Why did you genocide them?

Why did you genocide them?

They were based. :(

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read the story of geronimos life. he was so nobe in deed. reminded me of samurai

It was corona

>he doesn't know about the widespread pedophilia.

They couldn't even invent the wheel.
And now they're gibbers for eternity

We smallpox now?

we're still based ya dingus

Fuck off you German nigger.
We should've genocided you pieces of shit.

I hope the indians band together and send all the white people back to europe

Bleached and integrated

Modern day Native Americans are fucking dumb dude. Go visit a reservation here in the states. They are the dumbest people you will ever meet. Dumber in comparison to niggers in many ways, not nearly as violent as the nogs however.


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Nuh uh they're LAME
A bunch of cry babies who needs em

yeah have damn near your entire race genocided and raped and lets see how smart and happy you act

They would've gladly scalped you and raped your kids.

Newspaper story about my fourth great grandfather.

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I hope Corona finishes them off. My dad was a lawyer for a tribe and he said they were stinky fuckers who were always carrying cash in bags and drugs because no one gave a fuck about what they did.

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Check the numbers. Small pox and Old world diseases killed so many more than White settler’s skirmishes with the Amerindians

We are not small pox you fuck.

history is done, but the idea of manifest destiny is psycho bullshit like Zionism.

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Fuck you, they're Chinks who crossed the landbridge, raped and genocided the peoples they found in the Americans and slaughtered white children.

would love to have some muslims come down and manifest destiny the shit out of the USA, lets see how these whitoids act then

go back to europe peasant

We didn't, but we should have.

Hell yeah! Never forget the Solutreans and Clovis

Uh oh, chief Bearbrain is getting upset. Claim down, buddy. Have some firewater.

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are any people not guilty of shit like that at some point?

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They died to disease dude, not a genocide. The real wars between Europeans and Natives did not occur until the 19th century in North America. And many scholars would agree that it was not the Spanish that conquered the Aztecs...It was Smallpox. But the Spanish did indeed play at war and treacherous diplomacy oh so well.

im going to fuck them. all of them, with condoms made out of bacon.

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yeah but I'm not the one who gets my panties in a twist about white genocide

Everyone says thier grandpa was ndn, mine really was 1/4 . He liked cowboys and said his mom (1/2) was horrible and animalistic. My grandpa also redpilled me at like 6-7 yrs old.told me food would run out and not to trust the establishment. He was mixed and the coolest person I’ve ever known

why condoms retard? YOU CANT FEEL THE PUSSY

We didnt genocide anybody, we bought all their land from their fairly and didnt kill anyone

Read bartolomeo de Las casas, Spanish definitely fucked shit up, individual dogs had 150+ kdas

We didn't genocide them
That's just a lefty fantasy
In reality they were stone age hunter gatherers and there were hardly any of them
Ever hear of the trail of tears?
LEss than 30,000 of them were involved, a number that included all their slaves (Cherokee were slavers, apologists don't want you to know that)

ok sure thing buddy

I haven't the slightest idea why euros idolize injuns. They were and still are africa-tier savages. No written language, no scientific innovation, no constructions of note. They're just redskinned niggers. The only reason they're still alive at all is because white men coddle them.

yeah ok, just pleeeeeeease don't complain about immigration again

They are alcoholic red niggers. I didnt genocide them but i would if i could. Fuckoff back to the israeli internet kikeanon.

We can't stop diseases now, what the fuck makes you think we could have 400 years ago.

Disease killed the Native, we didn't help, but diseases killed FAR more.

the tribes were radically different.
which one did you like.
the one who massacred Jamestown and ate them?
or the one that kidnapped and cut off the noses of little children?
the dead tribes had it coming, the ones who still exist are okay.

the sensation of the bacon grease on my cock while being griped by the asshole of ahmed is gonna feel the best.. so perfect but the smell gets old fast

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Wait, why am I responding to a memeflag? Disregard my post, moshe.

There was no Native American genocide.
Do you consider Germans killing French in WW1 or WW2 to be a genocide?
Of course not

will the muslims say the same about you

please, your european peasant breath is too horrid for my nostrils

Don't blame the European for winning, blame your kind for not being strong enough to fight back.

yeah sure thing amigo

smelly uncivilized retards.

They’re descendants will be the majority again in 2060

Stuck in the Stone age for 15 thousand years. They were meant to perish.

Jamestown...never forget

Explain, I'm genuinely curious now. Was the chiefs daughter being fucked at 13 or what?

What goes around comes around

1. We didn't genocide them. Euro-Flu did. The remainders fled West going to war with the other tribes long the way.

2. At the time they were NOT based at all. But the modern ones down in Oklahoma are pretty cool. Not the smartest, but nice.

Aside some lame new age romanticism, how were they based?

>Why did you genocide them?
Same as why we're getting genocided now -- disease.

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The UK should've accepted Hitler's offer to rule together.
Imagine a world where us Indians get our land back, and we have Japanese/German/British domination.
>no written language
you are very retarded ᒧᓂᔮᐤ
We're not based anymore. last one shot himself, pic related.

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Only a fool could think he could improve a society of no taxes and fucking women 24/7 whenever you weren't hunting.

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This is actual true.
Also they never progressed pass the stone age facing ZERO EXISTENTIAL THREAT.
Also they were ethnic cleansing each other when the French, Dutch, and Spaniards came across them.

not nearly as violent... pfft... You haven't seen reservation gang violence then... they are worse. Had a gf fresh of the rez. Told me all about it while basically being a hood nigress herself

they had it fucking coming. we just got revenge

>doing X because it benefits your group is bad because this other group does X and it's good for them at our expense
Nobody else is going to stop looking out for their racial interests just because you have. Retard.

The french, dutch, and spanish are all niggers.
Cree, British, and Japanese master race.

Those articles are from tumblr larpers


>implying natural diseases are genocide

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only people that need to go back where they came from are liberal wh*toids