Muh soshulizum baaaad

muh soshulizum baaaad...

except when it's for corporations, right Trumptards?

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Rather dead than red bernout!

imagine thinking adding $3 billion to the national debt every month is a good thing.

>Confederate Lane
>Yeehaw, Alabama
brb relocating

Taking the check is just getting some of my tax back

>666 Confederate Lane
>Yeehaw, Alabama
It's not very left-wing and progressive of you to be so classist, making fun of poor, rural, working-class southerners, OP.

Remember Trump haters. Tear up our Trump anti-immigrant checks. Because you hate Trump, remember?

Leftists mad that republicans have once again helped the working class out. Hey, keep reading your Bookchin and Gramsci, keep spending your days crying about post-left commies and anarkiddies, keep transitioning, someday it'll make a difference, right?

Remember you were supposed to move to Canada in 2016

Reminder that nonwhites, kikes, trannies and most importantly jannies are not eligible

>Imagine thinking the debt means anything.
We already managed to make the U.S debt worthless by inverting yields.

Must be bad at math. $1k for every adult would be over $200 billion. Factor in children and businesses and you get the idea.

you're not counting the hyperinflation that this will cause.
this is legit going to cause rioting and civil war.

It's not socialism when they are giving me my actual money back. They better pay me a lot fucking more than 2 grand if they're trying to give me my money back.

Socialism is when twinks like OP put in nothing and still think they deserve payment.


children and businesses aren't getting shit, user.
just the 300 million eligible persons.
still, i was wrong, $300 billion.

>my actual money
your name is on it?

Nah, I'm taking the money. I already paid it over the years in taxes.

This. Literally getting some, SOME of the thousands you pay into taxes back.
>Israel gets 4.1 million in foreign aid oer day

Well there's 209 million people over 18, with a few more teens probably working in various places. I think they'll give something to adults with kids, and they'll probably bail out businesses. I read they're opening emergency lines of unsecured credit for commercial institutions which isn't just applying to banks.

UBI isnt socialist, it's capitalism that doesnt start at 0

the unemployed are getting it too, user.

>yet another example where commies demonstrate that they're either blind to context in situations or they are so dishonest that they will ignore it to push their shit

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proving that money is not real and therefore should always be ignored.

o pls, the national debt means fuckall if they can inject 2.2 trillion into the stock market and have it disappear within minutes
money is imaginary once the fed touches it


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>imagine thinking that finite numbers mean shit when you can print as much money as you want to pay off a finite debt
US has been pushing growth and inflation for years now retard.

If the banks get 1.5T but not Every single american get a check for $1000 in the next week I'll take a piss on the statue of liberty

see post above yours.

you're living in 1950, i'm living in 2950.

handing out money is a sure fire way to decrease liberty.
buying your freedom from you, user.

Ok then i don't understand what your argument is

national debt means fuckall IF nobody dares call it in

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I paid those dirty fucks $125000 last year. Its a tax refund, that fuck is still sending my money to 124 other people.

Send me your check faggot, thats my money anyways.

honest question. do you rich people even qualify for the refund?

yes, don't get me wrong im 100% ok with american imperialism i unironically think the world should be under our dicks it's literally the only way

taking the $1k is forcing hyperinflation.
then they will deflate the currency and bomb out the stock market.
china will be invading shortly after.

>the government actually doing its job is socialism
They could probably afford to send you more than $1k during emergencies if we didn't have all this nigger welfare and boomer medicaid sucking our tax dollars away. Don't forget social security, too.

lol if you actually owe taxes when you make that much money you're a fucking retard or you need to get a new accountant

This should be reformatted to "if you hate Trump so much, you shouldn't take his money"

who's they here i'm not mocking im genuinly curious

If they cut my taxes by 5% instead of cutting my debt then I would have more money than Trump is handing me. Infact we all would. The only people who are actually excited are fucking idiots who take bribes like the fucking boomers

>Tax rebate bad
Get fucked cunt people are just getting back money they paid into the system

Why is getting a $1000 check different from paying $1000 under government funded healthcare?

I'm sorry it's just going to be before or after you go to Civil War because Trump doesn't win re-election. I just need to know so I can schedule it on my calendar accurately

>except when it's for corporations, right Trumptards?

So glad I didn't vote for the Drumpfster...

Attached: TrumpPussyRain.jpg (700x394, 138.93K)

This is a national socialist board my brown friend. We want socialism only for whites and industry leaders still maintaining companies as long as its food for the race. Sorry that chapotraphouse that you come from still considers niggers human but you won’t be winning any debates here with no mods.

Dubya did the same thing in 2007, except with $600. It's not going to do anything

the fed.

>Trump doesn't win re-election
trump's second term is unavoidable.
it was $300 and it's what caused obama's economy to be shit.

I never said it was because of principle, its just what I would do regardless

i would love to have that address

Oh so suddenly the commies dont like the money from the government? Jesus. This is the fucking bailout we didnt get in 2008. The mega corps did though. Also, this is coming from our social security so its money we have already paid the government to give back to us later on.



>Why is getting a $1000 check different from paying $1000 under government funded healthcare?
Uh. Because getting your tax money back to spend how you want is the opposite of it being taken from you and spent on things the people taking it want to

the left can't meme

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How many jobs & customers would said corporation effect if it were allowed to fail?
It's really not a hard decision if you're not retarded.

Fuck you that's our money to begin with.

>it was $300 and it's what caused obama's economy to be shit.
Yeah $300 for the jobless. I got $600. And Obama's economy was shit because of housing and home loan policies put in place by Bill Clinton, which forced banks to give hundreds of thousand dollar loans to people that could not afford them, which went into default about 10 years after they got the loans. Not $300 checks.

Conservatives actually love socialism, we just want common sense socialism laws otherwise Democrats would bankrupt the country.

$300 for part time workers.
unemployed got nothing.

OP is gay, yes I am going to tear up a trumpbux check fuck this stupid planet.

It isn’t socialism
Socialists are so daft they can’t tell the difference between crisis stimulus and planned economics.
It is no more socialist than publically sponsored firefighters.

Such a dumb pic. Can we expect commie faggots to tear their checks up because it came from capitalists?