Post yfw realize the virus will fizzle out and life will go back to normal

post yfw realize the virus will fizzle out and life will go back to normal

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2? where did you get this?

if my post ends with a 3 you are wrong

hopefully not before i get my trumpbux

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It will.
But its fully possible this could be as bad as the spanish flu.

People got through that. We will get through this. But who will we lose?

>But who will we lose?

only the weak

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I’m so jaded I want so many normies to die, I want them to suffer for having regular social contact. Lost their jobs and killed by chink flu. I’ll be in my house far away rather comfy and safe

so china kills your family and you go "hurrdurr weaklings BTFO" ?

what a cuck

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Now I've gotta work for a living

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Oh Lord, do I long await the day Doomfags crawl back to their holes where they belong.

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i can't decide if I want to see Burd Reynolds fight Crab Nicholson, or become best buds with Crab Nicholson

For normies, yeah. For us it’s the Project Zephyr “Carona hospital”.

Is it humanly possible to get that fat and not die?

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well, aside from all the people who lost their jobs over something that kills less people than the flu
Yes, you underestimate the eternal Anglo?

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Even if we go back to normal without cremating millions of boomers, the economy is fucked beyond recognition and the repercussions will be with us for years

Not his problem if ur family are weaklings, Chang.



>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”


>One of the two medications is a HIV drug

Guess that poster was right, we really are fucked

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user, the Fed slashed reserve rates. There is no going back. The bullet is down range, coronachan or not. Times are a changin

If you close your eyes at the beginning, it sounds like gay porn but his gay lover stuck the dick up the wrong way or something.


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Uh Huh

See you in April boyo

>if our enemy's kill us with bioweapons, we're weak

Ultimate cuck mindset

It sounds like you watch a lot of gay porno, user.


>Mining magnate Clive Palmer has donated $1 million to Brisbane researchers who are within reach of finding a cure for coronavirus.

>Clinical trials are hoped to begin NEXT WEEK for two drugs, used to treat other conditions, which have stopped coronavirus in its tracks in lab testing.

>The drugs are “effective” but researchers are yet to determine whether “one is better than another”, according to David Paterson, a renowned infectious diseases expert at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

>Paterson has told 7NEWS thousands of dollars of donations from the community have helped the effort to get to the clinical testing stage.

>Palmer said his donation was to expedite the testing process.



Yea sure, a bioweapon so weak it only kills old or dying people. Hence the saying, "chinese made"

Life is never going back to normal, OP. Nothing will ever be the same.

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i don't think this is going to fizzle out.

>Nothing will ever be the same.
No shit. Life evolves with the planet. Does that mean the end of all days? Of course not.

By summer maximum.

Never understood how this ugly ass mutt cunt became so famous. He's fucking ugly and an incredibly lousy actor with a really annoying voice. What do people see in him?

What's your prediction then? I lost my crystal ball

there are going to be consequences that we are going to feel in a big way.

lots of people can't even show up for work. that means they aren't being paid.

lots of people will be laid off and THERE WILL NOT BE JOBS for them.

Shops and schools are planning on opening back up in April. I think Coronachan will still be making her rounds, but the weather will be heating and experts are working tirelessly to find a solution to this issue, so it won't be as big of a threat anymore. Also, save your sarcasm for , he's being a crybaby bitch who thinks he can see the future.

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This is the worst hoax in the history of hoaxing.

the virus is not the problem, the issue is with the economy and people missing work.

it isn't being a crybaby. you sound out of touch. maybe a NEET or something. Anyone that actually works knows this is a dangerous time for other working people.

>Never understood how this ugly ass mutt cunt became so famous. He's fucking ugly and an incredibly lousy actor with a really annoying voice
>What do people see in him?

who does this hoax benefit? even the elites are suffering from the market crash, failing industries, and job losses/closures

i agree. seems like complete bullshit to me. even if there is a corona virus, it is not nearly as contagious as they claim and my guess is they are inflating the number of verified infections.

had this yesterday. feels good.

it is to cover up the market crash. people have been talking about the 2020 market crash for a long time.

Best laid plans of mice and men, user. Seems like someone is pulling the strings in the background. However, all we need is one good earthquake/bombing/wildcard of any kind, to throw this whole mess into a tailspin.

I hope you're right brother, and we'll come out of this squeaky clean and I can go back to being a good pleb. Lots of moving pieces though user, this doesn't seem like simple math to me.

Okay so I don't have a crystal ball. Neither do you. So just sit your ass down and let the time flow until these stores open up again. And you know, some of these jobs are giving their employees paid leave. And they promised to open up within a month's notice at least. So it's not like they're going out of business forever.

Seriously? There were no indicators of a crash and we were hitting all time highs in February with no red flags in sight. The entire crash coincided with news/developments surrounding the virus. What other reason could possibly be behind the sudden crash? People have been talking about one since 2018 when we reached the longest bull market run in history, that doesn't mean it was bound to happen.

>don't express your concerns because I don't like your opinion!

Sorry I didn't realize expressing reasonable concerns is so taboo!

I have learned in my getting older to just accept that things are meant to flow how they're meant to flow. Realizing that many things are beyond my own control, I surf through these constantly changing waves of life. Flow with it, user. Let time run its course.

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Cool digits bro

>Sorry I didn't realize expressing reasonable concerns is so taboo!
2600 and growing generals, user.

>Two anti-viral drugs kill virus

No shit nigger.

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What are you talking about? my life has always been like this...

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Best post

This. I've lived the NEET life long enough to be comfortable with this for the time being. A couple weeks or so indoors did no harm to anybody.

that's nonsense. you can go back and see plenty of people talking about this coming crash(unless you watch mainstream news, which is propaganda funded by the banks so obviously wants you to thing everyhting is okay).

the biggest issue here is that the economy cannot take it. most people are living paycheck to paycheck and have tons of credit card debt.

you can find plenty of people predicting a crash like this going back many years.

If we had a strong economy this would not even be a big deal. Most workers in USA work in the service sector, we don't even do manufacturing here in the USA. And USA is buying less and less goods from china.

so they created this crisis in china to account for the lowering imports and they need a reason to keep chinese out of the factories because they don't need them to work! we aren't buying from them at the same rate.

In my opinion they are downsizing and that means they plan on killing off lots of people.

What other solutions do they offer in the chinese economy and USA?

It is a reasonable question. Where will these jobs come from? First the system has to collapse.

scary to think, but it is a reality to consider. They aren't going to let this crisis go to waste and the banks will hide behind it and blame the virus.

Here in CT the town of Wilton (the first town, coincidentally, to have a virus reported) has been advertising emergency first aid training via flashing street signs for the past 2 years.

seems to me like this has all been foreseen.

if you want to call me a retarded idiot for reading the writing on the wall, that's fine. But the simple fact is AT THE VERY LEAST lots of people are going to hurt from this. not because of the virus but because they lose their business, lose their jobs and lose their homes. this is the horrible reality we have to face.

Youre a monkey

>Doomers commit suicide en masse

The end game for the corona virus

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