WE ARE DOOMED ! Modern Human civilization is over

WW3 is starting soon.

It’s a bio weapon that escaped containment.

There is no cure and no immunity, you can catch it again and again until you die.

Over the long term it has a 100% fatality rate.

Also the treatment is maximum level intensive care, even still it’s about a 5% chance you will die. It’s also extraordinarily contagious even when one doesn’t have symptoms so it’s impossible to contain.

Combine these facts and you will see that ALL hospitals will be entirely overrun in a matter or days now, we don’t have the infrastructure or machines to render aid to patients and very soon people will be dying for lack of care bringing the fatality rate up to 10% or more.

Not to mention the fact that all these sick people displace the regular sick and hurt people. Around 65% of all medical resources are used at any given time on average with just day to day stuff.

I reiterate, you can catch this again and again, every time you have a higher probability of dying as the previous infection wrecked your shit.

This is the big one, we have never seen such a thing because this is a man made weapon. They won’t admit it but all the government’s know. There is a reason the Chinese were using the military to quarantine their people in the first weeks of this, they know how bad this is.

Modern civilization is over, most people just do t realize it yet.

WW3 is starting soon.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stay indoors and love a trad cutey's feet and mate with her. Do not go outside.


It’s true. Will be interesting to see the evolution of the public into this realization.

>we’re doomed
Far from it.

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Q is fake!

You can’t shoop that spot off the little toe

>It’s a bio weapon that escaped containment.
>Modern civilization is over, most people just do t realize it yet.
>WW3 is starting soon.
define soon

Attached: kill all footfags.jpg (1080x1807, 332.68K)

This is a habbening, but not THE happening

no it's THE habbening

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not the heckin human racerino
not the floofy goodboye civilization


post your own senpai


It didn't escape containment, but I believe it was intentionally leaked.
Event 201 was an exercise that was cooked up by Bill Gates & his foundation along with Johns Hopkins University and the Bloomberg School of Public Health. It simulated a pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus in October, a month before the first cases were detected.

Attached: event-201.jpg (950x450, 124.18K)

based Q, pacifying all boomers and making them genuinely believe all of their problems are being solved behind the scenes and they don’t have to lift a finger.

Something has already happened, this corona shit.

Something else is also gonna happen soon and its probably gonna be big, multiple things could happen.

The corona shit is scary(the reinfection part,at least we can hope the virus staying at the nerve endings is not true), the pizzagate stuff mhmhm maybe, ww3 possibly. But come on all evidence is circumstantial, so its hard to say for certain.

I assume you dont have any new evidence/sources to add?

Also, note how Bill Gates suddenly stepped down recently. this ties in to their plan. The goal is to seize control of the western world through fear. Event 201 installed this fear through the simulation, which went live. In the simulation: 65 million dead.

ya damn

In the Event 201 simulation, the experts pushed the idea that only through global cooperation could it be averted; Global sharing of resources, medical supplies and aid could avert the crisis. However, things are not going as they planned.

In reality, nations are isolating from one another. China almost threatening the USA, claiming we're responsible. It's actually a global cabal. We're headed to the worst case scenario; which is why Bill Gates stepped down; he's scrambling right now.

I watched an interview with Kyle Bass, some investor guy who hates the CCP, and he said something about China providing the testing capabilities for those 23andME type companies at a financial loss in order to get data for bio weapons that target Caucasians. Pretty spooky.

Mind you, the virus may not be all that lethal, but the plan for global government a-la new world order isn't panning out like they planned. it's having the opposite effect. It remains to be seen how bad it will get. You would think, if it were a planned outbreak, it would need to be deadly enough to scare the shit out of everyone, so it could go either way; but the whole strategy thought up in Event 201 has pretty much gone tits-up at this point.

>shitposting lies to making people panic
>also a footfag
I'd jack off if you died.

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Woah woah woah, footfags are high IQ


but if the plan is world government the virus is not as lethal as op claims, yes?
Also what government would they implement? is it gonna be left or right leaning?


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far left would be my guess, but as I said, their strategy has failed utterly. they rushed into their plan and it bit them in the ass. The consequences will also be more dire; IE their worst case scenario; millions dead.


>bio weapon
>2% lethality

is this the best we could do? that's a weak ass weapon

Now, I am not a footfag, BUT

ye but my point still stands, if this is the case the virus will go away eventually, in other words its has a low term effect. I mean yeah its gonna do some damage but its gonna stop.

Look at it this way for a moment:
>Think tank runs simulation; lack of global strategy leads to pandemic which kills millions.
>Results from simulation leads to releasing a contagion that will lead to minimal deaths if their strategy is followed.
>Strategy not followed. Logistics all fucked up. due to this proper timing is screwed up, bodies pile up while individual nations get their shit together. Complete SNAFU is the end result.

The fact is, the coronavirus is not behaving. They plotted out the vectors to successfully head it off through a scheme of global cooperation.
However: China isn't sending the needed medical supplies and pharmacuticals. USA isn't sending aid. every nation is hunkering down and going it alone. Death toll will climb because the strategy they had for this scenario is not playing out like they planned. Unless Bill Gates already has a cure, and is the sole source for getting it... but that's a stretch.

It's just the common cold


These posts are getting boring.

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It's like a cold, yes, but it's not common. it's why it's called a novel coronavirus.

What is a virus? In laymen's terms

The world (and this board) would be a better place if all the happening fags shitting up the board killed themselves

OP is fake and gay

cool story bro

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Whoa there pal, did you take like a 4 week break from this board? Because your panicfag shilling isn’t working anymore.
But please, give us another unverified, non-peer reviewed, regurgitated zerohedge article for us to point and laugh at.

A virus is a small agent or organism that replicates within living cells.

By calling the coronavirus novel, they mean that it's new or unusual. think Novelty.

The jig is up.

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Whenever I see a clickbait picture I always assume its a larp thread

Wrong ! It's not an organism. Why is it novel people get colds all the time ?

I was literally just thinking this minus all the bioweapon shit, I swear it's like normies are retarded faggots who don't think of the bigger picture such as the hospitals; I've been telling all these niggas that shit will hit fan When not If hospitals get overwhelmed. Normies will flip shit when their boomer faggot uncle dies of cancer or they can't get doctor's notes for their employer(if people still have jobs.)

Okay, define organism.

i can still see the splotch on her pinkie toe nigger

an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
"fish and other organisms have been destroyed over large areas of the creek"


Viruses are not living while organisms are. The organism bit should not be written into your meaning of a virus, it’s like saying (for example) that mushrooms are a type of plant


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It can also be defined as:
a whole with interdependent parts, likened to a living being.
Key word, "likened" meaning it doesn't need to be a living thing, A virus is not just one thing, it's composed of multiple parts.

An organism is a living thing. By your logic a computer is an organism. Just admit you were wrong: Coronavirus is not an organism. Why is it so hard for some people

Right so you can't explain in laymen's terms, which means you don't understand it yourself.

I agree, slanty. When it comes to science you chinks are pretty good at it

t. Amerikike