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the world has officially ended.
enjoy being invaded by china and becoming a prisoner.

Based. I guess. Burn it all down.


Why do faggots like this guy think it's so horrible for poor people to have money and food. Why are they so fucking opposed to building a utopian society, rather than our current slave-state?

you think in reverse.
china is the slave state.

They think if they defend a wealthy person's wealth, they will eventually become wealthy. Delusional, I know.

Fuck poor people, kill yourself

>thinks if he fights for poor people, he'll stop being poor

I'm not gonna say no to $1000

Just out of curiousity, is your mentality the same one the user described here ? Because literally WHY the fuck else would have this idea? Poor people are basically the only people NOT guilty of raping this planet and plundering its resources, and destroying the environment and cordoning it off to everyone. I mean they are literally THE decent people. It's the rich people and their middle class, "worker" golems who sold out and sold their souls.

because it's a short term scam to destroy the national economy and install dictatorship.

nothing worth having is easy or free, nigger.

UBI is the slave state retard, or do you think all that money just appears magically?

Romney is not conservative. He's a cuckservative.

>? Poor people are basically the only people NOT guilty of raping this planet and plundering its resources, and destroying the environment and cordoning it off to everyone.
Lmao dilate more fag. Poors are leeches sucking on the ass of productive people. Also the environment is gay

When Donald Trump merged memes with Yang and gave us TrumpBucks

Today was historical my neet friends

I wipe my ass with $1000.

meanwhile, you're wiping your ass with table cloths and Penn Station napkins.

Trump going for the Bernie vote.

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Our capitalist system isn't much better than China. We have almost the same level of human rights abuses, just more poverty and wealth inequality. I don't defend China, they're awful, but the fact that conservatives think they can look at China and say "look! This is what will happen if we do socialism!" is ignorant and totally disregards how China currently more closely mirrors our own society than it does any other society in the world through all of history.

Also conservatives also fail to recognize that whenever they talk about socialist states being oppressive, they're always talking about places where democracy doesn't exist. You can have capitalism or socialism both with or without democracy. If you have either without democracy then you're going to be in for trouble, obviously.

>Donald Trump: (00:06)
>Beautiful day outside. And then I think we have some great things to talk about. I’ll start by discussing the Federal Reserve. As you know, it just happened minutes ago, but to me it makes me very happy. And I want to congratulate the Federal Reserve. For starters, they’ve lowered the fed rate from what it was, which was one to 1.25. And it’s been lowered down to zero to 0.25 or 0.25. So it’s zero to .25 that’s a big difference. It’s a quite a bit, about a point.
>And in addition, very importantly, the Federal Reserve going to be purchasing $500 billion of treasuries and $200 billion of mortgage backed securities. And that number can increase, but they’re going to start with that and that’s really good news. It’s really great for our country. It’s something that we’re very happy, I have to say this. I’m very happy and they did it in one step. They didn’t do it in four steps over a long period of time. They did it on one step.
>And I think that people in the market should be very thrilled. And that brings us, we’re the strongest country in the world by far financially and every other way. And that brings us in line with what other countries are. They actually have negative rates, but look, we got it down to potentially zero. So that’s a big step and I’m very happy they did it.

>He doesn't know what fiat currency is
Yeah it literally does JUST appear. Jesus, you have no clue how our economic system operates, do you.
Where is your evidence that giving poor people money is a "scam to install dictatorship" or whatever? You DO realize we had "welfare as a human right" in this country up to fucking 1996, right? And all through the 20th century we didn't have "a dictator" under those New Deal policies, which lingered throughout the Reagan years, the Bush years, and even into the Clinton years. Instead everything was better for everyone.

Kek. This will change the whole world because nobody will want to go back to their soul drenching jobs after having had a taste of the neet life. People will not want to send their kids back to school after having seen what one on one tutoring can do for them. People will not want to go back to coming in to work daily when they can get that shit done from home just as good. People will not go back to let refugees in once borders have been closed down. People will not want to go back to having no ubi now. Welcome to a new era.

conservatives are weak selfish faggots

it is not free because people do not want to work for it but because there is no work do be done.
in the long run this would probably be cheaper to pay people to stay inside than it is costs on the health care system

>soul drenching
Jfc grow a pair

>conservatives are weak selfish faggots
>they don't want big daddy gov to care for them forever!
lmao ok

Honestly, everyone could get on welfare back during the Reagan years. It was infinitely more accessible than it is now. You just applied and got it, like 100%. And the program was way better funded, people got way more money than they would not. Almost everyone still chose to work. There is a good argument to be made that people actually CHOOSE to work at higher rates when they DONT have to. As opposed to living in slavery, when their lives are fucking shit, and they suffer from all sorts of depressions and anxiety. But of course, "conservatives" love raping the planet and the human soul, and so would NEVER want anyone to be happy.

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>I wipe my Ss with $1000
No, you dont.

But NEETs dont get shit lol

hi. i heard you got $1k for free.

gimmie your money you low life faggot.

If people want money and food, they should work for it like everyone else. People who are poor for a reason. If it's because of their parents, then there's a genetic/evolutionary component. That's why niggers are poor. They're barely human.

>neets get jack shit because you have to have filed a legit income tax return to qualify
>"we won"
You kids are in for an unpleasant surprise.

What about people like me who dont want to work, I deserve to live, all because I dont want to work doesnt mean I should die or that I shouldnt have the newest iphone. I think this is a great idea

>he's afraid of third position

>There is a good argument to be made that people actually CHOOSE to work at higher rates when they DONT have to

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3/5 human dude. Be historically accurate.

indeed, all that is needed is for you to unironically consoom latest product. it's what keeps GDP going

Even the slave state is unsustainable, let alone supporting a rapidly growing population with unlimited free shit.

UBI = slave state
what the gov gives, it can take away

If republicans embrace economic populism, they will literally never lose an election ever again. It would be smart to keep championing UBI once all this blows over. They will dominate the house, the senate, and the presidency for the next century

Stimulus is not UBI retard. GW also did a stimulus package prior to the 2008 collapse

>I deserve to live
>I don't want to contribute
There's a word for scum like you. Parasite. They make medication for removing parasites.

ya gotta take a good hard think about what "work" is user

dude money doesn't matter any more, it's all a joke and the feds can print at will. you've been bamboozled

Is there anything /ourgirl/ cant do?

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>I deserve to live
You literally don't.

Actually the only people not getting checks are people making more than one million dollars a year bitch. We NEETS spend our time reading, studying, mastering the fine arts. We spend countless hours solving the biggest scientific questions of our lifetime while you wage slave away. Ever wonder what your girl is doing while your at work? Shes working that big NEET cock, we are in top shape from all the time we have not wage slaving

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It’s great. It’s like I don’t pay taxes anymore and get the paycheck that I earned. Fuck the government, wagies RISE UP

The only thing UBI will do is validate the mental illness that is destroying America. It will NEVER happen, and all you neet scumbags belong in death camps.

>Socialism is ok when Trump does it
Trumpfags are a joke

Yeah, how dare people not want to be slaves, and instead want to live free, right? Fuck you. You're literally just a slave driver. That's what capitalism is, absolute economic enslavement. You don't own the land. You don't own the Earth. You're just another fucking rotting corpse, only difference is that you think you can give others orders and kill them if they don't fucking "work for you" or whatever other lame entitled shit is going on in your corroded, godcucked brain.

Wagie wagie stamps his feet
Wagie wagie can’t be NEET

Get a job faggot

there is literally nothing wrong with national socialism you fucking newfag

That isn't how that works.
The brain keeps working at full capacity.
It just has room to do other stuff now.

Yes I do, im a human just like you, its not my fault i received lazy genes

>giving people $1k a single time is UBI

Keep being a child. You'll see.

You wanna know how I know you're gay?

Why is that delusional? There's literally historical precedent I just laid out for you. In period where this country has had big social safety nets, people still chose to work. People still choose to work in Sweden and other countries with major entitlement programs. Conservatives are just fucking wrong. ABOUT EVERYTHING. Literally EVERYTHING conservatives believe is fucking backwards and demonstrably the opposite of reality.

>The brain keeps working at full capacity.
>It just has room to do other stuff now.
Wrong. You just work less

Look up hyperinflation sometime there champ

>Yes I do, im a human just like you,
That doesn't get you automatic right to life

catch up fagboy, dems are already calling for $4k/month per family

0/10 bait. Hug your security blanket tight... I'm coming to raid your supplies tonight.

doesnt exist when the rules arent enforced. gravity has been suspended

Sure, I like being young at heart

It's a stimulus package, not a welfare check. Just like the stimulus package of 2007, if you did not receive a tax return in 2019, you do not meet eligibility. Nontaxpayers receive exactly $0.

>literally just screeching
lmao cope commie kike.

How do you feed yourself? I bet it's with money. Yours or someone else's.

Yes it does, you cant let me die and I deserve quality of life just like you


>until the crisis is over
Based, since we all know since 9/11 we've entered an age when crises are never over and no government program can ever be rolled back. At least it's cash in our pocket this time.

>Instead everything was better for everyone
Where’s your source for this? I loved those years serving my country but we had less gibs and handouts than today!!

Yeah we're not talking about anything that would lead to hyperinflation. We're talking about demand-side economics that are only a return to the way this country was governed for 70 fucking years from FDR to Clinton's second term.

Remember jade helm?


of course it's with money, money that is printed at will and can continue to be printed at will on the whims of your jewish rulers. it has no value other than what (((they))) say it does

>Yes it does,
No it doesn't
> you cant let me die
Wanna bet?

>like my low paying job enough to keep doing it even if I got free money that covered living expenses
>Extra money from job would pay for fun and a down payment on a house

Anyone know this feel?

Let me rephrase, you cant stop the government from giving me your hard earned wagie cash.

Lol. This shit has been done before. Miss us with your SocialistNEET shit.

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O boi $1000 a month that's less than a McDonalds month paycheck

Happy horseshit. More free programs exist today. Reagan fired the Air traffic controllers for going on strike stupid.

>invaded by China
Pretty sure they're all dead.

>Miss us with your SocialistNEET shit.

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It's all pretend debt now anyway.

wagie wagie get in cagie
all day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfty
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries..

>like my low paying job
I seriously dont get how someone can like getting up at 6AM every day to wage slave for pennies on the dollar and do this 5 days a weak with a shitty 2 day break

Huh? There have never been less "gibs and handouts" than today. That is historically inaccurate. We've cut them to pieces. They're almost non-existent now compared to what they were in this country before the 21st century. Holy fuck, even conservatives who lived through history don't even fucking remember it. Like it's not JUST the fact that you're all fucking uneducated, even when you were fucking THERE you got it wrong.
Corona will consume you soon, ignorant retard boomer. Then finally the world will be free of your fucking tyranny. Your own children will likely celebrate your demise.

>noooooo you cant just give me free money ahhhhhhh

Yang is rolling over in his campaign's grave

Look at his twitter pic


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If you don't file 2019 taxes you won't get it


Look at this cuck

>Happy horseshit. More free programs exist today.
Objectively wrong.
It's either just fucking CONSTANT blatant lies and propaganda from you people or you are genuinely the most historically ignorant fucking people on the planet.

I was alive for last two stimulus packages. Why do you think they specify checks for "workers"?

SOURCE NOW FAGGOT. I deserve the thousand just as much as you wagies

You have to file tax forms to get it just like every other stimulus check that existed.

The end is coming for us. It’s like Rome’s grain dole.

Stimulus is not UBI

Pretty good timing yang had for introducing his UBI plan

Fuck that, I want my check and if I dont get it I will shit on the floor in every public bathroom I use to spite you wagies

Did you hear that?
It was the sound of millions AR being cocked simultaneously.

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nice larp

make sure you get your parents permission to leave the house first, beta boy

Bag status: Secured

Fuck off you retard. Genocide the poor

People on ssi and welfare and ssdi qualify if they filled out 2019 tax forms.

If you didn't file taxes for 2019 you get nothing

>catch up fagboy, dems are already calling for $4k/month per family
No surprise there. Niggers already have that though.

We won Yang bros.
We. Won.

You do know black women that don't work and get welfare will get it too
.why because they filed 2019 taxes

This one might be different. The country wasn't completely shut down when the last stimulus checks went out. Millions of people can't work for however long. Whether or not you worked/filed a return in from the 2018 tax year probably won't matter.

now you can too whiteboy!

Make sur eyou get your bosses permission to take a sip of water when your thirsty wagie, every minute is a dollar for sheckleburg and a penny for you

I get NEETbux, so I get it?

I get up at 8 and work 9-4:30. Home at 5. I'll be outside in about another month which is a pleasure when the weather is nice here. Don't worry, I used to work retail for a year and wanted to die most days.

This is pure drivel. No sources.

The user is lying to you, NEETanon. Nobody has released any details of this plan, yet.
Trump, faggot that he is, did say at the presser "there are some people we don't want getting the checks" so probably that means people on welfare and the poorest among us, because Trump is a massive fucking faggot, and was born into wealth and privilege, with a silver spoon in his mouth, and now he hates poor people and oppresses them. Eh, like fucking pic related. What can you say the dude is slime.

There is no president in our history, save Reagan and Clinton themselves, who have been worse for the poor than Trump.

Attached: trump cuts food stamps and fucks the poor.png (1385x448, 122.67K)

Fuck the leech class. They should all get the rope. Your being born is NOT OUR PROBLEM.