Imagine having another country's flag on your own

What a bunch of cucks kek

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Other urls found in this thread:

shit flag
shit people
country side is nice though.


imagine having no identity or ethnic pride


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It sucks ass but still better than being a mutt

Imagine not having a brotherhood and cutting your links to the motherland.

is that my my country's flag?
I win yet again
dumb cuck
btw you have basically young hillary as PM
extra cuck faggotry kek


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It's a nice flag it's better than a bunch of stars and lines faggot
>Inb4 it's just stars and lines
It's lines and stars. Way better.

Come home Anglo Yanks we miss you

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>Not having a royal family to swear undying allegiance to
Shit must suck

Still better than a fucking leaf, eh?

I guess you’ll have the last laugh since niggers don’t seem to get covid-19

ok aboriginal

more like based.

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At least we are not le 56 percent mutts

yeah you're just a bunch of huangs

it isn't cuckoldry to have flag of your ancestral country on your current one. If only leafs weren't such faggots and returned red ensign

>be british
feels good man

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>Common law
>Predominantly Anglo people/culture

>New York
>New Jersey
>New Hampshire

>Georgia (George II)
>Virginia (Elizabeth I)
>Carolina (Charles I/II)
>Maryland (Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I)

Attached: USFLAG_PLUS_BRITISH_EAST_INDIA.gif (576x163, 4.41K)

Fear God, Honour the King

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Imagine having some rabbi snip the end of your dick off when you're born...

Fuck you you fat greasy bastards!

Imagine being ruled by kikes

We had a referendum to change our flag a few years back. The result was no change. That's what happens when no one cares because a flag is just fabric with some shapes and colors. Imagine being so retarded that you care what a flag looks like. Ill let you get back to smearing your own poos on the wall now .

Of course

I voted to change. Fuck Britain and fuck the Monarchy. Never have I ever been more ashamed of this country than when we voted to keep the colonial flag.

Flags with not one, not two, not three, but four Crosses. Praise the Lord!

Cry moar faggot better then that gay silver fern bullshit.

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It;s the Anglosohere brotherhood. I love the Jack

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I dont understand ching chong speak

>I voted to change. Fuck Britain and fuck the Monarchy. Never have I ever been more ashamed of this country than when we voted to keep the colonial flag.

Okay, Hori, Chang or lefty cuck faggot living on K Road with boyfirend. This would be your flag right now

Attached: 2000px-Tino_Rangatiratanga_Maori_sovereignty_movement_flag.svg.png (2000x1111, 24.38K)

>caring about political leaders in 2020 not realizing they are all kikes or worship kike ideals.
Oh user, you're so innocent.

>imagine having another country's flag on your own
Said the union of 50 odd states when complaining about the Union Jack on a couple of other states.

Found the Maori

Gay D&C thread

The proposed replacements were all ugly and meaningless

>region called New England

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>shit flag
what, you prefer that shit looking Abo flag over the one we currently have?

Can we get an Oceana hate thread?

only kikes want to change our glorious flag

long live the queen

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Counterpoint: US flag is very similar to the malaysian and liberian flags.

The red and white stripes apparently represent the 13 British colonies that committed mutiny in 1776

kill yourself pajeet

Liberias flag was made from the US flag dumb nigger.

Thank fuck we don't have >a fucking leaf
these were the alternatives in the referendum

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Yeah, imagine.

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What is a Commonwealth

blimey, they look like absolute crap, i'd choose the one we have over garbage alternatives like pic related

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its called unity and brotherhood you fatherless spic

It's quite unoriginal. Grow up and stop living on your predecessors merits

All those options were horrific. So glad we kept our original flag.

Also reminder for everyone the NZ flag first surfaced around 1872. Australia adopted theirs in 1901.

maybe if you knew new zealand and Australian law mate. New Zealand is still sorta part of New south wales, A state in Australia. If the gov their ever collapse. it is taken over by Australia. so the flags are almost the same. make sense? Guess thats usa education for you.

You forgot one of them

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"Both with gratitude for the past and confidence in the future, we range ourselves without fear beside Britain. Where she goes, we go. Where she stands, we stand. We are only a small and young nation, but we are one and all a band of brothers and we march forward with union of hearts and wills to a common destiny."

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This one or sad Pepe would have won.

>fatherless spic

the greatest empire of all time

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dumb and gay.
cope more burgers.