Can the filters on p 100 masks be disinfected?

Or should i just swap the filters out after every time i go out?

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Other urls found in this thread:ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=3M Filter cover&qid=1584502752&sr=8-3


How many of you faggots wasted $50 on those masks only to never wear it outside but LARP from your basement?

It was like $15

totaly. Yas Forums is a great plasce for ingfo

>safe option
Swap your filters, or at least put them on rotation where they're unused for 9 days minimum
>less safe option
Risk degrading your filters by spraying peroxide on them, put them on rotation anyway
>not safe option
continue using them with no rotation or cleaning at all

The virus lives on surfaces for 9 days, if you can go that long between uses you should be fine.

I stole mine, like 6 months ago.

I just took my work mask home because I can get a new one if I need it.
Been taking a new set of filters home once a week too for about a month now. And ordered some new ones back in feb.

I bought this mask am I dead?

You can wear until the filters become saturated I'm pretty sure. Dont forget eye pro like swim goggles or at least splash goggles

Yes. Get something else

put a plastic case cover over them retard, you can still breathe but now fagsnot doesnt get on the filter

A P100 mask can't stop viruses.
Nobody working in a BSL3 or BSL4 environment is wearing that shit.

wdym "a plastic case"?

I just bought an Israeli m15 Gas Mask, a bunch of 40mm filters and a drop leg carry bag.

If I see a crowd of asians I am going to shout "gas gas gas" and throw my mask on

it's smaller than the virus particles and yes they are


I bought one only if I have to go "scavenging" when my 3 month supply of food runs out

it stops particles that the virus is attached to

it can actually

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pic related some kinds of filters have this hard plastic case over them

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i got lots of ffp2 mask from work and the valve is installed like right only a rubber thing inside i guess it is made to restrict air flow inwards and make it easier to breathe out. But in every mask there is also filters like the filters on the left side for extra safety conditions i think.

What should i do? should i add the filters or use the mask without the filters.

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im chinese

>9 days
You're fucking retarded

I bought only one as well i wish bought like 10-15 of them lmao. could have even sold them later on if they were of no use

what's the point of changing the filters? I thought that you just pretty much had to wait until it was impossible to breathe using it once the filters became too full? Even if there is live virus on the filters.. just don't touch them and you should be fine?

the p100 particulate filter ones don't have this unfortunately :(

how many days is optimal then?

you only have to discard them if they are compromised or after 8 hours of use in high risk high exposure areas (ie treating infected patients)

1) you do not have enough to discard after every use, you WILL run out and you will NOT be able to get any more

2) spray it with lysol and leave it in the sun the next day and alternate between a pair

as a normie that isnt breathing in trillions of virions into the filter you can use 1/2 pairs almost indefinitely

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that is a p100, just filters vapors too

>The virus lives on surfaces for 9 days
where did you get this information? Other corona viruses have up to a month an a half on surfaces, depending on quantity and temps.

It's expensive, overpowered for the job, and reusable (needs to be disinfected). If you have funding it's better to get a cheaper mask that's disposable. Thus, N95.

the ones with yellow bands are particulate

that's exactly what i mean it's a gas filter not a particulate filter

p100 has the same micron filtration size as n95

Nope. They don't make masks with filtering that can stop viral agents for the general public.
If you wanna stop possible airborne viral agents, you needs NBC gear, and you need to know how to maintain it, sterilize it, and how to put it on and take it off.
Do you have a wash-down? If not you're likely to come in contact with the virus when disrobing, thus mitigating your efforts of protection.
Wearing a mask won't keep the bug off your skin and out of your hair, and rest assured that once you touch those areas after removing the mask, you'll be infected.

Buy a face shield and wear it overtop of the mask. I got this one from 3M and it fits over top of the mask pretty well. Prevents people from sneezing/coofing directly on your mask

Attached: 3M face shield.jpg (1000x1000, 42.29K)

they use the disposable masks because they are disposable. it makes decontamination safer, they just cut them off. the decontamination procedure is the biggest weakness of the full/half mask.


i've bought some 7093 filters
are these things supposed to be this easy to breathe?
and should i still be sensing smells with it? like a perfume spray, you can still smell it with the filters on, and i'm more than sure they're fitted correctly, mask as well

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Corona isn't airborne, it's attached to mucus or saliva, but not airborne, at least there isn't any information saying it is.

For the Ebola the recommendation was P100 filters and discard after each use. Maybe some kind of thermal shock or UV could clean the filter from viruses without damaging it, I absolutely would avoid any liquid solution.

The virus will die naturally in 4-7 days. 56 °C(135℉) for 30 minutes will also kill the virus. Just put your cotton filters into your oven after you use them. Halfmask itself can be disinfected by medicinal alcohol.

>Nobody working in a BSL3 or BSL4 environment is wearing that shit.
lmao the doctors that work every day in corona filled hospitals wear like ffp2

remember that unless you got a gas cartridge combo it's a simple particulate filter. one that will save your life potentially, but you will still smell smells.

I would absolutely not worry about any of this shit because I'm not fragile fuck

if some dude sneazes on my face I shoot him dead

>thermal shock
would do more damage than lysol I would think.

i was going to but didnt want to walk into a crowded store full of coofers

but yeah, im aware id never use it as more then a basement larp irl. peace of mind in case of worst case ontario thats all

I paid $45 ;_;

that's a relief
thanks leaf

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it is about avoiding id50, an n95 will do perfectly fine for a normie going to the store for 30 minutes

obviously if you are around a nearly dying patient exploding with a miasma of contagion filled with trillions odlf virions you need more gear

ok i just checked and apparently there is like one or two rectangular filters that are considered to be "particulate filters" by 3M but the rest of the particulate filters only consist of the circle ones. Which is the one I have, which doesn't have a plastic case manufactured for it - not to my knowledge anyways.

So you're saying don't spray it with lysol? Why not?

This is based on claims from The Lancet. I don't have the article, but they said it lives approximately 9 days on most surfaces.


It's airborne and transmissible through your eyes retard, and it's all over the outside of whatever you're wearing when you go out. The mask is more to stop spread to others.

there will be times (hopefully not many) when you'll have to leave the house. you will want PPE when that time comes.

I have worn it twice now to take a shit at the truck stop at the end of the day

How about putting used filters in a clear bag and leaving bthem out in direct sunlight for a few hours?

anons should i add those filters to the valve?

>what are goggles
>what are gloves
>what is a trashbin for gear
you're the retard, retard.

there's probably none left in amazon desu. half face gas masks are definitely gone

You can buy those plastic cases and additional N95 or higher tier cotton filters on amazon.

If I take off your mask
Will you die?
Also, checked.

Nah, that's not good enough. It can live through sunlight and the temps in said plastic bag.

What about Rogans recent podcast where he said it was ONLY airborne?

yes that is fine, listen you will be unable to replenish stock so each one you throw away you should consider a permanant loss

Best practice with a plastic suit then would be that you take it off with rubber gloves when you get home, throw it in a bathtub of soapy water, then throw gloves in, wash hands, then take off mask, wash hands, and wipe down mask with soap or lysol or rubbing alcohol

Yes, absolutely.

i've paid 30 dollars for a regular 6000 series and 50 bucks on the 7500 for my dad, he need to wear them for long periods of time
the 7500 one is so much better man, it's a money worth investing

if you can't find face covers, buy ski glasses, they'll do the job as well

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The filters last until you have a hard time breathing through them. Don't touch them though, since they presumably have the virus on them. If you do touch them, wash your hands after.

If you're just wearing it out to shop, it will last nearly indefinitely. You're better off with 7093B style, as the plastic shell will protect it from water, or damage otherwise, etc. but if you don't have it/can't get it, no worries.

Attached: 3m-7093b.jpg (349x520, 42.39K)

link pls?

>Swap your filters, or at least put them on rotation where they're unused for 9 days minimum
If you use disposable masks, rotate them. OP's filters don't need to be changed.

the one with the Minnesotan CDC guy?

I've also wasted $50 on fire extinguishers I've never used, and more on firearms I've never shot anyone with ... stop being leafy.

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If it was airborn there would be millions of cases by now just from the airplane flights that had sick people on them. Airborn covid is disinfo

thanks user i just can't understand why wouldn't they just put those in while manufacturing.

I can always use it in the meth lab.

it's aerosolized (sneeze, cough), not airborne.

I wear them at work as a welder.

In the tunnels you need to swap them about once a week. By 2 weeks they are black. But this is in high smoke dusty situations during 10 hour shifts.

If you only wear them when you go out and you do that rarely you can easily get 2-3 months before it's a biohazard.

Best advice ngl.

P100 is better protection than N95. The P means in addition to stopping 99.99 percent of particulates, it's also oil proof, unlike the N designation.

I got a two pack of 95ers at Target for 4.99. Cope faggot.

p100 has the SAME micron filtration as n95, in fact it is better because it filters with 99.97% whereas n95 only filters at 95%, difference is N is only for solid and water based particulates, P is for ALL particulates including oil-based aerosol

hosptials use n95 because they are cheap and easy and effective

>2) spray it with lysol and leave it in the sun the next day and alternate between a pair
This is a terrible idea. Just don't fuck with it. They remain effective until they're hard to breathe through.

What about the Chinese bus study? I thought it's pretty much confirmed its airborne.

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P100 isn't for vapors. It just means it's oil proof.

>half of those chinks havent squished the metal clip around their nose
fuckin retards i swear dude

You're fucking retarded.


And it doesn't help them. The masks needed to stop viral agents are extremely costly, and can't be handed out wantonly because they're useless without complete NBC gear. The virus gets on your body and when you remove the mask, you get infected by the bugs in your hair and on skin.
The masks docs wear is to keep them calm and present an air of safety. It's placebo. They usually know it too.

No mask you can buy without getting a visit from the feds can stop viruses. They don't want the general public to have access to gear that allows people to potentially make biological weapons more safely. You can't get the gear needed to stop this virus unless you have the credentials or you know a high-level weapons dealer.

i'm like a ninja in the streets
4 am convenience store run, 20 feet distance maintained between myself and others at all times. wait till the store is empty then dash in and out while holding my breath at the checkout. this is how i am prepared to live from now on i dont even care. the coronavirus is just an excuse ive been wanting to avoid breathing the same air as other people for a long time.

but f i wore a mask everyone would hate me and id be more likely to get killed by some normie faggot toughguy then the flu. i dont know why masks piss people off so much but they do.

they make combo gas cartridges. i.e. the pink/yellow are P100 acid gas/organic vapor.

I bought one for my airbrushing hobby anyway haha

Would it be a good idea to soak my A2 and ABEK gas filters with alcohol since im using a particulate prefilter on my mask?How would alcohol affect the active charcoal in the gas filters?(Particulate/gas filter combos got sold pretty quick)

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These are made in Canada, and have a built in feature to check your fit. The outer plastic clam can be pressed together and you can see if you can breath in. Check your manual that came with the filters. When I compare these to 3m p100 advanced filters I notice the 7093 are harder to breathe. If you have facial hair don’t bother wearing this hair ruins the mask seal. All you neets need to actually change now.

Just boil or steam let dry and reuse

Honest question should I stop doing medicine deliveries? I fear that I may get sick. Oftentimes required to walk in apartment buildings and most of em are ghetto af that look like they were never cleaned. I only work part time

that is literally what the doctors did to triage during the ebola outbreak, how is it a "terrible" idea

do you think lysol is going to dissolve the material of the mask or somethingÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=3M Filter cover&qid=1584502752&sr=8-3
Type “3M filter cover” as keywords, you will find them.

I was just wondering of my own curiosity, I have a different setup, myself.

I hadn't seen a lot about how Corona-chan behaves with sunlight.

Wrong. N95 mask is part of an effective personal protection strategy.

Hazardous material fag here. From a filter contamination point of view, those paper filters are single use only and essentially worthless.

You need plastic filters which are easily equipped to that 3M mask.

Wear the mask when you go out, and when you return home, you need to decontaminate everything, then tape over the exposed filter intake, otherwise everything trapped by your filter may get released when it's moved.

If I were you, I would have a decontamination system set up for when you exit the "dirty zone" (when you go out). You need to decon with your mask on as well. Then cover your filters and take off your mask, then decon the space where the mask meets your face.

If you want to be hardcore, I would be setting up a negative air pressure zone to enter and decontaminate it prior to entering your clean house space, but that's probably overkill. That's just how you'd treat asbestos.

I use mine to mow the lawn. Asthmatic and allergic home owner.

worried about pissing people off during the apocalypse so fucking Canadian... lmao

i just wouldn't fuck with it personally. fucking around with PPE isn't a good idea in general.

Need to Shave* now fuck......

Ok. Weren't we talking about plastic cases? I have the exact same combination as the OP' picture desu - P100 and they don't have plastic cases. Why is this so hard to understand?

yes it can retard, and if it doesnt then we may as well say goodnight because our hospitals WILL collapse in 1-2 weeks and then shtf

No I'm not. You're retarded for posting government documentation. You can't get a mask capable of filtering viral agents unless you have the clearance or you know someone, and unless you know how to put it on along with all the other PPE you need, a mask won't do you any good anyway.
Bio weapons are serious-fukken-bidniss and the people in power don't screw around with how PPE gear is doled out.

Me too

Does anyone have any suggestions for where I can get a plague doctor mask and cloak? Obviously online but I don’t want to order shit. Any stores sell that kind of thing?

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Those masks are great. But using them without proper goggles is like installing a vault door for your home but leaving the backdoor open.

It's not 99.99% of particles.

It's 99.97% of particles to a size of 0.3 microns

7093 are good right? Got a lot in bulk before all of this madness

UV fucks up biochemical molecules so direct sunlight will fuck up any virus

> worst case Ontario

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Halloween costume, but you're a fag if you don't make your own at home like a mad scientist, bonus points for playing montage music while you do it.

take a look on this crap.

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Has any study been done on the effects of Lysol on a filter? No. The filters remain effective until they're difficult to breath through per the filter's manual.

Don't fu- You know what? You should. Absolutely. Please spray your filters with Lysol.

>no one cared who I was 'til I put on the mask

What is a "wash down"?

Then why don’t you wear it?

>Can the filters on p 100 masks be disinfected?
no, dispose of as contaminated

Mask and NBC is an escape capsule if you home is burnt or you are otherwise forced to relocate or nurse infected, not fucking daywear

idk, people itt are full of shit, half the posters have no clue what the nomenclature means

How about using a HEPA vac on the filters to suck the loose stuff off that might fall off?

>tfw I've had unlimited access to all sorts of respirators and filters at work for years that I could steal in my free time

Sucks to be ya'll


Btw those are the select respirators for Ebola.

No s10 or scott sf32s . Pathetic

humidity compromises filter integrity.


Go to Goodwill buy stuff make your own

You're ok leaf fag.