Feminine Wanderlust

Can someone please explain to me why women are so into "travel"?

I mean, I've travelled and enjoyed it. But I don't live for it, the way that 90% of the women I know do. What is going on in their brains that makes them like this?

On a related note, (((whoever))) popularised the idea of collecting "experiences" instead of "things"... what a clever ploy to siphon yet more money, once people have run out of tat to buy.

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With the vast majority of the women I know it's less true wanderlust and more "Fernweh" - the opposite of homesickness. Most other women I've talked to about it describe a feeling of longing or emptiness (in b4 obvious jokes) for a place and a drive to go find it.

fake accomplishments

It gets them attention on social media.

That's it.

femanon here. they think it's a personality trait. gives them a distinction amongst their friends. it's also a sign of social status. they don't actually care about traveling so much as advertising that they've traveled. of course some of it is a genuine desire to see and experience beautiful things too. but this hyper-wanderlust thing is also rooted in ego for sure. there's so little meaning in our lives that anything that gives people a sense of purpose is something they'll latch onto - hence, etc.

Wow sure are a lot of new topics cropping up on Yas Forums (Google PROJECT ZEPHYR)

You can make potential cool insta pics

this and also the freedom to fuck strange men and not have it affect their reputation back home
not that reputation even matters in 2020 but maybe 15-20 years ago it still did.

Get big cock from every country of course, even better if black or med country.

Really its mostly just for insta pics

Why do women make these kind of pictures and why do they make me angry?

Seriously though, my gf told me about some colleagues who went on holiday to take Instagram pictures at landmarks and bikini pictures at beaches.

Did nothing else, we don't have Instagram though.

This. Trying to fill the God-shaped vacuum with sentiment and novelty. Will not last because you get older and realize if there is no foundation to it, it is just a larp

To fill the void and pretend to be cultured for their social media audience

it's the most passive form of "accomplishment" there is. women don't put effort into things.

It's a sign of social status which women (and feminized [most] men) crave above all else, nothing more

Insightful and accurate. Now let's see 'em sweetheart

Travel is expensive and it social signals to their "friends" that they are living a good happy life with money.

Nothing is more important than social status to women. Nothing.

Now stop making little threads about whores, there are titan class happenings going on right now.

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>Nothing is more important than social status to women. Nothing.

They can sloot around without anyone finding out. They literally just trawl for cock. Look at the stupid whores who got beheaded last year, they were wearing black thongs while fucking camping

Their quest for spiritual fulfillment and black/brown dick, but mostly black/brown dick.

I just assumed that these women are so depressed that if they don't distract themselves with novel experiences every waking moment, they spiral into psychosis.

Like if you put them in solitary confinement for 48 hours, they would be completely unraveled and need years of therapy to recover a stable personality again.

because you are witness to the death of your culture and community by subversive globalists, and it is normalized and paraded in front of you

why the fuck kill them?
i dont get it.
if you are willing to do that just keep them as sex slaves. wtf?
you could even rent them for money.

Looking for an actual fucking culture and land to belong to

They like to post pictures on their social media. Women love making their friends jealous. Pretty much their entire life revolves around how others perceive them. They live for inflating their ego and showing everyone how important they are and how much a better life they have then their peers.

You take her phone away and internet access and she won’t like to travel anymore because she won’t be able to show off taking a selfie in front of the pyramids or something.

they weren't wearing thongs i remember jerking off to that vid

First thing I thought of was that they really don't participate in the experience because they'll be busy showcasing it on social media.

honorary beaner.


videos like this

it's called hypergamy

Just because the mudshits look like you doesn't mean they're as smart as you, my dear spic.

OP here with some direct quotes from a conversation I just had with some chick:
> makes me feel good for some reason
> good escape and gives a new perspective on things

Anyone care to translate?

it's not about the travel itself but rather the attention whoring that comes along with it

Social status and emptiness

Because those guys are more based on their worst day than you on your best.

They DID fuck them. THEN they killed them so they could never be cucked by them.

If we all went around beheading whores instead of worshiping them, imagine what our society would look like in five years. Whores who couldn't reform would go into hiding and we could start teaching our children that love is real again.

That's what's wrong with us now, we have whole generations of kids depressed and suicidal because they know for a fact that love is fake and only lust is real. Why? Because whores exist openly and destroy families openly and make a mockery of love openly.

Women are solipsistic

If they fuck a guy across the planet or country then technically it doesn’t count as cheating/whoring because nobody knows her out there

Believe me

I’ve worked for some rich motherfuckers as a personal assistant back in my wannabe celeb days and the shit girls who fly out to meet them do would make your head spin

These aren’t the skanky bimbos you’d imagine from social media or whatever

Girls from great families and so cutesy you’d think they were a preacher’s daughter doing the most depraved shit imaginable for the HONOR of a week as an alpha’s toy

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Holes like adventure and things that make their axe wound tingle. Is OP autistic?

Surrogate activity

Women have an instinctual drive to make themselves seen. They don't know why they like it, but it manifests itself in their desire to go out and "just dance" and travel. This drive makes them put their reproductive value on display, and the men that see them are driven to pursue them. This is exacerbated by the fact that travel has been idealised in this culture to an absurd extent as a 'self-development' activity and as the ultimate form of leisure. (Leisure being considered one of the highest pleasures and signs of achievements of this culture)

Furthermore, people in general feel something is lacking in their lives (because of the meaninglessness of their way of life) and falsely think that, by going somewhere far away, they might find somewhere better or something better.

Finally, travel is novelty and something to do. It is a form of distraction and faux purpose. New sights, smells, people, places to go, culture, food, dealing with their travel logistics; these overwhelm the person with stimuli and things to do, so they are fully engaged and purposeful for a short while. Engagement and purpose could have been found at home, but they have no higher values or ideals.

women that love 'travel' love sex/wine/the pill/being "fucked over" by men and are usually shallow and addicted to prescription drugs, also have to post it all on social media..
not an interesting type of person desu..
men do this too, and theyre even fucken worse

>(((whoever))) popularised the idea of collecting "experiences" instead of "things"
see pic related

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it feels good to kill roasties

>i like to get away and let my tits out and grind on foreign cock
>i gave a homeless man $5 dollars so that made up for it

women don't have personalities, so they try to curate one through carefully filtered instagram pics in exotic locales. females only started traveling after the advent of social media. if they weren't able to attention whore, do you think they would really travel?

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they like travelling for niggerdick.

We just need to be a bit higher up the kardashev scale for flying cities, but I'm sure it'll happen eventually. The 2583 Venusian Revivalist Architecture Festival was spectacular.

>the shit girls who fly out to meet them do
share stories about it

Women don't actually care about travelling.
They like to post things on social media to flaunt their status and trick themselves into thinking they have a personality.

I wish I'd saved it, but there was a comment on reddit by somebody who worked on a DiCaprio movie, and how whenever the crew went to a restaurant women would throw themselves at him in the most blatant, immodest ways. like offering to fuck him then and there, waiting for him to go to the bathroom to intercept him and give him their numbers, etc

I totally believe it

To make up for total lack of personality.


Like, yeah, though.

Well thats quite good for pair bonding for certain. some of the best memories from past relationship were from travels. She was far from perfect but damn i wish it back at times.

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Incredibly thought out insight. Now post tits.

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i was memeing u wanker, i was playing it as people tend to behave.
anyway the worst thing is; they are also using dicaprio if he accepted.

Let's be real, why would he fuck one of these average women?
he knows they dont give af uck about him or anything, they just want toclaim they fucked dicaprio or any other artist.


I've been to multiple countries in europe and asia and have not had social media since 2012.

I love learning a bit of a new language. I'm not pretending to be a polyglot. Just simple things. I love buying their clothes, both traditional and Zara garbage. I ride the subway. I passed as a local in Moscow after I started wearing heels regularly. I sat with a real Russian army major on the train to SP. He was dismissive of me at first with my US passport on my lap but I won him over and made a friend.
I've taken seminars in Nepal and learned philosophy - which I hate - but it was worth it. I've made lifelong friends. I've partied in Morocco with my cousins and and sped down the highways of Tel Aviv at 3am. I walked down a mountain in Kalambaka with a 78 year old Alabama woman.

I'm happily married with 2 children. Can't wait to show them the world...that is if corona does not get us.

its not about dicaprio. its about that the hordes of weak men that enable this degeneracy

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Travel is literally just a way to fuck guys after college while pretending it's something noble. It has become synonymous with "25yo roastie fucking niggers" though.

getting social status by spending not too much money. i think its pretty self explanatory

you need to go back to plebbit.

Why are these SEETHING sedentary betas project their own two faced nature on women (and men) who travel?

Imagine being in medieval times, you know who doesnt travel? The worthless serfs who toil all day in pig shit and are happy doing so. Imagine being in a fantasy book. You know who doesnt travel? The absolute NPCs while the heroes travel around having adventures.

You are so much of a genetically beta serf NPC that only the thought of travelling scares you. Probably having ancestry vietnam flashback from when your pathetic beta sendetary farmcuck serf ancestors got their ass raided by alpha travellers, pic related.

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>if they weren't able to attention whore, do you think they would really travel

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This is more nuanced than basically anything that ever came out of a travel-thot's mouth.

I'd love to hear more of your perspective, because I suspect it is the antithesis of the topic at hand. A contrasting position could be a useful datapoint.

you need money to travel, especially those "exotic" places with resorts built

It's simple, it's so they can gorge themselves on a multitude of brown/beige dicks without any of their friends/rivals/relatives calling them out for their random slutting

"Living their best lives" and doing inspired things -i.e. - tv tells them what to do, they all do exactly the same things as each other, most of which means rubbing their vaginas on a spanish beach whilst hammered.

lol to show off on social media

The economic implications are interesting. Do you think travel still has an aura of being expensive, while the actual price has plummeted due to budget airlines, cruises, etc?

Women love to explore and adventure, its fucking weird as hell. I just wanna stay home and play vidya.