When Yas Forums finally gets an asian waifu

>When Yas Forums finally gets an asian waifu

LOL just LOL being a hapa is literally suicide tier. Who keeps bombarding this board with yellow fever threads anyways? You're literally perpetuating suffering by creating more and more insane hapas that will one day chimp out

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>HONEY! I'M HOME! WERE'S MY SON TINGTING? OH THERE HE IS! H-hey honey? He looks just like his dad, r-right?

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What about half black half Asians? I never use condoms and my pullout game is weak

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So this is the glorious eurasian overman yellowfever fags keep mentioning...

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Holy fuck bros...eurasians truly are the master race

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You are on an anime forum. Yellow fever shills aren't needed.

Are you a sexpat creating more glorious eurasian warrors? EIN VOLK. EIN HAPA! EIN RODGER!

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the kids look more asian than the mother.

asian genes are pretty powerful.

That Asian chick stayed around long enough for those kids to grow up

Hmm it's almost like there's a reason yellow fever is being shilled to lonely, young white men

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Usually Asian kids are cute. HMMMM TIL


they are merely attracted to them and go on to larp.

the pairing is terrible genetically.

poopi hehe

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>Who keeps bombarding this board with yellow fever threads anyways?
You and the other kikes.
Fuck off. You small-dicked yids make race baiting threads all day because you have a fetish for Chinese women yourselves and you think BLACKED threads will discourage whites.
Also these images were made by assblasted CCP shills because these two badmouthed China on their YouTube channel. That woman's family is probably fucking dead now.

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Like it needs to be shilled.

Imagine spending your whole life trying to get with women and then an asian women actually gives you a chance and is nice.

Why wouldn't a young white man facing trouble with white women take this?

My current gf is hapa. She looks very Asian in old pictures but I initially thought she was some kinda Mexican.


Fuck off Moshe. I see what you're trying to do by shilling the le BASTE ASIAN WAIFU meme

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Checks out.

>Why wouldn't a young white man facing trouble with white women take this?

who knows...

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Leafyishere is half swedish and half chinese

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White men literally grabbed those slores berween bombing and shtooting east asians . This is passe
Eat Asian military era.

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Race mixers of any kind will meet a violent death during the day of the rope, it's better to die an honorable virgin than to pollute your genes and shit out a disgusting mongrel. Incels need to get their priorities straight and stop fetishizing gooks and niggers.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that """white""" incels are either """"white"""" mutts like part jewish, quadroons or hapas. Every time you see le white incel it's unironically some sort of part mexican, part black, part white or part asian almost never a real european. Racemixing should be outlawed

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Looks like a Doctor Seuss character

Explains why he has no chin


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Why are HAPAS so insane?

Realizing that he's a victim of racemixing makes me feel bad for the guy. All he can do is statusmaxx and cope while hiding behind a csgo bunny hopping video. He never chose for his parents to racemix and birth some mongrel.

How is racemixing not considered child abuse. You give them mongrel features and force them into a life of bullying and abuse (XDDDDDD NO CHIN, UGLY EWWWWW INCEL) all because your dad couldn't score a white chick and coomed in some chink because MUH ANIME MUH TRADITIONAL WAIFU FUCK WHITEOID WOMEN

Not with Corona going around. I doubt any hookers will take my money anyways people here are spooked by foreigners.

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oh shit - i love these threads

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Why do roastie even come on here? You all get laughed off

>Why are HAPAS so insane?
They have a high enough IQ to realize that racemixing is evil. That's why the only happy hapas are either women or complete normies who fell for the "just be nice" meme and have the height

Pic related is an olympic swimmer hapa and pretty much the only example yellowfever fags have when posting a successful, non insane hapa male. He's like 6'5 or above but is a total normie which makes sense why he isn't insane

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Literal perfection

they spend ALL their time on /pol!!

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Why do you come here, Changette? Trying to score a whiteboi?

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What a hideous, dysgenic fuckup of a ‘family’.

Fuck the lot of them.

Kinda like coal burners and Obama

Why is the only argument against asian women a single autistic loser from 6 years ago?

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have a few like these on campus
its nice

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Nah mate. I'm a blue eyes white dragon trying to score a yellow gf

4/10, only because she has a nice bod.

its his trademark

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>Why is the only argument against asian women a single autistic loser from 6 years ago?
>implying there aren't thousands of examples

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plastic surgery is stronk

Your son will look nothing like you. I really hope you get to look your son directly into his soulless black eyes and realize what you just did. All because of MUH ANIME

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>An Australian convict thinks he's white

matter of taste, skippy

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What flag is that

oh no

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>those soulless black eyes
You proved my point

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It’s Singapore lol

If white women are such a better deal than asians, why do so many white men choose asians instead?
More importantly, why do you care? Doesn't it leave more white women for you?