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The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.
Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil and gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland or Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.
The Middle East primarily sells oil and gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).
In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt and Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.
Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe
The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status.
Peak prosperity on youtube or Dr john campbell
50 times deadlier than the flu
Fake panic, organized by world powers to hide other stuff the public wouldn't agree with, like the EARN IT act that's happening. Look that shit up
They're testing how far they can push us. Martial law is imminent
Fuck off glowey
You are a dumbass.
China lied people died
Ignore all other messages, patriot
Yeah, why would entire countries shut down over something so non-threatening.
It's worse than we think,
it's comparable to what we think but maybe a bit worse
Or, it's a nothing burger and the world governments want to cause an economic down turn
Whats most likely?
They're testing to see if you're fight for your rights and liberties.
Barely anybody has been tested and the testing that has been done is a biased sample that makes the virus looks worse than it is so people don't actually know how deadly this is and the only numbers they see look bad enough to freak them out. In reality many more people have and had the virus than they know and the death rate is far lower than what is being reported.
imagine thinking this is the test and not the roll out after the testing was completed.
If this becomes the case, I'll stfu.
it kills old people and no one wants their parents and grand parents to die fucking duh what the fuck question is that. IT KILLS YOUR PARENTS ARE YOU OK WITH THAT
>what are we not being told
The bioweapon kills significantly more people than reported. It just doesn't kill them on the FIRST infection how lame would that be?
It lives in the body and comes back over and over until the job is done. Much more interesting.
Everyone knows the field is nothing like training.
It's not about lethality, the problem is hospitalization rates. That's why this is a happening and people are spooked.
People at the top did the math and realized we'd run out of hospital beds
It kills boomers. Boomers want to fuck up the world one more time before boomer remover gets then
Guess you should have replied to all those your mother dies in her sleep threads then.
well its your parents that are going to die, so maybe you should have
irrelevant to my point.
this is the takeover, kid.
get ready.
There’s not enough hospital beds or ventilators for them, retard
Don't you have school tomorrow kid?
It's called the green new deal. Airlines will fail, oil companies will go bankrupt. People won't drive, things will be delivered to you instead due to efficiency.
Many people tried to warn you about the OK sign Trump keeps flashing. It means he's lying.
The cover-up was to say it meant White power, which is stupid to believe because Trump is in tons of rap music videos and has a lot of black friends.
Now he wants to do everything Bernie wants -- what a surprise!
seriously just fuck off and go fuck yourself. no one wants to hear you beat off over a microphone
Whatever you clay pot.
>Out of touch boomer doesn't realize schools are closed.
Ok boomer.
user please, how new are you?
Dude just go around lol
Then why do you think it's a nothing burger? Didn't get that far in biology yet?
you're as useful as a nigger at a jobsite
Tfw corona virus is happening because we didn't reply enough to 'your mother dies in her sleep' posts
It's either far, far worse than they are letting on and are just trying to stop mass-panic so they can manage the decline as best they can whilst they get their shit sorted and can bug out. Or, it's a huge, global, psyop to do who-knows-what.
this, only 12 yearolds, mentally ill and pedophiles use discord
Funny how the games that induced the best state of trance ended up containing truths in them. Truth in a world of lies is like an beautiful woman. There's many women, but only a few are actually beautiful. So when you she passes your site, man or woman, you can't help but to look.
>tfw theres no face
BYE boomers. I quite like seeing the fear in bluepilled boomers eyes as they stammer through the grocery store looking bewildered.
this is a cover up for the first visit from the aliens outworld!!!
You had 2 months...
d*bs and thats what is going to happen
singles and its a nothingburger
All of this actually makes sense and is what I thought for a while except... no one's fighting back and we're just letting it happen?
You're not good at your job kike smdh
>Truth in a world of lies is like an beautiful woman. There's many women, but only a few are actually beautiful
Who are you sir to be posting on this Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum, that is so skilled in prose?
Seriously, there are dozens of theories, conspiracies around this, and the problem is that out of 10 people you have at least 7-8 different theories. This is whats bugging me. All theories seem a little convincing, but none of them catches my full attention. I cant hold to any, which makes me wonder. Intellectually floating in the empty space. Every nigger has its own theory. No one seems to fuckin know what is going on. I dont buy this world lockdown stuff over a virus. It just seems over-fuckin- exaggerated.
I personally believe you are missing the whole point of what going on. CV was supposed to be the next 9/11 for the deep state. Trump and Q knew the playbook, and used it to their advantage. To tell people to stock up and that the storm is here. American citizens and patriots are in the military ready to uphold the constitution of the US. Trump under the guise of CV is arresting, dismantling, and converting the NWO agenda and control they had on us all. Watch CEOs look at the celebs getting CV, this isn't coincidence they know their time is up and we are fighting back. If you shill against Q you simply have not been paying attention or dont know the comms, or you are a shill. Truth will prevail. WWG1WGA
Rolling, you chigger, tick, and leaf.
nice try
but it was a one off deal
>I dont buy this world lockdown stuff over a virus. It just seems over-fuckin- exaggerated.
That's the only thing that everyone except obvious shills seem to agree on.
Fucker, write down what exactly is going on, and try not to sound stupid, faggot
why are you so malicious?
you'd do well to turn that energy to constructive things like drinking out your hate.
This. Also.
If you ask the MAGA schizos on this board, Trump is ridding us of the pedophile elite.
The reality: just another scheme by the pedophile elite to enforce some obscure end we'll never know
We'll have better luck with Alberta!
Information AND biological warfare.
Otherwise, correct. Western Leftists and the PRC are in cahoots.
None of those arrests are happening, schizo. Let it go.
Turns out videos about china, iran and italy were true. You'll see, we are seeing now.
Whatever happened to the countdown/mouse utopia threads?
this is wrong
you are being told why we are on lockdown
take your meds schizo
I think you're wrong. I do think they were waiting for something this big to happen, but I really don't think they caused it. Really it was just a virus that came out of Chinese apathy toward hygiene in their wet markets, and now boomers in charge of the world are putting a full stop to everything because they're the ones most vulnerable. And those trying to pass this act are just taking advantage of the situation.
don't forget .gov alphabet weirdos
Well if so that's a good thing, but I smell strong bullshit.
We know the playbook and timeline, winestein was the first, tom Hanks, now others everyday.
>t. obvious shill who thinks he's going to escape global depression
You'll realize eventually what you were part of and probably neck yourself for it.
- the virus won't stop in summer
- ADE response will kill zoomers on their second infection
even if this isn't 100% certain, there is a high enough possibility of it happening for the world to shut down