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no ones immune duh

>south africa
Someone post the map.

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If there's a god up there somewhere it is his act

All of these are whites

Nice try though but Cope harder

>Muh memes
This isn't funny in the slightest.
Even if we contain it in the developing world. We are fucked, it will keep mutating and returning in Africa.
It's officially no longer a nothing burger.

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Nigger please

This is so terrible... I kept telling my family that American pandamania is selfish. It's the 3rd world countries that will suffer the most.

This sounds like fake news. There's no schools in Africa

It hasn't even caught up with the strain that's been hanging out in Brazil

guarantee its only non blacks getting it

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China is a cancer on the back of the world. Shame on us for allowing them to exist, spewing their filth into the world

Isn't South Africa where the wiggers roam the savannah though?

here we go bois

Whitey! I don't feel so good.

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Don't forget East Africa is on track to get, how on earth will white nations provide them with food when we're already rationing our own supply chain? Think of all the innocent kangz that could perish because the west was selfish enough to look after their own citizens first

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>as somalia, cameroon, south sudan shut borders and schools
>all three

Pretty funny that South Sudan's response has been better than Australia's. That's the benefit of not having an economy to crash.

Please God. Eradicate the Negro and save the human race. We're sorry for our sins.

Check this out

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This is a bad thing.

It will kill off the AIDS infected population quickly and the remainder will be healthy to breed.

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Butbutbut the heat the heat kills it right the hhheeeeeeaaaaatttttttt.......

What didn't you understand about shutting down the borders?

Fun fact, as the northern hemisphere warms up, the southern hemisphere gets cooler.

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We must do more


South Africa is an Anglo/Dutch colony fag

All the cases are Afrikaners. If you have Neanderthal DNA you WILL catch it, we 100% Homo Sapien KINGS are immune

yeah but it's never snow and frost there

rip Africa

>Wakanda cancelled

But it isn't scorched earth only a nigger would live there kind of hot either.

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What about the Not-James-Bond nigger?

>nothing burger
If I was a mod I would make a filter like the onions one where every time some douchebag said this stupid trendy buzzword it would change to LOOK AT ME I'M FAGGOT FROM REDDIT in bold red text.

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rip africa they are beyond royally fucked

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>85 cases all white folk
>Worried about South Africa
>Meanwhile millions of Americans are without healthcare and most likely infected

You can catch it if you’ve fucked a white woman

ok s0uyboi

Crackers and gooks ruining society with their sick diseases

Once again

>opinion discarded
simple as

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CCC! Corona Chan Clan!
CCC! All niggers will die!

my gf in SA says it's been brought there from italy, and there been cases at the university which is shut down now, everything being shut down and the anc are planning to test everyone by force

never a missed opportunity to try and stir the divide and conquer pot, eh, herschel?
pls die

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There has been speculation on the virus targeting certain ethnic groups. Some scientific reviews touched upon this, having to do with receptors found more commonly in eastern Asians or something. So it's not just a schizoid thing but yes, at this point we can assume that everybody is equally fucked from a genetic standpoint.

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>meanwhile Iran has an exponentially rising death toll and Africa is about to get LOCUSTED with other nations too preoccupied to gib food

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b-but muh dick bigger and shet



frost is extremely common in the winter and it has snowed a few times, on the mountains it'll have snow all winter

its a huge psyop you fucking retards


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When I get it I’m gonna cough on all niggers I see at train stations and shopping malls

It will convince even the most retarded that mass migration has to stop.
Watch former virtue-signalling progressives suddenly gain a visceral understanding of the concept of HYGIENE.

23 cases is not an "explosion" in cases

Didn't you retarded schizoposters learn when white people started getting it?

>implying there isn't more than 30 whiteys left in south africa
day of the bleach is coming, nignogs


Poor nogs. They dindu nuthin to deserve this

I was afraid this might happen. Please, Africa... Let this relatively tame virus be the one that helps the people on your continent make peace with modern disease control.

>implying they have schools

do you remember of "DON'T STIGMATIZE AIDS RIDDEN NIGGERS, WE MUST HELP THEM INSTEAD"? It will be even more potent if nigger invaders have the wuflu.

lol come on dude its just the flu

a bunch of retards were skiing when they decided it was a good idea to cut their holiday short


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