GET THE FUCK IN HERE. They have found a drug, already widely available, that costs very little amount of money, that basically cures a person of coronavirus within 6 days. THIS IS FUCKING HUGE.
GET THE FUCK IN HERE. They have found a drug, already widely available, that costs very little amount of money, that basically cures a person of coronavirus within 6 days. THIS IS FUCKING HUGE.
Other urls found in this thread:
first was the kangaroo saying they found a cure, now it's this shit. I'm not leaving my house until may and that's it.
Doesn’t this wording mean that after 6 days the control group all GOT covid?
The way these tests generally work is that the both groups were known to have it prior to the trial and the control group is given a placebo instead of whatever is being tested.
Looks like McDonalds, NASCAR and ice cold beer is back on the menu boys.
they had it, and still had it after 6 days but those who got the drug did not.
I don‘t even exactly understand what this fucker is saying because he can‘t form coherent sentences. Thus I don‘t believe any of it.
It's completely coherent. You're just dumb.
work on your reading comprehension
fuck you and fuck off with this shit.
Amyone remember when the malaria drugs they gave us in Afghanistan in 2002 were making a bunch of is go crazy? Fucking SF dudes were coming home and chopping people up.
ok boomer
ok boomer
Aaaaaaand shill confirmed, show flag nigger
> test subjects who got the drug test negative after 6 days
> control group (didnt get the drug) still tests positive after the same 6 days
its not that hard to understand mustafa, if you actually were able to read anything other than the koran (piss be upon it)
how and where can I get enough HCQ ?
he's american so probably white. Low IQ white
> imma stay in my ramshackle shack in the favela next to an open sewer till may
> safe from Wu Flu
> dies from cholera, typhus and diptheria
good plan favela monkey.
ok boomer
you speak the truth
> he's american
> cant see the clearly displayed German Flag
meanwhile, youre hiding your israeli flag behind that meme flag faggotry.
go back to plebbit
youre not clever enough to shill here moishe.
too bad all the contagious poor people can’t afford it
> buy my BONE BROTH!!!
> water filters!
> super beta male prostate pills
> needs a "onions claw" to open his onions juice
fucking leafs.
The Day Of The Rake cant come soon enough
Based schizo mutt
A China user mentioned this 2 months back. Chinese doctors were using Chloroquine to treat the disease quite effectively. But IIRC, anti malaria drugs are quite taxing on your body, so it is not an option for old boomers.
>mutt unironically thinking german posters were muslim
rich coming from a nigger spic
> U R schizo
if im schizo, why are you the one shilling for bullshit "herbal cures THEY dont want you to know about"?
cures which are invariably sold by (((Members Of A Certain Tribe))) that is notorious for it's propensity to lie, cheat and steal.
> cant understand a simple twatter post
> fails to grasp the basic concepts upon which all modern science is based
assuming that a german flag conceals a filthy cameljockey or dust nigger is logical, and usually it is correct.
Are you retarded? Forsythia was the "miracle cure" shilled by a literal jew in the movie "Contagion" that didn't do shit.
Where's the fucking paper?
So what do I do with all my vitamin c?
> expecting citations from a twatter post
> doesnt notice this faggot didnt even tell you when he was "on television" or what show he was on
> literally nothing to support OP's claims beyond "i read a twatter post by this guy who was on television someplace, some time, and he said some shit..."
dont believe trash like this.
ask your physician.
The team in Queensland used the same malaria drug to claim they found a cure
And the link between chloroquine and coronavirus was found ten years ago by a US team I think
anal insertion is always a possibility.
Chloroquine is an active ingredient in Kratom
Convince me that this virus isn’t a bioengineered hybrid of a bunch of different viruses
I'm fucking sick of Twitterfags
cuz they have the potential to make the virus even deadlier
People are dying everywhere in large numbers.
USA wouldn't have 115 dead, many at 50 if something simple worked.
fucking nigger. they all had covid at the start.
This isn't the solution they want. We're still in the reaction phase waiting for their power grab solution.
Based Didier RAOULT
Corona is KIll
>115 dead
>large numbers
The 6 days alone would do wonders for saving lives since keeping sickies from hogging hospital beds for 3+ weeks at a time means that more people can get treatment while surplus capacity is duct-taped together.
It also means that mild cases can have their infections nipped earlier in the cycle which would further depress hospital load if coupled with proper isolation.
HCQ is an immuno-suppressive drug for arthritis. South Koreans figured this weeks ago.
UN flag
kill yourself kike
Idiot. I live in the epicenter in Washington and literally all the people here that are dead, half of the total in the country, were between 70 and 90.
gotta pump those numbers up buddy, start telling boomers to take advil to reduce fever
No nigger. Talking about control group once implies he is talking of same group as the one that was experimented on. Basicly saying it did not work
You're wrong.
He doesn't get a chance to die from any disease, because he does something to anger his local cartel and ends up starring on liveleak.
Ive read about malaria drug insanity. That would be a hell of a thing, take 300 million stircrazy burgers and give them rage pills
How many died in the group that got the drug?
Retard detected
I have a light cough, sore muscles, and a low fever as I read this. I'm not gonna die after all.
Does this man say it's basically a nothing burger or am I mistaken? I am watching this on English auto-gen subtitles, so correct me if Im wrong
Chloroquine has very bad side affects.
Side effects include neuromuscular, hearing, gastrointestinal, brain, skin, eye, cardiovascular (rare), and blood reactions.[13]
Deafness or tinnitus.[13]
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and anorexia.[13]
Mild and transient headache.[13]
Skin itchiness, skin color changes, hair loss, and skin rashes.[13]
Chloroquine-induced itching is very common among black Africans (70%), but much less common in other races. It increases with age, and is so severe as to stop compliance with drug therapy. It is increased during malaria fever; its severity is correlated to the malaria parasite load in blood. Some evidence indicates it has a genetic basis and is related to chloroquine action with opiate receptors centrally or peripherally.[14]
Unpleasant metallic taste
This could be avoided by "taste-masked and controlled release" formulations such as multiple emulsions.[15]
Chloroquine retinopathy
May be irreversible.[13] This occurs with long-term use over many years or with high doses. Patients on long-term chloroquine therapy should be screened at baseline and then annually after five years of use.[16] Patients should be screened for vision changes such as blurring of vision, difficulty focusing, or seeing half an object.[13]
Hypotension and electrocardiographic changes[13][17]
This manifests itself as either conduction disturbances (bundle-branch block, atrioventricular block) or cardiomyopathy – often with hypertrophy, restrictive physiology, and congestive heart failure. The changes may be irreversible. Only two cases have been reported requiring heart transplantation, suggesting this particular risk is very low. Electron microscopy of cardiac biopsies show pathognomonic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.
Pancytopenia, aplastic anemia, reversible agranulocytosis, low blood platlets, neutropenia.
How many of those 115 died because of cv19 and didn't just die with cv19
Sorry but Q tards are giving a special presentation that will be lasting for at least a month or two, it's already pre-scheduled so we cannot reschedule again. The cure to the virus will have to wait.
If instead of printing money we prepare to pay a mass labor force to train in and perform eco-related tasks such as soil repair, tree planting, digging water infiltration ditches in arid regions, placing solar panels in fields throughout the nation, and so forth, we could invest in our next seven decades of economic strength.
Post this around! Let's renovate the world economy!
PS if you want to abort a happening, make it positive. Current leaders are deeply immature people who would rather die than serve "the unworthy" - ie, their actual democracies, the societies that are their foundation of their quality of life!
Unless I'm wrong. What is this place for, if not saying things that might be politically incorrect?
>check futures market
>still tanking
i guess its fake then. go fuck yourself for trying to ruin this happening
Corona also has pretty bad side effects user. If this was really a thing, which I doubt it is, it would be huge.
They can’t. This also isn’t a cure
>drugs only made by China cure the disease!
How convenient
I heard this but I searched for sources and couldn’t confirm
can we do this peacefully or nonviolently?
>random twitter post
>doesn’t provide a paper, video, or anything
>”bro, just DM me”
Anyone have the retarded Pepe picture with the glasses looking confused at a paper?
I work for a nonprofit organization that sells this drug. I can confirm we have had this information since last week and have been fulfilling orders of chloroquine even outside of Central America. (If using chloroquine in Africa it will not be strong enough because they have a stronger strand of malaria there so we usually only allow it to be taken to CA.)
>united nations
we told you years ago you're not allowed to post here
How much does it cost?
Sorry you were offended Mohammed.
This is a reminder of why we shouldn't reply to memeflags.
>german flag
>he's american
What now?
It's 100 tab bottles for around 3$ but only for use outside the US. (We don't buy malarial medication to be used in US because there is no malaria here.) I wonder if the FDA will give a pass in this time of emergency.
Well you're either muslim or into rimming old hags like mama Merkel