Ron Paul says the Virus is a HOAX?
Is he right?
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rompaul young womyn is very hot
I'm hard like diamonds.
Is that his daughter?
>Is he right?
The virus is real. But the reaction is manufactured, 100%
Of course the government has to suspend the Constitution and limit liberties, it's a fucking pandemic in a modern democracy. The govt. could just say "idk, we'll let 1mil+ people die just so we stay true to our founding" but you can't just go and do that these days.
The Founding Fathers never had the foresight to deal with this type of situation before, it's not a mystery that the constitution isn't being followed.
he sure is. they passing a bill through the senate to take more of our rights as we speak.
Don't call it a totalitarian dystopia.
It's the future you chose.
He did not say the virus was a hoax. He said the government and media overhype was the hoax.
>Of course the government has to suspend the Constitution and limit liberties, it's a fucking pandemic in a modern democracy. The govt. could just say "idk, we'll let 1mil+ people die just so we stay true to our founding" but you can't just go and do that these days.
>The Founding Fathers never had the foresight to deal with this type of situation before, it's not a mystery that the constitution isn't being followed.
cool story glo
The Constitution isn't libertarian. It was a total power grab. The nationalists made minor concessions knowing that the Constitution could be brushed aside when it is inconvenient.
Hoax is definately the wrong word, but it might be intentionally overblown and used as an excuse for shutting down the economy.
Please don't make men into women.
How dumb does one need to be to not realize the scale issue that has this wave?
People die in a variety of ways, diseases, car crash, murdered, wars, choking on food, falling into the bathroom and so on ...
Which of these causes made the world stop once it was?
When did countries stop fighting because bombs were dropping and killing children and babies?
When in history has a country ever stopped to seriously reflect on traffic deaths? (To be fair we have the Netherlands)
Cattle are so easily deceived that we have all these immediate problems on the face of the earth and we devote a great fortune to idiots of all sorts
All of this is a great Kabalah, instead of adding efforts (energy) in matters of the first order, we allocate this energy to do the will of the kikes
>cool story glo
Cool. So how would you have had the U.S. deal with a pandemic then?
>Fauci saying the virus is 10 times more deadly than the seasonal flu has no scientific basis
Why does he say this?
Oh wow, I hope Ron becomes a tranny
Because they are all distorted by feels instead of thoughts.
Anyone who says "There's only N cases" clearly doesn't understand the underlying problem, which is the growth rate and hospital capacity. It's pretty easy to just do the calculation yourself using the number of cases and the information available now from multiple sources/countries.
Yeap, you get it
The media puts a magnifying glass on the issues they want the cattle to be discussing, it’s the oldest magic trick, drawing attention to where the trick isn’t happening
>Coincidence? Coronavirus Crisis & A Fed-Created Financial Collapse"
>Coronavirus And Market Crash: The Mother Of All (Man-made) Crises
Imagine /pol agreeing with CNN, that alone would be enough to realize how absurd this is
People keep saying "Ron Paul is a doctor!!!111" but he's not a fucking epidemiologist. The standards have to be set high for scientific credibility.
Stop shilling your FBI honeypot in every thread, you fucking faggot.
>which is the growth rate
It's not faster than a normal flue. Much slower and people don't always need to go to the hospital unless they are old/sickly already
>chink fentanyl
no ports shut down or monitoring installed
tens of thousands dead in US
>chink flu
Sometimes the MSM can make a factual statement. It doesn't make anyone less "redpilled" or whatever to admit that.
>Cool. So how would you have had the U.S. deal with a pandemic then?
Certainly not by creating 23 trillion dollars of debt and crashing the economy over a coof, causing a depression where nobody can afford treatment and then rain down neetbux rendering the fiat currency pushed by the the central bank endorsed by your precious government green toilet paper. Enjoy your depression and dead coofers littering the streets.
Functioning freed markets are the foundation to a flourishing society. With the state, that is impossible. Enjoy your pandemic.
just bought an american flag and a gadsden flag to fly outside my house
figure that might get a neighbor to team with me (nobody ever talks)
That's such a bonehead thing to say user. Fentanyl addiction can't be spread from person to person through a cough, of course the virus is gonna be more dangerous.
he's 100% correct on the government over reach
we need to raise our defenses now to make sure this process is handled smoothly
if we don't trump is going to fuck us somehow
The truth is, most MSM lies are constructed entirely using factual statements, which is called "Misleading".
We just call it lying because the intent is the same and its less morally ambiguous.
Ye's right about that but that just means individuals need to handle it, not give government more power.
>People keep saying "Ron Paul is a doctor!!!111" but he's not a fucking epidemiologist.
Yeah he's only lived through a thousand panics and only young-fags think this is a huge deal and not a government/media dramatization because they believe their social media like boomers believed TV.
Bernie is getting wrecked as millennials hide in fear and boomers/niggers are out voting... kek.
>of course the virus is gonna be more dangerous.
And yet it hasn't killed as many people globally as tainted opioids do in a month in the US alone.
>Of course the government has to suspend the Constitution and limit liberties,
This is your brain on Hollywood
>Asked a direct question about "What would you do instead"
>Literally cannot answer, jumping immediately to, "Well what I WOULDN'T DO"
People like you are utterly useless, and you should be aware: no matter how many people smile and nod with your bullshit, NOBODY takes you seriously unless they're just as stupid as you.
>Sometimes the MSM can make a factual statement. It doesn't make anyone less "redpilled" or whatever to admit that.
This chink again
Yes, but desu, the first case was just in December, and it's literally all over the world. I think it is what it is. It's what caused it is what I doubt.
The problem is that it's 100% impossible for individuals to be able to handle most things on their own. People are fucking retarded, and you really do need SOME sort of government in order to maintain an order and get things done efficiently.
>And yet it hasn't killed as many people globally as tainted opioids do in a month in the US alone.
Italians 3 weeks ago didn't pay a single mind to COVID too cause there were only a few hundred cases, and look where they are now.
You gotta look towards the future user, plan ahead. That's what the govt/media is attempting to do right now which is why there's so much outrage and dramatization.
Whoever this old weirdo is he seems pretty based.
Ok, so did you want them to do nothing?
user quit being so insecure about your status as a redpilled follower of fringe anti-MSM content. It doesn't make you look less cool to just admit that there's some truth to what the mainstream has to say.
>two threads worth of asshurt
kek and based
Not assblasted until you prove me wrong.
There is a study commissioned by Rockfeller where they try to answer the question of how they could unite the global population, in this study they come in 3 ways
1- Global climate catastrophe
3-Extra-terrestrial invasion
Everything has to be put into perspective and placed inside Overton's window, just so we can understand the direction of the news
They suppress what goes against the agenda and give vent to what it favors, create a magnifying effect making things look bigger when it suits
That's why most are shocked to see the 13% ~ 52% ratio
>not assblasted
>over 50 posts last thread
>still shilling the MSM this thread
>user quit being so insecure about your status as a redpilled follower of fringe anti-MSM content. It doesn't make you look less cool to just admit that there's some truth to what the mainstream has to say.
I'm pretty sure he told you what he would do(lack thereof).
You idiots have no clue how bad the economic situ in the world is about to get.
>Italians 3 weeks ago didn't pay a single mind to COVID too cause there were only a few hundred cases, and look where they are now.
Some dead old people? Big woop, happens all the time. You die when you get over 60, often from an infectious disease. Buckle up!
>reeeee you're not allowed to have a discussion in a Yas Forums thread!!!!!
>>Asked a direct question about "What would you do instead"
>>Literally cannot answer, jumping immediately to, "Well what I WOULDN'T DO"
>People like you are utterly useless, and you should be aware: no matter how many people smile and nod with your bullshit, NOBODY takes you seriously unless they're just as stupid as you.
>Fucking retard doesn't understand that centralized planning is the pretense of knowledge
It's impossible to know exactly what the best response would look like since those who make those decisions in are those in the best position to do so. The important part is allowing them to make the choices themselves instead of relying on some faggot god emperor.
He's delivered 4000 babies he knows more about doctoring than the poo at the WHO I'm certain of it.
So when he MSM says "Donald Trump is president" am I supposed to seem that's a bold-faced lie just because the MSM says it? What about when Fox News says "Bernie is a communist?" Am I supposed to not believe it because the MSM says it?
Give me an answer user .
Nurses can deliver babies too, does that make them epidemiology experts?
>how bad the economic situ in the world is about to get.
I have armed myself, and made sure that none of my prep food would require electricity to prepare.
I don't know how bad things will get, but I've been assuming the worst.
However, certain irregularities in this situation have me thinking a twist is coming.
*am I supposed to say
?Some dead old people? Big woop, happens all the time. You die when you get over 60, often from an infectious disease. Buckle up!
I literally just proved you wrong then.
Ron Paul didn't say the virus is a hoax, fag.
I understand what you're saying, but to claim that that approach is best for every situation, regardless of context, is a purely ideological claim.
Governing effectiveness is based on flexibility.
You're going to wish you listened lol
A virus would be the ideal choice since it can only be verified by a small number of professionals, yet these can be deceived, who can guarantee that the reagents of these tests are only testing Corona?
They may be putting a wide spectrum of respiratory diseases within the numbers to make it look even bigger and no one can verify it accurately
An average Joe is cured of a normal flu and believes he has escaped death
Listened to who? Ron Paul? I literally don't give a shit about him.
Where's the discussion? You use CIA kike news as a source
>I understand what you're saying, but to claim that that approach is best for every situation, regardless of context, is a purely ideological claim.
>Governing effectiveness is based on flexibility.
Prove all of this.
GET this picture OUT OF HERE. NOW!!!!
If only all boomers were as based as Ron Paul, I would actually take this virus seriously.
It's a new version of the common cold. Literally nothing more. But have fun with patriot car 2.0.
You gotta listen to all perspectives and not just take what random people on Yas Forums say at face value. It obviously goes the other way around too.
>So when he MSM says "Donald Trump is president" am I supposed to seem that's a bold-faced lie
There is no American president
I don't know anyone who has it. Hollywood hired Tom hanks, Rita Wilson, and Idris Elba to fake their infection.
Very fake
>prove this
user, the whole point of NOT being an ideological moron is that I DON'T view my opinion as fact.
This guy gets it.
Like wow, Metal Gaer just flew over my house, and now I’m in a phase of acceptance, wtf
Good luck. Remember, good neighbors are more valuable than any gun.
>user, the whole point of NOT being an ideological moron is that I DON'T view my opinion as fact.
I'll accept that you don't make factual statements.
FED is the American President for many years user
>It obviously goes the other way around too.
It really doesn't. It's sad that you don't understand this
>I don't know anyone who has it. Hollywood hired Tom hanks, Rita Wilson, and Idris Elba to fake their infection.
>Very fake
If you only knew how fake things really are.
act? O don't disagree with you. I'm just trying to make sense of this. I don't know how the United States would have that much influence over other nations, like italy, china and Spain etc. If this was only occuring on US soil, and other countries were not experiencing the same, then yes, I would think this was a hoax. But this involves millions of people, from literally all over the globe. I don't man, I honestly, just don't know.
Based Ron Paul being based as always.
any Trump supporters have it?
> The Founding Fathers never had the foresight to deal with this type of situation before
Yeah because there was never a plague before the-
> oh wait
fucking retard.
something about that dogs eyes is off it's like it knows it was breed to be an abomination intentionally
>If this was only occuring on US soil, and other countries were not experiencing the same, then yes, I would think this was a hoax. But this involves millions of people, from literally all over the globe.
No it doesn't. It's a few thousand and lots of celebrities or politician's wives
Are her eyebrows taped on like the original?
>any Trump supporters have it?
Ron Paul has been senile for years
He will meet corona soon
It only "really doesn't" because you're so convinced of this "everything I find online that's NOT the MSM is correct!" rabbithole, which leads nowhere.
Kikes will meet God very soon
Ok, where was the amendment where they said how they were gonna deal with a pandemic?
>If you only knew how fake things really are.
They did the same thing during the pig flu, the police shut down my city & assfucked all the men.
If every single person with COVID was tested for it you would know someone who has it.
He claims it has the same mortality rate as the flu. He's being retarded.
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