What retard republican came up with the idea to give us $1,000

What retard republican came up with the idea to give us $1,000.
Rent alone is $2,750 faggots

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seethe more cityfag

Fuck you, slicker.

Suck a dick.

Well look at Mr. city slicker and his fancy German car

stay mad faggot

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My shitty "cultural hub" housing is too expensive
Take a homeless into your place that paid taxes this year. Double up.

If instead of printing money we prepare to pay a mass labor force to train in and perform eco-related tasks such as soil repair, tree planting, digging water infiltration ditches in arid regions, placing solar panels in fields throughout the nation, and so forth, we could invest in our next seven decades of economic strength.

Post this around!

Seriously though, it's not meant to replace your whole income. It's a supplement. If you really want to live on it, move somewhere cheap.

move and get a better job faggot

I wanna kick that dumb bitch in her fucking throat, I want to squeeze her bones until the bone marrow and blood marrow spurts out like an over pressurized pipe


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Gas chamber operators are hiring like crazy right now!

Looks like youre the fucking retard paying 2,000+ dollars a month lmao. Get a fucking mortgage you idiot. You're never gonna retire and be miserable. Rent shouldn't cost you more than 800 a month by yourself. Fucking moron am I right bros?

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Rent is 500$ here. Maybe don't be a faggot retard.

You retards will bitch about anything.

"Give a nigger a rope, he wanna be a cowboy, gus"

It's a supplement to incentivise work unlike welfare idiot.

You can get an apartment for 1800 a month in the middle of NYC and actually have 2 bedrooms what apartment are you trying to pay for you degenerate trust fun baby?

maybe you should have bought a condo in the mid west shit-for-brains

>rent of more than 500e

try not living in a palace retard

>Rent alone is $2,750 faggots
You are living in the wrong place and that is all on you.

Sounds like a personal problem, my rent is $400 and I have a beautiful view of a lake and no niggers in sight.

the idea is to help the GOP while bankrupting concrete hellscape dwellers

it's a wealth transfer mechanism from blue to red. i thought you guys loved redistribution from rich to poor (city > rural) ???


$1000 would cover 1.5 to 2 months rent if you didn't live in an over taxed, over valued liberal shithole. You don't deserve a penny to be honest. I hope you end up homeless.

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get fucked cityfag

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Nibba, if you're willing to pay nearly $3k a month in rent, you might as well just pay a mortgage. At least you'll have something more to show for your money than a room you use to sleep in. It'd probably be cheaper to just live in a hotel.

I live in California and my apartment is $650 a month. Do some research meme flag foreigner. Anybody who can afford over $2k monthly rent isn't suffering for cash

I own a vine and several acres and my mortgage is half that lol.
Fucking city fags.

1000 per person... so if you live with at least 2 other people then you can your rent. if not then find some room mates.

inb4 landlords raise rent by exactly $1000

>rent is 2750
that was a little less than 4x my mortgage 6 years ago.
feels good to live a large town/small city

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republicans are so fucking stupid. 1000 is NOTHING

Imagine living paycheck to paycheck on $100,000+/year
KYS faggot

Yeah I really hate when everything gets pricier during the holidays when my Christmas bonus comes in.

Cityfags is kill

Andrew yang. Faggot.

Boomers. It was a lot of money in the 60s.

$1000 will keep me going for three months

>$2,750 rent
>"You faggots"
Nigger please, my mortgage is $1400 a month. Got a 2 bedroom 1 bath house in Western WA state. Spent 2 years looking for this home. Not my fault you're retarded

>What retard republican came up with the idea to give us $1,000.
>Rent alone is $2,750 faggots

Ok, zoomer.

>Rent alone is $2,750 faggots
stop living somewhere dumb

Reminder you have pay income tax on that 1,000.

Now it's $1,750.

Nobody said they were paying your rent.

Do you live in a closet and eat ramen 3x a day?

Media is reporting 1k a month because of yang, the Secretary of the Treasury says he's "still trying to decide an amount and it might be higher than what's being reported in the media"

enjoy the hordes of angry niggers, slicker

rent for me in LA is 1.2k for a small apartment. If yours is higher, its your own choice to live in a nice place

My rent is $900 with water included, in a beautiful complex tucked into the woods with a pool, dog parks, playgrounds. I split rent with my gf. We'll have $1100 trumpbux left over if we choose to pay our rent with it. I wonder what we should do with the rest. We're already stocked up and armed. God, I love living in the south.

what the fuck lmao my mortgage is less than half that

2700$ !? I own a huge land and a new house , its 1200 ahahah enjoy the city nigger lover

How about buying a house and stop paying rent ... you make bad choices

You're not getting shit because you aren't a displayed worker

When did competition cease to exist?

Enjoy your cardboard box.

Only a few million Americans will get paid, they already backpedaled saying it would "either be physical cash or a form of tax incentives".

Bullshit, the Treasury cuts checks, ever seen Mulder's paycheck? 50 times in the repeating bank robbery

Where do you live? The Taj Mahal?

for NYC? when they enacted rent control, ironically

Kind of wish I owned property in rural country. I would be able to stock up on foods, water, and guns and ammo. There is just more space out there, and it would allow me more room to work with. Here in the city I am confined to a two-bedroom apartment, which I share with one roommate. There isn't much storage available, thereby limiting my prepping abilities. Incidentally, when SHTF last week I realized when things get worse I am truly fucked. Every grocery store still gets ransacked at all hours of the day. I haven't been able to find chicken in over a week. Soon people will start looting and raiding. Good thing I'm prepared, but it will eventually force me to flee the city. However, if I were living in my own property somewhere away, I could just bunker down and ride out the happening.

>current year
>being a citycuck

That's what yang was promising, while you was sucking his little dick - You faggot cuck.

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Being a cuck prepper shut in may be a dream come true for half of this board but not me. When you take away my ability to make a living and instead offer me breadcrumbs in the form of gibs then ive got nothing left to lose. Besides, ive made my peace with god so thought of dying doesnt phase me. Living like a cowardly bitch begging for free money thats just enough to fill your landlords pocket every month, however, isnt a life ill ever accept. Our founding fathers didnt cower in fear like weak children to the british and if youve got an ounce of patriot blood in you you would feel the same.

>imagine actually renting

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>Rent shouldn't cost you more than 800 a month by yourself.

You're the fucking moron dude. Thats the dumbest shit i have ever heard. Where do you live you arrogant piece of shit? In the nigger infested part of town? Out "in the woods"?

Why dont you give people some real advice rather then shit on them. Yes, hes paying WAY to much. But to pretend he can get his own place for 800$ a month easy peasy in this Jewed out economy is a fucking lie.

My mortgage is $800, coastal faggot

If by "middle of NYC" you mean Manhattan, then no, you cannot.