Dear geek coronavirus panickers

This pic represents how I've been slaying puss on the reg for two weeks during this spring break.

While you losers have been in your basements crying about Corona and your retarded collapse conspiracy theories I have been getting my dick wet and banging bitches left and right.

How does it make you feel knowing only pussies care about coronavirus? Real men who slay are hitting the shores and drowning in titties.

If you have any spring break time left my advice is: Get your dick out of your hand, shut down the computer, and come hit the beach. There's enough bitches here for all of you losers.

Who knows, I may even introduce you to Brooke... when I'm done with her ;)

Attached: 8f07c9f3-spring20break2023.jpg (640x320, 50.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Who knows, I may even introduce you to Brooke

R...really, user?

No one wants to hear your sexual fantasies

Yeah, bro. Get the fuck down here! Quit that corona panicking and get some ass!

LOL! Your fantasies are my reality. Maybe it would be yours too if you stopped your Corona "research"

Shut the fuck up coomer I want a cure girl not a whore with a roast beef vagina

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Says the incel who's never dick'd a girl

Only a total loser would post an image that has nothing to do with anything thinking he is too deep for everybody else

>spring break

I'm not a degenerate mutt wtf is spring break supposed to be? Some kind of beach orgy?

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>This pic represents how I've been slaying puss on the reg for two weeks during this spring break.

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Retarded post is retarded.

Enjoy banging a used up roast, I know I did when I was as young and almost as retarded as you seem. It gets old

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Damn that's a shame you don't know bro. I just fucked an Australian girl named Ava last yesterday. Bitch was hot!

Neither of us feared corona unlike you losers we're living life.

I think they let kids out of school for a week or something. idk spent schools years in detention center

Lol loser nobody gives a shit about memes outside of Yas Forums

Lol loser

Lol loser. You know you'd still be slaying puss on the reg if you could. You just caught wu-flu fear fever

Boring larp
If true, boring thread

You can keep those nasty ass looking vaginas your beloved whores have, how do you get hard with Stacys used vagina?

I don't slam puss, because I have 2 children and one on the way , that's being a man ... you are just weak. Enjoy leftover wahmen .

i dont even want to
>slay pussy

at this point its all just gross and who cares.

You're lying. This is not your pic.


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imagine thinking fucking whores is something of worth or impressive, obviously a bait thread with reddit spacing but people do unironically think this way

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I de-flowered 10 freshmen these two weeks alone

Try harder loser.

>that's being a man

Naw that's losing. Game over bro.

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You need to be olser than 18 to post on this website

Spring breaks in marsh ...

I said it represents me. I'm not dumb enough to post myself on Yas Forums

What does this have to do with anything? You seriously are retarded.

YO I totally banged the girl in red at 4:03

this is a good one

i swear these kind of threads are made by women. nobody wants you anymore and this attempt at marketing your used goods is just sad. we have given up on you, go away. do not want anymore.

Yeah naw. Enjoy your AIDS friend-o.

>this post has been reported for the following reason: “advertising or begging”.

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Deflowering ahahahah dude you a fag ahahah .. sex must be grrrrreat with virgins, when you have a small dick ... you clearly know nothing in life kid ... good luck in the futur ... enjoy the leftovers

>hit the beach
You’re a dumbass for not knowing how tinder works. I just sit on my ass and swipe and a tinderella shows up at my door and blows me
Nice Larp but next time keep it simple stupid

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Jokes on you, I'm fundamentally incapable on intimacy. Enjoy your puss, faggot

Disgusting. Your hedonistic desires override your conscience telling you what’s good for your nation. I pray that I’m never this weak.

deflowering freshmen.... that's homo dude

Sad larp compared to your actual life.

There goes OP, being a faggot again.

see, this guy can handle all the sex so i don't have to. all the tinder sluts can share their germs with him and thats fine. just as long as women continue never talking to me because they have this guy, im happy. thanks dude


Spring Break (formerly known as Easter Break) is a week-long break from school that coincides with the Easter holiday. Many college kids use that week to take a vacation and be total fucking degenerates (though college life is already 24/7 degeneracy)

Wow great, do you want a medal for that?

>Who knows, I may even introduce you to Brooke... when I'm done with her
PseudoChad offers sloppy seconds to desperate incels?
OP, please consider what you do while status posturing. Nobody cares about (you)r sex life, they only care about their own. Putting yourself above other guys doesn't inspire either confidence or incentive to cooperate.

>california and texas


surprisingly florida didn't change much, outside of Miami. God bless Dixie.

Shit was so cash

Awoooga! You are one dirty dog *pant* *pant* *pant* My city is pretty much closed down, BUTT there you are, trolling for slizz on the reg. I'm jealous you got to touch their butts, two stiffening beauties. Did you get a boner in that photo when you squeezed their butts and asses? I know I would have ;) How was the other side? Did they let you touch their boobs? What did their boobs sound like when you rubbed them together? I bet they smelled really nice. Oh, what I wanna do to them! Hnnng

>Nobody cares about (you)r sex life, they only care about their own
its 2020 nobody wants sex anymore anyways
its gross and its been over-hyped so hard we are all just tired of even hearing about it. i fap for 10 minutes a day and outside of that 10 minutes i will not even think of women or sex if i can avoid it.

damn bro you're so cool

anyways your country will keep getting browner and browner while you waste time fucking 5/10 whores.

t. chad volcel posting here btw.

A bunch of college kids get drunk on a beach and listen to rap music. After everyone is nice and liquored up, sex ensues back in their hotel rooms.

>slaying puss
>How does it make you feel knowing only pussies care about coronavirus?
Feels good man. I think I’ll give them a can of low sodium great value beans to buy you. I’m very excited about the slave trade kicking up again.

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this. sex is good but i never found it to be the holy grail the way people and culture described it as.

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bitches are 1 crisis away from letting you creampie her for a spoonful from your can of beans.

goddam i cant wait for this crash, modern women and men are disgusting with their obsession over sex.

hello rabbi

>a can of low sodium great value beans
now THAT is something i'm hot for
canned goods are the new sex
disregard females, acquire beans

But your mom doesn't want to go to the beach user. She is comfy at the house.

And then you woke up and smelled the hot garbage smell of your basement environment and this "slay puss" dream faded away

spamming again eh rabbi?

catching worse shit than corona like genital herpes, rectal warts, or child support payments.

Enjoy your corona.

>fucking women who are not virgins

Why would I want that?

cool so what are you going to do about getting a job zoomer faggot? you just wasted years in college?

I’m excited about it. I think it’ll do the world a lot of good.

Acquire. Beans.

>Real men who slay are hitting the shores and drowning in titties
>real men
I'm 22 with a fiancée, planning to have a large white family. You're still fucking whores on spring break. Nerd.

This pic represents how I've been eating beans on the reg for two weeks during this spring break.

While you losers have been on the beach crying about your dicks and your retarded pickup conspiracy theories I have been getting my mouth wet and downing cans left and right.

How does it make you feel knowing only pussies care about sex? Real men who eat are hitting the aisles and drowning in beans.

If you have any spring break time left my advice is: Get your dick out of that vagina, turn on the computer, and come hit the beans. There's enough beans here for all of you losers.

Who knows, I may even introduce you to Bush's... when I'm done with it ;)

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So they live like Aussies for a week. Good on you mates. We do that shit all year around and get drunk at work.