Can someone tell me how (((Capitalism))) is good again

can someone tell me how (((Capitalism))) is good again.

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Because despite the problems, it's led to the highest standard of living in the history of mankind

Sure. The idea of patents, once upon a time, was to ensure that inventions find their way into the public domain.
You probably can figure out the rest from there.

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It's literally regulations that allow them to have a monopoly and patents.

Free the market and it wouldn't be a problem. it's unironically restrictions on the free market, and anti-capitalist sentiment, that caused this

standard of living
>>people can't breath

pick one

Yea, surely this will go well with a jury of their peers, who wouldn't side with the company trying to exploit people vs volunteers giving away things?

Jury for a lawsuit.

>Capitalism is government regulations

Retard spotted

>Medical red tape

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Disney still owns the rights to the mouse. Cliff Richard still owns the copyrights to his songs. Everything has an expiration period but those with the most money and the most to lose find a way to Jew the system into allowing them IP and copyright impertuity.

I want the stl file for that valve.

The article headline is slightly misleading, it doesn't appear that the company is telling them to stop.

They planned on making them, but before they did, they contacted the company to ask for the blueprints. The company told them no, and threatened to sue them.

Still not great, but more of a technicality than actively trying to shut them down while they're in the midst of saving lives.

2 brothers in Tennessee had to "Donate" nearly 18,000 bottles of germX/Purell/Sanitary supplies to churches and are facing price-gauging charges. OoO SAY CAN YOU SEEEEE! Hope America falls harder.

your one bad example does not outweigh all of the positives.

Would you say that there is a point at which it no longer serves that purpose though? I agree, it's amazing at bringing at entire country to a standard of living that is previously unimaginable. But then what? The average person has a roof over their head, food in their fridge and a supercomputer in their pocket. We are there now. Is it wrong to think that endless expansion at the expense of the environment and the human spirit is wrong?

>The valve costs 11k
No it doesn't. And even if it does, (it doesn't) whose fault is it? Things are only worth what people are willing to pay.
If I invented a fucking buttplug that I charged 100k for, would it be my fault that assholes bought it and stuck them in their assholes?

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Compared to what? Your fantasy of a perfect system that has never existed?

a virus is shutting down counties destroying the economy killing people and making the fed over print money.
>>your one bad example does not outweigh all of the positives.

ok 80iq

Its not even Capitalism its just you souless Anglos

They have to from a legal standpoint. Setting the precedent to allow cheaper alternatives, regardless of circumstances, would be a death blow.

national socialism is the future sorry lolbertarian is dying just like it did in the 30s

Getting bad PR from acting like Scroogish fuckheads is also bad though, if not worse

>under capitalism people might suffer during a pandemic
>under communism or whatever people suffer regardless

how about both, retard

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>>free market

>>muh capitalism

pick one

you snake fucking lolbertarians believe if it hates jewish capitalism then it must be communism.

>>do you know in WW2 the capitalism and communist teamed up because both systems are pussies

lolbertarian meth heads you are no different then a fuck dirty jew.

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Who knows what profit-driven innovation is right around the corner? People a hundred years ago probably thought they had it 'pretty good', imagine if they'd unanimously switched off capitalism then and the world had been denied all the innovations since that were motivated by the wealth that could be earned with such achievement

NatSoc isn't even the past, it was tried like once and didn't end well.
But hey, keep dreaming fag.

It didn't work because people at the time did not understand how the world works and how the global cabal operated. Britain did not realize that the real enemy was not the Nazi's but those holding all the shekels.

>If I invented a fucking buttplug that I charged 100k for, would it be my fault that assholes bought it and stuck them in their assholes?
the difference is that you don't need a butt plug to live. the free market solution doesn't translate over to societal problems like healthcare as we can see in the US where alot of our spending on healthcare just goes to middleman and administrative costs.
just look at insulin, it is cheap to make and inexpensive everywhere around the globe except america because "Things are only worth what people are willing to pay" and poeple don't want to die.

Nigger nobody here is pro-capitalism consoomerism

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Its good because they'll win in court dipshit.

>real capitalism has never been tried!

Commie cope

you snake fucking communists believe if it hates jewish socialism then it must be libertarianism.

I hope you die choking on your own phlegm and no one ever finds you

>Is it wrong to think that endless expansion at the expense of the environment and the human spirit is wrong?
Yes. Stop being a faggot. We need to expand and find more resources to consume

ok snake fucker.

>>your ideology is so ego set you will kill your dad for food like a nigger.

I enjoy luxury items. However I also belive that one needs to earn those luxuries fairly. But many are born into wealth and positions of power through family and friend ties. They are underserving of a life of privilege when they have never done a days fucking labor in their lives. Capitalism only works when those at the top are prepared to help those at the bottom. But they don't.

it’s really more of a government problem, if government was weakened. You can’t sue.

>Things are only worth what people are willing to pay.
Nigger my epilepsy medication has gone from $700 to $3500 in 10 years. It's only worth what people pay except the fact it's the only fucking thing that works so I have no other option so they can rape my asshole because I have no choice. What the fuck made the cost quintuple? Calculating for inflation it should be $830 today.

>snake fucker.

Except it HAS been tried, and the first goddamn time it was tried at scale, Europe discovered the fucking new world.

You colossal idiot.

>the difference is that you don't need a butt plug to live.
Irrelevant. You don't have a right to not die

>normally cost $11,000
so they don't actually cost $11k then.
public healthcare funding is inflating the cost

>What the fuck made the cost quintuple?

Print and be damned.

well you see i thought of the idea first so that means nobody else can profit off it (unless they want to pay me, because money is my god)

BTW if I was a richfag and had kids I would give them 50K as a buffer and send them out into the world to make their own life and only accept them back if they have at least made it viable to live on their own income or if they are dying for some reason. Weak fuckers who leech off everyone else deserve the rope.

Uh, yes.

This, if they had balls they'd just upload the 3d print file to mega or make a torrent

America isn't capitalist, it's corporatist. Anyone who disagrees is a fiatfag

I should point out I have epilepsy from the MMR vaccine. They gave me epilepsy so I'd be a lifetime customer and now they continue to increase the price of drugs I can't live without for the condition they intentionally gave me that cost nothing to make that they've already made billions of dollars of profits on selling to those who they made sick. The Jews will pay.

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As I understand if you get rich, you are going to give your children to a state school instead of Eton and a shitty university instead of Oxbridge so they were on par with negroes and poles and earned their success fairly. You're more silly than I thought goy.

read OP pic
you can't defend that shit

The whole premise of being a Republican is that the government is supposed to fuck off except for the things you really need them on... Like viral pandemics..

What medical company is threatening to sue?

Some others are working on alternative on the 3D printing sites but it's a bit of a mess right now. But yeah. They need to grow a pair. I feel sure their government would defend their position unless they are total kikes.

if there is no state to influence the market, then anyone can make insulin or any meds if they have the resources and sell it. You can’t be sued if the government has no influence on it.

and who (((lobbied))) for them regulations?

Schools are commie indoctrination camps. Home schooling all the way.

but i don't have the right to die either, suicide is illegal
why should people die for being born poor when the medicine they need is inexpensive all for the sake that pharmaceutical jews make billions?

>what profit-driven innovation is right around the corner?
More products designed to fail because its not profitable to make things that last.
More endless big pharma treatments instead of actually curing people.