Tons of reports of people getting a strange flu like
Illness that tested negative for the flu way earlier in the year. My grandmother was sick for weeks with a respiratory illness last month and tested negative for the flu. Is it possible we've been infected way before this month?

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>do you guys remember how everyone was sick a few months ago
Yes you FUCKING RETARD that’s called the cold/flu season
My fucking god you are beyond retard. Do you think that millions of Americans had a disease and there was some coverup by literally thousands of hospitals

If it was Corona-chan, the 10-20% of cases that result in severe illness and/or hospitalization would have already crashed our healthcare system.

Me and my family where on the Grand Princess just two trips before the one that got stuck in Oakland. We had a ton of Chinese nationals on the ship. I as well as a bunch of others got sick the last few days and then some. I am sure people get sick after/on cruises often, but this was extra strange both me and my boomer father got super flu like symptoms but tested negative for flu and had pneumonia. We both eventually passed it, but it got scary for my father. I think we caught it and survived but it’s been strange for sure, everywhere I go people are coughing, sneezing, and snorting I hear it’s like that everywhere though.

Funny story is I got it from an old Chinese man who didn’t cover his mouth while coughing in an elevator when I told my coworkers they all said I had the Dragons Breath haha and was going to die. Pretty scary, I’m waiting for the testing sites to come up and I bet I won’t get denied testing if I tell them I was on that ship. But lucky me I’m stocked up on everything I possibly could ever need, even for the boog (thanks Yas Forums) and I recently left a toxic work environment and m wife is getting the next three weeks off!

I was very ill on new years day. Was sick for about 5 days; have never been that sick before EXCEPT I had swine flu in 09 which was 10x worse.

my old man had a mysterious "flu" despite two flu shots and testing that showed he didn't have influenza. He was sick for 3 weeks and still has a cough months later. Its a small mountain town in Colorado and they just detected a positive case there. It probably has been around.

This virus is NOT Chinese virus but America virus. US military bring it during military games in Wuhan. This is evidence
American are lier

Except dear retard that the entire point of Corona blind siding everyone was that it was spreading undetected during flu season.

Gee, it's not fucking flu now is it? Are you immune to cancer as well during flu season? Where do I get the shot to immunize myself from being as dumb as you?

Coronavirus glues your fucking lungs shut. Tell that fucking moron on Twitter if it had been corona they would have noticed the grey glue shutting their fucking lungs.

>tons of reports
heh you mean twitter posts by random people

More so that there was something going around which was unidentified.

A friend of mine had a bad viral infection at the start of the year. Had to go to the ER as a result. Could barely breathe for weeks. And all the tests came back negative for common strains. Only thing they could say it was some form of viral respiratory infection.

They know and track what is going around each season. It isn't crazy to point out these consistancies

uncle sam did nothing wrong chang

fuck you, fuck china, fuck xi, and most of all fuck communism
dirty gook insects learned to use vpns

go to any newspaper archive and search for "school flu closed" articles from November 2019 through January 2020 and you'll see district after district closing due to flu outbreaks that would hit like half the students

Wuhan flu started in November 2019. It didn't take 2 months for it to arrive in the US

calm down chang
I was sick in December for about a month, after the first week it got pretty bad where I felt a heavy weight on my chest an felt like my side hurt bad as well. I thought I had pneumonia at one point but I'm a poor fag with so much debt I didn't go to the hospital cause death seems like a better option at this point. I coughed almost the entire time during that 3-4 weeks though.

Had a nasty flu in mid Jan, keeps coming back (lesser and lesser). Those Chinese that went away for NY celebrations could of been travelling back and forth whilst we were celebrating Christmas.

So which thing is more likely?

1) There is a massive global conspiracy involving tens of millions of healthcare workers and hospitals

2) Your one (1) friend had a completely ordinary respiratory infection, and you are fooling yourself into believing this is part of a massive global conspiracy involving tens of millions of healthcare workers and hospitals

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There did seem to be a suspiciously large amount of "normal flu" deaths in the US and Germany this year.

Milder strain then?

3 where no one said conspiracy and you're a fucking retard. fuck off a cliff.

I was hacking up some goo when I was sick

Work in a pharmacy. Yes, huge spike in December/January. That was the flu, as evidenced by the 100s of tamiflu RX I was filling. That aside, this has definitely been widespread for weeks, so it may have begun during that time. I say this because usually there's a significant decrease mid/late February in acute illness rx, but this has been the opposite. We're filling more than we typically do during flu season. I've been seeing tons of patients with the same 3 things: an antibiotic, a steroid, and either an inhaler or nebulizer albuterol solution constantly since early/mid February. The amount of people walking around with a dry cough is a joke, too.

I'm almost positive I had it 10-15 days ago. Was kind of short of breath for a couple of days by walking while talking, a little warm, and a little lethargic. Napped a couple of days and was fine. I never get sick, even working in a pharmacy. Wife got nothing. House mates started coughing a week ago, lasted like 2-3 days. Friend they went out with also started coughing.

It's been here. If there are cases severe enough to not only seek out medical care, but actually qualify for a test, and turn out positive then it's been around at least 3-4 weeks.

Or was simply wrongly presumed to be normal flu at that point.

I got raped down in late November. Rapist lung infection. Was strange cause I didn't feel physichally ill, but my lungs were fucking ravaged. SO many people I know had a fucking horrible viral infection in my immediate circle, and none of them tested positive for the flu.

Exactly. There are at least two known strains with different virulence.

I think it's been around since that Dec/Jan point.

No, retard. I didnt post my opinion on it at all.

My stance on the damn thing is that it's a severe strain of the corona virus indeed but it has been around for a while but virologists and other specialists are blowing it out of proportion as they claw their way to the spotlight. What people aren't realizing is that the impending economic collapse and the damage already done is going to literally harm and starve more people than the damn virus.

its been here since sept
Microbial Toxins in E-Liquid: A Potential New Vaping-Related Exposure to Explore
Microbial contaminants found in popular e-cigarettes
JUUL pods contaminated with lung damaging microbial toxins

Don't you have some plastic rice you should be eating, zipperhead?

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I wonder if it really was a milder strain of Corona we had, woud that help now with any stronger version?

I coughed up the greyest of shit in December. I coughed all over everything at work too. Feels good man.

Same, was sick for 4-6 days around christmas after some air travel and I've never been sick that long before as an adult

I had at least 2 coworkers use up all their sick days in January/February due to a terrible flu

He would have given it to people at the hospital, and it would have shown up there.

With 20 percent being severe, young people included, you can't hide such a cluster of viral pneumonia.

It's what happened in Wuhan and it happened elsewhere.

I coughed up grey/yellowy shit for weeks in january.

The first Chinese case was late October early November. It marinated over there a bit and most people didn't really even realize it. Then the element most people are missing is the fact that Chinese new year had Chinese tourists spread all across the globe all throughout late December and January. Everyone has it. It's just gone unnoticed.

That ecig hype definitely needs another look right now

This year had less flu deaths than the previous 2 seasons actually

I'm sure it was, just not widespread. Right now if you go into a grocery store you're likely to get it if you don't already have or have had it. I think the population that gets this and is fully asymptomatic is much larger than they're estimating. If SK has such a low mortality rate due to padding the numbers with younger people/mild cases, I imagine if everyone that had/had it with zero symptoms would put this on par with the flu, or even lower severity. That might be wishful thinking/cope, though.

>Then the element most people are missing is the fact that Chinese new year had Chinese tourists spread all across the globe all throughout late December and January.

I doubt it's just a coincidence this virus just happened to emerge with the "largest human migration".

Chink propaganda. They were denying they had a lab as well kek

ok chang

Could of sworn it was noticibly larger in several areas, oh well.


I've read several sources that say it must have been first "released" in mid October.

It may have been the flu but who knows. I HAVE to believe that if everyone is flipping the shit now, this has been here for much longer. There is no way this has only been in the US for a week or two.

2017-2018 was arounds 60k
2018-2019 was 34k
We're currently at 20k

these are just US stats though

Would having a weaker strain then help with the mutated strain now?

Maybe it was the German ones I was thinking of.

stick to eating noodles dip shit

Yes. It is pretty much a statistical impossibility that this thing isn't everywhere already. Millions if not billions of them flowing through all ports of entry across the entire globe. Even if only a few hundred of them were sick, the effects of that are immense whe you factor in how much a tourist actually comes in contact with.

Both me and my dad were talking about how there was like that lingering cough type cold going around in the fall and early winter

It's not even a real virus. It's all fake.

The deaths aren't even real. It's all to take control.
I heard it right here in Yas Forums

If there were cases in China in November and people can spread it asymptotically for up to two weeks I have to believe that this has been in the United States since January 1st. ESPECIALLY when the awareness was NON EXISTENT. It's still spreading now and people are AWARE that it's a risk

Great bait m8

>US govt sprays covid19 on us operation LAC style
>let it spread around the world
>china finds out about it first
>travelers from china blamed for bringing it to the rest of the world
>FED rubbing hands . jpg

what else do you want me to say.. these guys started the banana wars and also killed jfk..they literally do not care

FUCK! It all makes sense, I spent New Year's in a Toronto nightclub called Dasha (it's an asian themed club). The next day I felt six and had fever with a sore throat that lasted a good 10 days. Surely I must have had coronavirus now that I Think about it.

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Got flu shot
Just got over being sick but no cheat issues

Was that corona?!

Yeah I was fucking wrecked for two weeks in. I’d January. So was my wife.

We were in Manhattan Chinatown for the day right before Christmas. We both tested negative on flu swab.

No flu shot. Feel fine now, but we were a mess for two weeks,

A friend of mine randomly got pneumonia and had to be hospitalized in January. It was so bad she actually died and had to be resuscitated. No one has any idea what it was or what caused it. This Pennsylvania btw

I had the flu last summer. It was really bad, I was super cold/hot, aching, drenched in so much sweat that I had to take off my heavy shirt (never happened before), I couldn't leave in bed most of the day or keep my drinks down. Then I recovered. Before that I had bronchitis twice.

u r a chink , stop trying to blame us for the covid-19 u fucking trash chink, go suck xing ping pooh balls.

No idea dude. I just work in a pharmacy, I'm not a pharmacist. Although a pharmacist wouldn't know anything either. I've heard that coronoviruses mutate very slowly though, because they have a built in error system while they replicate their RNA. Don't know if that's true, though. All you can really do is be healthy and be less stupid.

Being stressed/anxious about it doesn't help your immune system, but that's easier said than done. I think I've had it already and I still teater back and forth between "I'm totally fine, nothing bad will happen" to "I should walk out right now, this is fucking insane" every couple of hours.

Based chinks killing us for making them work in sweat shops while being kike baited into ruining America.
Getting what we deserved

In later January my dad had a cough and a head cold that lasted for over a month. He went to the doctor, they put him on antibiotics, they didn't work. They put him on different antibiotics and a steroid. That didn't work. He eventually just got better.

He said he never had anything like that in his life. He was sick for over a month

No, China wasn't attacked the behavior/actions of the CCP wasn't so, they were complicit, from keeping it as quiet as possible, to letting millions of infected travel around the globe, to silencing and arresting the doctors who were trying to speak out. to fudginf the numbers etc. or it was just their fuck up acidental leak.

ye i got a weird sickness too during January. I rarely get sick yet this year I got sick 3 times over the winter.

In January it was weird, though, very sore throat and a weird feeling of fatigue that I never felt before. Weird feeling in the lungs too.

Guess we'll see what happens. Overall health is fine now.

Here's your (You).

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a family member of mine had a dry cough and fever that progressed to pneumonia back in early january, but tested negative for common flu etc

You know how there's like 350 million Americans but only like 5,000 have coronavirus? How come I don't know anyone with coronavirus something is fishy

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Except when I had it in early January it didn't match normal flu. First off there was no or clear phlegm. Not white, not green, not yellow. All I had was a minor cough that lasted for two weeks. Furthermore it was clearly more virulent because I haven't had even the flu in almost a decade.

what if it's like the waves of the Spanish flu and now we're really getting it?

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Fair enough, I did read somewhere that some people who survived Sars developed some quite incredible immunity to things.

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That was back when we didnt clean shit still
Its not 1918 anymore

The 3 times you were sick, were the symptoms the same? - was it lesser and lesser each time?

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This. But not a poor fag. I soldiered through it because I’m a man. Very miserable upper respiratory thing for 31 whole days though

both theories rae possible, US and china are two governments at the bottom of the trust list. in hindsight it doesnt really matter, and neither does the virus or how it came to be. these are the facts:

>virus has completely shut down entire infrastructure
>global economy was operating on razor thin margins
>products and resource were not diversified enough
>american society and government still does (did) not think anything could hurt them, likely resulting in delayed response compared to south korea (always endangered)
>Fake Economy workers (instagram influencer, marketer, etc) laid off because they are not useful in reality

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uh the most recent sickness was in january, and it was the worst.

but the other two sicknesses just felt like a regular cold. i chalked it up to a stressful school year and lack of sleep (which was true).

january was totally different, especially the lungs part.

now you've fuckin scared me lol. thanks

>(instagram influencer, marketer, etc) laid off because they are not useful in reality
That should be fun to watch, personally I'm looking forward to it getting into the prisons.

>ITT: reassuring wishful thinking and anecdotal evidence

I got it around the Halloween/Thanksgiving period. I'm sure of it. It hasn't really gone away.

Interesting, it was the other way around for me, the first was the worst

coronavirus psyop is a way to round up all the hypochondriacs (people who are abnormally anxious about their health) to quarantine and sterilize them with antiviral drugs.

Yep, family and I got some weird virus late December, after picking it up from boss who had recently been in Seattle to visit school-age grandkids. Was not typical flu or cold.

I had one of the wort upper respiratory infections last year around november-december.

i was reading (on Yas Forums to be fair) that the virus will just keep re-infecting you until you die. I hope that isn't true. in which case my colds getting worse and worse makes sense.

i actually had quite a bit of contact with chinese people in October-November. Like eating dinner at their house many times. I think they hadn't been to China since August though..