Fulton Sheen

This man is the savior that Western society needs now more than ever.
I'd like to take a moment to thank the user from several hours ago who posted about this man. Very inspiring stuff. God bless you, user.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Cool story, but has nothing to do with this based man's Catholicism.

based fascist

True, it's just a related topic

How is he fascist?

This is only because they count baptized Catholics as Catholics. Even if they never did anything to practice or know their faith.

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This has everything to do with Pope Francis.

Survey was take in 2014
Francis became pope in mid 13

Sounds like we need to up our catechesis then if this can be considered accurate.

A refreshing admission to hear

Consider the possibility that your church is corrupt to a point beyond staying in

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No I’m never leaving the Church. It’s the ark of salvation and all outside of it perish.
The human element of it has some bad actors trying to destroy it but it’s been put on Earth with a divine mission of evangelizing.

Where shall we go the Catholic Church is the only Church that holds the 100% fullness of truth.

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19 minutes of your time, lads. Well worth it.

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Based. Catholicism is the way to salvation

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>the Catholic Church is the only Church that holds the 100% fullness of truth.

What about the Orthodox Church?

Yeah but let's be honest.. progressive Catholic administrators like the current Pope needs to be culled from the church.

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What about them? They agreed to come back then let the Turks take over their church to put in anti-unification bishops.


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>"Rome bad"
>"outside (((Roman church))) no salvation!"

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What’s wrong with the current pope? He’s a mildly conservative Jesuit that’s affirmed against gay marriage and women being ordained recently.

Agreed. There are of a lot of people in the Church who are too focused on the Earthly life and forget the end goal of attaining eternal life. More needs to be done to remove these Catholics in name only.

>What’s wrong with the current pope?
He’s a mildly conservative Jesuit that’s affirmed against gay marriage and women being ordained recently.

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>What about them? They agreed to come back then let the Turks take over their church to put in anti-unification bishops.

So what do you think of Vatican II? Pic related? Doesn't look like the Catholics are on the right foot either. Also, what do you think about the sex abuse scandals? You do know many of the victims killed themselves, right? Do you consider them hellbound accordingly since suicide is a mortal sin? I'm just curious to see how you feel about all this considering your apparent stance. From one curious seeker to another on the 'ol road,

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I agree, judge the Roman Catholic Church by real Catholics
Did you miss the part where a minority of churchgoing Catholics condemn ssm?

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Are you pro gay marriage and women priests or something user?

Isn't Origen considered a heretic, though?

>Argument over the orthodoxy of Origen's teachings spawned the First Origenist Crisis in the late fourth century AD, in which he was attacked by Epiphanius of Salamis and Jerome, but defended by Tyrannius Rufinus and John of Jerusalem. In 543, the emperor Justinian I condemned him as a heretic and ordered all his writings to be burned. The Second Council of Constantinople in 553 may have anathemized Origen, or it may have only condemned certain heretical teachings which claimed to be derived from Origen. His teachings on the pre-existence of souls were rejected by the Church.

Beatification when? Whats the hold up been?

>Are you pro gay marriage and women priests or something user?
Not that your post dignifies a response, but obviously absolutely not.

Was this the guy from Apocalypse Now?

>he doesn’t know that the pope is catholic

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>Catholic arguing against a literal six day creation
You're a modernist

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>I’m actually married to Fultons Sheens Great Great niece
talk about her

its why he's not a saint. That doesnt mean everything he said is wrong.

Apparently a Jew sympathizer is delaying the process.

Venerable Fulton Sheen, pray for us!

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Most Holy Family Monastery

This thread is for Catholics, not cultists.

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>So what do you think of Vatican II? Pic related? Doesn't look like the Catholics are on the right foot either. Also, what do you think about the sex abuse scandals? You do know many of the victims killed themselves, right? Do you consider them hellbound accordingly since suicide is a mortal sin? I'm just curious to see how you feel about all this considering your apparent stance. From one curious seeker to another on the 'ol road,

>So what do you think of Vatican II?
Pastoral Council.

>Pic related?
Should never have happened but he is still a Saint because he received Absolution on his Death Bed meaning the Sacraments DO WORK.

>Doesn't look like the Catholics are on the right foot either. Also, what do you think about the sex abuse scandals?
A major issue but Protestants, Jews, Muslims all have the same issues.

>You do know many of the victims killed themselves, right? Do you consider them hellbound accordingly since suicide is a mortal sin?
No you have a surface level understanding of mortal sins and why suicide was condemned in the first place. If the grief they felt from such a betrayal was so great they could no longer go on living then they were martyrs meaning they are in heaven. The Catholic Church does not say anyone is in hell for we do not know we can not say Stalin, Nero, or Martin Luther are in hell because we do not know. We only know of 1 person who is 100% in hell and that is Judas.

>I'm just curious to see how you feel about all this considering your apparent stance. From one curious seeker to another on the 'ol road,
I do not know the contents of your soul but my assumption is that you are not genuine and you are just attacking Catholics although you yourself don't know where this anger towards the Church comes from.

Origen isn't a Church Father and had many weird and unique opinions. Young earth creationism is the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church. The Church cannot leave or defect. It’s heresy to say that it can. The Church still exists. This situation was prophesied, as our material shows. You are simply confusing the Vatican II Sect with the true Catholic Church. The Vatican II Sect under Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church. It is the prophesied end-times Counter Church (the Great Harlot). The true Catholic Church exists with the true Catholics. You have just watched a video put out by members of the true Catholic Church. To be a true Catholic, you need to reject the Vatican II Sect and its antipopes and embrace the traditional Catholic faith. You also need to get out of the New Mass, if you go there. Our material and website explains how to do that. You can also e-mail us at [email protected] We also recommend that Catholics pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.

>Protestants have the same issues (sex scandals)
No we don't, not in the same manner

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According to the numbers you actually have it worse.

>Young earth creationism is the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church.
No it was never dogmatically defined to be and you know it.

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Show me

>The Vatican II Sect under Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church
If you're a sede then you already know that these numbers don't apply to you, since you reject association with the church in Rome as it presently stands

Who is the true pope then? You seem more like a schizophrenic protestant heretic.

>This has everything to do with Pope Francis.

It does in the sense that the subversion of the Catholic Church laid the groundwork for the satanic scumbag pope.

Don't lump those guys with us, they're clearly Roman Catholic theologically

>Who is the true pope then?
Just because one can identify who isn't a true Pope doesn't mean one can identify who is.

No apostolic succession=no true Church.
The pope is the rock the Church is built upon.

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That's obviously wrong dude.
It should be hate is intolerant of love.
Love is tolerance.

In the same vein as that Ruth Ginsburg is still alive despite no proof and the Supreme Court is in perfect functioning order as we are lead to believe.

Are you still looking for the proofs or did I call your bluff

I'm the real gosh head.
Now that you know that, what do you intend to do whit your new found "know-ledge"?

No. No, it is not.
How tolerant was Jesus when he drove (((them))) out of the temple?

You'd best be baiting, nigger. Suppose that you're the most loving, compassionate person in the world. Then suppose I started telling you about my puppy snuff dungeon. Would you just stand there and smile?

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The only thing god hates is competition.
What? The next thing you're gunna say is "God can't-"
Then you lost.

Bad news would beat you home.

Doesn't change anything.

Christ did not come to make us nice people. He came to make us new men. — Fulton Sheen

I'm a Baptist but Catholics really have aesthetics. Pic very related.

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You're a literal fudgepacker.

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No that's your god.
She's in my heaven now.

>taken in by worldly things
Yep, that's a Satanist alright.

Yeah I know but aesthetics draw people in. Beauty is a virtue in itself.

>>taken in by worldly things
>Yep, that's a Satanist alright.
So we should deliberately make things ugly.