ITT we laugh at NEET parasites
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You will get killed by niggers nothing more nothing less
>The Fed has yet to comment on the nature of the "network outage." Speculation that this is just a test of how the Fed plans to conduct Universal Basic Income by making direct deposits into each American's bank account remains just that.
40 septillion keks. Serves you fucking scumbag parasites right.
Hey, fair is fair.
I've already gotten way more than $1000 bucks over the last few months alone.
Thanks, btw. Couldn't have done it without your slave labor.
Genuine question; why on earth is parasitizing this soulless system wrong?
Who isn't getting infected
Guess who doesn't need the mlney because already prepped
Guess who doesn't have to work during a pandemic
Guess who isn't cucked
>you lived long enough to see Yas Forumstards become welfare queens
no no, that's only for work now!
It's true.
A bit of extra money would have been nice, but it won't make me or break me.
Finally us labourfags work is paying off bros
Because you get lazy and die of laziness
Keep pretending you're not mad as fuck. I'm gonna buy a valve index with my trumpbux.
look how excited they get..they were jealous all along
Wagie wagie getting paid-ee
So all I had to do was file my taxes this year and I get even more money on top of my tax return?
I didn't realize that you could die of laziness.
This seems unlikely to me since many of the things that I do with my free time (farming, hunting, exercising, etc) are historically normal things for men to do while driving 30 minutes to work at 6 AM and standing on a concrete floor for hours is not natural at all.
I am genuinely not mad because money is immaterial to me. I would obviously like an extra $1000. I could buy a lot of ammunition with $1000. But it's not a big deal for me since I have everything I want anyway.
19 year old collegefag here
Kinda wish I worked during summer now but I guess it's too late for regrets.
Would've been cool to spend that 1k on upgrading my 4 year old drawing tablet.
Oh well. Glad to see my parents getting paid beyond school and Uber though.
I instruct at a yoga studio and fuck other men's wives. I fucking love my job and I garuntee it's better than jacking off all day and posting on Yas Forums.
>tfw no trump bux
Wow, so no joke, I looked up what a "valve index" was and it's a virtual reality videogame thing.
That's honestly pretty gay. Why would you need to waste money on a videogame? I play games from time to time but I don't need expensive VR shit to enjoy things.
>I fuck other men's wives
This is the kind of person calling me immoral for not contributing to the parasitic System.
This board has always had welfare niggers. They're always smug faggots and act like chads when we know exactly what they look like.
loool he mad
Oh yeah? Well guess who's not getting $750 in Australia? WAGIES!!!
Strayan stimulus for neets only.
You sound frantic and desperate.
Note how the people desperately trying to prove that they're superior are the wage slaves. Us neets just pity you.
There's another way, slave. A way that eventually leads to a lot of bloodshed too.
>750 kangaroodollareedoos
>worth like 200 bucks usd
cope wagie, cope
You are sucking your bosses cock while acting superior to the NEETS. It's hillarious
It's fucking bullshit. Every tax time there's nothing for me either. At least Rudd gave me 900 bucks. That was cool. Makes me hate him a little less.
>Work starts at 5 am tomorrow user but we need you in at 4
>implying I believe in morality
I'm positive you either live with your parents or in some shitty apartment and have no plans to move on. I'm also pretty sure you're one of those faggots that believes celibacy is a virtue. You can act like sitting at home all day and watching anime is the peak of living but you know it's not, you've probably given up on being married and have no friends to speak of, just like the other neets I see boasting on here.
Nigger I don't have to wait for mom to get me tendies. I can get as many as I want whenever I want. I'm not jealous of a waitfag, lol.
How do neets cope with basically being fat, white, virgin versions of welfare niggers?
NEET cucks could never understand the joy of working full time moving furniture for 15 an hour and working part time helping an old boomer for 15 and hour (60 * 15 = 900 * 4 = 3600) and not paying a dime because you live in your car and pay a one time fee at the rec center. I even have parked my car in the boomer’s garage and camp in there for no extra charge, also I throw my laundry in with his. I don’t even pay insurance on that shit, I ride my bike to work, I lift at the gym and at work, I am jacked and spend money once a month to get laid, eat pizza and drink. I have saved up $15,000 so far and this is just tempting me even more to buy a house to rent out to rent cucks(a fate worse than NEETs)
Peak degenerate
My condolences
How many hours work is that for you my seething wagie friend?
Honest answer? Because the system is funded by taxes paid by middle class families that could use the money. You're not leaching off the government, you are taking from the family of 5 next door that are trying to pay for Sally's braces.
Yas Forums answer? Because you are a worthless piece of shit that contributes nothing and deserves to die. kys
ITT we laugh at wagecucks who get laid off, apply for unemployment and then find out they're not eligible because they ~*~technically~*~ were reduced to zero (0) hours without being fired
its tied to your SSN, everyone is getting a check.
By acting smug and pretending they're fulfilled on Yas Forums. We all know they're the same people in the suicide/depression/alcoholic threads.
>having sex is degenerate
guys should i quit my cookslave job to become a neet full-time?
NEETS spend money which is then put back into the economy. Any fast food employees here us NEETs are paying your wages.
fair is fair
shouldn't reward those unwilling to work
When I buy my house, interest free. I will rent out to wagies and become a NEET God. Constantly raising the rent to afford new vacations and one day, a Yacht.
because there is no perfect system nor a paradise on earth, and you are using this as an excuse to hide behind and seem virteous while in reality you are just lazy
You've replied to like every post in the thread dude, I know you have autism but it's pretty apparent how booty-blasted you are.
Unemployed get nothing? Unlikely.
Wrong on both counts. My father died when I was a child unfortunately. I own a house I inherited from my grandmother and I do have plans on leaving, buying land, and building a stone house from scratch. It seems like a cool thing to do.
I do not believe that celibacy is a virtue either and while you may have a hard time believing this, I am not alone. A pair of free money drawers can actually net a lot of cash from the System, especially when we're not married officially so the System counts us as independent people.
The sheer amount of desperate projection on your part is astounding. I don't even watch that much anime. The most recent anime I watched was the Magus Bride, months ago. And I only watched that because my gf was into it briefly.
The only thing you're close on is friends. I have very few people whom I would consider friends but what can you do. I found most people that I knew at college to be dull lemmings. Only two were full humans.
> the system is funded by taxes paid by middle class families that could use the money
If that money doesn't go to me, it will go to Israel or some nogs. Why shouldn't I spend it on useful things?
>you are taking from the family of 5 next door that are trying to pay for Sally's braces.
False. That family would be taxed at the exact same rate with or without me. I would advise THEM to join us in leeching off the System.
My philosophy is the correct one. I don't need to scream at people to explain why I do not contribute to ZOG. It is self apparent to all. I encourage everyone reading this to research how much you can leech off the jews. Stop paying taxes. Stop supporting feminism. Stop supporting White Genocide.
Okay Satan, let’s make Earth into hell instead of Heaven, good plan
based neetCHADS making wagies seethe
>Live with dad
>Part time student
>Part time work, made ~$16,000 last year
>Laid off as of last week, out of work at the moment
I'm scored bro's, am I getting my TrumpBux?
He didn’t reply to my Chadcar posts. Dude, 15,000 sitting in the bank and I make 1,000 a week. I’ll be Charcar living for another year tops, then I’m retired for life
Like a day bro thats only 450 real money lol
people who undertake something on their own and be entrepreneurs and independent money-earners are to be respected
but NEETs who just waste away their days playing vidya and doing nothing productive or educational are not just parasites, it is a straight road to depression and suicide
What if you filed a tax return with $0 income?
How do I claim my trumpbux?
every adult citizen qualifies
This fails to address the question.
Once again, why should I support the System?
Yes. I am going to go to bed soon and I like talking to random people on the internet. Again with this seething projection. Calm down. Maybe if you were not so stressed at work, you'd be able to think clearly. Sheesh.
No just workers. That’s literally what this thread is about retard
>dated 12/19/2019
OP, as always, is a faggot.
most long term neets are that way due to mental illness and autism. not laziness. even extremely "lazy" normalfags couldn't exist in a truneet lifestyle. as with all normalfags you suffer from just world syndrome
Or “negative” income?? For a friend of course. Lol
Sources citations?
user, $1000 is a week of work... and you‘re probably being on lockdown for more than two weeks
Don’t support the system, just make use of it to buy a house and make wagies pay it off.
>gives his whole life story when no one asked
yep, autism, lmao. I'm sure your dead dad would be proud of his bum autist son. Enjoy your $1000, oh wait, haha.
It's called making sure you have a long term dis benefits pacakage and fuck my company they can pay my my month's worth of vacation hours on top of it
Human nature, it is impossible to create heaven on earth, you can just try to make it an upper circle of hell instead of a lower one.
No, it answers perfectly that you seek a cheap excuse to hide behind. Nobody is fooled.
This sounds like an irrational cultish belief. Again, why should I willingly work to enrich the genocidal government? Why? Explain why it is a good thing to work, basically as a slave, so I can send my money as an interest free loan to a government that openly discriminates against me?
So angry. So desperate to prove your own self worth.
Yet it's obvious that you're not happy.
You should spend less time screaming at people on the internet and more time living your life and bettering yourself as a human.
Right now, it's pretty clear that you are stressed out of your mind and lashing out at people who don't want to fund the American government.
Thanks for the money and g'night.
>For those individuals who earned $0, were unemployed, or who are currently unemployed will also be eligible. Should the bill go forth and pass, the payments “would not count as income in order to protect eligibility for any of the income-based state or federal government assistance programs.”
Heaven on Earth is a %100 White country my fren
No they aren't, it's a socioeconomic triage. If you don't have a high chance of contributing to our society's survival (NEET) then no money. Only money for wagie slaves so you can wait to go back to being ground to death in their machine.