Apocalypse coming

It’s over. You know it. You can feel it in your guts. Each and everyone of you knows the apocalypse is coming. Now it’s time the world knows justice.

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Yeah ok . Good

Its true....

I can feel it in my plums

Nah, it’s just the end of this Yuga cycle. Everything will probably be really shit for a few generations. But in the really long run we’ll see a bunch of cool new governmental types pop up.

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Pestilence has come.
Next stage is war.
I’ve spoken

Things don’t end, everything is a cycle.

Yes. War is the next step.

Don't care anymore. Maintenance of this world is a joke. The NPC epidemic makes every interaction with people who will have the say and the votes an absolute pain in the ass. Reason is only reasonable when the person can understand it. If reason is dead, then so is this world and so is any hope of it continuing.

Post good songs to add to my playlist

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TOOL - Ænema

New Dark Ages- Bad Religion

You christfags clearly have no understanding of just how vast the scope of human history is.
It’s either you’re so delusioned by your dogma, or just plain arrogant to think our current existence is so important in respect to that scope of time, but it’s probably both.


I wish I haven’t been masturbating at least once everyday for the past 4 years it’s really the only thing I’m going to be sentenced to hell for on judgement day

diversity = the island of dr moreau

diversity = the island of dr moreau

diversity = the island of dr moreau

diversity = the island of dr moreau

diversity = the island of dr moreau

you call this apocalypse? Don't you remeber 5th and 6th century?

Nigger, your god ain't real and that's why no one is stopping it RIGHT NOW. It's a Jewish ploy to assassinate people waking up.

>Still don't understand how time works
I pity you

Well their religion does teach them that world started 6000 years ago lol.

And as soon as it was disproven it suddenly became a metaphor.

Christfags can't claim otherwise because they threw a man to jail for his entire life for daring to say that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe. They'll teach you about him in history class. Funny thing about Christians though, they always compromised races outside the Jewish. They're at least honest enough to try and keep their history truthful to the action truth. Unlike the Jews who literally meme 6 million even in modern times.

I'm ready for a new world 2bh

just say sorry bout that you'll be alright friendo

>the crowned rider is here

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I can actually control time within effectively enough to land head shots in video games with every gun pointed at me and then leave unscathed.

I literally know shit that's gonna happen a second ahead on a continuous basis like the sun.

It in action was someone complimenting me for having the agility of a cat one time. He didn't see how I was in control of the entire staircase. And the only reason is, is because it hits me like poke. And instinctively, I react. Like an animal of sorts, but I always end up okay. It's almost like curses fail.

It's the end of the normie era that's for sure.

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All fucking Jew worshippers must fucking hang


>Nah, it’s just the end of this Yuga cycle.

that's what the apocalypse is.

wait, child. this is barely the beginning

Sunshine of your love, war pigs, joker and the thief, and anything acdc rolling Stones or led zeppelin

There is no where in my Bible that says the world started 6,000 years ago, only those "thinkers" who say so do so, and it's stupid. Frankly, it's insulting to the Bible to dismiss how old the Earth is. Seeing as how grand the universe is, and how being a space faring society is in our blood, there isn't a thing you can say to convince me that God isn't real and guiding us. You can convince me that God created morons that can't even read a statement verbatim.

nothing can compare to end of civilization that happened back then, even false prophet arrived. But God changed his mind and decided to see if we could pull out of that shit

false prophet may come too. the weapons are here (chemical, biological, nuclear, ai killer bots, etc.). "this is it, the apocalypse"

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(((you))) say this every year.

Boutta let out a big fart, the world's gonna shake

Apocalypse is Greek for "to uncover, to reveal".

20/20 [vision]
Twitter and Google unfucked.
Drop redpills.
The sooner Normans wake up, the sooner the guilty stand trial, the sooner we are free.

Not Q

I hope youre correct OP

Ive grown to despise humanity like the devil himself. Just End It.

Dude you're, like, so cool and, like, unique. I bet every girl and dude sucks your dick as you pass them.

Since you asked.



Where's the war and the famine you dumb ass. Grease.

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I know they're watching behind me.

But where are the other five?

Literally just matters on how I groom myself. Serious shit, if you want to attract girls open up a normie mag and see what's in fashion. It doesn't even have to be the same brand. Get something that looks like that, stay fit and groom, and they tend to come to you.

>open up a normie mag and see what's in fashion

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>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.

>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.

>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.

>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.

>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.

>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.

>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”


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It may be a lot like the apocalypse, but humanity will rise from the ashes.. As we did at the end of the last Yuga cycle.

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I tell ya the maintenance is fucking annoying.

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Feels like every fucking movie and show is about the end of the world. Getting annoying.

Gotta seize control from the people looking to create a narrative instead of simply telling the truth.

End of Yuga cycle user is pilled. This is the great calamity of our cycle the virus is just the start of the rest the over population will be the real undoing once the supply chains stop running and people start starving.

They've been waiting a while

I feel you brother. Humanity must perish for good this time (until the next cycle begins again, sadly).

Tonight my buddies and I saw literally hundreds of lights flying in formation way faster than sattelites. I mean hundreds, all in a row for 20 minutes straight. We all saw it, nobody believes us. Saw other Canadians mention it last night and didn't even believe it myself. What the fuck did we see?

Ah.. an actual American chunibyo. Are they cute?

Military jets flying in formation. Likely preparing for martial law by moving to another airbase closer to the hardest hit areas.

Unreal. You believe the information that's allowed to be available over the truth of who is responsible. There is no Yuga. It's just the Jews. We weren't meant to suffer like this.

>tfw I wasn't lying about the outrageous claims.

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The Yuga cycle is basically just a model for human behaviour. We’re clearly in Kali Yuga phase one, next up will be slave dictatorships, then the long road back to sanity. Blaming this entire crises on muh jews, basically makes you brainlet.

Every time and you're not a good man. It can only repeat if the tyrants are still in power. It stops when you stop accepting it like some sort pussy because of "muh spiritual bullshit".

I’m not even that spiritual. The Yuga is just an accurate predictor of human behaviour. Were leaving the age of merchants, which may be why jews have more power in this age. Even if entire nations started killing all the Jews, it would change basically nothing at this point. It would just accelerate the cycle.

The Jews are not even an original bloodline of the Earth. They're an alien implant. ETs will be revealed soon. Hopefully it ain't the ones who made them.

Nigga what?

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You can't ever claim no one told you.


Shit, we’ll need to wait and see about that. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

These things were WAAAAY higher than any modern jets can go, and were way faster. Also there were HUNDREDS! 20 minutes straight at something like 30 lights a minute. In Canada, our entire airforce is too small for that. I read guys saying last night they saw the same in Calgary and Saskatchewan.