Why wouldn’t a girl want to be a mother and wife?

Don’t they want to feel sweet and loved and soft and feminine? Having a constant purpose, being able to help people, being taken car of?

Why aren’t they all like that anymore?

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How can they think drinking, having sex with strangers, avoiding their family, being used as an object, and working a job they hate is better?

because jews

There's been entire threads on this subject for quite a while now.


they are. my gf is a literal whore (worked as one) and still wants to get married next year and have 3+ kids. just because she's a whore doesn't mean her motherly instincts are gone.

all women do. you're falling for twitter trolls and Yas Forums memes. autism is a choice, op.

most are smart enough to not start a family until after college and a good man with financial stability.

Fuuuuck my ex has been messaging me saying she's sick of guys. We were long distance for a while before she chickened out moving 4,000 miles from home.
She kinda begged me to at least be "friends" and saying she's done with guys.
Idek if this is because of Corona because she messaged Feb. 1st
I fear I'm not strong enough to say "no" to her if she wants to get serious. Hard to forget the good times.

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She doesn’t feel damaged by it?

She was able to bounce back from that lifestyle? How old was she when she stopped whoring herself out?

And very little answers


In no particular order:

1. Its expensive
2. Kids suck
3. Its harder to travel
4. We look at the way kids have changed other mother's lives and we don't want that
5. We find fulfillment in our jobs and spouses. We don't need someone depending on us to feel "loved and soft and feminine"
6. It fucking hurts.

I can keep going...

Because you are a fucking faggot OP. You don't now how to keep one.

Because they want to be men now and have soul crushing careers

Why do you say kids suck?

And yet roasties internally are btfo for the rest of life when doing the no eggs dance past 30+

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>it's expensive
poorfag cope, pick a spouse that will actually provide for you. Maybe it's not Chad

because a mother and a wife is a construct that requires a lot of effort.

Women naturally dont have much to do with their offspring after five or six. At which point when left along children form their own societies among other children and interact minimally with parents for food or protection when neccessary. Likewise parents typically only observed their offspring from a far at this age and only intervened during famine/attacks/disaster.

Women like kids till about the age they are completely weened.
>The happiest a woman will ever get is when she is breastfeeding her 10 month old.

>Don’t they want to feel sweet and loved and soft and feminine?

1. Not all women want that
2. Women can easily get that without kids or even a husband

>Having a constant purpose

Anything can be a "purpose"

>being able to help people

can do this without kids

>being taken car of?

Can do this without kids also not all women want to be taken care of, and the few that do don't have many men to choose from as most guys in their 20's are losers living with mom working low end jobs.

You're supposed to pick a guy with potential genius

A lot of those guys are rich in their 30s but fuck expensive escorts because nobody ever lived them

my guess is she is but she never talked about anything like that

idk but I feel like she sees her close friends getting married and having children and she wants that too, sorta like peer pressure. I honestly don't feel like she's ready for that. she says she wants to be a house wife but gets bored easily and wants to go party and drink and shit.

I like kids, but I'd never want to have any. Many reasons that vary from woman to woman:

1. They're walking petri dishes.
2. They interrupt periods of solitude, in fact you get none for years.
3. No sleep
4. Daycare is god awful expensive
5. Kids (especially raised by the wrong people) are fucking assholes to other kids

If they thought that they didn't want kids, got all the way past 30, and THEN decided they wanted kids, thats their fault and thats what they get for not thinking it through.
My spouse and I make six figures combined. We just bought out first house a month ago at 264k at ages 26 & 27. My bf is a super nerd and has a masters in Microbiology. He is certainly not a Chad.

Enjoy sticking your pencil dick in the gaping hole that chad left

I'll never forget the time I had to help my friend babysit his neighbor's kids for six hours a day, five days a week.

Taking care of a pair of brats all day is the easiest fucking job in the world. Nothing could be easier than keeping kids entertained, half the time you can have them help you with chores, they're happy as long as you're there doing the same thing with them and paying them a little bit of attention. The other half of the time, you can keep them entertained for hours with good anime/vidya, the same things I would be enjoying without kids to look after.

You know what? Spending the whole day entertaining kids is ten times easier than spending an hour getting up early and going to work. Women don't do any work at work, that's why they think work is easy, they're just goofing off, fucking around, not doing anything. If they had to work a REAL job and break their fucking back every day, they'd beg to stay home with the kids all day.

Taking care of kids is NOT work, it is NOT hard, and any woman who thinks it's hard is the most worthless piece of shit ever born.


you're a fucking cuck and retard

hi im a woman and i feel soft and feminine and fufilled without being a mother or wife. The trick is to find someone to act out mdlb with you so all the boxes end up checked :)

Is he your bf or spouse?


>reddit spacing

She's slept with two guys.
The thing is I AM Chad. I constantly have girls flirting with me at my work. None were like the girl she used to be though.

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Sure but this road always lead to the same location for women, have fun being a lonely, dried up eggless cat lady.

When you're 35 tell you feel the same. When you're aging and dying next to your husband with no family tell me it was worth it.

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Yes, but the culture shames them from Pursuing that kind of life

>actually believing your ex
never gonna make it bruh

Spouse. I keep forgetting we're married.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Its certainly not looking like it right now though.
What makes you think we have no family? We have our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews etc. We both have very large families.

>being able to help people

Only the top men in either handsomeness, intelligence or wealth are worth it. Anything else makes you feel like being an unappreciated servant most of the time.

Extra on the servitude if she has to take care of your parents, or any other kids you had before meeting her. Most men think that a woman's maternal instinct will make her happy to help people that didn't come out of her vagina, but it never works out that way. Nobody wants to do that shit. If you found a woman who puts up with that scenario consider yourself blessed.

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Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy when around your nieces and nephews?

What can be done?

>What makes you think we have no family? We have our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews etc. We both have very large families.
If you didn't have that would you have kids though?

The Wuhan flu pandemic and the societal strife that'll follow will be far different than 2008. The jobs hit hardest will be service/retail jobs which will be seen as redundant and an unnecessary risk. Women fill the bulk of service jobs so they will gravitate towards marriage and motherhood as a means of feeding themselves and protecting themselves from the chaos to follow. The mass death will also cause a religious revival as charismatic preachers will make convincing arguments on how the godless state of the modern world led to the pandemic. Where 2008 drove people into service jobs and more mindless consumerism to prop up muh economy this next year will do so much damage to modern capitalism and the entire monetary system that religion, homesteading, and familial dependence will be more attractive than ever before

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I was thinking about this too. It'll be interesting to see how/if this changes globo homo. It's why part of me is hoping it gets as worse as possible. Sorry

Don't be sorry, the more drastic the collapse the more drastic the change. And we've got a lot of fixing to do

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Yes! I would give my life for them. That doesn't mean I want kids of my own.
I think the women that stay childfree have always kind of known they would. I guess you could compare it to how gay people say they always knew they were gay lol. I think the ones who are uncertain throughout life tend to regret it more, obv.
No. If I ever change my mind, I'll adopt. Too many kids with shitty parents or life circumstances that need help. Why have my own when I could change a kid's entire life for the better?
I am 100% okay dying alongside my husband or even after him, as I would hope any woman would with you or anyone else, user.

Because they rather party and get drunk unless they find a husband with 10/10 sex skills

They all hate their mothers and never want to be them until they inevitably hit the 30 something wall.

90% of women intend to marry and have kids

You’re an incel who can’t get any so you assume women can’t either by some retard logic

Because when they were like that, some kike thought that he wanted to sell you shit you didn't need and brainwashed you into buying it by making your women feel inferior and stupid, you took it to heart and started to laugh at her labor as mother and caretaker "BECAUSE MARKETING SAY SO, WOMEN STOOPID AND BELONG IN THE KITCHEN", and you thought those weak women would not fight back and revolt... and well they did and here we are now... because you didn't praise their small job by kike advice.

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good grief, have some self respect, your girlfriend is a whore

My wife is pregnant with our 3rd ... I'm so happy that I found a good one ... it must be hard now , I wouldn't be you guys .

I’m a girl (female)
>inb4 you can’t be here
I wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mother, but I have had 3 unsuccessful relationships and all of them broke up with me and not the other way around. The last break up was so bad I attempted suicide. I don’t have the strength to get into another relationship and I doubt I’ll be able to properly bond with someone new. I know I’m going to die alone, I’m going to commit suicide once my mom dies and this time I won’t fuck up.

If you can't handle 3 breakups, you can't handle children , so it's a good thing . You are clearly weak and the guys that dumped you probably knew it

Pretty mcu hall straight women do want to be mothers,
But some lose hope and know they could never get a good guy so they give up at it and make thier necessity a virtue.

They never read Yotsuba.

>Leaf got a wife and become cocky
LMAO, that women is gonna look now for mix shit and your children are gonna grow around mutts, congrats.

Jews lied. Civilization died.


plz marry me

>Not all women want that
This is true of socially brainwashed 'women'
>Women can easily get that without kids or even a husband
Bull, and if you say parents or community then you are equating two things of magnificently disproportionate scale, a community will not suckle your teet and depend on you to be its only source of nurture (bar the father) and sustenance. That kind of connection is only between mother and child.
>Anything can be a "purpose"
Not a biologically driven one which the subconscious mind craves in order to be spiritually fulfilled as part of the continuation of your genetic line. A goal in life (surrogate activity) is not a purpose in existence.

The other points OP made were dumb.

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I'm getting married within the next 2-3 years and want at least 1 kid before 30.

Tits or gtfo

stop looking and be happy with who you are as a person, and make improvements to yourself if you can't do that, you don't have to seek out a relationship to find yourself in the right one. just don't be degenerate.

>1. Not all women want that
They will.

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Misguided, self-centered, childish entitled mentality and expectations, believes others give a damn about.a "distinguished career".

They do well until late 20's early 30's and then realize they have been sold an unfulfilling fantasy.

So it all boils down to you not wanting to burden yourself with any form of responsibility. Adults accept responsibility, children spend all of their time avoiding it in order to prolong their short-lived pursuits of pleasure.
>you will be taken care of by predatory carers in your old age
>you will not be reborn through your children

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they are told that being a wagecuck is bliss

I’m continuing to work on myself, but I feel like even if the perfect person asked me out right now I wouldn’t be able to say yes. I need time to recover, but by then I’ll be too old

Society tells them to spend all their money in 1000 dollar hand bags. Can't buy the expensive bags while feeding a kid unless you are really making bank.

Aww you think your children, IF you have any, are going to give a shit and care for you themselves in your old age. Thats just adorable! care homes arent just filled with volunteers, they are mostly put there by families.

I edited your picture to make it 10/10

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This is the culling m8. Let them perish.

Someone jewed them into thinking work is freedom. And that taking care of kids is hard (it’s not, it’s only hard if you only have an hour free a day and wonder why you can’t manage your kids)

it can take years to recover from a devastating relationship. but it doesn't last forever, nothing bad does. it may seem selfish but you have to start putting yourself first. being happy with who you are is more than just liking what you see in the mirror

Women think this is freedom.

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Why do all women argue the same way?
>children wont give a shit about you
Quit your projecting. People nowadays focus on their career and neglecting their children with a city life wherein they are thrown into public schools and daycares instead of being raised by mother and father. Children raised properly in a home with respect, culture, and actual connection will take care of their parents. Children 'raised' by childcare workers, the internet, and other emotionally neglected children will not.

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....and think this is slavery

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