5 Strains of Corona Identified

I am conducting research into Covid-19, and would appreciate if /pol can share their thoughts into what I've found so far.

Both China and Japan have identified 5 strains of Covid-19. Basically, as I understand it, the 5 groups are labelled as: A, B, C, D, and E. Strains A and B are basically the "OG" corona, and C, D, and E are mutated from A and B.

The thing is, 99% of the cases in China are Group C, while the United States is the only country in the world with all 5 strains. Moreover, the strains in Italy are not found in China.

I would love to hear your views on this so we can together find the truth of the matter.

Attached: Corona Heatmap.png (864x443, 373.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/3M-6000-Half-Mask-Kit/dp/B005QQCXSK/ref=sr_1_29?keywords=p100 mask&qid=1584502583&sr=8-29

do your own ven diagram and get back to us fag

There are different views of how this happened, but the arguments supporting the fact that it originated from the US is due to the below timeline. Please watch the embedded video as well:


>> August, 2019: Over Safety Concerns, Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at United States Army Medical Research Institute of >> Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Maryland
>> August, 2019: burst out of America Flu
>> October, 2019: clinical report of unknown pneumonia, CDC claimed electric smoking as possible reason
>> Oct. 18: Event 2019, high-level pandemic drill was hold in New York city, New York. CIA director attended.

>> Oct. 18-27, 2019: Wuhan Military Sports Meeting, Hubei
>> November, 2019: pandemic is found transmitting in Wuhan
>> Dec. 1, 2019: First diagnosed infected Covid-19, Wuhan, Hubei
>> Jan. 11, Chinese researchers got RNA sequence of coronavirus.
>> Jan. 12, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus, which was of great importance for other countries in developing specific diagnostic kits. Before this date, no swab was tested to diagnose if the covid-19 was already epidemic in other regions of the world.
>> Jan. 23, 2020: lockdown started in Wuhan
>> Jan. 30, 2020: covid-19 listed in PHEIC
>> Jan. 30, 2020: America limited people who has traveled China, and cut the infection pathway of covid-19 from China.
>> Jan 30, 2020: Italy cut down the infection channel by stopping flight between Italy and China.
>> Feb 20, 2020: Covid-19 broke-out in the world, Korea, Tran and Italy become the center.
>> Feb 23, 2020: Asahi Shimbun (Japanese news broadcast) questioned that if there were covid-19 among the America flu which started in August, 2019.
>> Feb. 27, 2020: Prof. Nanshan Zhong, the leading expert in anti-coronavirus work, pointing out after serious of researches, that the covid- 19 may originated in China. The RNA sequencing shows that, the virus group in China are Group C, D and E, while the virus in America contains all A, B, C, D, E groups
>> End of Feb., 2020: America gave up testing, diagnosing and treating
>> March, 2020: CDC America admitted, that among the America flu, there were existence of coronavirus. At the same time, the report about shutting down of Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland were massively deleted.

You are free to agree or disagree, but the gist of the tweet of that Chinese diplomat was that, the CDC admitted to the fact that patience were misdiagnosed, in so far that influenza deaths were actually in fact due to Covid 19.

The head of the CDC didn't elaborate on the timeline of the deaths, so wouldn't this be worthwhile to investigate?


Yes. This proves the US created it as a bioweapon

Where does the Harvard researcher fit into all of this

>I would love to hear your views on this so we can together find the truth of the matter.
if there are any race based specifics it means that the default virus couldnt take off with chinks but any mutation that raises its infection rates with the new race means it would become he dominant strand in that place instantly

do you even into darwin

Sorry, which Harvard researcher are you referring to?

At the same time, I find it fascinating how there are absolutely no reports that there are five strains of the virus in the news.

Attached: 1584480880009.jpg (640x848, 209.15K)

>5 strains
>no source in whole thread
Yeah really getting me to believe

lets say it was created by usa or the west. it completely caught the west off guard. it was never meant to be released and now it has a mind of its own

>ny race based specifics it means that the default virus couldnt take off with chinks but any mutation that raises its infection rates with the new

I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but it's frankly incoherent.

If the virus did indeed originate in China, it would be logical for China to have strands A and B. But there hasn't been a single case. I am not talking about anything with regards to race. Some regions simply have certain strands, but never all of them - except for the United States. If it were mutating, you would expect to see not such a limited number of strands in each country, wouldn't you say so?

>oh turns out leading Harvard chemist working for Chinese government at Wuhan laboratory

These are getting expensive. Find some for $20 bucks a piece, there are still some left.


Here's a mask to go along with.

amazon.com/3M-6000-Half-Mask-Kit/dp/B005QQCXSK/ref=sr_1_29?keywords=p100 mask&qid=1584502583&sr=8-29

Attached: P100 filters.jpg (2040x1530, 337.43K)

>Moreover, the strains in Italy are not found in China
exblain, mutations?

your image, only larger

Attached: coronafive.jpg (1800x923, 675.63K)

Maybe it proves that you Chinks tested a version or two on your own insect population, and then infected the US with all of them for maximum keks.

Interesting, however Professor Lieber has no expertise in virology, at least to my knowledge, so likely a red herring.

This nonetheless does not explain the mass increase in number of supposed "vaping" deaths by pneumonia, or the sky high numbers in pneumonia deaths in the United States

>If the virus did indeed originate in China, it would be logical for China to have strands A and B. But there hasn't been a single case.
the map you literally posted as op shows that like 1/"d of cases at that early point were a or b

are you actually retarded

who the fuck are you
you re not a scientist you re romanian, you post pictures that contradict what you say, you post youtube conspiracy channels, so who the fuck are you? because you re not "conducting research into covid 19", you sound more like a schizo online

You are absolutely the one who's retarded.

None of your posts make sense and you slander via strawman.

Who's paying you?

> would love to hear your views on this so we can together find the truth of the matter

Honestly, I would love to have any additional FACT BASED EVIDENCE either support or goes against what I've stated

>Who's paying you?
lmao I knew it you re a fucking mentally ill schizo and not a researcher at all

fuck off, at least I know to instantly dismiss all posts coming from your country

>chemist working for Chinese government at Wuhan laboratory


You never provided facts or sources so how can I help you?

Would appreciate any agreement or disagreement supported by science

I just posted the paper

We create bioweapons all the time in secrecy. But letting it loose onto the population is another story.

whats that asian racial slur for chinamen?

i think it was something like chinok or some shit

needs it for . . . research

I respectably disagree. The most notable that you should know is MK-ULTRA / Monarch programming.

Here are some more:

Honest opinion. This research paper was made by chinks; and as a result are trying to provide their Dictator with propaganda evidence to blame America.

The actions of the Chinese government say it all. They fucked up big time playing with a dangerous toy.


Well that's a bold statement. Mr. Corlett is a very renowned biologist, and as well as being the chief editor of the journal Global Ecology and Conservation, so I am inclined to believe the paper than your opinion.

>But letting it loose onto the population is another story.
letting it loose?
this is part of the plan

What a surprise the burgers get the mutt virus


Not man made.

>buying goy filters and not the ones that last for months

Probably you, probably them. This could just be an accidental release of it like the Sverdlovsk anthrax leak and who knows how many others we don't know about.

this entire thread [citation needed]

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Okay... honestly, shit posting and sarcasm aside, did you take a look at the evidence and/or videos? I mean isn't it even suspicious that there were increased cases of pneumonia in the United States, as well as the US being the only country that has all 5 strains of the virus?

I mean, it's not a smoking gun, but isn't this absolutely worth discussing, rather than the same old shitposting of the same info? I haven't seen this being mentioned yet...

>I would love to hear your views on this so we can together find the truth of the matter.

Attached: revelation.jpg (500x500, 81.8K)


I have posted a paper. Perhaps you could open your mind and actually look into some of this.... or not. Whatever makes you happy


if you're real, which yoiu're not... let's play along.

hurr durr these specific HURR DURR jews, bio balh HURR!~!

am i reading that correctly? you just want attention? cause ugly jew? and thread dies? yes.


Read the paper. No conspiracy.

Not implying that it is manmade, because I have not seen the scientific evidence, but what is a concrete fact is that the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Maryland, was INDEED experimenting with SARS-CoV. Now, I have no idea of why the lab was closed, but this pretty interesting, no?

The US welcomes people from all over the world. I guess more than Italy.

I wanna know why the hell China covered up the presence of the virus strolling thru their country for 2+ months? Jailed whistleblowers etc etc. It's very likely they fucked up by leaking the virus or whatever. If not man-made, this shit really came from some live animal at the wet markets. Most of epidemics come from Asia (and Africa).

I am honestly not sure what would make you say something so autistic, but then again this is Yas Forums

I have never mentioned anything about jews, but I do know you burgers love them


Jesus you really are a Chinese propaganda shill Fuck off.

>> It's very likely they fucked up by leaking the virus or whatever.
I have not seen any convincing evidence of this

>> If not man-made, this shit really came from some live animal at the wet markets.
Covid-19 is from the bat, which is not sold at the wet market

Did you even read / listen to what I posted?

daily reminder in the walking dead everyone had the virus

So posting scientific evidence makes me a shill ....... ?

Man, I miss the days when Yas Forums actually did real digging

Mk ultra was just the US dosing people with drugs and convincing them to do unethical things like fucking teenage hookers while they take pictures.

No you come out with this:

>United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Maryland, was INDEED experimenting with SARS-CoV.

And fail to mention an even more obvious connection in the post above (Wuhan bio lab). That is peak shill.

Yo Romanian user. The week of December 1st I was sick with some version of the flu that I had never experienced before. I didn't have a stuffy nose or even a sore throat, just severe malaise and fever. It was unlike any sickness it had and it had me bedridden for a week. Everyone I was in contact with contracted it as well.

>I have not seen any convincing evidence of this
It's how other epidemics came to be

>Covid-19 is from the bat, which is not sold at the wet market

Of course they do, just do a little research

I'll only post my research this one time. I doubt a "shill" could promise that. If you pay attention to the rest of the threads on here, you'd find that many are repetitive. I'd argue those are the real "shills" or just people with no life but with an agenda.

If you guys don't give a shit / want to blindly hate on China / aren't interested in scientific research not yet known widely, be my guest - I don't care.

The sad thing is, usually this information would've been already found. Guess too many newfags who jerk off to trap porn or being cucked, rather than to do legitimate research.


The fish market did not sell bats. Don't know how much clearer I could make this statement.

>United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Maryland, was INDEED experimenting with SARS-CoV
I want a source on this one.

Doesn't matter. Didn't come from the wet market. This was already confirmed a long time ago.

I thought the wuhan bioweapons lab was selling the flesh experiment animals to markets as "caught in wild."

> mk uktra was just
lurk for two years before posting.

US is the ultimate mutt nation, this include virus as well as people. no surprises here

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>teenage hookers
i do love my teenage hookers

Memeflag's law

Do you have a reputable source

Min 5:02

I'm a burgerclap and I find this interesting. Us gov is being weirder than usual lately.
This makes a fucked up sort of sense, but is slightly less plausible imo than the chinks shitting the bed.
Please continue user.

Attached: 37E6B28F-BF25-45C2-AA82-35CAE1D133AB.jpg (640x640, 129.96K)

>ignoring Wuhan biolab near epicentre of virus
>Ignoring the chinese nationals arrested stealing corona viruses
>ignoring the Harvard traitor that will be hanged (metaphorically) for his treason

Yeah, it's the West to blame lmao. Your mongrel citizenry might be stupid enough to buy this shit but the West and the World know CCP is trash and will get their's in WWIII

they'll be fighting the West and the Chinese rebels fighting their shit regime

Bluebird > Artichoke > MkUltra > Monarch > ?

Point 1: Yes
Point 2: This is false. Please correct me if I'm wrong with a source. My understanding is that, the scientists were mailing a sample to China, that was in fact a normal procedure, because you do collaboratively work with labs around the world in sharing samples. I believe they were never convicted of a crime.
Point 3: He is not a virologist, so IDK what to tell you mate.

Heh, what version are you at now? Is getting deported to American jails the Romanian dream?

Unsure why I'd be deported for posting two Youtube videos and a paper, all of which are public information.

Also not following what you mean by version.

>experimenting with SARS-CoV
>Wang, Chen, Zheng, Nie, Shi, Wang, Wang, Luo, Liu, Tan, Song, Wang, Yin, Qu, Wang, Qing, Ding, Deng

Attached: sarshiv2004.png (913x566, 86.1K)

Mailing the fucking sample with no tracking, no authorization and outside of the usual procedure is not "normal procedure"

Look at the date stamp you burger

The absolute state of burger public school education

>Ren, Qu, Li, Han, Yu, Zhou, Zhang, Wang, Deng, Shi

Attached: 2008.png (1103x661, 239.64K)

My father was just now in the phone with his cousin whose daughter works in a company called Gelita in Germany. She said since september last year the Chinese started to buy 3x more of their products, which seemed odd to everyone there. She told me they did the same with other places and now everyone is finding it strange. Maybe they were prepping for something


>Zhao, Du, Ma, Li, Li, Poon, Wang, Yu, Zheng, Jiang, Zhou

Attached: 2013.png (922x797, 160.78K)

I fully admit that I did not follow that story too closely. Please have the courtesy to provide proof of where you're citing that information.

In addition, it does not change the fact that they didn't mail any coronavirus samples.


A number of observers have speculated that case involves concerns about the improper transfer of intellectual property to China. (All of the researchers involved are believed to be Asian.) But Frank Plummer, a former scientific director of NML who left in 2015, says the lab isn’t an obvious target for academic or industrial espionage. “There is nothing highly secret there, and all the work gets published in the open literature,” he says. “I don’t know what anyone would hope to gain by spying.”

The lab works in a wide range of biomedical fields. Qiu is known for helping develop ZMapp, a treatment for Ebola virus that was fast-tracked through development during the 2014–16 outbreak in West Africa. She has repeatedly been honored for her work on that project, including with a Governor General’s Innovation Award last year.

Well, case closed, at least for me and for now.

Straight up ccp propaganda, they traced a and b to the area if that market before the new strains developed, the original is mainly what spread beyond china but the more aggressive variant made it to Italy and mutated again

I have not read the whole thread but I see that the same discussion come out as to whether it was handmade. The virus is pretty much handmade

