does "working" mean. Like, I was working last year. I'll file a tax return this year. But I'm not working currently. Do you have a link to the eligibility requirements?
Based, was thinking of buying a new keyboard or some recording software. Let’s start a band, user. We can name ourselves the Floo Fighters.
Bail out the airlines and big business fuck the people.
Fuck hookers
not her
I’m holding onto hope
I hope that we will both be getting the money
what kinda guitar fren?
how the fuck do I get my neetbux I have never filed a tax return can I still do it? Do I absolutely need to file a tax return I want neetbux because I am starving to death my family finally cut me off and I need neetbux. Also do I need a current drivers license to file a tax return because I let it expire a year ago because I am too poor to get one
It’s what we called the “tax bonus” when the Government did the same thing in early to stave off a recession in 2009, you had to pay tax to be eligible for the bonus. I worked on the dedicated hotline set up to take calls from the general public, the amount of NEET’S I btfo’d by telling them they had to work so as to pay tax was one of the most satisfying things I’ve done in my life.
They could give every American $20,000. That's how much the Jews' 9/11 and related wars cost.
>anyone thats working gets it
thats the opposite of who gets it, its for those who cant work bcs theyre place of employment got closed bcs of the virus
I'm gonna get a really expensive handjob
Nice. You're a real mensch, user.
imma buy me one of them 9900ks for my lga 1151 chipset board
Oh, that's easy. Wages haven't kept up with inflation. The average employee hasn't had a meaningful raise in 40 years. But the rich? They've awarded themselves 300% increases in pay year after year after year through all of it.
You're welcome.
I'm not a wagie, lol, I'm a NEET. I'm just saying that I don't think Trump gives a fuck about us, and I promise you right now he will screw us once more because that is what he does to us
He was born into wealth and privilege, but like many who are born that way he grew to hate the poor, and has obvious feelings of deep insecurity which invariably manifest as narcissism and false-senses-of-supremacy.
if $1000 i will buy Roland MC-707 and some dj controller and start a DJ business, ive been producing for a while
if more than $1000 i will also get either another chinese instrument (i currently play the guzheng, i am not asian, i have an erhu too but the pegs slip so i havent dove into it yet) - such as guqin or hulusi or dizi, or mayyybe a 36ish string lever harp, i think that would be very approachable from my guzheng skills
or maybe ill just decide to get some new clothes and a new bed (ive been using an air mattress for years because we have a recurring bedbug problem, cant really do much about it in an apartment - luckily its not so severe anymore)
i just want to better myself and keep learning music things, im a neet and i cant really contribute to normie world because im disabled but if i could contribute music and maybe get back to some game design stuff again maybe i could make some worthwhile slice of a life for myself eventually, i would love to be able to do some freelancing stuff but i dont think im skilled enough yet, this illness has really set me back
i think what is practical to everyone will be different for every person and what their goals and desires and needs are - $1000 isn't going to give me a better place to live right now but maybe it can help me pursue something more so that eventually something else could
i wish i wasnt a burden on anyone, i never wanted to end up like this :( i always envisioned myself starting some business eventually with my various bits of skills but when i had to pay for all of myself and my moms expenses back when i was working, i wasnt able to invest anything into that
sorry i type too much stupid shit
>Because there is more money chasing the same or fewer goods.
You are completely, ignoring the fact that we are looking at %20 job loss. The average job pays $5,000 a month. So thats a lot of wages that just evaporated from the economy
Stop being idiots and buy what you need. They can't restock as fast as you FUCKING SIMPLETONS can strip the shelves.
better be a Taylor 210 E
>Mother Jones
Gpu for when cyberpunk 2077 comes out. Maybe some more beans
Buying as much Plaquenil as i can.
>modern world says that there must be a federal reserve constantly pumping money into the system
>((Federal Reserve)) gives it right to the ((banks))
>UBI subverts this and makes the source go right to the people
>when you realize trump is going to end the fed
>when you realize this is LITERALLY right out of the Nazi playbook
If it's just 1000bux, then I'm saving it. Id its more, im buying a Switch and Smash Bros
I don't think so. Everyone is going to face hardships because of this. And americans would riot if a bunch of people got free checks while others did not even though they faced the same hardships. Plus there's no way to verify who worked in what industry and are they affected on a person by person basis without it taking months and months of bureaucratic garbage. They've been clear when they've said every american except people who made a million dollars who this won't hurt.
I'm a life long pianist, but I've always wanted to learn guitar.
Something in the $500+ range that can do hard rock pretty decently.
If you're going for software, there's probably gonna be some Easter/spring sales soon. Cubase also usually goes on a yearly sale around this time.
You do realize that you just described literally every politician. Stop OrangeManBad.exe and get with the real fucking program
So where are we getting this money? Don't tell me I have to leave the house to get it after all that fearmongering to get me to stay inside
help me Yas Forums please
No, also, not filing tax return is stupid as a neet because there is already a giveaway for NEETs if you file a tax return its called "The Earned Income Credit".
You have literally been throwing awak like 2-3 grand a year by not filing taxes.
Litterally go mow 10 lawns and file taxes on the money you earned and you will get a big credit.
Dont ever lie on taxes because you will get fucked in the ass like no ones buisness.
Other than essentials, I wanted to get Nioh 2 and Doom Eternal because I have fucking nothing to play right now and I'm bored out of my mind
Really want to play them now
I think that’s it’s going to be mailed to you
Skervesen Astilla 8, multiscale.
Getting a PSA AKV 9mm, small pistol.
Better cornering in urban settings.
You have to go to the coast and sail out 40 miles to get to the money boat. Are you even prepared
What is wrong with wealth and privilege? Americans are turning into insect faggots Jesus christ. You get conquered by China and instantly become whining communists. It was that easy huh?
I'd only just arrived in the country and had started paying tax and I got it, I thought that was pretty odd.
Uh, you don't have an... address?? ....H-how do you recieve mail???
Why are you so buttblasted, Poland?
>I'm a life long pianist, but I've always wanted to learn guitar.
i played guitar and now am learning piano as an adult.
Playing folk music and stuff on guitar is super easy if your coming from piano. After threemonths of practice for 30 minutes a day you will make incredible progress.
The first month and a hlaf sucks because your hands and fingers will hurt so much, its very different from piano in that regard. But once you build up the wrist strength and calouses you will go so fast coming from piano.
Russian bot! Everyone even the stupid GOP is going UBI so stop pretending that it isn't the case!
No proof he dislikes poor people, just random schizophrenic feelings. He loves all Americans
If you filed taxes, you are already applied
How much does a twink sex slave go for on the black market? This will influence my spending
Hey chink chong you know what's coming don't you? You know how beyond furious the entire world is with you? You know the entire world will be united against you Best prepare. And you don't have toilets you have shit holes.
wait I could have been getting 2-3 grand a year for the last 8 years of my life? That really makes me upset
Get a jaguar instead
Get a Vintera Series '70s Telecaster Deluxe. They're under a grand.
I will personally make sure this money does not eliminate drug abuse
I'm not saying look at how they welded Chinese insectoids in their homes with no supplies, but look at how they welded Chinese insectoids in their homes
Wow a thousand bucks, that'll pay a third of most if our monthly bills. I like my idea better, wipe all debt, give everyone a million dollars and tell them good luck, clean slate, million dollars restarting money, you fuck up its on you
If he wants everyone to stay at home he is going to have to pay us its that simple or people are going to go out and steal shit.
It's cheaper to hand out instant cash to anyone with a drivers license than it would be to pull a jew move we all need this money to get by this 5 month quarantine.
You still need to go to the bank to deposit it
Ever try peyote?
Buying crypto