

Attached: Options.png (1000x1000, 52.28K)

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option 3 turn the ovens on and get to work

Is there an option to kill 30 million Americans while obliterating the economy?

2. Since I'm not going to die anyways.

the virgin quarantine vs chad herd immunity

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>healthy and not-at-risk
In this nation the boomers will outvote for option 1 every time

2 for the sole reason of annihilating the boomers

I want to vote 2 but what if mom dies :(

Option 2. Fuck boomers.

My personal living situation forces me to vote for option 1.

>trusting the vaccine
good goy

A Corona Virus infection cannot be eradicated from a body. Once infected you're infected for life.

No immunity can be built up against it because it uses the immune system's antibodies to further infect and create cytokine storms in various organs which are Ebola level devastating.

It's highly communicable but indiscernable since a carrier can be contagious while not displaying symptoms.

The death rate is deceptive since it has only been circulating for a very short time, weeks in most places. Thus we only see it's initial onset and that is displayed with it wiping out the very old and sick. Since it is incurable and can reinfect multiple times in one sufferer, we have no idea what it will do 5 months 5 years or even 10 years down the line. It could be 80% fatal, even more regardless of age or health. Eventually it will wear down just about everybody except some few freaks of nature destined to be the progenitors of a new race of men.

Thus it could be the ultimate threat to humanity. And so I reached my irrefutable conclusion.

Quarantine is going to prove futile under the current plan. 1 month 2 months, 3 months, are irrelevant. No matter how long you quarantine the disease will come back because there will be survivors who have recovered. But as I said above all recoveries are temporary and in the end these survivors will start the spread of the disease again.

Thus we must eradicate everyone who has it. This will be very dangerous and I propose it be carried out by armored vehicles with the soldiers inside under full biological combat warfare conditions. All sorts of weapons must be used, even flamethrowers. The entire planet must be scoured for the infected and regardless of race or age or sex all infected must be wiped off the map immediately and then burned. There can be no exceptions.

Option 3: Shutting down the boomers and allowing the rest to be productive until vaccine.

Option 2 cuz freedom

Mental illness

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Might as well go with 2. None of the boomers around me are protecting themselves, why do I have to do it?

fuck you beat me to it

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fake news

This is what the political class is trying their best to make happen. Fucking government making things worse as usual. The media won't stop stoking the panic either. The more they try to shut it down, the closer we get to irreparably destroying all financial systems and falling into another great depression.

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2 obviously, but that's not how coronachan works
In reality we'd be like UK and find out after 1m deaths that reinfection is possible

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Why not do option 2 but quarantine the old and high risk people. Few people die, the coming does fine, and we get herd immunity.

sick roleplay man.


Even at the risk of my only grandparent dying, the benefit to the economy getting rid of the parasitic boomers and soon to be boomers that have effectively led to this unstable shit hole of market and government would make the sacrifice worth it.

Option 2. I think option 1 carries a significant risk of civil unrest that could lead to collapse. A few million deaths is nothing compared to that.

this aint the Spanish influenza where people were dropping left and right. Mostly 20-40 years old

3000 deaths max


Guys right, anyone saying otherwise is either a kike or chink or one of those "justaflu" faggots

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2, because all normies die.

Viruses don't work like that retard

>he thinks it won't reinfect

Option 3: New cases will die down in two weeks, restrictions will lift, and the economy will be back to normal in one or two months.

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Boomer remover

>10-30 million
2-3 out of every hundred? Considering I only know 4 people, odds are ill be completely unscathed. Option 2.

2, frees everthing up and culls boomers and tards.

>Viruses don't work like that retard


COVID attacks your body by entering cells with the ACEII gene. This is present in the lungs, all organs, your small intestines, and even your veins and arteries. This is phase 1 and typically your body handles this like a mild flu.

After two weeks or so your body produces antibodies. Normally this would wipe out the virus. But COVID uses the antibodies that bind to it and your cells to enter more cells. It turns immunity against you and starts reproducing like crazy.

This trait is present in all the horrying viruses like HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS, and now covid. It's why we can't develop a vaccine. Because all a vaccine does is get your body to develop antibodies without having to suffer through the disease. We actually developed a vaccine for SARS a few years ago but all the mice we tested it on died because as soon as they got reinfected with SARS the virus spread like a wildfire through its body with the antibodies meant to protect them.

The horrifying conclusion is that this means this could be a virus you can't develop an immunity to.
>"Why hasn't this been a problem before?"
You might be asking. Normally the viruses don't spread this easily. HIV and EBOLA needed sex or sharing needles or you acting like a nigger and dancing and kissing the corpses of the infected dead.

SARS was so horrifying because it spread easier. We got lucky and stopped it early and essentially eradicated it smallpox style.

It's too late for that with COVID. This could be a virus that threatens the human race itself.


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Shut down country strategically to slow viral spread.

Option 2 is retarded since so little is known about the virus.

all that is needed is distancing.

we do not need retards going to festivals, that prolongs the issue.

option 3
go kys.

>The more they try to shut it down, the closer we get to irreparably destroying all financial systems and falling into another great depression.

Worse than that, China fakes their economy so much they might end up buying every last company in the USA. They might buy Disney, Boeing, Lockheed, who knows. They've faked their economy so bad their stock markets are actually up right now. And no one is calling them out on it. China is going to use this pandemic as a springboard to seize more power across the globe. If the USA shuts down for 18 months we'll emerge weakened and feeble and unprepared to confront China.

Get fucked. You're gonna die soon so you may as well get corona you geriatric/sickly fuck

Checked, we third position nao bois

Shut the fuck up faggot nobody read past the first line. Kill yourself.

I'm not old, you retarded abbo. My unironic boomer grandmother's old, and I live with her.

Option 3: Kill the boomers now

How can you confirm this, meme flag?

Marburg virus[1] is a hemorrhagic fever virus of the Filoviridae family of viruses and a member of the species Marburg marburgvirus, genus Marburgvirus. Marburg virus (MARV) causes Marburg virus disease in humans and nonhuman primates, a form of viral hemorrhagic fever.[2] The virus is considered to be extremely dangerous. The World Health Organization (WHO) rates it as a Risk Group 4 Pathogen (requiring biosafety level 4-equivalent containment).[3] In the United States, the NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ranks it as a Category A Priority Pathogen[4] and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists it as a Category A Bioterrorism Agent.[5] It is also listed as a biological agent for export control by the Australia Group.[6]

The virus can be transmitted by exposure to one species of fruit bats or it can be transmitted between people via body fluids through unprotected sex and broken skin. The disease can cause bleeding (haemorrhage), fever and other symptoms similar to Ebola. Funeral rituals are a particular risk. Actual treatment of the virus after infection is not possible but early, professional treatment of symptoms like dehydration considerably increases survival chances.[7]

In 2009, expanded clinical trials of an Ebola and Marburg vaccine began in Kampala, Uganda.[8][9]

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Yes but unfortunately this isn't 1920, you tell a nigger to stay at home and you'll be bombarded with media calling you racist

give them a banana to stay home then.

>stay home and get $100!

Problem with 2 is that it doesn’t take into account reinfection. The assumption is that people who survive the virus develop antibodies and are stronger for surviving. The opposite may be the case. Survivors’ antibodies are not sticking around in their bodies and many are developing pulmonary fibrosis, causing long term loss of lung capacity.

Option 1 is the correct response.

Do you have webm of the china doc that (probably) died leaking info?

How about some sauce with that bullshit?

The dead will be disproportionately boomers, meaning that we can finally vote to fix the problems they caused. Also overpopulation is fucking us and this will give us affordable housing

0: let boomers steal 2 trillion dollars

I know all about the ACE2 receptor phenomena with this virus. It's actually much worse than you think.
When the virus binds to ACE2 receptors, it mimics the normal function of Ang II, which ACE2 receptors are supposed to down-regulate. This leaves excess circulating Ang II in the tissues, which creates a whole lot of fucking inflammation, enough to basically destroy a lung. The autoimmune reactions are huge. Your own inflammatory response does more to attack the tissues than the virus does.
With ADE, normally, like in Dengue, you have to get two different strains for the second one to fuck you, because the incomplete antibody response due to the faulty memory B cell antigen experience means that the virions are carted off to the Fc receptors where they start to infect your immune system, and then the Dengue fucks you to death. If SARS-CoV-2 can do this with the same strain and the same infection, that's really, really, incredibly fucked, because it means immunity is difficult or even impossible to develop. I've heard that they've cured some people with serum antibodies, so it's possible that at least some people have good antibody responses. I've also heard of people relapsing with the disease, which is not encouraging at all.
I've been trying to tell people for fucking weeks, this thing can have serious neurological consequences. SARS-CoV-2 can attack the medulla of the brain stem and the blood vessels of the brain. It can cause viral encephalitis and make people to collapse to the ground with abnormal posturing like drowning victims.
When they tested SARS-CoV on hACE2 transgenic mice with human ACE2 receptors in their cells, they found it could enter the olfactory bulb and pass through the cribriform plate, just like naegleria fowleri amoeba, and from there, it could enter the brain and brain stem. Lights out

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Reports of feeling fatigue for months after "recovery" are starting to spring up
Imagine speedwalking across a street makes your heart rate double, fuck that

>Implying even a million die globally


You post on JW bunker /k/ yes? I think I remember you

/herd/ bros unite! who is scared of a little flu LMAO

dabbing on all the dead b**mers


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Is this guy for real? Because this shit is freaking me out.

Just so people know why 2 is not a common thing

2: Do not shut down country and ride out pandemic know that 10 to 30 million will dies of the virus, consequently another 200+million died of consequent of supply chain failure due to amass panic and system collapse due to overwhelming numbers of infection in a short period of time

Yes I get #1 has a potential for the system to be overwhelmed too, but it's far lower, than #2

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ACE2 is also found in the blood vessels and the endothelial lining of the blood-brain barrier, so it's possible it could cause a cerebrovascular infection, pass through the blood vessel and infect the blood-brain barrier itself, and then, get into brain tissue through that route. There are also reports that it can literally rise up from the nerves of the lungs and enter the brain stem from that route, as well. It's all in my notes.!4375&ithint=file,docx&authkey=!ADUCZrsWHwEJ9To

Information on it infecting the meninges and telencephalon is limited to nonexistent, but we do know that it can infect the medulla and it has also been found in patients' CSF:

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Yes he's real and this info was all from early leaks of china dr's back before cvg even started

Option 2

Need to open up the housing market, career paths & lower taxes.

Even if he were, we cured aids just before this shit started. News got buried because if it.

When the virus binds to ACE2 receptors, it mimics the normal function of Ang II, which ACE2 receptors are supposed to down-regulate. This leaves excess circulating Ang II in the tissues, which creates a whole lot of fucking inflammation, enough to basically destroy a lung. The autoimmune reactions are huge. Your own inflammatory response does more to attack the tissues than the virus does.

And there's ACE2 receptors in your Myocardium so it can set off heart attacks that kill you.

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>go back to gym

>feel like im gonna die

fuck, im not even old, that sounds awful

Totally agree.
This shit seems very staged by chinks and bankers. Release a virus, get mainstream media to cause panic all across the west, destroying the global economy, pick the winner. We all know how little bankers like their golems having their freedom.
I hope the west isn't so broken that it is lost forever over this.

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Viruses DO NOT want to kill its host, do you not understand this? Do you know why viruses like MERS is deadly at first? Because they're zoonotic infections, meaning they were meant to infect animals such camel or in this case fucking bats. The virus either eradicate itself by unable to adapt or it does, hell there even a medical theory right now that humans have more virus particles than human cells. Which mean are immune system is pretty fucking wild and adapts quickly.
Yes people die at first but its the not ends all be all. Also HIV shouldn't even be brought into the discussion. Its the only viral infection that still under shroud of mystery with little of factual studies on its origin, how it still doesn't adapt to its environment, why it's a passive strain that hasn't become aggressive. etc etc. The whole bio-engineered conspiracy theory is pretty accurate.

Thanks. That doctor was probably murdered by the Chicoms to shut him up. All the best videos stopped coming out of Communist China 3 weeks ago. They really shut down the internet hard.

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3: blow my fucking brains out problem solved nigga

Option 1. Option 2 in the US means instant non-white majority due to our demographics.

No man thank you. I wish I had saved much more information back in Jan, but I unironically fell for the "it's just asians getting it" meme and brushed it off

>Viruses DO NOT want to kill its host, do you not understand this?

Viruses are actually not even living creatures, any more than plasmids. They exist but they have no self aware agenda. Whether they kill the host or not is not really something they're aware of. They're simply opportunistic bits of RNA coiled up in a protein shell.

Option 2: Because Option 1 is a power grab by our government.

So what? We'll all 'have' it, but most of us will recover? We already know that, faggot. Congrats on your pointless attempt at fear-mongering, you didn't say anything new.

Unironically this

I will never consent to being vaccinated. The fucks will have to tie me up, this entire happening reeks of jew.

Option 1 because when people start falling over then everyone will start shutting off from society and that will inevitably lead to an involuntary option 1 but with mad max at the helm.

Option One means we $1,000 so that's what I'm going with.

Yeah I've been here and at Yas Forums and /r/ before the kiddie porn made me flee. Before that I was at Fucked Company Kiwi's Astroglide forum. That was awesome. June 2001. ...

It's funny but last winter it was really bugging me that so much awesome stuff was just disappearing off the internet, so much knowledge was just vanishing. So when this broke out I jumped on it. I've got a gig and a half file on it.

Yas Forums is never wrong

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Both. I stay home and you all die.

You'll "recover" with organs of 20+ age, how do you not understand this is a bad thing?

They reproduce, if their ways of reproduction cease. They die. Not here to argue the semantics of whats consider alive or not.