Whatcha spending your neetbux on?

Whatcha spending your neetbux on?

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Anyone got a name for a good $1k gaming rig? I dream of 1000 population in Dwarf Fortress.

probably some music equipment.

Why do you NEETs think you're getting some bux?

If you were a dependent on a tax return you're most likely SOL

Im gonna save it and go back to school when I can. If the lord above thinks the day should come.

hookers and blow, nothing but hookers and blow

You're not getting any money if you didn't file income taxes last year.

The amount you get is based on your income. Guess how the government determines that?

Probably 300 burgers.

GLOCK 34 and sex with a 7/10 escort

A child can build a PC, these days.

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I wanna get a Cintiq 24 pro, but im too broke.

Attached: 1573835246647.png (728x483, 207.95K)

fuck thats exactly what i wanted to buy.

rims and weed

I worked last year, got stuff from work about my income and such, but I didn't file a tax return. Will I still get my neetbux? Asking for a friend...

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Stocks mainly, I might throw $100 of it into my project car that I bought running and driving for $900 bucks last year.

no they're going to euthanize you

Two chiks at the same time.

Same here, putting it all on Royal Caribbean

A KR9 or my dad's Saiga-12. I work from home so I'll cover the difference on sick attachments

I want to get a magazine fed 12 gauge

That's it?

> gets hit with bioattack from china/kikes
> receives 1000trump bux
> spends it on cheap chinese garbage


property taxes

Wait, they're basing it off working in 2018? Wtf thats gay

I file every year and I AM READY FOR NEETBUX

Why not 10/10?

only wagies are getting it


Attached: truth.jpg (723x944, 165.42K)

invest in your future


All tax payers report in

i filed for $0 earned in 2018. how many dollars will i get?

A new phone

what kind of degenerate "art" are you gonna make with that?

neet here, going to buy some vidya

Post evidence of this, i cant find any

Attached: 2080.jpg (1500x1386, 338.43K)

>Buying Nvidia in 2020

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>buying best card with trumpbux
>flipping once new AMD big navi drops
Look trust me it's not ideal but i'm not buying a 5700xt with AMD's shit drivers and also planning on selling rtx in near future

only WORKING AMERICANS who filed income tax return last year will get it you degenerate
amount is based on how much you make/made

Well part of my mortgage.

The only reason I could really justify getting Nvidia these days is if I needed a fucking Quadro card for a specific application. Performance/Cost ratio on most of their cards is just far worse than AMD's offerings.

Paying for that overpriced garbage lmao. You’re barely getting more frames than someone with a 2080S but are paying almost double the cost

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An exit bag

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What do I need to get US neetbux? I can cross the border fairly easily without documentation, but I need to know how I can get the benefits.

I'm in dire need of a GPU, my rtx 2060 can barely hold 120 FPS on my 165hz monitor, feels kinda janky

it's like you guys are retarded or can only think in one dimension.
>what is buying used
>what is selling when next gen amd is about to drop
You think I'm not aware of what you're saying? The key is that this isn't a purchase and keep type of situation. The demand and therefore resale price of 2080 ti will be greater than a 5700xt or 2080S in the next 6 months

That doesn't mean much when AMD just simply doesn't have a card that competes in the same bracket as the 2080 Ti. (ie 4k and/or very high refresh rates.) If you need that level of performance, its either that or wait and hope that AMD for the first time in half a decade can compete in that segment.

All you really need is an RX580 or a GTX 1060, which you can get for $130. 60FPS 1080p max, even if you can't get that, who gives a fuck, it's just a video game.

No dumbfuck
Americans on social security disability will recieve it as well

Anyone under 90k

If youre on ssdi
You make under 90k

Dpms 308 ar for me


Don't buy DPMS. They're going under (THANKS, RUSTINGTON).

Probably a Martin guitar and if more than 1k, maybe an Orange amp and/or some tires because I've had to pump all four up weekly since 2017.

Last stimulus package they recieved it as well

Why the fuck wouldnt they?
That would further divide the poor
This is election year

These posts implicating so are russian putin dick sucking faggots

Better ar in 308 under 1000?
Im all ears

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I get Social Security Disability AKA NEETbux. Been getting $1,400 a month since 2010.

Last time a stimulus was issued, people who received Social Security received 50% of what the normies got.

Attached: NEETbux.jpg (871x653, 88.43K)


go to turbotax.com and file a tax return, you have a couple more weeks to file

Save it and buy a Condo eventually I can rent out. Hopefully prices crash


American citizens only spicky


Thanks user
Shes lovely

Is it really a significant advantage to have a screen in your graphics tablet? I recently got a large intuos tablet used for like $80.

Rifle scope, save the rest.

Give me my Trump bux

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>the IRS decided to review my return after doing the same return for years
fuck my life

You can probably get a better deal locally.
Or one with a monolithic 12 o'clock 1913.

Tax return + funbux = pic
Going to be a great year.

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The country is about to collapse and you retards can only think of video games.

wouldnti t fucking PISS THEM OFF by everyone buying gold all gold with it. then hoarding gold. fuck the jews

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>American citizens only spicky
I lived in the US for 5 years and contributed greatly to your economy, there's no reason not to bend the rules a little bit now that everyone's in a bad financial situation.

Just answer the question, what do I need to fulfill the requirements? I'm pretty good at forging documents because I'm a graphic designer, so that won't be an issue

this guy gets it

and "it" isnt STDs and neurological diseases

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