Canada General

How is my fellow canuck masterrace doing?

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fuck off syrupnigger

Normal people are starting to get a bit paranoid about the virus, not just the brainless npcs hoarding asswipe. Streets are empty

Calgary here. We are on full lockdown. Had my last drink at a bar before they all got shut down.

Mutts arent allowed ITT

calgary too
everything seemed normal to me today
except i had to drive out of town to get bleach and bacon

Praries here. No one cares.

Work closing its doors. Stock market crashing, no income to throw towards cheapies. To come this far, only to have glory snatched away at the final moment.

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please no HD piss jugs, way of the road or no.

Randy’s shotgun doesn’t look legal.

Same here bros.
I didn’t go on Monday or Tuesday but work is back on tomorrow.
Pretty shit st. Paddys tho

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a man's gotta eat

Im a downtown Calgary man, and its a huge difference. Im not aware of any business offices that are not sending people home. Even Suncor etc. there is only a percentage of people at work physically.


GTA area here, there are too many fucking chinks and gooks around.

This presumes anyone cares about the prairies. I

I’m downtown Calgary too, have worked in Suncor... who is u

Edmonton master race, i fist fought a native for a jar of peanut butter today. All is well.
My kids will eat peanut butter.

Sunnyvale, Dartmouth reporting in

Imagine being this butthurt about being a bbc loving mutt

Fuck chugs. Good on ya lad

enjoy your government approved lever of rat feces

Nearby. I think it will essentially be the Plus 15 open downtown only shortly. I live down in one of the condos on the Bow.

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Post instore food prices user

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Montréal here, how's things in the ROC?

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GTA here
Why the fuck does everyone touch their face on public transit? Holy fuck no wonder Ontario has it the worst

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Things are okay.lockdown sucks, but all we can do. Hows life in K-Bec?

This is what we get for allowing this diversity bull shit. Fucking chinks are going to kill millions around the world with zero consequences.

not good running low on weed.
my friend's mom is under quarantine so i can't go to my friend's house.
My last friend just texted me that he wants to stay inside "social isolate lvl 99"
I'm sad. I went running by the lake with my mask. The white lady at the gas station said she's practicing social distancing all i said was "true"
my life is a meme. all i had in my life was running. now i can't even do that. i hope i'll be able to play with my friends again.

Boomers and québécois in general are getting pretty pissed at Trudeau. Air China is still coming in Montréal 2 days a week with a 787.
Good news is that everybody is fucking loving the action our PM Legault is taking. So we are seeing a new-fresher wave of separatism and nationalsim rising up. FeelsREALLYgood tho.
Cheer up anglos this time we are going to suceed to seceed in leave you guys.

BUT you will have to give Labrador back.

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grabbing the last of the ammo in town tomorrow morning than grabbing groceries with my mates and heading back to the middle of nowhere. Feels good.

bar shut down here 3 hours ago too

>running low on weed.
same bro

Yeah your Premier has been pretty good. I like that theyre salty over the airports.
> BUT you will have to give Labrador back.
Fuck no. Born a Newfie actually and you can fuck right off. All you would be getting is OUR hydroeletric dams, but also three eskimo groups, and costal outports of inbreds.

tfw just stocked up yesterday

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Thats why we want that. You guys are stealing our fucking lakes. ALL of them belongs to us. At worst you guys keep the coast. But not more then 10 km. Even the name is French: Labrador. Keep arguing and we are going to fucking take the maritimes while we at it

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No, the reason we own that is because it was English speakers living in that area. There wasnt a single french speaker outside of the odd prostitute. You dont get to displace people, plus our eskimo groups hate you and the abos helped stop you last time from separating. Pic related is how we think of you. Youre a bunch of bums on equalization, so we pay you 13 billion dollars to fuck off. But unfortunately that well is drying up.

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Identify the store, then report for price gouging. Massive fines

Cool bro. Your whole country is gay

the eaton centre was empty

Ya like I said there is some squareheads on the coast. So keep that unlivable shithole but you guys have no rights on those big lakes that are closer to the center of Québec then your dumbass shit-coast.

Those blue-blood brits were not stupid when they drew the borders. They took from Québec some big lake. So fuck off to your ugly coast hut and go fuck the abos and eat some fish with no teeth.
Or else we are going to send our mix abos from upnorht next to your border, to fuck you up. (pic related)

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>No, the reason we own that is because it was English speakers living in that area.
You mean English SQUATTERS
Labrador is fur trader and logging land in near tundra conditions, you're not supposed to live on it you silly Canuck.
>Youre a bunch of bums on equalization, so we pay you 13 billion dollars to fuck off.
>But unfortunately that well is drying up.
Okay, when your power stops working because Quebec decided to prioritize Quebec during Coronachan's visit you know which smelly french dick to suck.

Nah. All that area was English speaking, thats why we own it. Not just the coast. Just because some faggot from France sailed past and said "we own this now" doesnt mean you actually own it. Plus Quebec and the Filles du Roi were too busy fucking natives and British soldiers to notice that the entire area of Labrador was inhabited by English (and oddly, the Basques too).

Checked sadly its a Waste of trips. Give us the lake back and we wont ask for the maritimes and newfoundland.
Resist and we are going to take it all during the balkanisation of North America. And trust me we fucking want lakes to build dams on it to sell it to burgers in the south.

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> Squatters
I wouldnt expect a low IQ K-Becker to understand things like law, or in this case international law, but there are two ways territorial sovereignty can be acquired that are relevant. Terra Nulis and prescription. Both of which make Labrador British (at the time) and not K-bec. Again, I dont expect K-Beckers to even be aware of, let alone understand such concepts.

As for your power, we literally havent needed it for decades, and we just built another dam. Good try tho, go have a baguette and a dildo up your ass.

Chinese landlord was coofing today. Also fuck Chinese people.

Deadmonton suburbs here, pretty quiet. Only left the house to get some Shamrock shakes from drive thru and made a stop at liquor store to get a bottle of Royal Reserve.
Town looked abandoned almost

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Calgarians, and me as a born Newfie and raised Albertan, would ironically vote for the Bloc, if it meant you left.

Get the fuck out you nasty fucking greasy burger faggot

New Brunswick here, the rest of Canada forgets we exist we're pretty much 100% chief

Fuck off you nigger goblin

Yeah its a funny joke that we post here and there. Would you really?
Ok lets get this done. Give all the lakes back and we will give a 2 litres of maple syrups, some good one, with no piss from Réjean.
That seems REALLY fair.

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I do enjoy that K-Beckers think maple syrup is somehow a bargaining chip. Maple syrup is what faggots have during their post sodomy brunches. Men dont consume maple syrup.

Beaver River region here, checkin' in on yous guys, eh? Everyone here is sayin' weird slogans like 'social distancing' and 'self isolation.' Fuck me! Is there any other way to isolate? Is someone else gonna carry you into yer ice fishin' shack for some solo time with a bottle o' Forty Creek and a bag of Spitz?

Oh you guys with your regional slang.

Fuck that Im coming with my ski-doo to claim the lakes to our republic. Fuck off would you...

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How do you cuckbois live in downtown? It's an absolute nightmare to drive/be in.

Gotta check those d u b s tho. Nice one, its pretty unfair. LEave some for others


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Reporting live from the capital. It is a ghost town out here. I am locked in with a months supply of food, but looking like I am going to have to make a booze run as the boredom hits harder by the day. Stay safe Leaf bros.

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People starting to get kind of spooked around here in BC. Buddy just sent me this. My university is shut down now, so I'm just trying to find the motivation to do anything. Deadlines approach, yet on Yas Forums I sit.

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Shiiiet, lots of Calgary bros itt.
What do you guys plan on doing when a full lockdown hits?

>winnifag here

Dad thinks he’s got it: won’t leave his room

Father in law freaked out about the economy bc he is big stocks guy

Went shopping for soup- place looked like lord of the flies

780 reporting in.

Major riots today at a couple grocery stores.

West Edmonton Mall has now power. People looting stores downtown.

Planet of the Apes? Bros. Not good.

I bet we wake up to some pretty crazy shit. My wife and I are taking shifts to defend our house.

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>major riots
Were they not saying sorry or offering their spot in line?

Montreal here, currently in Mexico but will come back in a few days. I live in a low-income area (Hochelaga) and am not sure how the hood will be but if this thing lasts a while it might suck.

I'm thinking about leaving the city and moving up north, not when I get back but next year or something. Something like picrelated (saint-agathe), which I believe is a 1h drive from the city My job allows me to relocate pretty much everywhere in Quebec and I came to the realization that I don't make the best of the city anyway (I dont club, dont go to events, shopping or whatever). Also traffic is terrible and gets every single year, to the point that some close-by freeways are in rush hour mode for pretty much the whole day
By moving north I would only be amongst whites, would pay a smaller rent, would be like 20mins away from the ski slopes and within walking distance of a lake/forrest. I could also buy a dog; I dont have one right now only because I feel it would be a boring life for him to spend all day in my appartment waiting for me while I work, with the highlights of its day to go outside for a 10mins walk on pavement, take a shit and come back it.
Anyone here left a big city to go live in a small town?

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Gonna need a link there bud.
Don’t get us excited with a fag story

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Victoria here, pissed as shit because I know that if covid-19 starts to calm down my city will have even more Americans moving here and buying houses before the dollar recovers making property rates grow even more.
Fuck me.

>going to have to make a booze run
I feel this. I'm worried that our liquor stores are going to start closing down soon. God forbid I start brewing my own.
>Major riots
Nigger can I see a source on that one please?

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if thats true were getting closer to collapse than i thought.

>Victoria here
Hey buddy, me too.

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New Brunswick here. Got laid off today, going to have to get EI for the first time. Any of you guys know what a t4e form is or how to get it? SNB is closed and no one answers the phone, just a recorded message telling me to file online.

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