Can someone explain this shit to me? I literally just woke up and now both Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and twitter is saying that something is HAPPENING about Oprah, but THAT'S IT. I googled Oprah and nothing about her is showing up. What the fuck is happening? It's #1 trending on Twitter yet I haven't found any articles about it yet.
Oprah Child Sex Trafficking
Other urls found in this thread:
official story will drop soon
when a high profile person gets their mansion raided, the public will find out about it even before news outlets report it.
googles suppressing it, She is the 1# magical sheboon after all.
How the hell did the public know about it first then?
>googles suppressing it
For the first time in history I'm actually believing a conspiracy
white cops.
Weinstein testimony
>Oprah, high level celebrity
>sex trafficking
So you're gonna act like Pizzagate wasn't real right? This isn't new, the NWO has been sex trafficking children for years. This is not news
Q is happening!
I can't keep up with all these happenings.
I want it to be real but it seems like it's just twitter being retarded
It's not, some Q lady posted it on YT that Oprah was arrested but it's been 24 hours and you would have heard about it by now.
witch hunt
There would be pictures of cops at her house by now.
Go read about the sexual abuse and missing kids from her schools in africa
It’s funny because that is why she did not run. As soon as people started talking she went dark pertaining to her President run
Wuhan Virus is a globalist cover-up of the curtain being unveiled. We peak behind to see children, dead and naked on the ground. Hollywood, Vatican and United States Government stand around the bodies, hand in hands singing songs of futures past.
This is the end of times, the ultimate sacrifice to Malach. We bare witness to the coverup. Tom Hanks isn't sick, neither is Canada cuck.
relax user.
enjoy the show (:
>googles suppressing it, She is the 1# magical sheboon after all.
I thought that title belonged to Beyonce?
It will literally take you 8 hours to understand why these fucking “Q” lunatics are nothing but a bunch of new age hillbillies.
I used to fall for these stupid happenings all the time.
Q is bullshit
Nothing ever “happens”
Don’t feed the birds
From who? (((MSM)))
People have to tie her to Weinstein and John of God. This is the perfect opportunity
Praise kek!!!!! what timeline is this?! guys wtf is going on?!?!
there is no official source. cannot confirm or deny
Interesting. Gonna have to wait for a real source on this one though.
supposedly, as posted on twitter, oprah's house has been raid. that's about all that has come out.
Ok the fucking digits... WHATS HAPPENING
Praise YAH for that! God is great
She was involved with trafficking young black children. Because of her status in the black community, she had access to many black families. Most blacks abort, but some cant afford it and so they resort to the next logical step and that is selling their children to (((them))). Its a whole industry. March is going to be crazy, you have already noticed many rich people are AWOL. This is just the beginning. You thought pizzagate and epstein was bad, HOLY SHIT.
It's fake news being pushed by Russian bots you dumbasses.
When you people start going awol and dropping out ill be more likely to believe.
I believe this Jew
Hollywood PEDOS deserve the rope treatment in Minecraft.
Autistic pilot here I found a plane registered to quest labs flying over her genral area, not only that the planes registration is out of PA
Okay then shill.
Where is Oprah? If this was fake, one of her friends or employees would see that shit trending on twitter and inform her about it. Then all Oprah has to do is a live cam and say everything fine, or a fucking picture.
Where is Oprah if this is fake?
Where the fuck is she?
It seems to be mostly black twitter talking about it and not Q boomers.
Quest labs is the #1 coronavirus test company in the US, also second pic related
I’d have to wager at her house, asleep in her bed
Remember, retard Yas Forums, if this was fake:
Oprah would've already made a statement denying this.
Oprah's friends would've already made statements denying this
Someone trusted would've already denied this
No one has.
It's real, Yas Forums. We are in for a wild ride.
You alright Jew. Don't go to Tel Aviv tomorrow
Do you know something I should know? I work there.
this was leaked because Harvey Weinstein made a deal to turn her in
they raided the house and shes going to go down with him
tom hanks will join them
so will Danny Tanner
>the schizos were fucking right
>q-user is real
Fuck you mods for taking down the good threads from this weekend.
Yeah ok so pfft fuck it who cares then right? Fucking retard
i love crona
Tom Hanks was on the list too. Suddenly he has Corona? The happening is very real boys
Okay!!! Which of you faggots did this? This isn't funny
This. I 100% believe she is involved in sex trafficking. She used trafficking to keep the power players happy and in exchange she got investment and airtime.
Epstein, Weinstein, etc. Need I say more?
ok shitskin
it's monkey twitter running away with it
Bro, imagine the demoralization of blacks if this is all true. First Michael Jackson is a pedo, Bill Cosby is a rapist, Kobe Bryant dies, Oprah is a sex trafficker? Holy fuck.
>arresting a black woman
how racist can the US get?
shame on you
Drive by dradling by frothing semites. Stay in and try to avoid any flying matza balls.
Rumor has been out since yesterday, yet nothing.
Okay nigger we're literally in the middle of the biggest happening of our lifetime
Damage control is still unavailable
Planes back in the air and headed north 338
She literally just posted on Twitter that she’s safe and it’s a rumor lol. Nice try though
crona a cute!!
refresh the page
2020 vision for the apocalypse.
Apocalypse means "to uncover or reveal".
Twitter has been unfucked so you can spread redpills.
Spread awareness and we win!
It's that easy.
We can get all these evil fucks put on trial.
We can make all the normies from their trance.
The supposed "testimony" mentions pizzagate. Whichever of you made it fucked up by adding that. Obvious fake.
I just want to have end of the world, passionate sex with that big tiddy bitch I'm talking to. Please Corona just give me a week.
pack it up goyim
Welp boys pack it up, another habbening falls flat.
2020 has been fucking crazy. Wtf is April gonna bring?
To play devil's advocate. She didn't post a picture along with the tweet. It could be her PR team...
Jew bro nailed it.
Who would fuck little nigglets?
Damn, fun while it lasted
>jackson a pedo
Not true, families admitted to lying
>cosby rapist
Not true, the whores admitted to lying, plus you don't take your own date rape drugs fuck knuckle which they admitted he did.
They rest is true. Stop being a dumbass faggot and research more.
Hanx is showing off his Corona typewriter.
the good news is we realize how gullible blacks are and can easily stir up controversy by shilling to their twitter networks
Never posted in a LARP thread, here for the cheevo
this honestly cannot be real right guys? I suspect this place is gonna look so stupid by the morning.