Okay Yas Forums, let's settle this once and for all...
Beard, scruff, or clean shave?
Okay Yas Forums, let's settle this once and for all
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Clean Shaven obviously, We are Civilized Men are we not?
clean so I can see his succulent lips
Men grow beards.
Women concern themselves with the razor jew, needing to vainly attempt to escape nature.
That's not fair, tom has horrible beard genetics
20s: Clean
30s: Scruff
40s+: Beard
Clean. Anything else is jawlet cope.
All faggy
Ill take being black
any facial hair other than the ones seen in this image are cope/and or faggotry.
Clean shaven.
My mask wont work over a beard.
Scruff obviously. Shaved looks feminine, beard is 9 times out of 10 unkept and disgusting unless you won the genetic lottery and keep it the perfect length
Personally I agree. Anything after 3 days looks too dirty. Some say a beard is like make-up for men. Men shouldn't wear make-up.
Checked and based
His face is so naturally beautiful it's best if he's clean shaven. It legit just depends on the face.
Zeus had a beard, Eros didn't.
Cringe. Beards and moustaches are expressions of manliness, anything else is gay
Clean-shaven, clearly
That we are. Roman men were all clean shaven while filthy G*rmanic subwhites went unshaven.
Beard. Anybody who says otherwise is just coping because they can't grow one.
Fucking checked
I look
>too young clean
>scrappy with scruff
>like a slob with a full beard
I go with the featherweight rough and tumble look myself. Really depends on features; work with what you have.
and who won?
Depends on the face shape. If you are a jawlet grow a beard to cope. If you have a natural chiseled Chad jawline show it off with a clean shave or light scruff at most.
Quads of truth.
I've had a chest-length beard and been clean shaven as an adult. People treat you older with a beard, but your beard has to be clean and combed. You can't run around with some nasty matted beard and an anime shirt on and expect to be treated like an adult. I think that, generally, a man should present himself in a conservative manner according to the fashions of the day. If most men shave, you should too. If most men have a beard, you should too. Men are split pretty 50/50 these days, so I just go for what looks good according to the shape of my face.
Who has the better digits?
Shaven makes one look aids-ridden or like a yuppie wageslave
Cleanshave faggot
This is gay as fuck.
Checking those didgeridoos
Light stubble
It depends on someone's facial structure. Some people look objectively worse without one
If you can't show your jawline, you're a bitch. Beards are to hide your bone structure and weak genetics.
Stop seeking approval from other people.
There is no settling it once for all, men have always sought both to distinguish themselves and to emulate men they admire. These two conflicting drives make certain that no stylistic choice can be uniform forever. Also whether shaved, scruffy, or bearded, you can always tell a chad from a fattie, a skelly, or untermensch, so it’s not like the choice really matters anyway, it’s personal preference.
Funnily enough I just had this conversation with my fiance earlier. I want to be clean shaven but she wants me to keep the scruff. She says my stubble is sexy and it makes me look rugged. I'm a chubby computer programmer, mind you. So I guess I'm just going to shave once a week and let the stubble grow in to please her. Wish I could return to pic related though.
>Rhett without the beard
oh god my fucking eyes are burning. this is like one of those cursed images
Been growing a "Corona beard" since last week. Should I shave now or wait for a cure?
>that much beard growth in one week
pretty impressive, leafbro, ngl. keep it going.
I agree with this but I think it really depends on how you grow facial hair. I just go clean shaven because I unironically look like the stereotypical soiboy with a patchy beard. I have too good of a jawline to ruin it with some half asses beard.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it
Is this ironic? I'm not meaning to be rude to you or the leafbro but I genuinely didn't know that was impressive. I must be very high test.
Thats just a result of my pizza pasta genetics.
It’d probably help to quit being a fat fuck before you attempt that clean shave. If you’d like to be pic related. She just likes the stubble because it somewhat hides your triple chin, triple chin.
Is this gonna become a pasta? It is, isn't it...
That's basically a myth, its commonality fluctuated during different periods, and it was mostly among the military, probably because clean shaven with short hair prevented the spread of lice in encampments. You can also see emperors like Marcus Aurelius sporting a beard and longer hair.
just determine what aesthetically looks best with your face. i look like a total chad with scruff, but then look like a baby clean shaven. a full beard hides a strong jawline, but helps if you don't have a good jawline. it all depends on your individual face.
i get the most success with scruff, so I keep it.
Clean shaven if you have a jaw and chin. Chinlets commit social suicide without beards. These days are really hard on beta males. Forget women you can't get a fucking job looking like a loser.
They do take things alright
absolute based beard aussie bro
This is correct. In the early days, Rome mostly favored beards and later preferred shaving, but it fluctuated a lot, just as you say.
Depends on the person. Some men look weird with a beard while some look weird without it
You have no idea what these words mean do you?
He's 5'9. It doesn't matter what he does with his facial hair, he'll always be just a little tyke
people seem to treat me way better with a beard
Depends on the person.
God gave men the ability to grow a beard. Men who do not grow beards and shave them off are renouncing their divine nature and succumbing to Jewish feminization.
no hair below the eyelashes
scruff, cuz it shows both your jawline, and how good a beard you can grow